
White Knight-Batman SI

Reborn in Gotham City as the younger brother of Bruce Wayne. A young man tries to reform the city despite his limitations as he tries to give the city another symbol of hope apart from the elusive Dark Knight. This is the story of Thomas Wayne, Gotham's White Knight. Mainly based on Nolan's trilogy.

Drkest · Filmes
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41 Chs

Chapter 15-A Cat Ensnared!

Chapter 15


Thomas Wayne lay in his bed, the pain from his now opened and soiled bandages, yet he lay there bare, watching the beauty beside her lying beside him, remembering how she had hungered after him.

"Have you done enough ogling," her lips moved and teased him. Yet he smirked and shook his head and pulled her into his chest as he gave her nose a small peck.

"Not nearly enough," he replied, truthfully, for he could lay there and stare at her for much longer than this.

Her face scrunched up, yet she didn't pull back and only wrapped herself around him a bit tighter as she opened her eyes and looked at him, a storm of emotions and questions hidden behind that gaze as she continued to look at him, before she finally opened her mouth.

"So, last night…" she began and before she could continue, he cut in.

"…was rather spectacular, I would say," he began and saw her roll her eyes.

"What! Say what you will, dear, but all those bite marks on my shoulder endorse my statement!" he joked and saw her face flush as her eyes danced towards his reddened shoulders. For indeed, she had a rather unique habit. Though he should have expected that, after all, she did choose a cat as her symbol.

"I did not mean it like that," she said, as those specks of uncertainty reappeared in those eyes.

"But I meant, where do we go from here?" she questioned nervously, and he pushed back a strand of hair from her face, gently caressing her skin as he replied.

"Where we should have gone all those years ago," he replied, having already made up his mind and felt her still in his arms as she hesitated.

"But what about my past…," and before she could continue, he pushed her lips onto hers, taking away the words from her mouth as he kissed her deeply, and felt her body heat up, yet just as she was about to melt away in his arms, she bit his lip and pushed back.

"Thomas! Please, just listen to me. You cannot date someone like…." She began as she pushed him back, and he shook his head and pulled her back, a little bit more forcefully this time.

"Why not! I am the Prince of Gotham. I can date whomever I choose!" he said as his eyes narrowed, and he gave her a small kiss as he continued.

"And I choose you," he said after separating from her.


"No more buts, Selina. No more. I won't take no for an answer this time. Just give this give a chance," he said as he held her hand and kissed it gently as he looked up at her

"Stop running away and give this a chance! I don't care what the world says or thinks. I like you, and that is all that matters," he said and saw her insecurities fight on, yet in the end, the small nod from her indicated their loss as she replied in a small voice.

"Ok," she whispered, and he felt his heart blossom as she kissed deeply and then stopped suddenly as she looked down.

"What happened to the sheets!" she questioned as she looked down and stilled.

"Gods!" she gasped as she saw the wound on his side had opened up.

"Why didn't you say anything, you moron!" she said as she pushed away the sheet and looked at the soaked bandages with a horrified expression.

"Why are you blaming me? From what I recall, someone was not interested in talking at all last night," he said as he gave her a look. Her cheeks flushed as she pinched his arm.

"Ouch! Violence, maybe I should reconsider my choices," he joked as she shook her head, yet she seemed rather concerned about his injury.

"Let me call the ambulance," and he held her wrist and shook his head.

"There is no need. I can redress it myself," he replied, and before she could retort, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Thomas," it was Alfred's voice, and he saw Selina still for a moment.

"What is it?" he questioned.

"I just thought to inform you that Miss Helena has woken up," he informed her, and he saw Selina still at those words.

"I will be down there," he replied as Selina jumped off him, just as Alfred continued.

"And I will be leaving a change of clothes at the door for Miss Kyle," the butler added, and he saw Selina flush at those words as she looked back at him.

"He knows about last night!" she uttered, embarrassment making her flush, and he shrugged as he got off the bed and headed towards the door.

"So, what, soon the whole world will know," he said as he picked up the clean set of clothes left by Alfred and handed it to her.

And he could tell that she was still coming to terms with this new dynamic as he took the clothes and began to dress up.

"Where is the first aid kit?" she questioned, and he waved her off.

"Don't worry about me. You go and see Helena, I will manage by myself," he said. She finished changing and gave him a small peck before rushing out of the room as he entered the bathroom, wincing in pain as the cold water hit his skin, wiping off the dried blood.






And then, minutes after a small shower, just as he entered the kitchen, a rather familiar voice assaulted him straight away.

"Are you and Selina finally together?" he looked to the side and found the glinting eyes of Helena lasered at him, as Selina beside her groaned and put her head in her hands.

He walked to the end of the take where they sat, as Alfred brought his breakfast.

"Yes. We are," he said as he strode behind Selina and gave her a kiss in front of Helena, whose eyes had gone wild as saucers as she wailed excitedly.

"Finally!" she said as she hugged her sister excitedly.

"I am so happy," she said as she bugged her sister as Alfred came near and put his breakfast in front of him.

"It seems he has finally managed to ensnare you, Miss Kyle," he said to Selina as he put down a cup of coffee in front of her.

"Unfortunately," she replied as the butler smirked, and he chuckled before his eyes suddenly landed on the paper placed beside his breakfast.

"What the hell! That's my car!" he gasped as he saw his infamous Audi on the first page, yet the person inside it wasn't him.

No, it was his brother Bruce, with none other than the Prime Bellerina by his side, both of them smiling wildly as the headline above read.


by Jon Connington

"I did warn him not to take it," Alfred replied, and he looked up at the butler, who gave him a smile and continued.

"..but he was rather taken by your advice from last night," he said, and it all clicked together, for the next headline had a very different reading.


by Jessica Pearson

"Ohh! I am gonna get him for that!" Thomas replied, for two could play at that game, he said as he put down the newspaper.

"What's this about?" Selina questioned from the side, sounding a bit worried.

"It's nothing. Just a little bit of fun between brothers," he replied, for that was what it was. They had breakfast as Helena quizzed them over their newfound relationship, and he was happy to indulge the little midget, who seemed in rather good spirits despite everything that had happened last night.

Though, he could understand why. Both Selina and Helena had had a rather troubled childhood, and that made them rather resilient, yet despite her insistence to the contrary, he did arrange a for her a visit to a psychiatrist just in case.

Yet, over all this, he hadn't forgotten about something rather important.

The League was on the move.

He was aware of their condemnation of Gotham City, though he had hoped that his actions and the slow transformation of the city towards a better future would have stayed their hand.

Yet it seems that was wishful thinking on his part. Thankfully, he wasn't one for wishful thinking and had already destroyed one part of their plan. Yet that didn't mean they would easily give up. Too bad for them, neither would he. Plus, he hadn't forgotten about the debt he owed them, a debt from all those years ago.

So, after breakfast, he found himself alone. He picked up his phone and brought it to his ear.

"What do you need, bossman?" came the voice from the other side.

"I want you to accompany me somewhere," he replied.

"Where, if I may ask?"

"Arkham! And come prepared. I need to get some answers."

"This about what went down last night?"

"Maybe I will have the money wired in an hour."

"There is no need! You have done enough for me already."

And with that, the call was cut off.


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Have fun reading