Important Note

Well I am just a new writer so expect some mistakes here and there don't snitch me. So to fix that please give me some feedback to improve sooner or later.

There will also some arcs that is questionable at first as i can't explain it immediately for the plot.

Also if you don't want the story please give me the reason why before dropping off, so in that way I will learn what should and shouldn't do in my next projects.

Each chapters is long so my update time will be mostly fucked up


Normal Universal Scale:

(1-5)-Newborn Baby-Child


MHA World Quirk Scale:

(10-100)-Level 1-5 Quirk, Stats of Student - Pro Hero

(100-500)-Level 6-10 Quirk, Stats of Disaster tier Hero/Villain

(500-750)-All Might Prime Base stats

(750-1000)-All For One Prime Base stats


Common - Trash tier

Uncommon - Meh tier

Rare - Evolveable stuff's base on from User to user

Mythical - Rumoured Stuffs, Small population of users tier.

Legendary - Based on immortalised People or Events

Arcane - Borderline Divinity

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