
Chapter 2

***3rd POV***

Days after days passed quickly and now Luna is celebrating his first birthday. He didn't have a day that is not focused in his spiritual training.

Currently he is in a major bottleneck due to his body not strong enough to advance his skills and abilities.

So leaving no other choice he had to cool off and just decided to buy manuals from the system and focus in different fields like blacksmithing, pill concocting.

There is also Cooking and other theoretical knowledge before he tried the practical when he grows up a bit more.

His parents then called all their friends and close colleagues as they celebrated his first birthday.

Now looking around he can see different kinds of people. Sanja is always fascinated when he sees a new quirk as he need it to test his 'Copy Quirk skill'.

He then decided that if he see an interesting quirk with a high potential he will copy it.

***Luna's POV***

From observation and analysis I can now tell that my Father's quirk is space manipulation.

'Man I am shocked his quirk is destructive he can even contend against the top 2 hero of Japan what is his name again Anddy? no that's not it, Eddie? not either but I can tell its close ahaa! it's Eddieboar!!'

Once again like an angel my sweet imouto helped me.

{Onii-chan it's Endeavour} Lyra poutingly said

'Oh thank you my sweet angel ' I praised her as she tried to help me. She's been with me for a while now and I know that I can trust her for now.

'Yeah that's right my father can contend against Japan's number 2 hero Endeavour. But he prioritize our family business due to my grandfather Alfred persistence. But that scary old man heh~ I call him Gramps tho'

More hours passed some guests decided to go home while my relatives come close and surround me.

My mother's quirk is called 〔Clock's Guide〕 she can see the future event from 1 second up to 12 hours per day.

She also break the limit of her quirk once as she can also speed up the growth of any non-living things at the cost of huge mental strength. In short my mother have time related quirk.

While my father have space related one and I'm hoping to get both but let's leave it to luck.

Even though her Quirk is powerful she is more in support department that a battle oriented one.

Paired with her gentle and beautiful face she once told me that she worked as a model in the past but decided to be a full time mom for me and dad.

Lost in thoughts I didn't even know that I'm already surrounded. All I can do is surrender to my fate. I knew being a baby is a pain in the cheeks, you want to know why?? Well damn because my parent's both family is currently pinching me like.

'It's ok if it's a beautiful and mature girl but if it's some hairy old man , no way sir just stay away from me' I grumpily thought

Having another internal monologue I want to quickly escape from my relatives but in the end getting caught by my mother who just 'smiled' sweetly at me.

⁂2 years later⁂

Two years quickly passed by quickly. I learned many things about this world in this years. Now I can also fully speak English fluently.

(A/N: Sana all)

I also learned how to speak a bits of different languages from my mom who worked overseas in her youth as a model.

I am now currently 3 years old and now I'm celebrating my party with my parents close relatives and business partners.

Unlike my past celebrations now my parents shockingly announced me as the heir of Spencer Industries and that I have some power in the company.

'I don't know what my Old man is planning but really?! who will believe and follow the order of a 3 years old child.' I screamed inside as I am also shocked at that

I then grew bored at the party and now I am walking mindlessly without a clear destination only to found myself in our garden.

As I walked forward suddenly I bumped into a small girl around my age she have a spiky black hair in ponytail , chubby face wearing a small red one piece dress.

"I'm sorry are you okay?" I ask the little girl in English as I helped her to get up on her feet.

"N-no it's alright I'm the one who is not looking while walking" The girl in red dress shyly replied but her accent is slightly off.

'Hmm?, Maybe she's a Japanese'

"No it's also my fault for not looking, I'm Luna by the way what's your name?" I said to the girl using Japanese as I feel like I seen her somewhere before

"Ehh?~" I can see her cute shocked face as she hear me speak Japanese

"M-my n-name is M-momo, Momo Yaoyorozu n-nice to meet you Luna" the girl shyly said as we speak in Japanese while unconsciously walking towards me and pinch my cheeks

'Ohh that's why she looks familiar, even as a child she is cute huh' I thought while she walked towards me.

It looks like she will shake my hands or something but

"Aww aww spop piching be" I said as she stretch my face sidewards. Momo seems startled at her own action as she tried to immediately get away after she find out that she's stretching my face.

Realising what she did she apologized once again, while I said it's alright but she still want to say sorry our banter between us take almost an hour with her saying "I'm sorry" while I keep saying "it's alright" so I cut her by raising my hand to sign her to stop.

"Let's stop this can we, okay I accept your apology but you need to be my friend after that" I said tiredly as I want this to stop one and for all.

Now my right hand patting the top of her head.Instead her answering all I can hear is that she started crying all of a sudden *sob sob* I panicked thinking what did I do wrong

"Hey, Hey what's wrong why are crying did I do something to make you cry?" I asked her immediately as I don't know why she cried suddenly.

"Y-y-yes I *sob* want to be your *sniff* friend " Momo said as she tried to communicate while crying and sniffing. Her face have a hint of fear while she said those words

I hugged her as I don't know what to do in a situations like this. So I improvise and stroke her hair to calm her down

'this should be enough to calm her down right?'I tried to ask Lyra

{hmmp.. } but all I hear is a sound of pout from Lyra now I don't really know what to do.

As I think that she now calmed down. I tried to ask why she cried.

"Hey, Why did you cry I almost cried too because of you" I said that to her more tears gather in her eyes slowly. Seeing her like that I relented.

"Alright sorry, please can you stop crying now please" I pleaded to her as I patted her head more gently now because I really don't want to feel more guilty.

"Un" is all the reply I got but I felt a huge burden lifted from my back

"Okay can you tell me why are you crying again?" I asked her more gently this time while still stroking her hair with my right hand. Momo blushed as I continue to stroke her hair.

In the end all she said that many child of businessman tried to be friends with her just to use their money or propose to marry her to expand their business territories.

As I can see that she still don't want to have friend as she is afraid now due to the past incidents she encountered.

"You too huh, when my dad give me some power in the company many kinds of businessman tried to get close to me too.

I thought it's normal but after some thinking I know that my dad just want to train my awareness early on.

He must know that this will be a trial for me to have a better judgement for myself. "

"Momo, I promise I'm not like them, I also have a fair share of fake friends so no matter what I will be one of your true friend." I look into her childish eyes as I said those words.

I already have this problem in my past life so I can relate to her and now have some trust issues because of that mental scar.

I don't want to see her, an innocent be afraid to make friends just because the adult is using her as a tool to expand their whatever kind of business.

She just stared at my emerald green eyes while im sitting beside her as I comfort Momo not to be afraid anymore.


***Alesha's POV***

Alesha decided to find her 3 year old baby boy as he just suddenly escape out of nowhere *sigh*

"That kid always gives me uneccesary trouble and just roam around when he felt like it , I wonder where he is now?"

As I walked toward the hallway I can see the silhouette of my son hugging someone in the garden.

I quickly closed the gap between is while hiding in the corner to hear what are they talking about.

I then hear my son comforting the girl that is now know as Momo as he called her, I nodded as I saw the actions of my son.

"Ara~ my boy already know to conquer girls heart"

'oh my Luna grow up so fast , mom is proud of you son' I cheered internally for my son and give them some space for their little date at night.

I am excited and want to talk to Alex. I need to tell that our baby now have a girlfriend.

I immediately took my husband from his circle of friends as we talk about Luna and enter our own world.


***Luna's POV***

After I comfort Momo I decided to go back to the main room where the celebration is still on going. I already learned to have a business smile as my father called them.

I then 'smiled' as I receive their gift and exchange some pleasantries to the other guests.

I looked around to see Momo but it looks like they already go home they are from Japan while my birthday celebration is in US so they must have go back early to not miss their flight.

The party come to an end and now only my mother, father, our maids and butler is the only present in the venue.

My father then asked the maids and butler to clean the place as we go to our room.

On the way to our room my mother asked me who is the girl that I hang out with in the garden so I replied

"Oh the girl… She is Yaoyorozu Momo she is quite nice" Then they tease me till we reach our rooms "Saying that I am now a big boy and they will support me if I have a child"

"I did just celebrated my 3rd birthday remember" Having enough I then replied with a blank look in my face

My parents flinched as they paused for a second before walking to their room silently not saying anything on the way.

Now in my room I meditated and feel the last bottleneck loosen bit by bit and if this continues in the next month I can finally breakthrough the next level.

'Lyra looks like I can finally give you a body faster this time' I said trying to coax my imouto as I know she is mad that I can touch other people while she can't.

After hearing what I said her mood change taking a 180 degree change in attitude.

{ really Onii-chan ?, I can now have a body ehehe~ } she laughed as she lost in her own world once again.

⁂A year later⁂

Each day passed like the usual as Luna's schedule became quite repetitive. He will wake up , morning exercise , breakfast , meditation, have some family bonding, studying theoretical knowledge for cooking and blacksmithing.

Just like this time flies by and his training is somewhat productive and he will be 4 years old tomorrow..

Feeling mentally exhausted due to him can't improve now due to his still growing body.

He now focused his attention in their family time and bonding, In this year he sometimes visit Momo and sometimes it's the other way around.

Now their friendship starting to bloom as a year go by. At the current time he decided to sleep in his room and get ready for tomorrow.

Luna closed his eyes as he is mentally tired but he is satisfied and glad that he received a loving family even though sometimes they got overboard about something.

Like when he fall down while running, he received his first wound in this world but his parents exaggeratedly called the best surgeon possible immediately just for a freaking scratch courtesy of him falling down.

There are also that time that he didn't finish the food prepared by his mother, his mother then cries half of the day saying he is now in rebellious stage.

Like what seriously he's just 3 and a half that time close to being 4 years old in 5 months but regardless of their antics he still loved his mother and father dearly. He smiled as he drift into sleep…


In this world Quirk manifest around 4 years old and now it is Luna's 4th birthday. He is excited to know what will my innate Quirk be, they didn't plan to create a huge birthday party as he ask them not to.

Instead they decided to stay at their house to spend more time with each other.

In the past two months his training speed become stagnant so he decided to take some break instead and have some family time to bond with his parents more closely.

Apparently his father can teleport from his office into their house, so he stay with them most of the time and just order his employees to do the job for him.

Dad is have great business mindset unlike most companies owner and top holders my father give the job for the others while still receiving money like I said a genius.

'Someday I also want to know how he manage my gramps company but not now' Luna thought

***Luna's POV***

While thinking deeply they suddenly ask me to meet them at their room.

"Dad why did you called me urgently?" I asked my father who is looking at me nervously.

I immediately tensed up as I didn't see this kind of expression in him before. I already know that it might be about my mother.

I want to ask him but before I ask why is he nervous.

"Ohh shut it you overgrown baby!!" As I heard my mother's voice as she shout at my father, I felt relieved.

I release the breath I didn't know I am holding. Just imagining that something bad happened to my mom I will [**** ***] everything but luckily it's going to that direction.

"Luna dear come here" I listened to my mother and walk to her, as she hugged me from behind and said something that shocked me.

I froze for a moment as I slowly turn around to ask my mother to confirm if what she said is true.

"Yes little Luna you will be a big brother soon" She said while caressing her stomach.

I jumped high in excitement and left my parents behind their room.

"Hahaha I will be big brother now, I'm gonna be a big brother!!" I shout loudly in joy.

Whatever world it is a new member especially a baby in the family always brings joyous atmosphere in the house.

While I am in high spirits because of my mothers news, In the middle of celebrating I clutch my head as an unbearable pain assault me.

All I can feel is thousands of needle drilling in my brain and body but before I passed out I can see my dad running and trying to catch me as I fell down.

***Alex POV***

I am nervous as I don't know if my son will be angry at me. I once read in a book that having a siblings can cause jealousy in the older child as the attention of the family will focus more in the new born.

I'm just standing in front of my son don't know what to say. I can feel my son tensed up. Now I grow more nervous till my lovable sweet wife shout at me.

"But dear i-" I stopped what I want to say as she looks at me with a bright 'smile'.

'Oh my wife is just so understanding' I thought internally. I can tell that she knows im nervous to say the good news.

So I just shuddered in 'fear' and go to the corner and kept silent.

As she explained the situation I can't help but to be afraid of the outcome but as I see him jumping around saying he will be a big brother now I now know that he is really happy.

'looks like my fear is unfounded huh' I thought internally while looking at his happy filled face

We also share the news to our close relative via call while we celebrate in the house.

As we party not only for celebrating my sons birthday but at same time welcoming the soon new member of our family.

I am talking to our butlers about some matters in the office while talking I suddenly see my son holding his head.

I immediately go to know and ask what wrong but he fainted.

"Cedric call the ambulance quick!!" I shout as loud as I can to my head butler.

I started panicking luckily my wife approach me and held my hand to calm me down.

We now follow to the hospital to know the details about my sons conditions.

'Is it the food? maybe it's the furniture' I think deeply trying to figure out why my son fainted.

Now in front of the doctor I immediately ask him "How is he doc, what is the problem of my son"

"He is fine Mr. Spencer , he just awakened his quirk." The doctor said calmly

We now know that our baby boy is now just awakening his quirk , as we heard the news me and my wife calmed down.

We both want the best for our children be it education or other thing we will provide the best as long as they will be happy.

The doctor give us some prescription for some vitamins needed after Little Luna woke up.

***Luna's POV***

"Ugh" I groan after waking up in the room with white ceiling. At a glance I can tell that its one of the hospital room.

Now all I can feel is slightly migraine after that I can feel a new energy coursing in my body.

'I know this must be related to my quirk'

{Uwaah Onii-chan are you okay *sniff*, you made Lyra scared you *sniff* you need to compensate me for making me worry} Lyra cried and complained

Yes my little AI imouto now speak in 3rd person. I don't even know if this can be call growth or not as she get more childish *sigh*

'okay, okay there there onii-chan is alright and sorry for making you worry Lyra please dont cry alright'

While I am trying to stop Lyra to cry.

'Training observation haki paid off after all' I internally nod my head as I sense some people going in my room.

Before they go inside I already know that it's just my parents.

They checked me out to see the difference as some quirk manifest as an extra limbs or other weird mutation like the mutants from x-men stuff.

After checking nothing is wrong they hugged me tight.

"Don't scare us again like that Luna, are you sure you are okay ? , do you feel tired?" My mother bombarded me with a lot of questions

'Ugh my mother reminds me of the highly energetic periwinkle girl i remember from U.A, they will get along really well ' I silently thought but immediately regret it after

'Did I just raise a flag?' I immediately hide my though from Lyra or else she will keep pestering me about I should not think of girls and stay focus in my plans.

Instead of worrying I decided to start tapping into the new energy I feel inside my body.

Slowly i willed it to move and started to circulate the new energy the way my 〔Energy Manipulation〕 stated.

Now feeling that the new energy coursing through my body more smoothly as I continue to circulate it thoroughly.


Name: Luna Spencer

Title:<*****>, Alters Successor

Lvl : 15

Quirk: Space Manipulation

Strength: 50

(Stonk kid in da area)

Agility: 24

(Can't catch me betch)

Intelligence: 15

(Ahh~yes the pie is 3.14159265. Eh you know damn you int stats)

Charm: 70

(Let me also pinch that adorable cheeks)

Luck: 30

(What plot armour if you have me)

Senses: 12

(For your information it's called instincts you buffoon)

Talent: Error

(The fuck?!)

Soul: Hero Class


As I see my new status page i smiled. I know that it looks weak right now but I hope that it will only take sometime to grind it up later.

I know the danger if I overexert my small bodym. It may lead to destroying my potential so I only train my body in moderation till i reach mt first growth spurt.

Remembering that I'm infront of my parents i immediately stop circulating the space energy in my body. I can see my father's eyebrow raised looking at me surprised.

"Hahahaha Congratulations son looks like we have the same 〔Space Manipulation Quirk〕" My father said happily while slapping my back.

My father's ancient clan treasures their space quirk so he is proud that I also have same space related quirk. How I learned this?, Well he said it to me in the past.

Few hours later that small event out of the way. After sometime the registration of my quirk is now completed and they decided to let me go home.

I now need to adjust my plans as my expectations about my quirk be a combination of my parents quirk failed miserably.

After arriving at our mansion I ask my mother that I want to lay down and rest in my room. My parents didn't stop me as they also know that I am exhausted so they let me go immediately.

'I want to have both my parents quirk but it looks like my father's genes is more stronger huh'

Lyra pouted as she said

{Mouu~ Onii-chan you can ask Lyra a purification pill if you really want to have it}

'Ahh right I have the store but do I really need to?, I feel it's not really needed thou' I hiddenly thought

'Maybe later Lyra after I have some control then I can add it to the bunch of things I need to do before the start of canon, I can also feel that it's not necessary for now'

'System show the shadow clone technique ?'

⟦Opening Shop⟧

Shadow Clone Jutsu (Rare)- 250,000 PP

'Just buy it'

Current Balance : 337,000 PP

After grinding my skills and saving points I can once again see it decrease just like that. Feeling slightly depressed as my hard earned system points once again disappear , I need to find a way to generate more PP.

With the 'Clones' I can quickly finish some of my studies. This world have many unique subjects like what is heroics and other bunch of stuffs.

As I the original will focus training my quirk for now. My father can also help me as he have more experience in using his quirk.

'Well Damnit I forgot about my inventory again'

Integrating the technique is now more easy compared to the past I think my body adjust faster than I expected.

As of now I can only create 3 clones. I need to find a way to speed up the integration of 〔Alter Energy〕 faster without its disadvantage.

'System add it in the to do list please '


'Lyra can you sing me a song till I sleep please'

{Okay Onii-chan~} Lyra said energetically as always.

As I hear Lyra sing her song I slowly fall asleep and enter the dream land.

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