
We introduce, Shen Yuan the daredevil!

We introduce you to the daredevil of the whole 7th Immortal realm, Shen Yuan.

He is the 7th disciple of Immortal Lord Lingyun and is the Granddisciple of Immortal Lord Liang Wei. He has 6 older Senior brothers and sisters and 6 Junior brothers and sisters. Coincidently he comes in the center and is always the center of attention of his Master, GrandMaster, and siblings. Why?

Because- Wait, Let me tell you some jokes about the 7th Immortal realm.

Shen Yuan, the daredevil of the 7th Immortal realm, had always been a bit of a prankster. He loved to pull practical jokes on his fellow immortals and even his Master, the wise and powerful Lingyun.

One day, Shen Yuan came up with what he thought was his greatest prank yet. He would trick his Master into thinking he had gained the power to teleport, only to reveal that it was just a clever illusion.

So, Shen Yuan waited until Lingyun was deep in meditation, then crept up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Master Lingyun!" Shen Yuan exclaimed, feigning excitement. "I've done it! I've gained the power to teleport!"

Lingyun opened his eyes and looked at Shen Yuan skeptically.

"Really?" he said. "I find that hard to believe."

But Shen Yuan was insistent. He closed his eyes and concentrated, then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Lingyun was momentarily stunned, but then he heard Shen Yuan's muffled voice from inside a nearby tree.

"Ta-da!" Shen Yuan said, emerging from the tree with a wide grin on his face.

But Lingyun was not amused. In a flash, he had Shen Yuan pinned to the ground, delivering a series of sharp blows.

The other immortals looked on in horror, then burst out laughing when they saw the look of shock and humiliation on Shen Yuan's face. He had been bested by his own Master, and he looked like a fool.

Shen Yuan tried to wriggle free, but Lingyun held him fast.

"I hope you've learned your lesson, Shen Yuan," Lingyun said sternly. "Pranks are not the way of the immortal realm."

Shen Yuan nodded, feeling thoroughly chastened. He had never expected his prank to go so wrong, but now he was paying the price.

The other immortals continued to laugh and joke, poking fun at Shen Yuan for his foolishness. But deep down, they knew that they could have easily been in his shoes - after all, who among them hadn't been tempted to pull a prank or two in their immortal lifetimes?

In the end, Shen Yuan got up, dusted himself off, and joined in the laughter. He knew that he had made a mistake, but he also knew that it was all in good fun. And who knows? Maybe one day he would come up with a prank that would truly stump his Master. But for now, he was content to just be the daredevil of the 7th Immortal realm, with all its joys and pitfalls.

-Are you all feeling that this is a cute prank? No No, this is not the cute one. Read the one below.

One day, Shen Yuan came up with a Prank. He would sneak up on Liang Wei while he was meditating, then tickle him until he couldn't help but laugh.

So, Shen Yuan crept up behind Liang Wei, ready to pounce. But just as he was about to strike, Liang Wei spun around and caught him in the act.

"Shen Yuan!" Liang Wei thundered. "You dare to disturb my meditation with your foolishness? You shall be punished!"

The other immortals looked on in horror as Liang Wei ordered Shen Yuan to be hanged in front of the entire realm as a warning to others who might be tempted to act so recklessly.

Shen Yuan protested and begged for mercy, but Liang Wei was unmoved. Soon, Shen Yuan found himself dangling from a tall tree, his face turning red as the other immortals gathered around to laugh and jeer.

"Looks like the daredevil finally got what was coming to him!" one immortal quipped.

Another snickered. "I guess he wasn't so brave after all!"

But even as they laughed, the other immortals couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for poor Shen Yuan. They knew that he had never meant to cause any harm and that his pranks were just his way of trying to lighten the sometimes-serious mood of the immortal realm.

-The child was so troublesome when he was only 5 so think about when he was 10.

Shen Yuan was always up for a challenge. He loved pushing the limits of what was possible in the 7th Immortal realm. So, when he heard about a new experimental potion that promised to give the user incredible powers, he couldn't resist.

He went to the Immortal cave of his Uncle, who was a powerful sorcerer and began tinkering with the potion. He added a dash of this, a pinch of that, and a whole lot of something else. And before he knew it, the potion was boiling over, bubbling and hissing like a cauldron of molten lava.

Shen Yuan was thrilled. He raised the potion up high, ready to take a swig and unleash his newfound power upon the world. But just as he was about to drink, there was a loud explosion. The Immortal cave shook, and Shen Yuan was thrown back against the wall.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a pile of rubble. The Immortal cave was destroyed, and his Uncle was nowhere to be seen. Shen Yuan sat up, rubbed his head, and looked around in disbelief.

"What have I done?" he muttered to himself.

Just then, he heard a groan. He looked over to see his Uncle emerging from the rubble, covered in dust and looking very angry.

"Shen Yuan!" he shouted. "What have you done? You blew up my Immortal cave!"

Shen Yuan tried to apologize, but his Immortal Uncle wasn't having any of it. He ordered Shen Yuan to clean up the mess and then do something to make it up to him.

So Shen Yuan set to work, using his skills as a daredevil to come up with a plan to rebuild the Immortal cave. He gathered all the materials he could find and set them to work, using his magic to create a new, even more, spectacular cave.

When he was finished, he showed it to his Immortal Uncle, who was impressed.

"I have to admit," his Immortal Uncle said, "this is pretty impressive. I never thought I'd see the day when you could actually do something useful."

Shen Yuan grinned. "Well, I may be a daredevil, but I know how to get things done. And now, let's celebrate with some of that potion I was making earlier!"

His Immortal Uncle looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

But they tried it and then the two lay on the bed physically paralyzed for 3 months and then Immortal Uncle beat his Immortal nephew three Immortal far.

-So friends do you understand how playful and jolly our little Immortal Shen Yuan is?

No No, you still don't understand.

On his 26th birthday, when he decided to try out a new experiment. He mixed a few ingredients together and then, with a mischievous grin, he lit the fuse.


The explosion was so powerful that it shook the entire 7th Immortal realm, and when the dust cleared, all that was left was a massive crater where the realm used to be.

Shen Yuan's Immortal GrandMaster, Immortal Master, Immortal Uncle, and Immortal Siblings were not amused. They all gathered around him, their faces stern.

"Shen Yuan," his Immortal GrandMaster said, "What have you done? You've blown up the entire realm!"

Shen Yuan looked around, his eyes wide with shock. "I...I didn't mean to!"

His Immortal Master sighed. "We know you didn't mean to, but this is the final straw. You can't keep going around pulling these kinds of stunts."

Shen Yuan hung his head, feeling ashamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize the experiment would be so powerful."

His Immortal Uncle patted him on the back. "It's okay, Shen Yuan. We know you didn't mean any harm. But you've got to be more careful from now on."

His Immortal Siblings chimed in. "Yeah, like maybe not blowing up entire realms?"

Everyone laughed at that, and Shen Yuan couldn't help but join in. He knew he had messed up, but at least his family still loved him and could find humor in his mistakes.

-The family is really supportive, right? Hah...

Is what Shen Yuan thought but the next moment, Shen Yuan's ear was puled.

"The hell did you do?! You didn't mean it?! Now tell me what you meant!"

Shen Yuan tried to explain, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't think it would be so-"

But he was interrupted by his Immortal Master, who shook his head in disbelief. "You didn't think it would be so powerful? You just blew up an entire realm, Shen Yuan!"

His Immortal Uncle chimed in, "And what do you have to say for yourself, young man?"

Shen Yuan hung his head, "I'm really sorry. I just wanted to make a cake for my birthday."

Immortal Master Lingyun for the first time felt that he might have held his disciple wrong!

Immortal Uncle was in awe: "You certainly baked the whole realm child."

His Immortal Siblings couldn't resist adding their two cents. "Well, you certainly accomplished that, didn't you? What's next, Shen Yuan? Blowing up the entire universe?"

Shen Yuan...he had nothing to say `O' He is just a cute little Immortal, whats wrong if a child makes a mistake?!

-Now you must understand, right? This guy is not right.

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