
When Our Eyes Meet: The Villain

A man is reincarnated into his favorite novel thanks to the stabbing of ex. One moment, he was in line and waiting to order some food to celebrate and mourn the final chapter being released, while in the next, he had opened his eyes in another world. Our protagonist soon finds out that he is in the prologue of the story he was just about to finish 'When Our Eyes Meet'. He had reincarnated into his favorite novel. But there was one issue.  "Lord Ivar! Let me carry that for you." "Lord Ivar! I was wondering if I could be your knight." "Ivar, baby. You look so cute in your fancy outfit!" He was reborn was Ivar von Gríd, the villain of the story and secondary antagonist. This came with lots of benefits. Wealth, a powerful family, magical talent, a harem, and magical eyes that only the protagonist could compete with. The only issue: "Damn you, Ivar! I swear on my mother's grave, that I will be the one to kill you." The protagonist has a grudge with him before he could even do anything. And the only way to beat the final boss was for the pair to work together using their unique powers.

ForestOfDarkness · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

Several months passed as the new Ivar got used to the world. He had gone from being 13 and turned 14, making him a man in the eyes of the world.

Ivar brought his two axes down, bringing the knight to his knees before he was swiftly kneed in the face and knocked out of the training arena. 

Ivar heard the footsteps behind him, turning around, his red hair flowing through the air, with both of his axes and breaking the sword that the other knight was about to strike him with. He spun one of the axes around and strike the knight with the back of it, knocking him out cold.

*Clap Clap Clap*

Ivar turned to his mother and gave her a brilliant smile that could take the hearts out countless maidens. He took a towel from one of the servants before wiping the sweat from his face some other servants carried away the dozen unconscious knights.

"I'm guessing my performance was satisfactory, Mother?" Ivar walked over to his mother and sat next to her under the shaded table

"Very. You'll easily be top of your class once you enter the academy," Eleanor complimented her son's skills. She had trained him constantly and the results were right before her eyes. Even without magic, he was able to defeat a squad of knights without dealing a killing blow.

"Thank you for your praise Mother but we must still wait for the Coming of Age Ceremony to see who my competition will be," Ivar told his mother, his crimson eyes looking into her golden ones.

Everyone awakened their magical talent on their 14th birthday. Everyone's hair changed, matching that of their parents unless they had a mutation due to their magic. If they awakened a magical talent, their eyes would change to match the grade of their talent.

Talents was divided into 5 levels. Those without magical abilities had black eyes, those with low-grade magical abilities had bronze colored eyes, moderate-grade had silver, high-grade had gold, and the most powerful had different colored eyes based on their special eyes.

Each talent also had magical eyes that allowed them to see mana and granted them special abilities. Those of higher grade had more abilities, having one for each grade beneath them. Colored eyes were unique though as only one type of each color could exist at once and each had a unique title and ability, hence where the title of the novel came from. 

Ivar had crimson eyes in the story and that did not change. The crimson eyes were called the Eyes of Order which were the complete opposite of the protagonist who had blue Eyes of Chaos. At least those were the public names.

The secret names for each set of eyes were the Eyes of Restriction and the Eyes of Freedom.

Ivar knew that he was ranked in the top 3 of the students for his year, at least in terms of pure power, with the only two able to compete with him being the protagonist and the female lead who had the Eyes of Distortion.

As for the Coming of Age Ceremony, that would be the 1st chapter of the story and when the plot would finally begin. Most nobles would bring their children there in order to show off just how powerful they were as well as to try and build alliances with others. 

More importantly than anything though, it was where Ivar would get engaged to the female lead who would end up leaving him for the protagonist.

Thinking about the upcoming party and his eventual cuckolding, Ivar began to frown.

'That doesn't sound too appealing. Although my wife needs to be strong, that woman's personality just doesn't suit my taste. Her sister was Jacob's favorite and she would meet Mother's requirement for a Duchess,' Ivar thought while drinking some juice. The freshness of it really helped calm him down after his intense session. 

The character he was thinking about was Emma Veil. She was the typical dark-haired cool headed, beauty character. Ever since she was first debuted, Jacob had fallen in love with her character. 

A young woman who was born extremely talented and surpassed her sister in everything. Whether it was with a weapon, studying, or her political guile, she was the superior girl. Even then, she was never arrogant or flaunted her status. She preferred to move at her own pace and not get involved in the drama between others unless absolutely necessary. 

She was also one of the few characters that was completely partial. Unlike how most characters sided with the protagonist and female lead when she cheated on Ivar, Emma was one of the few to condemn her sister and the protagonist. This caused many of the fellow students to dislike her since she was going against the protagonist's aura but that did not stop her character from becoming a constant side character who was able to keep up with the main characters in terms of power and skill. 

Emma always ranked in the top 5 of the fan polls and and moved to top 3 when the author approved images of her were released. 

'Long, purple hair that looked to be made of silk and seemed to contain the secrets of the universe. Golden eyes that held the wisdom and indifference of a dragon. The curves of a succubus that was meant to corrupt all men. The skill and will of a warrior that let her fight, no matter the circumstances. And the mind of a sage, that let her use all of her talents at once. I can't wait to meet the real person,' Ivar chuckled at the thought that he could get his favorite character to become his wife as he thought about the quote that described the first time that Ivar saw her.