
Werewolf Hollow without a hole in [Bleach]

A soul escaped from the cycle of Heaven. His past is irrelevant. Enjoy the adventures he will have in Bleach because of the foolish choice he made.

Smut_Demon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter #11 - A House

Aizen Sousuke. He was the most interesting person Kizuna had ever seen. It was one thing that he didn't act like a normal shinigami and had a purpose.

But the fact that he had the unusual idea of building an army of Hollows was extremely strange and interesting.

Kizuna had a difficult expression as he waited with the girls in front of the apparatus, or more accurately some kind of machine, where Aizen would use the Hougyoku to "transform" them.

Menoly, the giant scorpion behind him, was strangely silent, but like everyone else here, her eyes were sparkling. Everyone was clearly excited about gaining more power.

Aizen looked at them with a flat expression. Then he turned to Kizuna:

"I didn't expect to have 2 Vasto Lorde under your command, you really are an interesting Hollow."

Although his words were praise, Kizuna involuntarily became more cautious. He spoke solemnly:

"I'd prefer to call them my comrades, potential lovers, or my pack rather than saying under my command."

Aizen looked at Kizuna carefully. Then he laughed.

"Pack, huh? I see, Kizuna-kun."

Then he stopped and Aizen gave way.

"Anyway, take turns on the platform here. Let those who have reached the Vasto Lorde stage go first."

Harribel took the first step. She stepped forward and let Hougyoku help her. Her mask broke and her appearance became even more humanoid.

It was a fascinating experience for Kizuna to see her body stripped naked. With her chocolate-colored skin exposed, this woman was truly intoxicating.

Tier Harribel first looked at herself and the sword in her hand in surprise. But as if she already knew what was going on, she went downstairs and picked up the clothes.

At that moment, of course, she noticed Kizuna's interested gaze. It was clear that there was lust in her, but she also felt that there was a lot of love.

She got dressed there while she continued to think. Immediately after that, Loly came in. Well, not much had changed. Only her tail and half of the mask covering her eyes disappeared. By the way, yes, Aizen had mentioned Loly as the second Vesta Lorde. Although she was too thin, she was still Vesta Lorde.

Instead of taking the clothes, she ran and hugged Kizuna! 

"Kizuna-sama~! Look, my tail is gone!"

Kizuna laughed as he stroked her head.

"I see, I see, you're as cute as ever."

The clearest thing Kizuna noticed about Loly was that she pouted when he showed interest in other girls. She was clearly a jealous girl, even if she didn't show it. So he felt he had to pamper her on a regular basis.

Meanwhile the others came in after making the necessary arrangements and went out as beautiful women. After patting Loly's head, he said:

"Loly-chan, you'll look prettier if you put on the clothes that fit you from the clothes waiting there."

Loly said, "Really?" and ran over there without hesitation, as if she had been ordered to do so!

She was an extremely sweet girl. As Loly went to the clothes, Franceska and the other girls winked at him as if to show themselves to Kizuna.

Kizuna, on the other hand, gave them a clear thumbs up. This acknowledgment was met with grins and giggles.

Only Menoly blushed slightly and hurried to put on her clothes.

In fact, according to Kizuna, they looked sexier than he had expected, but he wasn't going to tell them that. He was afraid they would jump on him, not caring that there were three freaky guys waiting next door.

As everyone passed by and got dressed, it was Kizuna's turn. Everyone was waiting for him. After Aizen made the necessary arrangements, he said something to him that he didn't say to the others.

"Your situation is something I'm going to try for the first time. So if you have some kind of alternate form or something like that, you'd better shift to that form"

In Aizen's eyes one could see the kind of curiosity one would see in a scientist. As a man who was doing all kinds of research, it was natural that curiosity would arise when an entity he didn't know existed.

But this curiosity also made Kizuna nervous. Taking a deep breath, he shifted into his four-armed werewolf form. As usual, Aizen activated the device, noting that there were no holes in his chest or anywhere else.

It felt like something was pouring out of him. It was hard to describe. Something was forcing its way into his body and changing it.

It was not painful. It felt comfortable, like resting in a hot spring. Around this time he remembered that Aizen had told him to create a weapon in his mind.

In this weapon his power would be compressed, differentiated. In a way, it could be said to be using parts of his mask.

Well, in such a situation, Kizuna's choice was obvious. He chose the one that came directly to his mind. That choice was Wolverine claws.

It might sound a bit absurd or ridiculous. But even though it was anatomically considered a natural weapon, there were real weapons like it. A version that is fused to his body wasn't supposed to cause any harm.

Concentrating on this thought, it didn't take him long to realize that he had once again shifted into human form, but this time his mask had completely disappeared.

No one could even call him a Hollow, except for his pale skin. Aizen seemed to be the most puzzled as everyone's curious gazes gathered on him.

"Where is your Zanpakuto? Or..."

Before he could finish his sentence or his own judgment, Kizuna balled his hand into a fist and three claws flew out of his hand. With that, even Aizen was stunned.

Seeing Aizen's surprise, he explained.

"I thought of a cold weapon linked to my skeletal structure, so I can use it all the time. That's how it came about."

Meanwhile, he glanced at the text in front of him.

<[New!] Congratulations to the user for Arrancar status.>

<[New!] Updated Ability Tree, please don't forget to check the ability tree.>

<[New] You have signed a new biological form. Special ability taken from Heaven: Devour can be perfectly utilized in this body.>

<... >

Aizen's expression was momentarily puzzled as he turned off the screens one by one, but then he nodded, enlightened.

"So such a thing is possible, huh? Although... Kizuna-kun is really impressive. So I guess it's normal."

At that moment, Kizuna noticed a number on his left arm. For some unknown reason, number 2 was printed on his left arm. Aizen spoke:

"You are... Number 2. You can beat the others to raise your number. It shouldn't be difficult for you as you have a Fraccion that would normally be an Espada each."

Kizuna nodded in the affirmative as it had already been explained what was what. As he put on the clothes he asked:

"You said we can decorate our own territory however we want, right?"

Aizen nodded in the affirmative as Kizuna got dressed. He put on a white jacket and pants with a criss-crossing black pattern, something that didn't stray too far from the black and white theme.

It was time to leave. After receiving the necessary briefing from Aizen, he and the girls all marched together to what they had been told was their assigned territory.

Unsurprisingly, he was greeted by a flat and arid landscape. Kizuna put his hand to his chin and rubbed it as if he had a beard.

"What should we do here?"

Loly was the first to ask.

"Um... Anything that I can be close to you, Kizuna-sama!"

The next came from the trio of Franceska, Apacci and Cyan Sung-Sun.

"A training ground is a must."

"Absolutely! We must train regularly to keep our strength up!"

"Ah! You girls... a place where we can take care of ourselves would be nice."

Noting each of their requests through the system, Kizuna turned to Tier Harribel and Menoly.

"And what do you girls think?"

Tier Harribel thought for a moment and then spoke seriously:

"A training ground like Apacci and Mila Rose said would certainly be good. Likewise, something like a recreational facility. That way, when we get tired, we can rest safely."

Kizuna paused and nodded in understanding. Harribel was, as he had expected, extremely organized. It would be best to follow it naturally. Menoly muttered with disstress:

"A house would be nice. To relax."

Menoly wasn't sure if it was right to assert herself or if it was good for her to be here. But when the gaze turned to her, she felt she had to say it.

Kizuna nodded his head several times in agreement. Then he began to give the necessary instructions to the Hollow horde waiting to be handed over to him.

With the help of the system's geographical planning, he was going to build a mouth-watering mansion.

First, he had an open space cleared for a training area, which was almost unanimous. Then he set about constructing a three-story, opulent pavilion. It was white to match the color palette of the environment.

But to identify the owner, a large and flamboyant statue of a wolf's head was mounted just below the roof at the entrance.

Inside was a spacious place with many rooms. There were enough rooms even if he took more than thirty people into the harem in the future.

He also had a huge room to himself in case they all wanted to sleep together. Or in case they had even crazier fantasies.

Finally, he built a special cellar in the basement. His personality was greedy. As a man of passion, even though he didn't want to, if he had been attracted to an enemy he would need to imprison them.

There would have been a need for that anyways.

While all this was being finalized and manufactured, everyone was busy with their own problems.

Apacci and Mila Rose were already fighting and testing their strength in the allotted space. Cyan Sung-Sun was chatting with Loly and Menoly.

Kizuna checked Loly out of the corner of his eye and was relieved to see that she was behaving more normally than he expected. Thinking about Loly and Menoly, he remembered a friend's words "hatefully jealous".

But apparently he was far from that here. Or maybe things had changed drastically thanks to him. Who knew?