
Chapter 7: Beginning of Carmen's 16th Birthday

[Author Note: A bit of a short chapter]

I awaken with a sense of dread. I know that today is supposed to be a special occasion, however, it will be a day of life or death for one Honey Shew. I, with a tone of sadness in my thoughts, sarcastically think, 'Happy birthday Carmen.' I know that with Honey's life hanging in the balance, Carmen won't be able to enjoy her birthday.

I sit in my bed for a while dreading getting up, feeling that maybe if I stay in bed, the day might not have to happen. Knowing that these thoughts are simply a fantasy, I get up, bathed, and ready for the day. On the way to breakfast, I stop by Carmen's room.

I knock on the door and receive no answer. I place my ear against the door. I hear a conversation muffled by the door, I get some of the words, but miss some too. Those spots will be replaced by an asterisk.

"Do you think we will be able to *" (Carmen)

"I'm sorry * I am * though *" (I'm Guessing a Maid)

"Well I hope you are * I don't want *" (Carmen)

I knock again and hear their conversation stop. The door opens.

"I, and I believe my father also, will do everything in my power to save Honey." (Dawson)

With a look as if to question the statement itself, "I know both of you will, but, why did you say this?" (Carmen)

"I overheard parts of your conversation, though parts were too quiet to hear without much strain." (Dawson)

"I think you misunderstood our conversation" (Carmen)

--Point of View: Carmen Shawl--

A maid and I were having a conversation.

"I want to get my mind off Honey for a little, would you mind chatting with me a little?" (Carmen)

"What would you like to talk about madam?" (Maid)

"Firstly, please call me using my name. How you do so is up to you, for I understand wanting to be formal, but I don't want to be called simply by some sort of title" (Carmen)

"Okay, is Miss Shawl alright?" (Maid)

"Yes, that's fine… Now, do you think we will be able to go on a date…me and Dawson?" (Carmen)

"I'm sorry Miss Shawl, I am not one that would be able to speculate such, though I think you will have plenty of dates in the future." (Maid)

"Well I hope you are right, I don't want to skip out on such things." (Carmen)

We hear a knock on the door. I get up to open it up.

--Point of View: Dawson Sen--

Carmen asks the maid to tell me the conversation. I look at Carmen a little confused, then, when I hear the word "Date," I understand. She even blushes a little at the mention of my name.

"That's completely different from what I thought you were saying." (Dawson)

I describe to them what I did and didn't hear.

"I can understand why you'd misunderstand. I also would have given the current situation." (Carmen)

Blushing, "I'm still a little embarrassed to know just how wrong I was, thinking you were talking about Honey's condition when you were talking about us." (Dawson)

After this, we head down to breakfast. Breakfast is eaten in silence with only father, Carmen, and I present. After breakfast father and I exchange a few words before leaving the table.

"I sent my butler out to search for any possible avenue to saving Misses Shew, I will do my utmost to keep her alive" (Ernest)

"I thank you father, for all of us." (Dawson)

After that, I decide to go to town 'as the prince'. However, I remember one thing, I have never learned the name of this country. I quickly ask the maid closest to me.

"Excuse me." (Dawson)

"Yes, Sire?" (Maid)

"I have only been here for four days, so I have yet to learn the name of this country?" (Dawson)

"Oh! Well, this country is named 'No-Shew-Add,' the name had a meaning in the ancient tongue, it meant 'The son will lead, and his name will be 'The Son'', our former king thought that it meant that his name would be 'Dawson' so he passed his crown to your father." (Maid)

"Thank you, that's a long meaning for such few sounds." (Dawson)

"The ancient language had many such terms, like 'Bitch' in our old language meant 'sudden lights that lose their light', what that is supposed to mean, I have no idea." (Maid)

"Well, where I come from that has quite a different meaning… Rite Carmen?" (Dawson)

"Yeah, the meaning where we come from is a lot worse, but clearer at the same time." (Carmen)

"May I inquire to what that is?" (Maid)

"Well, if you use the older and more proper definition, it's a female dog." (Dawson)

"However, if you use the slang meaning, it's a derogatory term used primarily on women." (Carmen)

"So, they are basically trying to call women dogs?" (Maid)

"To put it kindly." (Carmen)

After that, Carmen and I, dressed in formal attire (attire that we would wear to show our place in society), we went to town with 7 guards. One of these guards to protect each of us, the remaining 5 for the sake of escorting anyone who we may find that could save Honey back to her.

We keep looking through town for people who might know a way to save Honey. The nine of us run across a few that think they can help us, but then once we made it clear that 'Cure All' was successfully cast on her and it was still only a matter of time until her death, they apologized for not having a power greater than 'Cure All'.

We spend until almost lunch in town, then I realize the time. I decide to ask Carmen…

"I know the circumstances are poor, but would you like to go on a date with me now? We could go out for lunch." (Dawson)

With a small blush "I hope you aren't doing this to forge…" (Carmen)

With a stern expression and tone, "Never. I'd never stoop to such low depths. I do this to please you, not to ignore the problems of life, and definitely not to ignore our friend in need." (Dawson)

"As long as such stays true, then I'd love to." (Carmen)

To the guards "Two of you remain, I'll ask you to sit at another table when we enter the restaurant, however, the rest of you are to return to the castle, and we'll follow later. Oh! Can one of you please let Father know we will not be there for lunch?" (Dawson)

"Yes sire" (4 guards)

Those four turn and leave.

"Yes sire" (2 guards)

Those two guards stay at our side.

"I will notify your father sire" (Remaining Guard)

That guard then follows the four who left.

We then go looking for a restaurant to eat at.


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