
Why am I a side character

Of all the wild things that Asura had ever expected to be true ,he certainly didn't expect for the world he was living in to be a novel, neither did he expect to find a person from another world who had read the said novel trying invade his mind one day, however the thing he expected the least was: " Why the hell am I , the prince of the greatest empire in the world, who is hailed as the greatest genius since the strongest king in the history of said empire, just a side character that didn't even make it into the original story?" Follow Asura as he uses his talents and his knowledge of the future to navigate his way to become the strongest the world has ever seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (A/N ; This is the first story I have ever written and as such, might contain some small errors. Regardless, I promise I will try my best to minimize these errors. Please Enjoy. Btw, the harem won't be more than 6, so sorry if that's too much or too little.)

_da_evil_god · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Lost Clan

Tanwen looked at Asura in shock. This was his plan ? And,he expected it to work ? Did he lose his mind because he realized that they were about to die.

"Oi you idiot, I know your ego is as big as KSE's forehead because of how much women feed it by calling you handsome, but that shit won't wor---"

He stopped saying what he was about to say when one of the men that were about to attack them was pierced by what seemed like a shadow, that came from the ground beneath the white-haired girl.

Before long, all the women started attacking the men and the men were trying to subdue the women without harming them.

Half of them rushed at Asura and Tanwen and the remaining ones were trying to subdue their female comrades.

Tanwen saw the men rushing at them and his nervousness came back."Oi Delvin, you dealt with half of them. But we are still in trouble."

Asura didn't say anything as red aura started coming out of his body and his sword was also started emitting red aura.He blocked the first guys swing before increasing the force he was applying. The first guy's sword broke in half before Asura sliced his head clean off.

He then rushed at the others and before anyone could react, he diagnolly slashed at the second person, as he fell to the ground lifeless.

However before he could continue attacking, he felt a stab coming from the left. He ducked and tripped him with his leg. As he was about to kill him, he felt 5 people rushing at him. He jumped up and and backed away.

'Should I just use magic to kill them all ? Nah, that would attract a lot of attention.' True, small or stealthy magic wouldn't attract attention but the magic required to kill 18 men at once wasn't exactly small or stealthy.

He was wondering how how he should go with this.

He rushed at them and slashed at the one of them. The guy attempted to block but Asura killed him before he could even raise his sword.Before the man's body fell to the ground. He caught him and threw him towards some of the guys.

They dodged the flying corpse but Asura killed two of them when they were distracted by the corpse.

'15 left'

He felt two people rushing at him and jumped up. Before they could do anything else,he sliced one of their heads off and kicked the other one in the face, knocking him out.

At this point, the remaining thirteen were also starting to get nervous seeing Asura killing their comrades effortlessly.

Asura saw this and took advantage of them being unsure for a moment to kill 2 of them.

He was about to continue attacking when he noticed that all the remaining ones had gathered at the same place.

Asura was very confident in his strength, but engaging 11 enemies at once in close combat was not confidence, it was stupidity.

So,Asura tried a move that he had seen in Edward's memory from a very popular anime. He gathered most of his aura in his sword and then with a smirk, slashed his sword diagnolly and threw the aura out of the sword,

"Getsuga Tenshou"

Well you know what happens. Yeah, 11 became 22. Or, more accurately, 10 became 20. The eleventh guy appeared behind Asura and attempted to slash at him but felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down to see Asura holding a sword that was pierced his sword backwards.

"Sorry man, even though I'm not that good at Maths, counting has always been by forte."

Asura let go of the sword and the man's lifeless body fell to the ground.

He turned to Tanwen and said,"See man. Told you I would make sure your ass sees another day.You should trust me more."

Tanwen was dumbfounded. He knew Asura was strong but like, General level aura-user at 15 and not just that, the guy soloed 20 people by himself. Like, this guy was him.And, what did he say that people used to be more talented 10 thousand years ago ?

That was scary.

Obviously, Asura was an exception. If you compared Asura's talent to anyone from 10,000 years ago except for Arthur, that would be like comparing a shark to a goldfish, with Asura being the shark.

Asura looked at how the ladies were doing and wasn't surprised to find that they had defeated the men. Obviously, if someone was attacking a person with no intention to kill, while the other party was trying to murder them, they would end up dead.

Asura once again gave a smile and clapped his hands."Now ladies, everyone except the white-haired girl over there, won't you all kill you selves for me ?"

All the girls except the white haired girl smiled and stabbed themselves with their own sword, killing themselves.

Tanwen found it strange that Asura let one of them live."Oi, what are you doing, letting her live ? Don't tell me you fell in love with her at first sight ?"

Asura ignored him. The reason he let her live was simple. At first, he was confused why he felt only 10 enemies when there were 40 of them. Then, when the girl killed one of her subordinates, he realized. Shadow magic. She probably hid 30 of her subordinates which completely concealed their presence. The reason she didn't hide the remaining 10, probably because she couldn't due to lack of magic reserves and control.

The problem ? Well, Shadow magic was a bloodline magic, that could be used by only 2 families, one of them being his own, which was the Bloodfallens. Even then, the Bloodfallens could only use it due to their own bloodline, 'Professor' which allows them to use any magic ever created and also to create new type of magic.

He walked up to the girl and removed her mask, revealing her beautiful face with big crimson red eyes and rosy lips. She looked to be 2-3 years older than himself.He then grabbed her chin and made her look at his eyes.

"Tell me your name."

"Alia Shadowborne."

Tanwen heard her and was immediately shocked,"Shadowborne ? As in the Shadowborne family that they say is the strongest in the whole supernatural world ? Oi Delvin, kill her fast and erase all evidence or else the Shadowborne family are killing both your ass and mine."

Asura was getting extremely annoyed, "Listen up, you bastard, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna be the one murdering your ass before the Shadowborne's even get the time to find out about your weak,pathetic ,brocoli-head, 36-year old virgin existence"

Tanwen wanted to say something but found no counterargument and silently shut the fuck up as Asura suggested, internally thinking,'I'm married to research,damn it. That's why I'm a virgin. Not cause I can't pull bitches.'

Asura was nodding his head, expecting her answer. He had already concluded that she was from the Shadowborne family, which everyone believed was dead since the great war. They were probably trapped in this small world and had no way to return back to Atsolaes.

He was about to get her out of the daze caused by Charmspeak to have her deliver a message to her family, before he remembered that this girl was the reason he had to use 1 billion dollars for the liquid mana. Veins popped out of his forehead as he spoke with a forced smile.

"Alia dear, do you love me ?"

Alia blushed and replied,"Of course."

"Then, I want to ask your help for something."

Alia, still dazed, asked in confusion,"What is it ?"

"You see, I have this thing that I really really want to buy. But,I don't have much money. So, please give me some money. How about, all the money you have on you ?"

Alia just had 5 cards flying out of her shadow, grabbed them and gave them to Asura without saying anything.

"And how much money is in all of them ?"

"5 billion dollars in each of them."

Asura was shocked at first but quickly smiled while pocketing 4 of the cards. He threw the 5th card at Tanwen.

"My debt is paid."

Tanwen was shocked at what he did and muttered,"Shameless bastard."

Asura ignored him. He didn't give a fuck if it was a shameless act or not. He profitted 5 billion dollars from it. Not to mention, this girl literally tried to kill him, so this was just a compensation for his troubles.

Asura snapped his fingers to cancel the effect of Charmspeak.

Alia started looking around her in confusion and after finding the corpses of her subordinates looked at Asura cautiously and calmly asked, "Who are you ?"

"You're quite calm after noticing that you are backed into a corner. Aren't you afraid of death ?"

Alia was still calm."If you were planning to kill me, you would've already done so."

Asura lightly touched her cheek and said with a cheeky smile."And how can you ask me who I am when you were confessing your love for me just a few moments ago ?"

Alia, finally breaking off her calm demeanor, started blushing furiously."You---"

However, before she could say anything, Asura pulled his hand back and started speaking.

"Jokes aside. My name is Asura Bloodfallen. I assume you recognize my surname, Miss Alia."

Alia's blushing expression was replaced by shock as she asked, "How are you related to his majesty, Arthur Bloodfallen ?"

Before Asura could say anything, Tanwen began to speak with an expression that made him look like an idiot while pointing his finger at Asura.

"Wait just a second. First, Can we, I don't know, stop acting like I don't exist ? Yes ? Thank you. And Secondly, Asura ? You told me your name was Delvin ?"

Asura shrugged."Well, I lied."

Veins popped out of Tanwen's forehead as he was getting extremely frustrated."I can see that. I am asking why ?"

"Can you really blame me ? I mean, I didn't even know you. All I knew was your name, which easily could've been a lie. If you really think about it, you're the idiot for giving away your information so easily."

Tanwen was about to say something but closed his mouth when he realized that Asura was right.

Asura turned his head to Alia and answered her question."I'm his grandson. Now that you know that, be sure to tell your parents, uncles,aunts and grandparents to come greet their prince."

Alia nodded as Asura walked past her. "Oi donkey, are you coming or not ?"

Tanwen ran behind Asura, but not before nervously apologizing to Alia."I'm sorry if he was too rude to you, Ms. Shadowborne. Please don't tell your family to kill us."

Alia ignored him and didn't say anything.

As Tanwen caught up to Asura, he began asking,"Oi, Asura is your real name, right ?"

Asura deadpanned at him.

"I mean,you can't blame me. You gave me 2 fake names."

Asura sighed."I swear on my name. This time, I didn't lie to you."

Tanwen sighed in relief. "By the way, what's that red potion ?"

"You don't believe it's a healing potion."

"I would if someone else spent a billion dollars on it. But you have mana, you can never get sick and if you want to heal someone else, you can just learn heal magic."

"Liquid mana. It raises one's amount of mana reserves permanently."

Tanwen was shocked at Asura's luck."And you bought it for only a billion. So lucky."

1 billion wasn't a small amount. But for such an item, tens of billions wouldn't be enough.

Asura shrugged.

"Doesn't that mean you can use it to give a person mana even if he wasn't born with it."

"Not really. A person born without mana wouldn't have the reserves to store the mana. So,it would flow out eventually."

At this point, they had reached outside the underground tunnel. They went to a place where nobody could see them. Wings sprouted from each of their backs and they flew away.


Asura and Tanwen reached the house and both of them went to their rooms.

However, as Asura was walking to his room, he found a heard people talking in the passage a bit far away.

He walked to the place where the sound came from and saw Liz talking with a man with blue hair and brown eyes just like liz and was about 10 cm taller. Liz and Maya were both about 5 cm shorter than Asura, so he supposed the man was about 185 cm tall.

"So, Tanwen and a friend of his are currently staying here, are they ?"