
When I died, All the Empresses Cried

I just joined the WPC296 (I know I'm kind of late like a week for this lol, but I still want to try my luck). Edit: Winner of WPC296 Thanks for your support! --- When the infamous Emperor of the Demons came back from the dead, the whole Universe waged war against him. It seemed impossible to win until the famed empresses of the Universe arrived at the scene, only to lose once again. While everyone was despairing over their bleak future, a handsome youth suddenly appeared out of the crowd and killed the Demon Emperor by sacrificing his life. As cultivators from the myriad races stood still and watched the nameless hero fall, a scene appeared on the void, a scene depicting the past lives and numerous merits of the youth. One by one, from Ice Empress to the Fiery Phoniex Empress, all of them started to cry as they saw their pasts! ------- Every time Li Yao died, he would reincarnate into a better body, he never knew how or why did this happen as he simply chose to accept his gift. Even though he couldn't remember his past lives, knowing that he was a reincarnator strangely comforted him. In his first life, he became the Demon Slaughtering Emperor who died as he protected his junior sister, Second life, he became a saint that protected the masses and doted on his sister, but he was killed when he was fending off traitors after leaving his final words ''Don't worry about your brother, take care of yourself.'' Third life, fourth life, fifth life... In his final reincarnation, his junior sisters all became Empresses themselves... ---- This is my first time writing a novel like this, you know, the ''watching'' or ''live broadcast'' genre. I've only seen it on some fanfictions before (MCU cast watching MCU, Naruto World watching Naruto etc.) so I started writing it on the cultivation genre, thinking it would be rather unique and fun for this genre. --------- *** Started posting at ScribbleHub and RoyalRoad after a friend recommended to me. *** You can support me at https://www.patreon.com/lowkeygoodstuff if you want to.

Lowkeygoodstuff · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Damn Cockroach

Wang's eyes opened up in shock as he registered the speed of his opponent and hurriedly tried to dodge, but Li Yan's mysterious technique was too fast for him to dodge properly.

Under Li Jing's eyes, Li Yan's fist broke through the air and punctured Wang's stomach.

''AUGHH!'' Wang vomited blood as his body dangled from Li Yan's blood-covered arm.


There was a mad glint in Li Yan's eyes as he stared at the body of the teenager that was hanging from his arm.

After a small moment, the mad glint disappeared and a bit of rationality returned to Li Yan.

If Li Jing was in a better situation even she could see the bit of shock, regret, and disappointment in his eyes.

'In the end, that mysterious technique is too powerful for me to handle yet.' he shook his head.

'Now that she is alone, it should be eas-'

His thoughts were interrupted by a terrifying aura he felt near him.

His head slowly turned around to see Li Jing terrifying lifeless eyes that were wide open.

She stared deep into his eyes as if expecting him to do something, but he was too shocked to even move.

Her icy aura spread everywhere as her irregular breathing became even worse with each second.

'T-t-that's!' Li Yan couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at her in shock.

''That's impossible! Hell Freezing Physique has been extinct for thousands of years now!''

Li Jing heard his words yet she couldn't even process them as her eyes trajectory slowly went from Li Yan to Wang while his cultivation level kept increasing.

'I have to kill her while she is unstable like this!'

Li Yan knew about the terrifying prowess of the Hell Freezing Physique. Every member of the Glorious Yang Empire had to know. The most powerful Ice Physique in the world would be the biggest nightmare of the fire type cultivators. Its powers were so terrifying that the Glorious Yang Empire was almost destroyed by a user of this physique so long ago.

Thankfully, he knew that the moment this physique awakened, the user's strength would fluctuate wildly as it changed not only the bloodline of the user but also their soul to fit the physique. Killing her right now would be as easy as killing a chicken at the cutting block.

He felt his fire cultivation get suppressed to a terrifying degree, but thankfully he was still strong enough to kill a little girl in a daze.

He carefully rose his arm without notifying her and used his strongest yang technique to strengthen his physique might.


Suddenly, he spat out blood.

Li Yan looked at his shaky arm in question before hearing a snicker.

Wang was laughing.

''WHA- BUGH'' he was about to express his surprise but before even he could finish one word, he vomited blood once again.

Wang wasn't dead.

He looked pale, blood was running out of his mouth, nose, and of course, the middle of his body, but he was still alive.

He looked to be barely hanging onto life as he smirked at Li Yan.

''Wh-what a dumbass. You really punched through a poison cultivator.'' he snickered with ragged breaths.

Even though he looked to be on the verge of death, he looked victorious and mocking.

''Don't you know? S-'' Wang vomited blood in the middle of his sentence, but his smile never left his face.

He slowly pulled his body out of Li Yan's arm as Li Yan's face got paler and paler.

As a cultivator at the peak of the Dao stage he could tell what was going on inside his body with a single thought.

It was too late.

Wang had stayed silent and slowly and painlessly administrated the poison into Li Yan's body while also paralyzing his senses so that he wouldn't feel his rotting body.

Li Yan's body fell down despite his indignant eyes and Wang's body finally fully slid off Li Yan.

Wang raised his head and turned his eyes to Li Jing who still looked too shocked to move.

He slowly raised his hand and patted her head.

''Don't worry. This brother of yours will never leave you alone.''

Tears streamed down her face as she hesitantly touched his hand as if to look if it was real or not.

''Br-brother, we need to take care of him. He must have some treasures.'' she said between sniffles as she tried to keep her composure.

Wang chuckled as he held back a glob of blood.

''Don't worry, his body turned to ashes before even he fell down.'' he said before chucking some precious pills into his mouth.

'Tch, whatever technique he used is too powerful for these techniques. His fire aura latched onto my body like a leech and it's refusing to let me heal.'


Millions of beings from various races, clans, sects, and empires looked at the screen with shock.

''As... as expected of our cockroach hero!'' someone said after a brief hesitation.

''In the end, it was true. Every hero in the past has a history of surviving impossible things.''

''You are thinking too highly of him, he will fall because of this injury, I put my name on it.''

''Puh, as if. We will keep watching this screen for years until he dies from some bullshit cause.''


Yan Fei, the genius of the Yang Fire Palace stared at the screen with empty eyes.

He once cried, but he no longer had any tears.

He once grieved, but gradually, he became able to withstand most things.

He once cared about these things, but he had already become dull to the things that happened in the past.


''You... liar.'' Ice Empress slowly said as tears streamed down her face.


[An: Who would have thought that the main characters would be like cockroaches.]

[Also, its really hard to hold back from saying shit like 'he vomited ten liters of blood as he smiled'... I must be strong and fight the temptation.]

[Mc broke Yan Fei with character growth. He is a young master, he isn't supposed to have any of that mythical 'character growth' thingy so it nudged him the wrong way. Poor Yang Fei, you will (not) be remembered.]

[Check out Patre on/lowkeygoodstuff to support me.]