
White Box -Another Tale

The Things which are suppose to be dead, should remain dead. The world they went to, the world they left, shouldn't have any relationship. That was suppose to be rule, a rule conferred by nature. Now nature is being mischievous, playing tag with a guy name Anchal. Anchal who has been {cursed} ask help from his friend name Tanish. Both trying to deep root the said curse, who's identification or purpose is unknown.

Track_List · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter-1 Far Fetch

Dark clouds surrounding the entire city and water droplets falling from the sky gives you very decent picture of environment being rainy day. Rainy Night would be appropriate at current time. In the midst of this wheather, in a small cafe two people were facing face to face each other since they came here but neither of them have spoken a single word. The Cafe latte that they both order are a starter to their conversation but lost it's temperature and now has become cold coffee.

"Man, Enough...Just enough..You brought me here saying that you have something important to speak which you can't in phone, now you are just sitting their not moving an inch of your mouth"

The irritated words were spoken by boy with little peculiar fashion, he was wearing an mask which covered his left eye and his mouth just leaving his right eye and ears unhidden. He was wearing a white t-shirt and Blue denim jacket over it with blue jeans.

"I know, i know. This isn't easy for me too. If i just say I'm cursed, then you'll just push aside the matter while laughing, i need time to prepare dude."

"But But....You just did it. Literally dumbass, is it two man comedy is going on here now? Look entire cafe is looking at us. Shameful indeed."

"Sorry" Said the boy sitting next to before mentioned Boy, he was wearing a light coloured shirt with cargo pants on lower half. He has black haired and brown eyes, and very fair looks. Unlike the other boy who was covering his visage with mask.

"By the way Tanish, Before getting on main track, why are you wearing that weird mask. Everybody looking at us, dude." said Anchal.

"Huh.. a pathetic attempt, Anchal. A pathetic attempt,I'm trying to make a cool atmosphere like an Detective story, to give vibes of serious discussion." Said Tanish.

"But I don't think it'll help with my problem even least bit"


"But anyway"

continuing what Anchal was saying

"Now, let's talk it about i think I'm cursed. Not a normal cursed but a cursed which make every flora to attack me."

"You mean some plants and Tree are attacking you, just because you are 'cursed'?"

"Are you trying to mock me? I'm serious here. Will you listen to my story first ?"

"I will , absolutely will. That's why I'm here, that's why you called me. I know, why didn't you call other buddies, for that only purpose and for my own enjoyment I'll listen to your every story."

"Thank god, you are-"

"But... start your story while we take the walk."

"You are such a crack.. There's downpour out there, Why would you want to walk and chat in that heavy rainfall."

"It's kinda of my dream, my wish to walk in rainy night and have deep conversation with somebody, now let's move your butt, will you ?"

Saying these words Tanish put his backpack on and left the cafe.

After him , Anchal left in hurry too.

"Hey ...wait..shit that damn cracky, dropped the bill on me."

"Oh, now Let's hear about your 'curse' thingy."

"Don't startle me from behind. Well... let it roll then---"


Do you know I'm not a city boy from start. I happen to live near mountain ranges, There was a small village on the side of the mountain.

It started when i was playing hide and seek with my childhood friends on a nearby open forest. We were not that of unconnected with outside world but we were pretty outskirts.

"Anchal.. it's your turn to seek"

"~~Aaa~~ Again ? Why do i always get caught easily? It's unfair"

"Haha Even tho this place is so big, your hiding capabilities are too low"

"Umm I think we all should go hide and Anchal will seek us, right Anchal?"

"Fiiiine, Go before i count 10"

As I was counting I realised forest become weirdly silent. At this moment, it was still 4hours before dust. Every habitual species and other animals make tons of noises. But it was dead silence. At that age I never thought about it too deeply and Went in search for my friends. We were living there, area was familiar, nobody would have gone far and I'd not lose the path. That's what i thought but suddenly I feel I never have visited this section of forest.

"Okay.. enough"

"What's your problem, Tanish? I'm in middle of my tale."

"That's pretty detailed summary you speaking off. Its too detailed. so could you please short list it."

"Hey.. don't interrupt me while I'm in middle of narrating something and without details it'd be pointless."

"Okay sorry but short and clear please."

"Okay listen------"

As I was going deep and deep I thought, I saw silhouette flying through tall trees and going deep into forest. It was pitch black like a shadow. It was formless, sometimes snake, sometimes human, sometimes cloud. It was just without any fixed form leaping from branches to branches moving forward.

I lost my consciousness there.

When I gain my consciousness, I was in my room with my family around my bed.

They were all worried about me.

When I questioned how I came here, My mother said

"You were laying unconscious on ground, one of your friend, when you were not seeking them, tried to look for you and found you unconscious."

"What happened, Anchal? Tell your Papa if anything happened."

My father was middle aged man with broad physics and brown beard.

"Umm..I..I...was lost in forest and.." Hesitation, No, It was fear, fear of something unknown implanted on me.

"Please.. Dear. Don't push him hard. My baby, please rest for time being. I will get your dinner after some time."

My Kind mother, Mother who cares for me more than her own life, couldn't handle the hesitation, fear and vulnerability of mine. She was afraid I might get psychological scar from this incident so she wanted to forget it.

"Umm Okay."

"Rest Anchal, I Will question you next time."

"Okay, papa."

I don't know what happened that time, but I legit thought something dangerous is happening. It seems pretty silly now, when I'm talking to you but it's true. You might think why I connected everything to that past incident but from logical point of view, in my whole life that incident was the only odd event happened to me. And you know how crazy it is not to suspect unusual activities with unusual happenings of your life.

"You just carry on." Tanish was still keeping the ear to what Anchal was saying even though his eyes were straight focused on cloudy sky.

After The dinner, I went to sleep My mother was with me till my eyes shut down.

The next moment I opened my eyes, I was in open ground , A beautiful starry sky could be seen through naked eyes, it looks like somebody has put the sparkling blanket over the dark sky.

And in middle of the forest, I was alone not single sound of any animals or insect.

I didn't want to look but I was looking, straight into dark forest which lays further me.

They were starring at me, and I was responding to them.

Those White Eyes, were communicating with me And I was answering through my brown eyes.

As soon as Conversation ends.

I Lost consciousness. Again.

The next day, When I woke up, whole village was outside my house.

A rescue operation was held all night and when i brought back home by some villagers, they pained to look over remaining night.

When I was forced to, I narrated whole situation to my parents.

They were pretty shocked.

"So, It's come down to it huh." Said my Father.

I don't know what it's mean, but after that my father decided to move on, and Came to this city.

They pretend like they were taking me to hospital. And Since My father work in city, it's easy to move there.


As they both were walking along the path Tanish speak after listening to Anchal's tale.

"But It's already been 3 years Since you came here right ? So why all of the sudden you think, 'cursed' has been activated?" Tanish asked.

"That's what I want to know, It was all good past 3 years, but recently I've been encountering Situation where my foot are being grabbed by vines while walk on parks, Flowers in pot in my apartment are growing into some peculiar flora and trees, for god knows they speak... I'm scarred dude...On night, I can hear there voice through window, which is near a pine tree. They friggin spoke."

"Okay ..okay this is far fetch. I do believe something like that can happen , since many things happened after White Box tragedy 8 years ago, but sure your story is hard to digest, I'm not saying I don't believe you but any normal person will find it like you plotting a novel."

"I know...I know.. that's why I came to you."

"Well, this result in one thing"


"Rain stopped and It's dead in night and we should head back home."

"What about helping me ?"

"That's why we are going at your house not mine today."


"Rule no.1 of investigation, start from the crime scene"

"Where you took that dialogue?"

"Just bestowed by my creator."

"Then let's go, I'm getting cold."

Then Both walked towards Anchal apartment which was 15minutes away from the current place they were at.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

And this is just Bordem inspired Story.

updates might or might not happen.

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