
What if Naruto was a Genius from Birth and didnt hold back?

In a world where the village of Konoha is plagued by the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto Uzumaki is born with extraordinary intelligence and potential. Unlike the original storyline, this alternate version explores what would happen if Naruto's genius was nurtured from birth, and if he never held back. From an early age, Naruto's intelligence becomes apparent. He quickly grasps complex concepts, surpassing his peers in academic studies and mastering advanced jutsu with ease. With the guidance of his sensei, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto's natural brilliance is unleashed, and he embraces his full potential without any reservations. As Naruto grows, his intellect becomes a formidable weapon. He becomes a tactical genius, devising intricate plans to outsmart enemies and protect his loved ones. His strategic thinking and quick decision-making skills make him an indispensable asset to his team, leading them to victory in missions that were once deemed impossible. However, Naruto's journey is not without challenges. As his power and influence grow, he faces adversaries who are threatened by his exceptional abilities. The fear of Naruto's unlimited potential becomes apparent, and he must confront not only physical threats but also the prejudice and envy of those around him. Throughout the story, Naruto's character development takes center stage. As he navigates his newfound genius, he grapples with the burden of his own expectations and the pressure to live up to his potential. Despite the weight on his shoulders, Naruto remains true to his compassionate nature, using his genius for the betterment of the village and its inhabitants.

AntisocialJay · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Prodigy's Path Unveiled

5 Years passed in Konoha, and Naruto Uzumaki grew up under the watchful eye and Tutelage of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. Naruto was adopted by Hirzuen, Naruto's infectious spirit, Determination, and IQ made him a Prodigy amongst other children of his age. (Currently Naruto is about Low Chunin level His IQ is over 277, He is a book, tactical, and fighting genius,) (Naruto absorbs information like a sponge and could master Jutsu in a low period of time) (Naruto also doesnt underestimate his opponents and doesnt hold back in anything that he does) (Since Naruto was taught and raised by Hiruzen he was an Astounding 4 foot 4 at the age of 5 and he also knows a bit of jutsu) (Naruto knew the Hinge Jutsu, Body Replacement Jutsu, Body Flicker Jutsu, Shadow Clone Technique, Multi shadow clone technique, Shuriken Hinge Jutsu, Shu Shuriken Clone Jutsu, Multi Shuriken Clone Technique, Sexy Jutsu, Tree Walking, Water Walking, Chakra Manipulation which is High-Kage due to the not having the Yang half of the Kyubi which is alot meaner and harder to control, Mystical Healing Palm Technique, interrogation techniques, pressure point locator, FuuinJutsu level 1 and also has mastery of every civilian skill such cooking, writing, calligraphy, wiring, camping, fishing, and etc) Now back to the story

Scene: Naruto's Room - Evening

One day, Naruto, sat at his desk, flipping through pages of advanced ninja scrolls. His room was filled with shelves stacked with books, scrolls, and various ninja tools. The walls were adorned with charts and diagrams, showcasing his meticulous study habits.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the wise and experienced Third Hokage, stepped into Naruto's room, observing his foster son's dedication. He smiled warmly, recognizing Naruto's potential and the burning desire within him to become a great ninja. Taking a seat beside Naruto, Hiruzen initiated a conversation.

Naruto: (Looking up from his scrolls) Hokage-sama, I have been studying diligently and training hard for years now. I feel ready to take the next step in my journey to becoming a ninja. Can I attend the ninja academy?

Hiruzen: (Gently nodding) Naruto, your growth and progress have been nothing short of extraordinary. Your determination and thirst for knowledge never cease to amaze me. I have been observing your skills closely, and I believe you are more than ready to enter the academy.

Naruto's eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation. He had been waiting for this moment, eager to prove himself among his peers.

Naruto: (Grinning) Thank you, Hokage-sama! I promise I won't let you down. I'll work even harder and become the best shinobi Konoha has ever seen!

Hiruzen: (Placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder) Naruto, I have no doubt in my mind that you will achieve great things. Remember, being a shinobi is not just about power and skill; it is about protecting and preserving what is important to you. Stay true to your values and never forget the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie.

Naruto: (Determined) I understand, Hokage-sama. I will always strive to protect those dear to me, just like you have protected and guided me all these years.

Hiruzen's eyes filled with pride as he looked at Naruto, seeing the immense potential within him. He knew that Naruto's journey was just beginning, and he was excited to witness the incredible heights his young protégé would reach.

Hiruzen: (Smiling) Naruto, with your abilities and dedication, I have no doubt that you will excel in the ninja academy. Your journey as a shinobi starts now, and I will be there to support you every step of the way.

Naruto: (Grateful) Thank you, Hokage-sama. I won't let you down. I will make you proud!

As Naruto continued his training and prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that he had the unwavering support of Hiruzen. With his prodigious skills and indomitable spirit, Naruto was ready to embark on his path to becoming a legendary shinobi.

Scene: Training Grounds - Early Morning

(1 year later) Naruto, now 6 years old, stood in the center of the training grounds, clad in his ninja attire. His bright blue eyes shimmered with determination as he faced Hiruzen, ready to push his limits even further. The morning sun cast a warm glow on the sparring area, setting the stage for their intense training session.

Hiruzen: (With a knowing smile) Naruto, over the past year, I have witnessed your growth and witnessed your dedication. Today, we will focus on refining your combat skills 

Naruto: (Eagerly) I'm ready, sensei! I've been practicing diligently every day to improve my techniques.

Hiruzen: (Nodding) Good. Let's start with some Advanced taijutsu drills. Remember to maintain your balance and strike with precision.

As the training session progressed, Naruto displayed his agility and quick reflexes, executing each move with precision. Hiruzen, impressed by Naruto's progress, pushed him further, challenging him with more advanced techniques and strategies.

Hiruzen: (Proudly) Naruto, your growth is remarkable. Your combat instincts are sharp, and your ability to adapt to different situations is impressive.

Naruto: (Breathing heavily) Thank you, sensei. I owe it all to your guidance and teachings.

Hiruzen: (Smiling) Remember, Naruto, training is an ongoing process. Never stop seeking improvement, and always strive to surpass your previous limits.

(Naruto is about Mid Jonin at this point and has learned about his elemental affinities via chakra paper and his affinities are wind, fire, lightning, water, earth, and yin release which he is unable to use) (Naruto has learned Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu, Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Fire Syle: Great Flame Flower, Fire syle: Fire Dragon Bullet, and Fire style: Demon Dragon Demolition, Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken, Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique, Wind Release: Air Bullets, Lightning Ball, Lightning Release: Lightning Signal Fire, Lightning Release: Spider Web, Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder, Lightning Body Flicker, Lightning Release: Thunder Rain, Water Release: Hiding In The Water Technique, Water Prison Technique, Water Release: Hail, Water Release: Wild Water Wave, Rising Water Slice, Hidden Mist Technique, Earth Release: Earth Shore Return, Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp, Earth Release: Light-weight Rock Technique, Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique, and FuuinJutsu level 2) (I know this Naruto is a bit too OP but remember that he is a genius of books, tactics, and battle and he doesnt hold back in anything and is also being trained and taught by THE LITERAL GOD OF SHINOBI who is also called THE PROFESSOR) (Narutos IQ has grown to 290) (Naruto is now 4,11) Alright back to the story 

Time Skip: One Year Later - Konoha Village

Naruto, now 7 years old, He is now Elite Jonin level, with an IQ of 300, and stands at an astonishing height of 5,2 and has made an KEKKEI TOTA which is called Gravity Style, Naruto stood at the entrance of the ninja academy, his heart pounding with excitement and nervousness.

Dressed in his fresh academy uniform, Naruto stood out with his unique sense of style. Instead of the standard academy attire, he opted to wear sleek black clothing that perfectly accentuated his rebellious nature. His outfit consisted of a form-fitting black jacket adorned with white accents.

The jacket had a high collar that framed his face, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. The fabric was lightweight and durable, allowing for ease of movement during combat. It featured intricate designs, blending traditional patterns with modern flair, showcasing Naruto's connection to his ninja heritage while embracing his own individuality.

Underneath the jacket, Naruto wore a fitted, long-sleeved black shirt that hugged his muscular form. The shirt had a subtle pattern of swirling white lines running down the sleeves. The fabric was breathable and flexible, providing comfort during intense training sessions.

Completing the ensemble, Naruto wore black pants with white accents along the sides, emphasizing his unique style. The pants were loose enough to allow for agile movements, while still maintaining a sleek and polished appearance. He paired them with black shinobi sandals, both practical and stylish, allowing him to move swiftly and silently.

Around his waist, Naruto wore a sturdy black belt, adorned with various pouches to hold essential ninja tools. The belt served both a functional and aesthetic purpose, accentuating his waistline while providing easy access to his arsenal during missions.

Hiruzen: (Placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder) Naruto, this is it. Your first day at the academy. Remember everything you've learned and stay true to yourself.

Naruto: (Taking a deep breath) I will, Hiruzen-sama. I'm ready to prove myself and show everyone what I'm capable of.

Hiruzen: (Encouragingly) I have no doubt that you will make a lasting impression, Naruto. Remember, the academy is not just about individual strength but also about teamwork and forging bonds with your peers.

Naruto: (Grinning) I won't let you down, Hiruzen-sama. I'll work hard, support my teammates, and become the best ninja I can be.

Naruto: (Quietly to himself) This is just the beginning. I will prove that hard work and determination can overcome any obstacle. My journey as a ninja starts now!

With a newfound resolve, Naruto entered the academy, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited him. Little did he know that his presence would forever change the lives of those around him and shape the destiny of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Scene: Ninja Academy Classroom - Morning

Naruto, now a fresh-faced student of the academy, found himself seated among his fellow classmates. The room buzzed with anticipation as Iruka, a dedicated and compassionate instructor, prepared to commence the day's lessons. Naruto's eyes sparkled with excitement, eager to embark on this new chapter of his journey.

Iruka: (Addressing the class) Today, we will begin with the basics of chakra control. Remember, chakra is the life force that fuels our ninja techniques. Mastering its control is essential to becoming a skilled shinobi.

Naruto: (Whispering to himself) Chakra control? I've been practicing this for years. This should be a piece of cake.

As Iruka demonstrated the proper hand seals and explained the fundamentals of chakra manipulation, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. He absorbed the information effortlessly, his exceptional IQ allowing him to grasp the concepts quickly.

Iruka: (Impressed) Naruto, care to demonstrate your chakra control skills?

Naruto: (Confidently) Of course, Sensei Iruka!

Naruto stood up, his hands moving gracefully through the hand seals. Chakra began to gather at his fingertips, forming a vibrant blue glow. With precision, Naruto manipulated the chakra, molding it into a small orb that levitated above his palm.

Classmates: (Whispering in awe) Look at him! He's a natural!

Iruka: (Grinning) Excellent, Naruto! Your control is remarkable for someone your age. Keep up the good work.

Naruto's classmates watched in amazement, their admiration for him growing with each passing moment. Yet, Naruto remained humble, acknowledging their applause with a grateful smile.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Naruto continued to excel in his studies and training under the guidance of Iruka. His thirst for knowledge was unquenchable, and he absorbed every lesson with unwavering focus. However, Naruto's journey was not without its challenges.

During team assignments and group exercises, Naruto's exceptional skills sometimes created a sense of unease among his peers. Mizuki, a stern and experienced instructor, noticed this dynamic and decided to address it.

Mizuki: (Observing the class) Naruto's abilities are indeed impressive, but remember, each of you has your own unique strengths. Instead of feeling overshadowed, let Naruto's skills inspire you to push your own limits.

Naruto: (To his classmates) Mizuki is right. We're all here to learn and grow together. Let's support one another and strive for greatness as a team.

As time passed, Naruto's infectious spirit and genuine support, along with the guidance of Iruka and Mizuki, endeared him to his classmates. They began to see him not just as a prodigy, but as a reliable friend and comrade. Naruto's presence had a profound impact on the dynamics of the academy, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among the students.

(During Lunch time)

Scene: Ninja Academy Courtyard - Lunchtime

The sun shone brightly over the bustling courtyard of the Hidden Leaf Ninja Academy. Naruto, filled with anticipation, took a seat at one of the stone benches, ready to meet some of his fellow classmates. As he enjoyed his lunch, he couldn't help but notice a group of students nearby, engaged in an animated conversation.

Naruto: (Curious) I wonder if I should go over and introduce myself. They seem pretty friendly.

Summoning his courage, Naruto approached the group with a warm smile on his face.

Naruto: (Friendly) Hey there! Mind if I join you?

Ino, a confident and outspoken girl, looked up at Naruto with a blush and a curious expression.

Ino: (Smiling) Of course! We're always happy to meet new friends. I'm Ino, by the way.

Naruto: (Returning the smile) Nice to meet you, Ino. I'm Naruto Uzumaki.

Shikamaru, lounging lazily against a tree, glanced at Naruto with a nonchalant expression.

Shikamaru: (In a laid-back tone) Shikamaru Nara. Don't expect me to get too excited about anything, though.

Naruto: (Chuckles) No problem, Shikamaru. I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

Sakura, a bright and determined girl, beamed at Naruto with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

Sakura: Hi, Naruto! I'm Sakura Haruno. It's great to meet you. I've heard some amazing things about your skills.

Naruto: (Blushing) Thanks, Sakura. I'm excited to be here and learn from all of you too.

As the conversation continued, Naruto discovered more about his classmates and their unique personalities. Each had their own dreams, strengths, and insecurities. Naruto listened intently, eager to understand and connect with them on a deeper level.

Naruto: (Enthusiastically) It's incredible how we all have different talents and aspirations. I can't wait to see how we'll grow and support each other as a team.

Hinata, a shy and reserved girl, had been quietly observing from a distance. Emboldened by Naruto's friendly demeanor, she approached the group, her voice barely audible.

Hinata: (Softly) H-hello... I'm Hinata Hyuga. It's nice to meet all of you.

Naruto: (Warmly) Hi, Hinata. I'm glad you joined us. Let's all work together and become the best shinobi we can be.

The group nodded in agreement, their camaraderie growing stronger with each passing moment. Naruto's infectious spirit and unwavering support began to shape the dynamics of their budding friendships.

As they continued their lunchtime conversation, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and gratitude. The path ahead was filled with challenges and uncertainties, but knowing he had friends by his side gave him the strength to face whatever came his way.

(After Class and Lunch)

Scene: Ninja Academy Classroom - After Class

The final bell rang, signaling the end of another day at the Ninja Academy. Naruto, eager to continue building friendships with his classmates, approached Sakura and Shikamaru as they gathered their belongings.

Naruto: (Excitedly) Hey, Sakura! Shikamaru! Want to grab lunch together? I know this great ramen spot nearby.

Sakura: (Smiling) Sure, Naruto! That sounds like a fantastic idea. I could use a break from studying.

Shikamaru: (Letting out a sigh) Troublesome, but I guess I could use some food to recharge.

The three friends made their way out of the classroom, chatting animatedly about their day. Naruto's infectious energy seemed to lift their spirits, and even Shikamaru couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement.

Scene: Ramen Shop - Lunchtime

The aroma of piping hot ramen filled the air as Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru took their seats at a cozy corner booth. The shop bustled with activity, filled with academy students and shinobi alike, all seeking a delicious meal.

Naruto: (Grinning) I'm telling you guys, this place serves the best ramen in the village. You're in for a treat!

Sakura: (Playfully) Well, if it's Naruto-approved, then I'm sure it's amazing. What's your favorite ramen flavor, Naruto?

Naruto: (Excitedly) I love the miso ramen here. The broth is so flavorful, and the noodles are perfectly cooked. You'll see what I mean!

Shikamaru: (Leaning back lazily) As long as it's quick and tasty, I'm up for it.

(Each of them sat down at the table)

Teuchi, the friendly owner of the ramen shop, approached their table with a warm smile.

Teuchi: (Cheerfully) Naruto! Good to see you again, my boy. Bringing new friends to try my famous ramen, I see.

Naruto: (Grinning) You know it, Teuchi! These are my classmates, Sakura and Shikamaru. They've never tasted your incredible ramen before.

Teuchi: (Proudly) Well, I'm honored to have them here. I'll make sure to prepare something special for them.

Ayame, Teuchi's daughter, joined her father at the table, carrying a tray filled with glasses of ice-cold water.

Ayame: (Smiling) Welcome! It's great to have you here. 

Sakura: (Gratefully) Thank you, Ayame. We've heard so much about your ramen from Naruto, and we can't wait to try it.

Shikamaru: (Relaxed) Yeah, Naruto's been raving about it nonstop. Let's see if it lives up to the hype.

Their orders arrived promptly, and Naruto wasted no time diving into his bowl, savoring every bite.

Naruto: (With a mouthful) Mmm, this is just as good as I remembered!

Naruto: (Between bites) Teuchi, Ayame, your ramen never disappoints. It's like a taste of pure happiness!

Teuchi: (Chuckling) I'm glad you enjoy it, Naruto. It's customers like you that make running this shop so rewarding.

Ayame: (Playfully) Don't let it get to your head, Naruto. We have plenty of other loyal customers too.

Their banter continued, filling the air with laughter and a sense of familiarity. Naruto felt grateful for the support and warmth he received from Teuchi and Ayame, not just as customers but as friends.

Teuchi: (Grinning) Take care, my young shinobi. Keep training hard, but don't forget to enjoy life's simple pleasures too.

Ayame: (Waving) Good luck with your studies, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru. We'll be rooting for you!

As they enjoyed their meals, the conversation flowed effortlessly. They shared stories about their families, their dreams, and even their favorite ninja techniques. Naruto's enthusiasm was contagious, drawing out the best in his friends.

Naruto: (Excitedly) You guys, I can't wait for our next training session.

Shikamaru: (Smirking) Just don't get too carried away. We don't want any accidents during training.

Their laughter echoed through the ramen shop, blending with the lively atmosphere. Naruto cherished these moments, feeling grateful for the bonds he was forming with his classmates.

As they finished their meal, paid the bill, and split apart and walked home, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The academy may be filled with challenges and rigorous training, but with friends like Sakura and Shikamaru by his side, Naruto knew he could face anything that came his way. (Authors Note to everyone Sakura and Ino are not as mean as they were in the actual show)

(When naruto arrived home)

Scene: Naruto's Apartment - Evening 

Naruto arrived home after an enjoyable afternoon of eating ramen with Sakura and Shikamaru. The sun had begun to set, casting a warm glow across the Hidden Leaf Village. As he stepped through the door of his small apartment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment.

Naruto: (Closing the door behind him) Phew, what a great day! I can't believe how much fun I had with Sakura and Shikamaru.

As Naruto kicked off his shoes and made his way into the living area, he noticed a familiar presence sitting at the table. It was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, with a cup of tea in hand.

Hiruzen: (Smiling warmly) Hey there, Naruto. I hope you had a good time with your friends today.

Naruto: (Surprised) Hokage-sama! What are you doing here?

Hiruzen: (Chuckling) Just wanted to check in on you, my boy. I've heard about your adventures with Sakura and Shikamaru. How did it go?

Naruto: (Excitedly) It was amazing, Hokage-sama! We had the best ramen at Teuchi's shop. The food was delicious, and we had so much fun talking and laughing together.

Hiruzen: (Sipping his tea) That's wonderful to hear, Naruto. Building friendships and enjoying moments like these are essential for a shinobi. It's important to have people you can rely on and share experiences with.

Naruto: (Grinning) Yeah, I'm starting to realize that. Having friends who understand and support me makes everything feel brighter.

Hiruzen: (Nodding) Absolutely, Naruto. Friendship and support are crucial in this world. Remember, the bonds you form now will shape your future and the future of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Naruto's excitement was contagious, and Hiruzen couldn't help but be proud of the young ninja before him. He had watched Naruto grow and overcome numerous challenges, and seeing him form strong connections with his classmates filled him with joy.

Hiruzen: (Softly) Naruto, you have a bright future ahead of you. Keep embracing these moments, cherishing your friends, and never forget the values that make you who you are. Believe in yourself, and you'll go far.

Naruto: (Gratefully) Thank you, Hokage-sama. Your words mean a lot to me. I'll always remember the lessons you've taught me.

Hiruzen: (Standing up) I have no doubt that you will, Naruto. Now, rest well and prepare for another day of training and growth. I'll be here to support you every step of the way.

Naruto bid farewell to Hiruzen, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. As he settled into his room, memories of the day's laughter and camaraderie filled his thoughts. In the comfort of his own apartment, Naruto knew that he was surrounded by more than just four walls. He was surrounded by the support, love, and guidance of those who believed in him.

With a smile on his face, Naruto climb into the bed and laid down and drifted off to sleep, eager for the adventures that awaited him in the days to come, supported by the friendships he had formed and the lessons he had learned.

Scene: Naruto's Mindscape

As Naruto fell into a deep slumber, his consciousness was transported to a mysterious realm within his mind. In this dreamscape, he found himself standing before a massive, crimson cage that contained the fearsome Nine-Tailed Fox.

Naruto: (Curiously) Whoa, so this is where you've been hiding, huh? I've heard a lot about you, but this is our first face-to-face meeting.

Nine-Tailed Fox: (Growling) You dare stand before me so boldly, little human? You should tremble in fear at the sight of my power.

Naruto: (Confidently) I'm not here to tremble in fear. I'm here to understand you, to find a way for us to work together.

Nine-Tailed Fox: (Skeptical) Work together? What could a human possibly offer me?

Naruto: (Determined) I believe that we can find common ground, Kurama. We both want to protect the ones we care about, don't we? If we combine our strength, we can overcome any obstacle.

Kurama: (Surprised) How do you know my name? No human has ever addressed me by my true name before.

Naruto: (Taken aback) Your name? I didn't know your name. That's strange I've never met you before but yet I know your name. 

Kurama: (Grumbling) Hmph, it seems you truly are ignorant. My name is Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Naruto: (Eyes widening) Kurama... That's a powerful name. I'll remember it.

Kurama: (Slightly intrigued) Remember it or not, it matters little to me. But if you truly wish to work together, Naruto, you'll need to prove yourself.

Naruto: (Resolutely) I'm ready to prove myself, Kurama. I won't let fear or doubt hold me back. Together, we can become an unstoppable force.

As Naruto and Kurama conversed, a tentative understanding began to form between them. Naruto's unwavering determination and willingness to learn impressed even the mighty Nine-Tails.

Kurama: (Grudgingly) Very well, Naruto. I'll lend you my power, but don't think this means we're friends.

Naruto: (Smiling) That's a start, Kurama. Let's work together and show the world what we're capable of.

With their newfound understanding, Naruto's mind began to fade from the dreamscape, and he slowly returned to the realm of reality. But the bond he had formed with Kurama, built upon trust and the shared goal of protecting others, would forever shape his journey as he continued to grow and prove himself as a shinobi.

With determination burning in his heart, Naruto stepped back into the world, ready to face the challenges that awaited him, knowing that he had the strength of both his own will and the indomitable power of Kurama by his side.

Naruto already knows about his parents since he is a genius.

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