Mc will have few powers but will have powerful one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Irregular Update. AU
The only possible word that could be used to describe the emptiness.
A place where nothing begins and nothing ends. A place is full of untamed essences, which existed for the sake of existing.
Those who witness this place cannot fully understand how such a thing could exist.
Yet this is where our story begins.
In a blackened void where there should be nothing, but there was.
A small sphere of light floated through the infinite void of darkness.
"I don't know how long I've been here. I know I was a high school student and all the things, especially anime and manga, that I witnessed, and remember very well. But the last moments that got me here are blurry" the little ball of light thought.
A few weeks later, the little ball of light, more precisely the boy's soul, was feeling very impatient and frustrated with all the waiting and was getting bored.
During all this time he had been reviewing all the manga and anime he had already seen through his memory and now he had nothing to do.
A few minutes after I started to think of something to do something like a portal of light appeared in front of me. Out of the portal came a dark humanoid figure with white patterns around it. It has white facial features that look like they have been "crudely painted". It is of massive size, towering over planets.
The humanoid figure looked around before looking at the soul in front of him and said, "Sorry for the delay, I was busy with my work and forgot about you" he said in a casual tone.
Upon hearing what the figure said the man's soul became angry, but controlled itself and asked: "Ok, first: who are you? what is this place? And what am I doing here?"
Hearing the questions the humanoid figure looked at him and said, "Easy there. To answer the questions, I am a high-level being who must manage the rebirth cycle of this dimension, and this place in your terms would be something that could be called 'empty' and why you are here is obvious, you are dead."
The soul took some time to digest what the humanoid figure said and then he sighed, "So what will happen to me now?"
Hearing the question the humanoid figure laughed with amusement and said, "Aren't you sad or confused after hearing about your death?"
The soul said calmly, "Well, what's done is done, it can't be reversed and it's not like I have any friends or family who would miss me if I died."
Hearing him, the humanoid figure also sighed and said, "Usually a soul that dies had to be sent to heaven or hell depending on its actions or be sent back to its world in a new body without its memories to start a new life."
The soul was about to ask something, but the humanoid figure interrupted him and said, "But since I was very late and made you wait in the void for so long, I can allow you to live a life in a world you like with some wishes of course, so what would you say?"
Hearing his offer, the soul got a little excited and asked, "Can it be any world, even anime and manga world?"
"Yes, it can be any world, but you cannot travel to another world, only one world, so choose carefully."
The soul thought for a moment, but suddenly he thought of something and asked, "How many wishes do I get?"
The humanoid figure said, "You will get three wishes in addition to being able to choose the appearance of any character."
"As my first wish I want the Divine Dividing Sacred Gear and it also has Ddraig power." Said the soul.
The humanoid being, even though it did not possess a face, seemed to narrow its eyes, "That which you asked for could be considered two wishes."
The soul shrugged, even though it didn't possess a body, "You didn't give any limits or specifications on the wishes themselves, so..."
The figure looked for a moment before laughing, "Hahaha, to think that you would play like that, very well, I accept your first wish. But this will be weaker."
"What?" questioned the soul.
The humanoid being raised a finger, "First you won't get Ddraig Soul you only have his fire, boost, and transfer penetrate. But you will lose Albion venom."
The Soul has settled with this matter because he just wants to want both sacred gear and power.
"For my second wish, I want one magic Skill and Two Skills." Said the Soul.
The being seemed to narrow his eyes before agreeing, "Very well, tell me which magic and Skill you want. But you can't ask for overpowered skill and True Magic" said the being with the soul agreeing.
"I want Crush Magic Form Fairy Tail, Despair Aura Form Overlord, and Evolved Rokushiki from One Piece," Said the Soul.
The being seems like agreeing"Very well" Said the being.
"I want Divine Class Body and Mind with anti-cloning, anti-depower," said the Soul.
The Being seemed astonished by my statement " Usually most people ask for bloodline or more powerful Skil but you ask for a powerful body and anti-cloning, anti depower, can you tell me why choose that" said the being.
"Because to activate the bloodline you must need a powerful body and mind without that you're just glasses, Cannon. For anti-cloning and anti-depower, do you know that most people hate the fact that their hero is being cloned and depowered" said the Soul?
The figure seemed to laugh, "Hahahaha, yes, that I can't help but agree, many become dependent on the bloodline to become stronger, I like the way you think. The only reliable power is what you acquire with training. Now Whose
Appearance do you want" said the being.
"I want the appearance of Adelheid Bernstein form King Of Fighter" Said the Soul.
"Okay" said the being.
"Can I ask you where I will reincarnate" said the Soul.
"You will reincarnate into the DC Universe" Said the being.
"Nani, please don't let me be born in the city just make it into some rural area where any criminals or superpower is not active" Said the Soul.
"Very well, I hope you enjoy your new life." said the figure snapping his fingers.
All the soul saw was a big flash of light before everything disappeared.
_ _ _ _
I take the prologue from another fanfic call the White Dragon Emperor.