
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasia
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42 Chs

chapter thirty four Apologized

He had seen her and asked for forgiveness but it wasn't enough to bring her back home,he went back home exhausted and lonely,he hadn't eaten since that morning and it was nothing since he could do without food but immediately he entered his house he felt weak in the knee,he head was spinning as if someone was knocking heavily from inside his skull,his eyes turned red and his fangs elongated,he quickly pulled out his phone and called one of his allies.

Quickly come,he said and disconnected the call as he was still in pain.

Soon after the door swung open and someone came in followed by another person.

Sir,I brought the doctor,he said and the doctor examined him,the doctor was also a vampire in the human world but no one else noticed this.

You seem to be thirsty..,for blood,the doctor said and Sefra closed his eyes weakly.

It's being a while you took blood from a human right?,the doctor asked and he nodded meekly.

That why your body system is so slow,it hasn't adapted to being without blood for this long and will continue to shutdown like this if you don't take blood,the doctor explained and gave him medication to take for the meantime before leaving.

It wasn't the first time Sefra had seen this doctor,it was for one reason or the other,and it was for one issue or the other,he was at least lucky that Kiara had not followed him home that day or she would have witnessed this and be freaked out.

Take me to the guest room,he said to his allie who obediently complied without asking questions about why he wasn't staying in his room.

He made sure he was comfortable before finally leaving the house,Sefra who was now in the room Kiara was in before she left he could not help but feel choked up and suffocated,he missed her already..,he couldn't beat being without her and it was showing great effect on him,with that he closed his eyes as he could still smell her fragrance and her presence..,he fell asleep.

Kiara who had finished talking to Sefra calmed herself before going back into the house,when she entered she saw David sitting on the sofa,when he noticed her,he immediately stood up.

hey how are you doing he asked nervously and she nodded her head at him she wasn't in the mood to talk so she just sat down close to him with a heavy sigh.

she rested her head at the back of the chair properly and David adjusted himself and looked at her asking are you okay what did you talk about with him.

She didn't reply at first but she replied saying it was nothing he just came to ask for forgiveness and she said saying half the truth and have a lie he didn't want to be an overbearing boyfriend and so he didn't ask more questions when she didn't want to say anything so he let it go and invited her for dinner as the delivery person brought their dinner immediately she went to go and see Sefra, she wasn't hungry but she couldn't leave him alone after they already ordered the food together so she could only eat the food with a heavy heart that night she slept less thinking about Sefra and their discussion outside and how he begged her to come back and everything concerning him she dozed off and she was exhausted in the early morning.

The next day she woke up feeling quite energetic but drowsy because obviously she didn't sleep well at all so when she woke up she went to go and brush her teeth and take her bath before dressing up into a yellow floral dress before coming down she saw David who looks like he was ready to go to work and she couldn't help of feel a bit of emptiness in her as she would be alone in the house, it was the same thing with living with Sefra and now David was leaving her to go to work, he saw her as she walked up to him.

Okay so I'll be going for work now I promise I won't waste much time I just need to take something to the company and my Dad is on my neck right now and I can't afford to make him mad.

Yh,no problem, she said and he kissed her forehead before leaving,she went into the dining before going to the kitchen ready to find something to cook but she saw that he had already prepared food for her she smiled warmly and thought" what a very considerate man who ever he chooses in the future to marry him would be a very lucky girl" when she finished eating she decided to take a walk she went to the park, sat down, watch some children playing before she came back home then she got a notification from her phone, it was a review that she was invited for an interview that she applied to go to for the restaurant and they actually said she should comes, she was actually surprised cuz she had no professional skill in the application form she filled in to prove that she could actually work in the restaurant as a staff or anything.

So they said that the interview was for the next day so she decided she would tell David about it when he returns, the rest of the day was boring she just laid down to watch Hollywood movies throughout before falling asleep and only woke up sluggishly with a face staring at her which give her shock as she moved back and hit her head at the handle of the couch making out squeal in pain, he laughed slightly before smiling and tapping her head,"sorry for scaring you" he said and asked why did you sleep on the couch.

I was just watching a movie when i dozed off I guess..., But you could get neck pain from sleeping like that,he cautioned her and she said okay,

Then with that I'll go upstairs to my room to go shower so we can go eat dinner outside,she nodded again before saying " come quickly I have something to tell you,he hummed lightly and with that he went up.