A Boy lost in darkness and a Girl sheltered by it. Their fates played a cruel joke on them but can they still find contentment and a sense of belonging in each other? ===== I will try my best to keep a stable update, and if you want to ask any questions directly then please come to my discord. ===== Discord Group - https://discord.gg/53r5Kt2 Discord ID - Lumpish_Haggard#0417
It was early in the morning and the chirping of birds were complimenting the Morning breezes.
People were busy preparing for their work, students for their schools while some were still enjoying their sleep.
Somewhere in a large mansion of Reoul City, a beautiful girl who appeared to be in her twenties was in a Red frock, combed her long black hair. After that, she applied a red lipstick and exited her Palatial room with a small handbag.
As she slipped outside her room, two shadows followed her from the darkness of the hallway till she reached an enormous gate.
"Come in, my dear angel"
Came a voice full of love as the door to the room opened. What greeted the girl was a man in a messy shirt. His tie was not tied properly and his eyes still had some sleep in them.
"Papa, when will you learn to dress properly?" Said the girl with a pout as she walked towards her father.
"Hehe, if I learned to dress then how will I enjoy your pampering?" replied the man with a laugh.
The girl just sighed at her father's response and said while looking at him from head to toe.
"You need a shave! Wait here, I'll get the razor, Let me shave you"
"No no no...HELL NO! Stop going after my innocent beard again and again! Your mother use to love it"
As the father rebuked, he and the girl both went silent for a couple second at the mention of her mother. Moments later, the girl silently went towards her father and started to make his tie. He could only sigh at her.
"..Anyways, my beard adds an intimidating charm to my personality, don't you think?"
said the father with a laugh but immediately silenced himself after receiving a cold stare from his daughter which even made him sweat a little.
"Anyways, You know what today is, right? It's my birthday so as a gift from you, I ask you to please let me leave the Mansion without those bodyguards of yours."
"WHAT? WHY? I thought we would spend your special day together! I even canceled my meetings… and why are you even bothered by the bodyguards? They are trained to conceal their presence! No one will even notice them!"
"I will stop speaking with you for a month if I sense even a shred of their presence around me!
Do you know how creepy it is to know that some people are watching you every second of the day!" replied the girl as she tightened his tie, almost suffocating the man. She then adjusted the tie properly, tidied up his shirt, kissed her father's cheeks and left the mansion.
After she left, an old butler came to the man's side with a briefcase on one hand. He put the briefcase on the table, opened it up, and took out a .500 Smith and Wesson Magnum.
He cleaned it with a silk cloth, handed it to the man, and helped him put on a black coat. The man placed his gun in a hidden holster within his coat.
His previous jolly expression while talking to his lovely daughter was now completely gone and was replaced with a face devoid of any emotions. He exited the room and was immediately followed by many people in black suits.
An entourage of black cars was waiting for him in front of his Mansion and all of the people got inside their cars and soon left the place.
As they left the main door, the nameplate on the side of the entrance could be read as "Shreya's Villa".
Not far from the villa, on a sidewalk, Shivani saw her father depart, and then turned around in the opposite direction and started walking away. She seemed to be in a good mood while she was strolling on the sidewalk. Her feet brought her in a mall where she spent her time shopping.
In a different part of the world, a boy in his twenties was doing some martial arts training in a gloomy hall.
His entire body was covered in sweat. After doing some more practice with a karambit knife, he took off his shirt and started to wipe his sweat. His entire muscular back was covered in scars of knife and bullet wounds, while a deep scar was etched on his chest, just above his heart.
After he stopped his training, a man entered the hall looking around, which made the boy bow his head a little while saying.
"How is your training going on?"
"Pretty good, father! You want to spar?" replied the boy and grinned.
Suddenly his father, took out a traditional katana out of nowhere and rushed towards him. It wiped off the smile from his lips as he stopped his father's sword with his karambits on his hand.
"When are you leaving?" His father asked as he continued to attack him.
"In an hour. Don't tell me that you are going to miss me old man." Said the boy with a laugh in response.
"Shut your trap! Just focus on what you need to do and remember why you are going. Anyway, your passport and visa are both ready."
After sparring some more, they both bowed towards each other and the boy left towards his room.
He quickly bathed while shaving his face and wore a black jeans with a grey hoodie and left his room with a backpack.
He saw his father waiting at the door. His father handed him some documents, after which the boy went in for a hug but the father stopped him and said
"Remember Keanu, never let your emotions dictate your actions. This world is ruthless! Also, Don't try to contact me as it will put us in grave danger.."
"I know, father" the boy said as he lost his smile and quickly left the house.
Some hours later, on The Reoul National Airport.
Keanu's plane landed. As he exited the plane and looked around the airport, a nostalgic feeling rose within him, contradicting the emotionless mask on his face, A sigh escaped from his mouth. He stood there for a few minutes observing everything in his view.
After sometime, he started walking towards a metro station which was not very far from the airport.
In an orphanage, Shivani was distributing the gifts she bought at the mall. She also donated a large sum of money for their education.
"Hey kids, Big Sister here is leaving and nobody of you have thanked her for her generous gifts!" said a seemingly chubby woman while staring at the kids who were playing with there toys which were brought by Shivani.
"Sorry Shivani dear, these ungrateful brats only care about their toys. Hmpf!"
"Don't worry Madam Beth, I don't mind" replied Shivani sincerely.
"Anyways, are you sure you want to donate all of this anonymously? You could at least tell me who you are?"
Shivani just smiled at the woman's question and exited the orphanage without saying anything else.
'Well looks like everything is done, Now I still have some hours before my dinner with father.' thought Shivani as she too started walking towards a metro station.
---- In a dark valley not far from the metro station ----
'Sir, Young Miss is taking a Metro.'
'*What? Doesn't she has her car?*'
'No Sir. She was using taxis this whole time. We already replaced all the drivers in the area and all the taxis she took had us as her drivers but now, she will be using a metro. So what do you want us to do?'
'*Aiiii…...shit! Well I understand that she doesn't get to roam like this often and is curious about the world but she needs to understand how dangerous it is!*' A sigh was heard from the other line. …'*Okay, Do one thing. Position a few girls at every coming station and monitor her from the cctvs. When she exits at any station, keep following her but beware. Keep at least a 100 meters of distance from her! Got it?*'
'Yes Sir'
As Keanu reached the metro station, he browsed the map which was displayed on the wall near the ticket counter. His eyes stopped at a certain place on the map. He didn't had a metro card yet so he just asked for a ticket to "Fate Amusement Park" and started walking towards the waiting queue.
While Keanu was waiting, Shivani too reached the metro station. After checking the map, she asked for a ticket to a certain place and started walking towards a queue for women while looking around the station curiously.
Shivani and Keanu were both looking around and at some point, there eyes met. As the Metro arrived, people behind them started pushing the people forward, waking them from their stupor as they too struggled to get inside from different doors. As everyone settled, the doors closed.