
Whirlwind of hearts

The reunion of Isabella and Nick after two years sets the stage for a captivating journey of love, friendship, and unforeseen complications. Once school friends with an unspoken connection, their paths diverged, leaving behind unresolved tensions. As they reunite, the air is thick with emotions they can no longer ignore. Amidst the delicate dance of rekindled feelings, Nick's best friend, Lucas, enters the picture, introducing a new layer of complexity. Lucas's genuine charm unwittingly sparks jealousy in Nick, adding a dimension of unexpected romance. Isabella, torn between the comforting familiarity of Nick and the magnetic allure of Lucas, finds herself at the center of a love triangle she never anticipated.

AmaraNova · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Evening

Nick's heart danced with joy as Isabella's sweet "yes" echoed in the air. His smile, radiant as the sun, seemed to light up the entire room. But amidst the celebration of old flame love, a shadow fell upon Emily. The once lively atmosphere now felt distant to her, as everyone's attention gravitated towards Isabella, and even Nick seemed to drift away from her. 

As the day waltzed toward its end, Isabella found herself lost in the enchanting thoughts of Lucas. The memory of his gentle peck on her neck lingered, casting a spell that transported her into a realm of blissful daydreams. Oblivious to the world around her, Isabella drifted through the rest of the day, lost in the echoes of her own emotions. 

It wasn't until her mother gently interrupted her reverie, asking her to join a gathering at her colleague's place along with her parents, that Isabella reluctantly snapped back to reality. The prospect of socializing weighed heavy on her mind, as the echoes of Lucas's kiss continued to dance in the corners of her thoughts, leaving her both thrilled and distracted. 

Amidst the cozy ambiance of the dining room, Isabella delicately twirled her spaghetti as she delivered the unexpected news to her mother. "Um, I'm sorry, Mom, I have plans for Sunday evening. You guys should go ahead without me," she murmured, her gaze fixated on the plate before her. 

Her mother, a subtle sigh escaping her lips, responded, "I am disappointed, but that's alright. It's good that you are finally going out." 

Isabella, attempting to lighten the mood, replied with a playful tone, "Oh, come on, Mom!" Her fingers traced the rim of her glass, a hint of mischief in her eyes. 

Curiosity sparked, her father interjected, "Where are you going?" 

A smile played on Isabella's lips as she responded, "Remember Nick, Dad?" 

"Nick who?" her father inquired, a quizzical expression on his face. 

"Nicholas Carter, Nick. He was my schoolmate. The mayor's son?" Isabella clarified. 

Recognition dawned on her father's face. "Oh, yes, right. What about him?" he asked, leaning in with interest. 

"So, the thing is," Isabella began, her attention momentarily shifting from her plate to her family, "he actually invited our classmates for dinner at his place, so I just said yes." She returned her focus to her food. 

Her dad's disapproving tone lingered in the air as he spoke, "Okay, will you be alright, my love?" 

The endearment caught Isabella off guard, echoing like a sweet refrain in her mind. "My love? My love?" The words resonated, conjuring thoughts of Lucas, and a soft smile graced Isabella's lips as she recalled their morning encounter in the classroom. Lost in the enchanting memory, she remained silent, basking in the warmth of newfound emotions. 

Noticing her distraction, Mr. Baker, concern etched on his face, gently probed, "Hey, you okay? Will you be alright going there?" 

Isabella shook off her reverie, returning to the present. "Of course, Dad. I'm not a kid. I can manage," she assured him, her confidence masking the subtle flutter of butterflies in her stomach. 

"Hmm, good then." Mr. Baker rose from the dinner table, plate in hand, and made his way to the kitchen. Returning, he spoke with paternal care, "Take care. I hope you have fun. Good night." Tenderly, he pressed a kiss on Isabella's forehead before retreating to his bedroom, leaving behind the lingering scent of fatherly affection in the dimly lit room. 

As the remnants of her dinner sat quietly on the table, Isabella, fueled by an unspoken restlessness, insisted that her mother retire for the night while she took charge of clearing the table and tidying the kitchen. A goodnight kiss from her mother marked the beginning of a night tinged with uncertainty. 

The hours stretched on as Isabella meticulously cleaned, the rhythmic clinks of dishes and the soothing hum of the kitchen becoming a backdrop to the whirlwind of thoughts in her mind. After the arduous tasks were done, she bathed, the water offering solace to her contemplative mind. 

Returning to her room, Isabella felt compelled to confide in the pages of her diary. With pen in hand, she hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the emotions swirling within her. Nick and Lucas, their names resonating in her mind, stirred contrasting sentiments. One evoked anger and resentment, yet beneath the surface lingered a soft corner, a desire to understand and perhaps mend the fractures. The other, a whirlwind of energy, charm, and flirtation, invoked butterflies and a curiosity that danced in the depths of her thoughts. 

Amidst the confusion and ambiguity, Isabella poured her heart onto the pages, the ink capturing the dichotomy of her feelings. "Not sure if I am in love or I am just assuming to be in love," she penned, the words a raw admission of her emotional turmoil. A premonition of heartbreak loomed in her reflections, an acknowledgment that the path ahead might be paved with both the ecstasy and agony of love. 

The night unfolded in the intimate cocoon of Lucas's place, where Nick and Lucas shared not just the physical space but the nuances of their lives. Amidst the easy camaraderie, Lucas, in a moment of casual curiosity, steered the conversation towards Emily 

"So, how's everything going on with Emily?" Lucas queried, a playful glint in his eyes. 

"Not bad, why?" Nick responded, his tone light, as if brushing off the topic. 

"I'm just curious if you're serious about her or just being casual. You know, all those women you dated last year didn't last three months. Emily, this girl, I guess it's more than three months now," Lucas playfully pointed out. 

Nick chuckled, "I know. She's clingy, and I think she won't last long now." 

"Hmm, that's so like you," Lucas remarked, teasingly. Then, with a subtle shift in tone, he asked, "What do you think of Isabella?" 

"Bella?" Nick queried, his tone suddenly serious. 

"Yes," Lucas blushed, a hint of vulnerability in his expression. 

"What about her?" Nick asked, sitting a bit more upright, a tingling feeling stirring in his heart. 

"I think I like her," Lucas admitted, a genuine smile gracing his face as he glanced down at his phone. 

There was a fleeting moment of tension in Nick's chest, a sudden pain he didn't want to reveal. Keeping it casual, he replied, "That's not like you." 

"I know, but I feel she's the one," Lucas confessed, his cheeks flushed with a newfound emotion. 

The following days raced by like a whirlwind, each moment fleeting yet charged with anticipation. Nick assured his brother that everyone would be there, and Carlos, in turn, promised to handle the preparations. 

The glow of her phone illuminated Isabella's room as Lucas's message danced across the screen. "See you tomorrow," he texted, accompanied by heart emojis that seemed to pulse with a hidden sentiment. 

A soft smile played on Isabella's lips as she read his words, her heart responding to the subtle warmth woven into the message. In the quiet of her room, she allowed herself a moment to savor the anticipation that fluttered within. "And I am nervous," she confessed to herself, the admission hanging in the air like the delicate fragrance of an unfolding romance. 

I am excited what the dinner turns out to be in the next few chapters.

How are you guys doing? (text me @tea_timetales on instagram)

I had a long week and its exhausting at work ;(

See you guys on Sunday.

WIshing you all good health.

With love,


AmaraNovacreators' thoughts