
What do you mean Kaguya is inside Me?!

“Child” “Who?” I turned around and was in a a white plane, I had just reincarnated and was an orphan. I was four years old when it happened. “I’m here.” I looked behind me, I knew this was Naruto when I first became conscious and aware. I was ecstatic when I heard a voice, was I a Jinchuriki?! But when I stared at her. “AH!” “It is good that you’re finally awake.” “Ka-Mother!” ‘I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die.’

ReeeeNejiii · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs



It was my day off today as I've been cooped up in the Hokage's office, when I was just window shopping I saw Ino and Sakura together.

They came near me as I was looking at a clothing shop that had just openned.

"What brings you two here?"

"No, what brings you here?!"

"I was just window shopping, I decided to not train today since its my day off and its boring."

"Really? Wanna come with us? We were going to a tailor to get our new clothes, while I do like the generic clothes but I just don't want to see anyone having the same one as me."

I looked at Ino from head to toe after she said that, well she really was growing and it was noticeable that she had gotten taller, now that I thought about it everyone was getting taller.

After observing her and I looked at her again she placed her hands on her chest with a shy look.

"Don't stare at me like that so blatantly!"

I smirked and turned my head around.

"Alright I'll follow you guys, I do need a new set of clothes."

When I looked back I felt something hit my stomach, it didn't hurt but I just smiled at Ino who was blushing after she punched, Sakura sighed and shook her head, I followed after them as we went to the tailor.

As we entered I was told to wait outside, they said it was for privacy reasons and I didn't mind, as I was outside I saw two figures looking at me weirdly, though I've had my fair share of getting weird stares this was new.

I then looked at the guy in the back behind them, I instantly wanted to laugh as I knew who these three were and why they were here.

'What the hell, why did Neji cut his hair, it looks so weird and is his eyes are they injured or something?'

They saw me notice them, It's quite funny, I expected this to happen sooner or later but not this early, what's more funny is there's no Boruto or maybe there is who knows.

"Hey Yuki! It's your turn."

"I'm coming."

I went inside the shop, when I entered Ino wouldn't leave as with Sakura I just let them stay as the lady took my measurement but I asked why did my top had to be removed.

"To get an accurate measurement."

"But still last time I was here."

"Its the request of the young miss over there."


I looked at Ino who looked away shyly and just smiled after a minute or two we were done, they told us to come back after two weeks and when I was outside of the shop they were gone.

'Was it just my eyes because of the stress or they already left?'

"Wanna go with us and eat as well?"


I followed them well if anything I'd rather follow them since it's less boring this way and besides I get to spend a day with Ino though Sakura is there I don't mind it that much.


"Do you think Dad saw us?"

"He definitely did or else he wouldn't laugh when he saw me, I despise you two for dragging me into this I had to cut two decades worth of hair as well as have bandages around my eyes."

"Other than being our sensei you're still our uncle you know."

"When we return I'll make sure to swamp the both of you with missions that you won't be able to laze around."

"That's quite unfair."

"Even to Touki who isn't even here."

"The three of you are siblings, the three of you will share responsibility."



It was already late at night, around after lunch Sakura separated from us as she said she wanted to read more while Ino said she had nothing to do and she told me she wanted to train

And train we did, she said she wanted to be more useful other than being just getting knocked out after using her clan jutsu's and she was talented in Water Release so I taught her a few jutsu's.

'I wonder if the Mist will be blame if they found out that Ino knows how to use 'Hiding in Mist' justu since its such a good jutsu for their team if they decide to do it.'

"Am I heavy?"


Right now I was carrying her as she said she was tired, well not like I'm gonna complain about it, her arms tightened around my neck but not enough to suffocate me as she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Do you really want to be Hokage Yuki?"

"It depends, do you want me to become one?"

"Its your decision isn't it? Why ask me."

"I just want to know your opinion, besides in the future when we moved up from doing missions and move into just staying in the village being heads and what not isn't nice to start planning right now?"

"Plan what?"

"Like how many kids we should have and where do we buy a lot to build the hou-"

"Enough! Geez you don't have to say that out loud."


"Well if you want to be Hokage I wouldn't mind it much, but knowing you, I guess you don't need to be Hokage, I know you'd rather stay at home and be with your family and what not and being Hokage takes your time, I know that much since Dad is also busy like that."

I didn't say anything else as she continued ranting and talking about the pro's and con's it wasn't until later that we arrived at her house.


"Do I have to?"


She kissed my cheeks and left as she ran inside, well I certainly wouldn't mind that, and just like always I stayed at the Hokage gate, as I took out a book and began reading until a little while I was disturbed.

"Is this a good time?"

"It's quite ironic knowing that the three of you travelled back to the past."

I said as I continued reading as Adult Neji, one boy and girl slowly came out of the dark, the two teens had a wry smile.

"So why are you three here?"

I stopped reading as I faced them, Neji just nodded at me even though he had bandages over his eyes perhaps to hide his Byakugan.

"Well we were chasing a guy then he travelled back to the past so we chased him and then we wound up here."

"And his goal is?"

"You, Dad."

"It feels weird to be called Dad at my age but I guess it is what it is, let's go some place more private."

I teleported us using Kamui, we arrived at training grounds where no one was present as I sensed the area, Adult Neji looked confused.

"I guess there really was no stopping you."

"What does that mean?"

This time I was confused by Neji's choice of words.

"You know deep down inside what happened and what will happen, and for that I'm thankful."

"If you say so."

I then looked at the two teens, they were twins to say the least, they were blonde, they look someone I know, their eyes were crystal blue and judging by my this world's standards you could say they were attractive and if I'm right.



"Figures, so how many?"

"Six of us from Mom"

I flinched, well I guess I understand myself that given the chance I wouldn't be able to control myself.


"My name is Hana I guess you could say I'm your oldest child? And this is Yukio."

I already knew who named who if they were twins.

"Proof of Identity."

The two of them looked at each other and nodded, right then and there they really were my kids from the future as weird it sounded right now when their eyes turned into the same blue Rinne-Sharingan.

"I'm already having a headache trying to absorb all the information tonight six kids from Ino alone, I don't even want to know how many-."

"That would be currently six as well."

I flinched not wanting to ask more about this matter, I then looked at the as they kept looking at me.

"So when will the guy be chasing after me?"

"Oh him? We don't know maybe a few days, we ripped his arms off so he should be recuperating."

"If you ripped his arms off you guys should have just finished him right?"

"It was a good excuse to travel back to the past, I mean we were curious about your relationship with Mom when you were in your teens."


"You guys are still the same, going on dates whenever you can and what not."

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes as I made a mental note to punish these two when they arrive.

"And when you arrive back to the future you guys are getting an ass whooping, anyway I'm sure you two want more than just wanting to see your mother and me right?"

"We know where the four tails is."

"Now that is interesting."