
When Demon's Cry

The Gods have given up on the human race for their lack of faith, deciding that they should face their own demons, thus beginning a new era where humans must progress to control their own sins using The System that has been introduced. But humans being humans only become furious by this new change causing more than half of humanity to become consumed by their own sinful desires transforming into demons based on the sin they were consumed by.

Munchuu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

That's not human

20 minutes earlier...

Iniko's POV:

Iniko continued to comfort his little sister making sure she wasn't too worried about their parents, though he was wondering what was happening outside, surely something this big couldn't have just randomly happened.

Taking a look through the window, he could see up ahead was smoking heavily with many people still running out of the car wreckages that he could barely make out after squinting his eyes.

After having a thought that he should put down a window to get a better view he saw a man coming out of his car and collapsing on the floor.

The man looked as if he was struggling internally with something, he kept gripping at his chest as he cried. The sadness on his face could be felt by Iniko, wondering why the man was in tears he looked at the car he came out of, only to see what appeared to be someone with a pole of some sort going straight through their head.

'What the fuck!' he thought to himself trying not to express it on his face to worry his sister more, he had never seen anything so brutal before, although his parents were doctors, such a career never interested him to get so familiar with such things.

He exhaled deeply to calm himself down before taking another look, he was certain the person was dead but he wanted to see if there was anyone else in that car, but just as he tried to focus his gaze, a black hand smacked against the window he was looking through causing him to jump back landing on his sister, startling her.

"Ouch why'd you do that for?" Asked Erza puzzled at her brother's random movement only to be replied with a hand going over her mouth.

"Keep quiet." Iniko told her, as his gaze didn't leave the window, slowly a face started appearing in view, but there were no eyes in the sockets, it was just pitch black holes that seemed to suck all the light into nothing with a face that can only be described as distorted.

Terrified, he realized immediately that something was wrong, he quickly grabbed his sister closer to him keeping his hand over her mouth as she had also seen what was through the window and was already showing signs of panic.

He quickly moved back as far as possible that he could within the car, but it wasn't really much in hindsight it was just a small family car.

The figure came closer to the window looking directly at them, all they could see was a distorted pitch black face that seem to be leaking a dark aura around it.

The figure then start bashing against the window, but failed to break it, realizing it needed to add more strength it raised it's arm higher before slamming down it's hand on the window again, smashing through the glass.

'Shit!' Iniko started to panic himself, the arm of the figure was already reaching for his foot, but he quickly kicked its arm away before he felt his sister squirming her way out of his grip.

"Ahhhhh!" Erza screamed out after freeing her mouth from her brother's hand, she then began trying to open the door behind them but the child lock was on, there was no escape.

Not knowing what to do in the situation Iniko could only look around as he continued trying to fend off the figure's arm, but it was overwhelmingly strong.

'What to do? what to do? This thing is going to kill us both if I dont get us out of here!' Just as he had finished his thought the figure had firmly grabbed onto his foot and started pulling him out the window, he quickly pushed his sister off of him as he felt himself completely leaving the car and being thrown onto the ground.

He tried getting up but struggled as he was feeling dizzy from the impact, as he looked he could barely make out the figure coming towards him, he quickly tried back away but it wasn't getting him anywhere as he eventually ended back up into another car, giving him no chance of escape.

With no escape he mentally prepared himself to die trying to escape, just as he was about to get up and charge the figure he saw someone fly in kicking to figure away from him, gazing at the figure's arms before spreading his own arms apart in a pulling motion causing an invisible force to grab both the figure's arms tearing them apart from it's body making the arms land right below the man's feet, black blood then gushed out of the spot it's arms should be.

Iniko's eyes flashed in shock as he watched the man use a power that shouldn't be possible, he couldn't comprehend how he did such a thing, as a lump of fear appeared in his chest, he was more afraid of the man now than he was the figure, even though the man had saved him, he didnt know the reason behind it and quickly tried getting up to make an escape.

"Woah there little man, take it easy, you took a heavy blow earlier, just stay there while I finish dealing with this abomination." The man said looking back at Iniko, he then smiled before facing the figure again, its arms were starting to regrow which shocked the man a bit, but only made him more determined to finish it faster.

Iniko squinted his eyes at first not trusting the man, but realizing it was the man who had gotten out of the car where he had seen the impaled body, he was sure the man probably didnt mean any harm to him and decided to leave the figure to him, as he clearly had a way of dealing with it unlike him.

The man then exhaled heavily, readying himself for attack, his body changed posture as he put both his hands together making a thrust movement with them, but nothing happened. 

"Huh? I was sure that was going to work, seems I dont have the hang of this power yet haha." The man laughed to himself before charging up a punch instead hitting the figure in the face, though the figure took the hit barely moving from such a half-assed attack, still re-growing its arms it couldn't properly retaliate so instead it backed up a few steps to buy time.

Iniko who had just decided to trust the man started regretting his choice, after seeing such a poor performance he wasn't sure what had seen was real or just his imagination. 

'What was the power he used before...could I possibly learn to do that?' he wondered to himself as he began focusing his eyes on the man to see if he could pull of such a feat again.

"Let's try this again." the man said before his gaze became more focused, he looked down slightly at the floating panel that appeared in front of him not too long ago.


Name: Greg Smith

Race: Human (Demonified)

Gender: Male

Title: N/A

Sins: Greed (Tier 1)

Unique Ability: Unreasonable Tax (Allows user to take something from the selected person after using demonic energy of equal worth, if the energy does not match the worth of object being taken the user's next attack will be reduced by 90%)

Skills: N/A

Demonic Energy: 0.2/100

Demonification: 89.3%

**Warning if user's Demonfication reaches the maximum of 100%, they will be consumed by their sin and will become a demon, please reduce as soon as possible for your safety.**


Stamina: 3

Intellect: 4

Strength : 2

Defense: 1

Agility: 1

Vitality: 2


After properly reading through his status he got an understanding of what had happened previously, realizing his energy tank was empty he started to panic a bit, as he didnt know what he could do now, but he had already made such bold statements that he didnt want to go back on.

Laughing Greg realized the figure still had no arms so his chances of winning were still high, thus deciding to take advantage of this he charged in again landing another punch to the figure's face, without it's arm it had lost proper control of it's body's balance thus unable to dodge.

This time, without the debuff from his own ability the damage was much better as the figure was knocked down to the ground. Greg didn't miss this opportunity as he quickly began stomping the head of the figure repeatedly, black blood and brain matter splashed all over until the skull was completely bashed in.

[Ding! Congratulation on killing your first demon! Demonification reduced by 0.8%]

[Ding! Understanding of your Sin (Greed) has increased by 0.2%]

Greg smiled brightly at the notifications that appeared in his eyes, he quickly scrolled through his status noticing the changes that had taken place, he nodded his head in satisfaction before turning around to face Iniko, giving a proud smile as he tried wiping off some of the brain matter on his shoes on the ground.

Iniko who has watched the whole scene take place only had a look of confusion as he wondered why the man kept interacting with the space around him, he was worried the man had lost his mind or something, but strangely enough he had managed to kill the figure which brought him some peace of mind, although watching it happened was quite brutal, some of the black blood even splattered onto him.

"Who the hell are you? No...What the hell are you?" Asked Iniko with a puzzled look on his face, he had finally gotten himself off the ground and moved a few feet away from the man, not wanting to be to close to the man with powers that shouldn't be of this world.

"Haha me? I'm just Greg, nice to meet you too kid." Greg replied with a smile.

My uploads will be a bit slow at first as I'm doing tons of research on how to write and make the story interesting and flow smoothly. I already have many chapters of content ready in my head, just making sure its written more or less how i see it in my head ahaha.

Munchuucreators' thoughts