
Welcome to Underworld

Having been bullied most his life by everyone close to him, Wes can’t believe it when he finds the entrance to UNDERWORLD, a place that could only be explained, as his best shot to the life he wants…now if only he could get this stupid status screen out of his face….wait what! This is WELCOME TO UNDERWORLD

Chronos_101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 005

Wes felt the tunnel getting smaller and smaller, and soon it got to a point where he had to lay on his stomach to slide through.

This was dumb he thought, why am I still crawling. Patrick had probably left, disappointed when Wes was nowhere to be found above.

Interrupting his thoughts, he realized he found the source of the light. Pulling himself through, he came to be in a large room surrounded by torches.

"Now I know I've never seen this before" Wes said as he looked around the room.

The room was basically empty, it's stone floors clean and untouched. In the middle of the room, there stood a small table with something on it.

Walking up to the table, Wes could see what looked like a glass ball. Inside it, there looked to be a small purple cloud, and when Wes got closer, it swirled around eagerly.

"What the fuck is this thing?"

At the sound of Wes's voice, the torches flickered as if the room understood it had a visitor.

Looking around the room, now a bit more freaked out then before, Wes had one thought

I need to leave

Wes was about to turn back to the tunnel and go back the way he came, but before he did, he bumped the table.


The glass ball fell to the floor, and as soon as the purple cloud was free, it went straight for Wes.

"Shit!" Wes shouts as he jumps back

It's no use, the cloud expands and surrounds Wes.

"NO, GO AWAY!" He shouts.

But it's futile.

The last thing Wes felt was the floor drop out below him, and the shadows grip him as he fell into the unknown.