
DEEF STAR - the begining

Please do not eat me bones :P

The confrontation between the Bosses lacked the legendary quality Orks typically craved. It unfolded more like a swift execution than a grand spectacle, but for the Ork boyz, it was entertainment at its finest. These newcomers had joined Da Boss's waaagh! following the defeat of Captain, whose decapitated head now floated aimlessly through the void of space.

Disappointment gnawed at the Boss, but the allure of potential loot managed to lift his spirits, if only slightly. However, his mood quickly darkened once he laid eyes on the fresh faces before him.

"Doctore Kidler!" The Boss's gravelly voice sliced through the tension, summoning Doc with urgency.

Doc, his once pristine white coat now stained with fresh blood and pockets brimming with teef, hurried over, his eager grin a stark contrast to the fear etched on the faces of the newcomers.

"Yeah, Boss?" Doc replied, his voice tinged with both excitement and apprehension.

"Check the new boyz and vaccinate them. If any try to bolt, you know what to do," the Boss commanded, his tone leaving no room for disobedience.

"Right away, Boss!" Doc responded eagerly, though inwardly he questioned his own strenght to check them all. Nevertheless, he plastered on a grin worthy of the best Painboy and assured, "I'll spritz 'em with everything I've got, Boss. Got a new vaccine to test, ya see?"

"Good," the Boss grunted before shifting his attention to the Loota boyz. "You lot, loot that and fix up me rock! Graxmek, Nuthead, with me. Got a job for ya."

The two mekboyz snapped to attention, their minds already whirring with possibilities as they followed the Boss.

"Listen up, you two," the Boss commanded, gesturing toward a nearby crater. "I've got a plan for some serious Dakka. We're talkin' a gun as big as that hole in the rock, or even bigger. And we'll use every scrap from that krooza to make it happen."

Graxmek and Nuthead stood transfixed, visions of mayhem dancing in their minds as the Boss continued, "And from this moment on, this rock is called Deef Star. 'Cause we're gonna make it so dakky, we'll be snuffin' out stars and planets alike."

The declaration sent the mekboyz into a frenzy of excitement, their voices rising with each fantastical idea as they charged toward the krooza. The resident mekboyz attempted to protest, but Graxmek, Nuthead, and Doc swiftly put an end to their objections, ensuring the Boss's orders were carried out without delay.

As Doc set to work vaccinating the new recruits, he couldn't help but marvel at the Boss's ingenuity. With each injection, he whispered words of encouragement, promising the Ork boyz strength and resilience in the battles to come.

Meanwhile, Graxmek and Nuthead scoured the krooza for scrappy materials, their crazy minds whirring with calculations and blueprints. They knew the Boss's vision would require the finest craftsmanship, and they were determined to deliver.

Days turned into weeks as the Orks toiled away on Deef Star, transforming the barren rock into a fortress of destruction. Graxmek and Nuthead worked tirelessly, fashioning weapons of unimaginable power from the scraps of the krooza. With each weld and rivet, they brought the Boss's vision to life, their enthusiasm fueled by the promise of glorious foight.

As the final touches were put in place, the Boss surveyed his domain with pride. Deef Star was no longer just a rock; it was a weapon of mass destruction, ready to unleash its fury upon the galaxy.

And so, with a mighty roar, the Orks set forth with their Deef Star, their lust for battle unquenchable. 

Sorry for the delay.

Recent changes in Lore are terrifying and I do not know how to deal with it.

I love Wh40k but if they are destroying it then I do not think I will be doing them free ads anymore.

I mean if they frak up even more.

saszetacreators' thoughts