
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

chapter nineteen torn between love and revenge(4)

she entered the library and was crowded with with lots of books,she decided to try reading,she picked some books to read as she knew Sefra wouldn't be home for a while so she decided to keep herself busy with the books.

In the tranquil sanctuary library, Kiara immersed herself in the vast world of books. The shelves were lined with stories of adventure, knowledge, and imagination. With each turn of a page, she found solace in the enchanting tales that unfolded before her.

Lost in the captivating realm of literature, Kiara felt the hours slip away unnoticed. The rhythmic sound of her breath and the soft rustling of pages became a symphony of tranquility. The library offered her respite—a sanctuary where she could escape the complexities of her own thoughts and immerse herself in the stories of others.

Lost in the captivating realm of literature, Kiara felt the hours slip away unnoticed. The rhythmic sound of her breath and the soft rustling of pages became a symphony of tranquility. The library offered her respite—a sanctuary where she could escape the complexities of her own thoughts and immerse herself in the stories of others.

As the afternoon sun cast its golden glow through the arched windows, fatigue began to tug at Kiara's consciousness. The comfort of the reading nook, combined with the peaceful atmosphere, lulled her into a serene slumber.

Meanwhile, outside the library, Sefra arrived home, his steps purposeful yet tinged with a touch of worry. Not finding Kiara in their shared spaces, he began searching throughout the house, his eyes scanning each room with a growing sense of concern.

It can't be that she went out,what if something happens to her?,his thoughts filled with worry.

His footsteps led him to the library, and a mixture of relief and curiosity washed over him as he pushed open the heavy wooden door. The sight before him tugged at his heartstrings—Kiara nestled in the reading nook, a book resting gently in her lap, her breathing steady and calm.

A smile crept across Sefra's face, his worry dissipating as he beheld the peaceful slumber of the one who had captured his heart. He approached Kiara with gentle steps, his presence unobtrusive as he observed her serene form.

With a tender touch, Sefra brushed a loose strand of hair from Kiara's face, his fingertips grazing her cheek with feather-light affection. Her eyelashes fluttered, and her eyes slowly opened, revealing pools of hazel that sparkled with both surprise and warmth.

"Sefra," she murmured, her voice filled with a mixture of sleepiness and affection. "You're back."

A soft chuckle escaped Sefra's lips as he settled onto the floor beside her, his presence a comforting embrace. "Yes, I am," he replied, his voice gentle. "I've been searching for you, and here you are, captivated by the world of literature."

Kiara's cheeks warmed, a delicate blush adorning her features. "I got carried away," she admitted, a hint of sheepishness in her voice. "The stories were too intriguing to resist."

Sefra reached out, intertwining his fingers with hers. "I'm glad you found solace here," he said, his gaze filled with adoration. "But I must admit, I missed your presence."

she looked down at their intertwined fingers and felt the urge to remove it but decided again it and let him hold her.

A tender smile graced Kiara's lips, her heart swelled with a mix of affection and gratitude. In that moment, the quiet sanctuary library became a backdrop to their connection—a place where the depth of their emotions could be explored without the weight of their past.

Leaving the sanctuary's library, Kiara and Sefra ascended the stairs, their steps light and filled with a newfound ease. The weight of their individual journeys seemed to fade away as they approached the intimacy of their shared space.

Entering their room, a sense of tranquility settled over them. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the window, casting a romantic ambiance upon their surroundings. Kiara's heart danced with anticipation, her gaze meeting Sefra's in an unspoken understanding.

Seated on the edge of the bed, their eyes locked in an intimate embrace, they began to share their thoughts and emotions. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the words carrying a delicate vulnerability that had grown between them over time.

As Kiara spoke of her fears and hesitations, Sefra listened with utmost attentiveness, his eyes filled with compassion and understanding. He reached out, cupping her cheek in his hand, his touch both gentle and reassuring.

"I know the scars of the past run deep, Kiara," Sefra whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "But I want you to know that my love for you is unwavering. and I can't change what happens in the past."

Kiara's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions—a blend of longing, trepidation, and a burgeoning desire for connection. She understood the depths of Sefra's words and the sincerity in his gaze, yet the echoes of her pain still resonated within her.

Their conversation wove through the complexities of their history, both acknowledging the pain that had unfolded and the possibilities of healing that lay ahead. It was an exploration of vulnerabilities, a dance of honesty and compassion.

As their words lingered in the air, a charged atmosphere began to envelop the room—a palpable tension that wove through their connection. The longing in their eyes, the shared understanding of their hearts, beckoned them closer.

She didn't know when she moved closer to him,she felt vulnerable and he seemed really attentive to her that she found herself drawing closer to him.

In a moment of unspoken consent, Kiara found herself drawn to Sefra, her body moving instinctively toward his. Their lips met in a delicate, hesitant kiss—an exploration of desires mingled with the remnants of past wounds.

The world around them seemed to fade into the background as they embraced the intimate connection between them. Their bodies pressed against each other, their breaths intertwined, as the boundaries of their individual selves blurred into a shared moment of vulnerability and desire.