
Whirlwind of hearts

The reunion of Isabella and Nick after two years sets the stage for a captivating journey of love, friendship, and unforeseen complications. Once school friends with an unspoken connection, their paths diverged, leaving behind unresolved tensions. As they reunite, the air is thick with emotions they can no longer ignore. Amidst the delicate dance of rekindled feelings, Nick's best friend, Lucas, enters the picture, introducing a new layer of complexity. Lucas's genuine charm unwittingly sparks jealousy in Nick, adding a dimension of unexpected romance. Isabella, torn between the comforting familiarity of Nick and the magnetic allure of Lucas, finds herself at the center of a love triangle she never anticipated.

AmaraNova · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Dinner (Part 2)

The atmosphere around the dining table crackled with tension, each glance and murmur laden with unspoken desires. Nick and Emily occupied seats across from me, her attempts at flirtation evident as she vied for Carlos's attention. 

Carlos, seated at the head of the table, exuded an air of authority that only added to the charged atmosphere. To my left sat Lucas, a mischievous glint in his eyes, while Ava graced my right side with her presence. 

As Lola and the other servants attended to the meal, I found myself lost in thought, the space around me seeming to blur. Suddenly, a touch on my left inner thigh jolted me back to reality, and I turned to find Lucas grinning mischievously. 

"What?" I demanded, my voice tinged with both irritation and curiosity. 

"Nothing," Lucas replied, his gaze locking with mine as he continued to toy with me. 

I shot him a warning look, silently urging him to keep his hands to himself, but he merely grinned in response, undeterred by my silent protests. Just then, Emily's voice pierced through the tension, drawing attention to my subdued demeanor. 

"Looks like Isabella is quiet tonight, despite being so close to your family," Emily remarked, her tone laced with curiosity. 

Carlos's smile was indulgent as he responded, "Indeed, she is beloved in our family." 

Emily pressed on, her curiosity piqued. "So, what's the story, Bella?" she inquired, her eyes darting between me and Carlos, eager for a glimpse into the intricacies of our dynamic.

I shot Emily a glare, irritation bubbling beneath the surface as she prodded into matters that were none of her business. Her nosiness grated on my nerves, fueled by her simmering jealousy. But despite my annoyance, I knew I had to play along, maintaining a facade of civility. 

With a forced smile, I replied, "There's no history, Emily." 

"Don't be a killjoy," Emily retorted, her tone tinged with impatience. 

Before Carlos could interject, Nick jumped in, his voice cutting through the tension. "I don't think it's important now, right Isabella?" he remarked, his eyes locking with mine. 

I met his gaze, my expression mirroring my confusion, before nodding in agreement. "Right, I don't think it's important now," I replied, my tone carefully neutral. 

"Alright, as you guys say," Carlos acquiesced, sensing the need to diffuse the growing tension. 

But Lucas wasn't about to let the matter drop. "Come on, we're all curious. What's the big secret you two lovebirds are keeping from us?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes as he directed his question at me. 

I inwardly groaned, frustration mounting at the relentless prying into my personal affairs. Nick and I exchanged a silent glance, both of us remaining tight-lipped as Carlos decided to take charge of the situation. 

"As you all know," Carlos began, his voice carrying a weight of history and tradition, "Nick and Isabella have known each other since childhood. Our families have always been close. At one point, we even entertained the idea of Nick and Isabella marrying to solidify our bonds and keep our families united," he revealed, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Carlos, ever the astute observer, seemed to catch onto Emily's discomfort and swiftly intervened. "Indeed, they've known each other since they were mere children," he confirmed, his voice carrying a note of authority as he addressed the group. "But let's be clear, any decisions regarding their relationship are entirely up to them. We would never impose our will on anyone. Isabella has always been a cherished member of our family, and she will continue to be treated with the utmost respect and love she deserves," he declared, his words bringing a sense of reassurance to the table. 

I found solace in Carlos's words, a wave of gratitude washing over me as I realized the depth of their affection and acceptance, despite my abrupt disappearance for two long years. Tears welled up in my eyes, a mix of emotions swirling within me as I gazed at Carlos with a soft smile. 

"Thank you," I murmured, unable to find the words to adequately express my feelings. 

Lola, ever the maternal figure, emerged from the kitchen at just the right moment, her keen eyes immediately noticing my emotional state. "Oh, my dear, what's brought tears to your eyes?" she inquired, her voice filled with concern as she approached me, offering a comforting pat on the shoulder. 

I shook my head, managing a watery smile as I reassured her, "It's nothing, Lola. I just... I love you all so much," I confessed, my voice catching with emotion. 

Lola chuckled affectionately, her warmth enveloping me like a comforting embrace. "And we love you, my dear lady," she declared, her words echoing the sentiments of the entire household as we shared a moment of genuine affection amidst the turmoil of our intertwined lives. 

Nick's silence was deafening, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that left me breathless. It was as if he held a multitude of unspoken words, yet chose to keep them buried beneath the surface. 

The dining table buzzed with activity, the clinking of cutlery and murmurs of conversation serving as a backdrop to the electric atmosphere. I pushed my food around my plate, opting for silence amidst the chaos of the evening. 

As the meal came to an end, Carlos suggested we indulge in the wine he had procured for the occasion. I wasn't much of a drinker, content with a glass or two before feeling the effects. Nick and Carlos took turns pouring, their movements fluid, and practiced. 

Sipping the wine slowly, I felt a warm flush spread through my body, the alcohol coursing through my veins with a heady rush. Sensing my limits, I declined another glass, opting instead for something lighter. 

Carlos, ever the gracious host, fetched me a glass of orange juice, settling beside me as we engaged in idle chatter. Emily's gaze bore into me, a silent challenge lingering in the air as Carlos remained by my side. 

Deciding to break the tension, I suggested a stroll around the grounds, eager to escape the stifling atmosphere of the dining room. "I think I'll take a walk and admire the changes in the garden," I announced to Carlos, my voice laced with a hint of urgency. 

"Of course, take all the time you need," Carlos replied, his eyes betraying a hint of concern as I made my escape, leaving behind the tantalizing tension that hung between us like a thick fog. 

As I rose from my seat, a wave of dizziness washed over me, causing me to stumble on my first step. Before I could fall, Lucas materialized by my side, his strong arm wrapping around me protectively. Carlos and Nick swiftly followed suit, rising from their seats in a show of chivalry. 

Three men stood before me, their eyes filled with concern and desire, igniting a tantalizing sensation deep within me. Lucas took the lead, offering me his arm with a suave grin. "Allow me to assist you, my lady," he purred, his playful wink and charming smile leaving no doubt of his intentions. 

Carlos and Nick settled back into their seats, their attention diverted elsewhere as Lucas and I made our way through the garden, away from prying eyes and eager ears. The alcohol still swirled in my veins, but I refused to let it cloud my thoughts, opting instead to engage Lucas in conversation. 

"How long have you known Nick?" I inquired, breaking the silence as we strolled amidst the lush foliage. 

Lucas remained silent, a mysterious smile playing on his lips. Sensing his reluctance, I pressed on. "What's wrong?" I prodded, my curiosity getting the better of me. 

He stopped abruptly, pulling me into his embrace with a firm grip around my waist. We stood mere inches apart, his gaze burning into mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "My love, are you more interested in me or Nick?" he demanded, his voice laced with jealousy and possessiveness. 

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his gaze as I teased, "I've never seen you so close to Nick before." 

A low growl escaped his lips, his grip tightening around me. "So it's Nick you're thinking about," he concluded, his tone betraying his jealousy. 

I couldn't help but smirk at his reaction, his possessiveness only fueling the fire within me. "You're jealous," I observed with amusement, relishing the power I held over him in that moment. 

"Of course, I am," Lucas declared, his tone dripping with seriousness. "You should be curious about me, love. Ask me about myself, not him," he insisted, his possessiveness palpable. 

"Relax, I'm just trying to get to know you," I reassured him, gesturing towards his hands still lingering on my waist. 

He chuckled, releasing his hold on me, only to pull me back in an instant. Cupping my chin with his left hand, he met my gaze with unwavering intensity. "You can breathe, Isabella," he murmured, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. 

I pushed him away, confusion and desire warring within me. "What?" I demanded, my heart racing at his proximity. 

He held my hand, his touch grounding me as he spoke with calm assurance. "You know what I mean," he replied cryptically, his eyes locking with mine as we resumed our stroll. 

As we walked, I broached the topic of our past encounters, eager to unravel the mystery of our connection. "How long have we known each other?" I inquired, my voice barely above a whisper. 

"About two years, I think," he replied nonchalantly. "We met on New Year's Eve, near the mall or something," he added, his memory hazy yet oddly reassuring. 

"Ah," I murmured, the chilly night air causing me to shiver. Sensing my discomfort, Lucas retrieved a jacket from his person and draped it over my shoulders with gentle care. 

As he helped me into the jacket, his touch ignited a fire within me, his closeness stirring desire deep within my core. "How are you getting home?" he asked, his voice soft yet commanding. 

"Ava," I replied simply, but before I could elaborate, he interjected. "She's too drunk. Let me take you home," he offered, his gaze holding mine captive. 

I didn't protest, nor did I entertain the thought of refusal. Deep down, I longed for more time in his presence, eager to explore the depths of our connection in the intimacy of the night. 

I am screamin for Lucas and Bella. Also, I am not sure how they'll end up. There's no specific end has been decided yet. So, I have decided to go with the flow.

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Hope you all had good day

With Love,

TTT <3

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