
Do Not Use It

'The reckless attacks from before were to keep me occupied so that he can destroy the mirrors,'

But then it caught his attention…

'Where is his other Kama?' But soon he got the answer.

"Tachibana-sama behind you!!" With Kanae's shout, Yuu understood what happened, the arm he kicked before had the kama.

Seeing Gyutaro running towards him with full force to cut off his escape, Yuu only had one option.


Yuu jumped sideways but Kanae saw the Kama cutting Yuu's side and drawing blood.

"You really have the audacity to look away while fighting me?" Daki was enraged that Kanae looked at her and attacked her immediately.


'No, I can't see Tachibana-sama,' Kanae was knocked off the roof by the massive attacks of Daki. She landed on the ground in the nearby alleyway and in front of her was Daki grinning from ear to ear.

"He was hit by Gyutaro's kama, he is finished now,"

'I need to go to Tachibana-sama right now,' Kanae understood that there was something going on with that Kama from the way Daki was talking.

Leaving Yuu alone right now was the last thing that should happen.

"Hmm? You're really something huh? To use your katana as a mirror to dodge that attack," Gyutaro had already stopped attacking and was looking at Yuu who stood at a distance from him currently.

Thanks to Kanae, Yuu knew that the Kama was flying at him from behind, so with none of his mirrors intact.

'Good thing I don't have a breathing style,' It was only possible because Yuu's Katana still had that pure metallic color, and thanks to that he was able to use it as a mirror.

But he was still grazed by the Kama.

Gyutaro saw that the bleeding from Yuu's side had already stopped and he looked unfazed like nothing happened.

"We both have our strong points," Yuu said plainly.

"Ah, You're such a nice guy, You have that type of face well, even your height is over 6 foot, Not to mention you are skilled, And you go around with such a pretty lady as your partner, Life is treating you very nicely, huh?" Gyutaro's voice was getting sourer the more he spoke.

"Does that matter?" Yuu asked.

"Huh?" Gyutaro sounded confused.

"Does having a good face and body matter that much?" Yuu asked a question and Gyutaro's face was twisted in anger.

"It is always the ones who have everything that talks philosophical crap like that!!" Gyutaro said while scratching his face and cutting into it, he was clear to see how much Yuu's words were irking him.

"What you say is true, It is only those who don't have something will know of its true value," Yuu said flatly and Gyutaro's face twitched, blood vessels were popping all over his face and body as he couldn't stand Yuu's bullshit.

So he ran towards the Yuu and started to attack with the intent of ending him.


Yuu was moving back dodging and deflecting the heavy blows coming from an enraged Gyutaro.

"Stop talking like you understand anything, you were handed everything on a platter by the world!!" Gyutaro said while he continued to attack.

"But I do, it is because I didn't have them before that I know how important they are to me," Yuu continued to say as he crashed into a shop.

He quickly stood up since Gyutaro was already coming towards him to attack.


With the meeting of the Kama and the Katana, Yuu was sent flying backward, it was hard to hold up to a demon's strength with mortal flesh.

That is why Gyutaro wasn't caring about anything, even if he lost a hand or a leg with this reckless pursuit. He could easily regenerate anyway so there was no need to worry, the important thing was that he was pushing Yuu enough to overwhelm him.


Blasting through the shops and passing alleys leaving a mess in their wake the two clashed multiple times but there was a change in one of them.

"Even with that gifted body of yours, it isn't possible to stop my poison," Gyutaro grinned sadistically while looking at Yuu as the latter's breathing was getting a little haggard.

"So it was only poison? Then it would be no problem," Gyutaro's eyes narrowed as he saw Yuu something similar to a pill that he took out from his clothes.

"This is a medicine that's made to neutralize any poison within a minute," Yuu said while looking at Gyutaro.

"Do you take me for a fool? I already know you are one tricky bastard," Gyutaro laughed.

"What do you mean?" Yuu tried to play dumb but there was no need to the evidence was around them.

"We've made so much noise and broken through so many buildings, but I haven't spotted a single human anywhere," Gyutaro said and Yuu remained silent.

'They most likely emptied an area beforehand and then this guy lured my sister there easily by backing away and controlling her response by showing obvious openings,' Gyutaro had this feeling from the start, but he needed to confirm it and he had.

And the thing was Yuu was trying to do this even now by baiting him as he showed openings deliberately to get the desired attack.

"The east side still hasn't been evacuated, right? Is that why you've been trying to lure me into the empty west side?" Gyutaro guessed this since the east side area was the most populated area in Yoshiwara, so there was no they were able to empty that area so quickly.

'There doesn't seem to be any strong ones in that group, otherwise, they'd have come to stall me here as well,' Gyutaro thought while looking at Yuu who really looked a little unstable with his footing 'As I thought stalling was correct, he didn't have any medicine and it was just a hoax, is he waiting for his companion to come over and help?'

Gyutaro's face showed a grin like never before, this was fun, too much fun.

"So, the poison is affecting you, it should've spread through your whole body by now," Gyutaro could see it clearly.

"Not at all! I still have to meet them again, I won't die somewhere like this!!" In Gyutaro's eyes Yuu was already being delirious with the sudden grin on his face, he had not shown a single expression on his face till now but now he was grinning like a fool.

It was clear, the poison had worked on him.

'Now I can take care of the other one,' Gyutaro thought as Yuu came to attack him.

Some distance away from the Daki and Kanae were engaged in fierce combat.

Kanae wanted to go towards Yuu but Daki wasn't letting her, her attacks were solely made to prevent Kanae from leaving this area.

"Haha, you're so obvious, do you really think I'll let you go there now that we've had that bastard?" Daki grinned viciously, she was holding a grudge against Yuu a deep one at that. But currently, the one using her body was Gyutaro.

"Even if you go there his death is confirmed, no one has survived Oni-chan's poison not even the other Pillars," Daki continued as Kanae clenched her teeth.

'So, it was poison, I can't waste time here, I can't let Tachibana-sama…' Kanae didn't want to think about anything and use her breathing style's ultimate technique.

'Even if it results in me suffering from partial blindness, I can't let this go on,' Kanae was fine with losing her sight let alone partially losing if she could save Yuu, that was because…

'Tachibana-sama saved my life, losing my sight is nothing compared to what he had done,' Kanae was ready to use it, she was ready but…

"Kanae you have a technique that damages your body when you use it right?" Yuu had asked her this when they were on their way to Yoshiwara Pleasure district.

"Ah, yes," Kanae was shocked that Yuu knew about it since she had never talked about it.

"I noticed it when during your fight with that demon(Doma) Kocho-san was about to use that just before I attacked, I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries," Yuu apologized but Kanae shook her hands quickly.

"No it isn't something for Tachibana-sama to worry about, you didn't do it intentionally," After saying this Kanae continued "And yes, there is a technique that does harm to my eyes and causes partial blindness or permanent blindness if overused, I was about to use it there but Tachibana-sama came and saved me."

"I see, so Kocho-san please listen to what I am about to say," Kanae looked at Yuu and she saw that rather than his usual flat look, there was a serious expression on his face.

This compelled Kanae to listen to his words so carefully that they were imprinted in her memory.

"No matter what happens in the coming fight against the demon, even if it means that I am on the verge of dying..."

'Do not use that technique,' Kanae clenched her teeth more as she remembered those words.



See you next week...

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