
Whispers of Silence

Discover the magic of "Whispers of Silence," a collection of heartfelt poems inspired by the beauty of nature and the moments that touch our souls. Through keen observations of the earth, its creatures, and the wonders around us, these poems come to life, capturing the essence of each experience. From peaceful landscapes to buzzing insects, each verse paints a picture of the world we often overlook. Join me on this enchanting journey as we listen to the gentle whispers that reveal the hidden treasures of nature and find solace in the power of silence.

Realizednut · Fantasia
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3 Chs

You Silly Peanut !

Oh, silly peanut, in rooms you sit, numbered one, two, and three, I ponder why you choose such spaces, what could the reasons be? Perhaps it's one, for solitude and freedom, to be alone and free, Or maybe two, seeking companionship on life's journey.

Could it be three, desiring more than just two, A longing to expand and embrace the new? But wait, why stop at three, not four, five, or more? Curiosity piques, what lies at the core?

Yet, when I see you, a desire stirs within, To crush and devour, to satisfy and win. To crack you open, bake you till you're tasty and warm, To soften your shell, to feed my ego's storm.

I yearn to soak you overnight, and eat you alive, To display my cruelty, as a beast does strive. But if I pause and truly see, through my own reflection, I realize the life within you, the deeper connection.

Through planting you, you tear Earth's surface, a battle to survive, To nourish and multiply, to help us thrive. You hold the power to create, to birth countless forms, To shape and mold, amidst life's raging storms.

Knowing this, how can I crack, bake, or count, When you embody the miracle, life's paramount? All I can do is bow, with reverence, to you and your kin, For within you lies the essence, the spark of life within.