
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Oriental
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183 Chs

The Senior Gives Me a Stone? This Can't Be Simple

Qingxuan Town.

Before the sky darkened, Chen Ping'an and Xiao Ling finished their meal and started cultivating the land again.

Since the courtyard was spacious, if Xiao Ling liked watermelons so much, they could use the original plot entirely for growing watermelons.

Of course, Chen Ping'an couldn't let Su Ling eat only watermelons, so he cultivated two small plots for growing strawberries and pineapples.

Strawberries and pineapples didn't require much space. The two small plots combined were about the same size as the watermelon plot.

After tasting the sweetness of watermelons, Su Ling ignored Chen Ping'an's objections and jumped down to work, wielding a hoe to till the soil. This way, she could eat fresh fruits sooner.

Seeing Su Ling's enthusiasm, Chen Ping'an felt helpless but allowed her to work, cautioning her not to overexert. Su Ling nodded with a smile but soon forgot her promise, working vigorously.

Observing Su Ling's energetic state, Chen Ping'an wondered again if what she had said while ill was true. But he dismissed the thought as too outrageous, having seen no changes in the peach tree over the past five years. For it to truly become immortal would be a fantasy. Nevertheless, he decided to observe the peach tree more closely in the future.

The peach tree, sensing Chen Ping'an's scrutinizing gaze, felt helpless. Fortunately, its master lacked spiritual roots, unable to perceive their difference. Even a sliver of spiritual roots would expose them, despite their aura being concealed to near perfection.

As Chen Ping'an tilled the soil, he suddenly struck a stone with his hoe and frowned. He carefully dug it out, as stones in the field were undesirable.

Soon, he unearthed an ordinary-looking stone about the size of a human head. Its rough texture resembled a small mountain. After washing, it could serve as a decorative piece, though Chen Ping'an had no interest in collecting stones, finding them space-occupying and useless. He tossed it aside, intending to discard it later, and continued cultivating.

At that moment, a voice came from outside the gate. "Senior, are you there?"

Mu Ronggong had arrived. Chen Ping'an called out loudly, "I'm here, come in!" Mu Ronggong must have come to discuss matters about opening the sect today.

Chen Ping'an signaled Su Ling to rest while he put down the hoe and went over. Mu Ronggong entered, moving cautiously and slowly. Relieved to not have to kneel, he exhaled.

Seeing Chen Ping'an, Mu Ronggong respectfully greeted him as "Senior." Chen Ping'an, puzzled by Mu Ronggong's slow, cautious movements, asked, "Elder Gong, are you alright?"

Thinking Chen Ping'an referred to the earlier kneeling incident at the sect with Chen Yanming, Mu Ronggong quickly smiled and said, "No worries!"

Chen Ping'an responded with an "oh" upon hearing this.

After confirming he was fine, Mu Ronggong informed Chen Ping'an, "Senior, I've come to tell you that we can start accepting disciples the day after tomorrow."

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up as he praised Mu Ronggong enthusiastically, "Well done! Excellent work!"

Hearing such commendation from the Senior, Mu Ronggong's wrinkled face rippled with delight, his heart blossoming with joy. Praised so by the Senior, he felt he could soar into the sky.

Chen Ping'an had worried that Mu Ronggong might be lacking in some aspect, but seeing his confident demeanor reassured him greatly. Truly a blessing from the heavens to have encountered such a capable cultivator willing to help.

Touched, Chen Ping'an intended to invite Mu Ronggong for a meal, having little else to offer besides his excellent cooking.

However, Mu Ronggong swiftly declined, "I just came to inform you of this matter. Since there's nothing else, Senior, I shall take my leave now."


Chen Ping'an's words caught in his throat upon hearing this. Considering he was still cultivating the land, he thought, "Very well, I'll host him another time."

Nevertheless, Chen Ping'an stopped Mu Ronggong, quickly fetching a watermelon from the patch and bringing it before him. Su Ling, watching this scene, pouted sullenly but cheered up at the prospect of other fruits once the land was cultivated.

Chen Ping'an handed the watermelon to Mu Ronggong, saying, "Elder Gong, take this back to eat."

Eyeing the watermelon, Mu Ronggong gulped audibly. This...!

"Thank you, Senior!" he exclaimed loudly.

Chen Ping'an waved dismissively, "It's nothing, trivial. Elder Gong has helped me greatly. Once we've accepted disciples, bring Mu Rongxue and the others to have a meal here."

At the mention of "meal," Mu Ronggong's eyes gleamed green with excitement, nodding rapidly like a pecking chick.

Chen Ping'an chuckled, "It seems Elder Gong truly enjoys our cooking."

With nothing further to discuss, Chen Ping'an escorted Mu Ronggong out but noticed the discarded stone. Deeming it unsuitable to leave lying around, he picked it up, intending to take it outside with Mu Ronggong.

Seeing Chen Ping'an carrying the stone, Mu Ronggong looked puzzled. "Senior, what is this?"

"Oh right, Elder Gong, do you like stones? This one is of no use to me. If you fancy it, take it back. Once washed clean, you can display it or show others."

In Chen Ping'an's perception, older folks tended to enjoy collecting stones, especially ones with interesting shapes like this seemingly mountain-like stone.

Hearing this, Mu Ronggong suddenly realized something and eagerly nodded. An ordinary object from the Senior could not be mundane! The Senior's words made it clear - the stone served no purpose for him but could benefit Mu Ronggong or others who appreciated it.

"Thank you, Senior!" Mu Ronggong exclaimed excitedly, his face beaming. Whether the stone truly possessed any special properties remained to be investigated, but he had already convinced himself it did.

Hearing the "thank you" and seeing Mu Ronggong's smile, Chen Ping'an laughed heartily, feeling his guess was correct. He could tell at a glance that Mu Ronggong had such an interest.

Chen Ping'an handed the stone to Mu Ronggong, then bid him farewell as he left.