
What I See In The Shadows

Mario has seen things no one else could since he was young, for which he was treated for Schizophrenia, living a normal life thanks to the meds. That is, until his life takes a turn for the worse and the things within the shadows become real, they are invaders from a different world trying to destroy his home, an inevitable apocalypse for humanity.

Ankowl · Fantasia
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5 Chs


Complete silence filled the room as both Marianne and Boris processed Mario's words, in their minds trying to convince themselves that it was nothing but the ramblings of a crazy person.

Mario kept going, remembering the night of his reencounter with Blake.

"We don't have time Mario", Blake's voice sounded worried, "the invaders are coming soon and you are not ready to face them", he paused, "no one is".

At that point, Mario knew he was in a bad mental space, the realization of himself killing another human being was making him struggle, yet, here Blake was in front of him, and it felt very real.

"June 6, 2024, a little more than two years from now, an event of global consequences is going to happen", Blake paused for a second, "they call it the First Wave".

Mario just stared at his shadowy friend, barely listening to his words, "they? They who?", he asked, clear confusion in his voice.

"Invaders from a different world", the shadow humanoid sighed, "I don't know how to explain it, entities such as the one who attacked you tonight are coming to this world, they want to conquer it, enslave humanity and take all its resources".

"The thing from tonight? What was that? It looked like pure evil, how many of those monsters are out there?", the man seemed to lose control over himself, there were too many questions on his mind, his thought faster than his mouth, too disorganized.

"It was a phantom, ethereal beings capable of taking over human bodies, they are the vanguard sent to prepare for the first wave, most of them integrating into human society, taking positions of power and destabilizing your systems", Blake looked for examples within Mario's mind, "Look at the current state of your world, there is a global pandemic going on, international conflicts, social revolutions across different countries, humanity is divided now more than ever, all of that is not a coincidence".

Mario started considering Blake's words, in a strange way, it all made sense, the existence of invaders from a different world would explain a lot of humanity's current crisis.

"The one from tonight was no more than a pawn trying to create panic within your city, monsters like that are acting all around your world with no one to stop them", there was a hint of resignation in Blake's voice.

"And what am I supposed to do? Should I go hunting after those creatures? Look at me man, I barely survived tonight, I'm probably going to end up in jail, why are you telling me this? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?", Mario could feel himself panicking, his body trembling as anxiousness controlled him.

"There is nothing you can do my friend", Blake answered calmly, "at least, there is nothing you can do yet".

Mario kept his gaze on Blake, waiting for his friend to explain himself.

"You have time to prepare for the first wave, you are a chosen Mario, your planet chose you to protect itself from the invaders, you have the potential to become more, to become a beacon of hope for humanity", Blake's voice was full of confidence which somewhat reassured Mario, "you and me, Mario, we can save this planet".

There was too much information for Mario to unpack, but at that moment he recognized his destiny, he was meant for something greater than himself.

After that, Blake gave him more details about the first wave, how there is a barrier protecting his planet from outsiders, but it was getting weaker and at some point invaders will be able to begin their invasion.

His friend doesn't know the exact details of the invasion, he knows it's going to happen gradually, the invaders will attack in multiple waves, each stronger than the last, and humanity would have to evolve if they are to survive.

"And how do I to become stronger?", asked Mario, "You said I was chosen by the planet, what does that mean?".

"I'm not sure of the details, I know chosen are capable of identifying the invaders, of seeing the creatures in the darkness who most people don't", Blake hesitated for a second before continuing, "have a different kind of energy inside, an energy which attracts being like the phantoms, and… and beings like me".

"Like you?", Mario swallowed.

"I am a shadowborne, I am a human who was born dead, I am the shadow of a soul who remained behind, an existence who is neither dead nor alive", the tone of Blake's voice was of sadness, "I'm not even supposed to be sentient; I've seen others like me, creatures of darkness roaming the world with no purpose".

Blake fell silent, Mario could see the pain of his own existence hiding deep within his friend's gaze.

"You are the reason I exist, you found me in the shadows and made me your friend, you gave me something I wasn't supposed to have", Blake looked straight into Mario's eyes, "the energy you hold is capable of shaping reality, all these years I've remained inside your shadow taking the remnants of your power to become stronger".

Mario was speechless, he didn't really mind his friend taking an energy he didn't even know about, it was the sadness of Blake's existence, he didn't know how to comfort his friend, he thought about all these years his friend spent alone, he knew there was nothing he could cave done to change things, he was a child in a world who didn't understand, he was forced to adapt, but still, he felt guilt.

Blake noticed Mario's mood growing somber, recognizing the guilt in his expression, "I'm grateful to you Mario, thanks to you I am me, I have a purpose, I am more", he said while a smile formed on his face.

Coming back to himself, Mario explained to Marianne and Boris everything he knew, as his knowledge about the first wave expanded through the last two years thanks to Blake's help.

When he finished, he could see Boris pacing around the room muttering to himself words that Mario couldn't understand. Marianne remained completely quiet, she had barely moved from her seat.