
When A God Falls In Love With A Human

"Remember, you can’t fall in love with her. When a god falls in love with a human it ends up destroying the beloved by time."

myblackforest · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


"Mom?" I silently whispered as I found myself in a white room unable to see anything . The light blinding me as I tried to find my mother. I don't know why , but I felt her presence here. "I miss you. I'm sorry." A sudden breeze passed by me that brought along a feeling of emptiness . Not a second have passed , when I heard a loud scream. 'Be careful!' A loud crash and screams were heard in front of me as I fell on my knees.

"I'm sorry , please come back, mom."I clutched my legs as I almost went numb. 'Run' I looked to my left as I saw our old house on fire. I was running and running away as my dad was telling me to run , as he was stuck inside. I turned around to see the whole house on fire,holding unto my teddy bear.

"Dad" I cried, tears sprinting on my face, my breathing getting faster and faster.

'I heard her parents died because of her'


'She's unlucky, stay away from her'

'Run outside, Evy'

'Don't worry about me'

Words and words , scenes and scenes, all encrypted in my head. I was unable to forget, and unable to move on.

"Help." I tried to scream as the white room was slowly turning black.

I couldn't move and my breath was getting shorter every time.

"Everly." In front of me stood a tall , well built figure. My eyes were blurry from the tears, but he looked like Mark. Mark?"I'm here. Don't worry" He offered his hand his eyes piercing into mine.

He smiled reassuringly , nodding slightly. I gave him my hand , as he helped me get up easily. "Tha-" I wanted to thank him, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Mark?" I cried and pleaded, "Don't leave me too." I looked around and around but the dark room became even darker and soon I was unable to see anything nor feel anything.


My eyes snap open , covered with cold sweat, I felt my heart pound throughout my whole body. I jerked up directly from my lying position looking around the room . Nothing. I get up from my bed still paranoid, shivering and still unable to control my breath. Taking a few steps in my room and stumbling over nothing I finally reach the light switch. I turned on the light, a short sigh of relief leaving my mouth. "It was just a nightmare." I sigh in relief once again , gulping while looking around the room for the last time , I hope.

I opened the fridge to drink some water. I'm so sick of all these nightmares. I could never get used to them . Even after years, I still get scared. They are getting more intense every time. It's all my fault anyways and if only I-

A loud bang. I heard a loud bang on the balcony. My heart started to pound rapidly again after I finally was able to control it along my breath. I stopped moving , looking out.


"Based on their research, Everly should start showing signs of turning into a devil's army in these two days." Raoul said , following Mark with every step he took around his apartment. "You should finish this more quickly. It's been enough time for her to fall in love with you, if you were doing it the right way." Mark was still silent, saying nothing.

Raoul sighed , getting sick by how Mark was acting. "Hey! Are you not gonna say anything?" Mark stopped walking, and so did Raoul. "At least show me respect and say something."

"I'm thinking okay? Please . Please just give me some time to think. It's too much pressure on me." Raoul nodded sighing . "You better take this seriously and end this quickly ." He left leaving Mark a complete mess. The latter never felt this lost, and it was making him lose his mind.

He is starting to fall for her hard, yet he doesn't know how she feels. He has to save her and leave quickly.

"Go to her." Mark turned around to see Raoul. "Haven't you already left?" Raoul looked at the watch before raising his eyes to meet Mark. "I'm back. Why? Did you miss me?" Raoul jokingly asked before his face turned serious again. Mark's face was unfazed. He said nothing nor showed any sign. "Stop joking around. Why are you back?"

"She just had a nightmare exactly 7 minutes ago." He checked his watch again nodding slightly . "I am not supposed to do this but oh well here I am. This is your chance to get closer to her. Go help her." Mark took a minute to think about what he just heard.

Yeah. This will be a great idea to get closer to her and a nightmare might be about her fears. Maybe she'll share some .

"So? Will you go?" Raoul asked as he made himself comfortable on the sofa. Mark nodded."But I can't just knock on her door and tell her 'Hey I know you had a nightmare'." Raoul chuckled a bit , before he smirked raising his eyebrows. "Well, I have the perfect idea."

"Where is your phone?" Mark looked at the messenger confused. Raoul opened his palm as he motioned Mark to give him his phone. Taking the phone , he walked to the balcony as Mark followed behind him. "What are you thinking ?" Mark asked, obviously tired of the latter.

"Oops." The angel fake opened his eyes wide as he through the phone to the balcony next to them. "Why did you do that?" Mark sighed as he massaged his temple. "Go get the phone , tell her it flew from your hand and you didn't want to bother her so you climbed the balcony to get it and then of course-"

"Raoul" Mark called but Raoul didn't stop.

"She will see you from inside since she is awake. After that you will ask her why was she crying and then you-"

"RAOUL" Mark shouted mentally facepalming himself. "What?" He stopped as he gathered all of his attention to Mark.

"This isn't her balcony. She lives there." He pointed to the other side , Raoul's jaw dropping as he realized what he has just done.