
The festival

After few days the king wake up in his palace in his bed . A gorgeous women was sitting beside him on the bed. She was sleeping .Her golden hair hung on her temple like a golden fleece. She is looking like a fairy from heaven. The king locked his gaze on her delightful sleeping face, spellbind by her beauty .King was looked in that position for an hour, then suddenly there was loud knocking on the door. She slowly opened her eyes yawned for a moment. She checked her face in a mirror and removed hair from her face. She said "Yes". A voice came from behind the door "QUEEN!The festival is about to start".Queen said "OK! We will be there within a minute".King smiled. Queen squinted red at the king and said "Why are you smiling".King said "Feeling happy to get such a beautiful and charming wife".Queen said "WELL! WELL! Flirt with me after sometime and get ready for the festival". King grabbed her by hand and pulled her on the bed. King said "Oh my dear! Did i need to see time to flirt with my own wife." while locking her in his arms. Queen said "Let me go! Everybody might be waiting for us".King said"First kiss me".Queen moved forward to kiss him when they are so close that they can feel each others warm breathe, Queen slipped between the arms of the king and run out of the room , laughing out loud. King mumbled to himself "What do you think?You can fool me."King wear his clothes and went to the hall . King saw the queen waiting for him on the gig and he hoped on the gig and sat beside the queen. Two horses like beasts started pulling the gig. After few hours they are in front of a large ancient screen. The king and queen sat on a throne above the seats of all others.

To be continued.......