
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

A Defiant Stand

Ethan stood firmly in the center of the room, surrounded by noble children who measured him up with curious gazes. Throughout the trials, he endured relentless criticism and was unfairly dismissed due to his lower status and accusations of cheating. However, a well-known fact lingered among them all – Ethan had been the most astonishing participant, captivating everyone with his exceptional display of magic.

Oddly enough, most of the nobles started harboring a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. They couldn't help but wonder how this rustic individual, who came from a non-noble background, had managed to learn the art of magic and at such proficiency that even the principal himself was impressed by his brilliance, praising the innovative concept he presented during the trials.

Still shaken by the unexpected announcement, Ethan was momentarily lost in his thoughts until the principal's voice jolted him back to reality.

"Ethan Hartfield! Would you kindly come forth," the principal beckoned, with an inviting warm smile.

Ethan took a deep breath, feeling a certain degree of nervousness coursing through him. With nervous steps, he approached the front of the room and stepped into the platform right next to where the principal stood. The gaze of the noble children followed him, some with intrigue, others with skepticism but most with dissatisfaction.

His heart raced, and he couldn't help but wonder why he was being put in such a spotlight. This additional attention felt unnecessary, and Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort. Being singled out by the principal himself left him with no other choice but to comply, though he wished he could fade into the background. Nevertheless, he ended maintaining his composure, meeting the principal's gaze.

The principal extended his right hand, showcasing the most radiant smile. Ethan found himself speechless, but he eventually shook the principal's hand. With a gentle gesture, the principal shook Ethan's hand warmly.

"Thank you for coming up here. I understand you might be feeling nervous, but I genuinely believe the author of this answer needed to share it with the freshmen as to spark a certain level of rivalry."

'Rivalry? Is he kidding me? The mere fact that a non-noble child like me is outperforming noble children and being placed in such a position is a clear indication of war, not mere rivalry!' Ethan wanted to vent his frustration but wisely held his tongue, not wanting to worsen the situation and get into even bigger trouble.

"Now, if you please, your paper is placed on the stand."


With no other choice, Ethan reluctantly made his way to the stand, his paper properly positioned. As he made eye contact with the crowd of obviously frustrated noble children, a sense of amusement started to fill him. This feeling was entirely new to him, even in his previous life on Earth. Back there, one had to excel in most aspects of life to live comfortably, so he had never been elevated to such a high position where he could look down on others due to his own efforts. Observing them from a higher platform gave him a strange satisfaction, seeing them flustered and angry. It was as if he was breaking down the foundation that had long plagued the underprivileged and challenging the monopoly that the nobles had held for so long.


Without much delay, Ethan promptly picked up his paper and began reciting his answer for all to hear.

"Magic! From what I've seen and read, it has often been portrayed as nothing more than an elusive or fantastical notion. But let me share with you a different perspective—one that delves into deeper questions.

You see, I believe magic is not just about the manipulation of mystical forces. Instead, it should be seen as a phenomenon intricately woven into the fabric of the physical world. Our reality is composed of tangible entities and their inherent properties, and within this realm lies our answers.

magic is akin to eating food without understanding how it was prepared, the ingredients used to create the meal you consume every day. Such a concept of magic, I dare say, is flawed. Rather, to comprehend magic, we must approach it with keen observation and rational questioning.

Ask yourselves; how was this food made? What ingredients were used? How long did it take? What if different elements were added? Similarly, magic reveals itself when we seek answers to questions like: how do clouds form? How does rain fall from those clouds? What brings forth thunder and snow? What are clouds composed of?

The path to understanding magic lies in systemic investigation, logical deduction, and the acknowledgment of the natural elements that constitute our world. It is not a distant and mystical realm but a product of human comprehension and interaction with the environment.

If we truly wish to define magic, we must embrace the underlying causes and effects that shape our reality. By doing so, we can integrate these principles into our understanding of magic and, in turn, unlock higher levels of proficiency in its practice.

As we grasp the intricacies of the world around us, we gain a profound comprehension of magic itself. This journey of discovery paves the way to convey the true definition of magic—a concept that resonates within the very essence of reality."

"Thank you," said Ethan as he concluded his powerful read.

The audience stood there, seemingly stunned and speechless, unable to react to the profound viewpoint that had just been presented to them. Ethan stood with mixed emotions, unsure of what to make of the silence that enveloped the room. But then, breaking through the stillness, he could hear the distinct sound of clapping. It was coming from none other than Sven, the young master who had accompanied Ethan on their journey to the academy and the one who had caused him physical harm.

Sven's applause echoed through the room, but to Ethan's surprise, no one else followed suit. A wave of puzzlement washed over him as he tried to understand why Sven would choose to applaud when the rest of the audience remained silent.

As the room held its breath, the principal finally spoke, "Ethan, that was an extraordinary perspective you shared. Your words challenged us to see magic in a new light, not just as something mystical but as an intricate part of the world we live in. It takes courage to present such unconventional ideas, and I admire that. Before we conclude today's event, is there anything else you want to say?"

Ethan stood still, his gaze sweeping over the crowd of pompous nobles. He couldn't ignore the sense of animosity emanating from most of them, clear signs that he had made enemies in this room. Despite the tension, he accepted his fate and the challenges that would undoubtedly come his way.

Leaning into the stand, he looked at each person in the room, his disappointment evident in his voice as he spoke, "I must admit, I had expected individuals of such high status like yourselves to be far above my humble background. A mere book was my only gift to learn from, and yet, I find myself surpassing all of you who had access to abundant resources and opportunities. It's quite disheartening."

The words hung in the air, not mincing his words; he addressed the glaring contrast between his limited privileges and the abundant resources available to those surrounding him. His frustration was evident as he subtly called out their inadequacy.

"You all had the means to accomplish so much more than I ever could, yet here I stand, challenging your established norms. Perhaps it is time for some self-reflection?" he continued, the room now filled with an uncomfortable silence.

Ethan's boldness and honesty unsettled the nobles, some looking at him with evident anger while others exchanged uncomfortable glances. He had dared to question their entitlement and privilege, forcing them to confront their own complacency and lack of achievement.

Though the room remained tense, Ethan remained resolute. He knew that his words might have consequences, but he refused to be silenced knowing full well that he had already been marked by them.

Ethan's voice rang out with unwavering conviction and his statement etched into the very souls of those involved.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves!"