
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 78: Control

Author's Note: This Chapter will be the last chapter that contains explicit sexual content. Chapter 79 will probably the last chapter of this story, then I'll start with the third instalment of the series. It will be my adaptation of Wrath of the Lich King.


Sylvanas looked up from her desk, wondering who was bothering her this time. It was the fifth time in thirty minutes that someone was knocking at her door. She had a lot of paperwork on her desk and she wouldn't be able to finish it so soon if creatures keep knocking at her door every five minutes. The thought of ignoring the knocks crossed her mind. She didn't really want to deal with whoever was knocking at the moment.

She shifted her gaze back to the stack of documents right in front of her. But the knocking was repeated a few moments later. A sound of frustration escaped her lips as she lifted her gaze again and looked back at the door. She knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate if the knocking continues, so she decided to give in and listen to whatever that creature had to say. It could be important.

"Come in," she shouted loud enough for the other creature to hear it.

The door was opened and the creature stepped in. The annoyance in Sylvanas' eyes disappeared when they recognized the familiar man. She got up instinctively and crossed the room in mere seconds, almost throwing herself at the man. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her head against his right shoulder as she hugged him tightly.

She said nothing at first and neither did he. They just stood there and hugged each other, enjoying the close body contact. Sylvanas pulled away from him a little after a while, lifting her head to stare into the man's golden eyes. "I was afraid of losing you," she admitted.

Kelrian put his hand on her left cheek and caressed it slowly. "I feared the same. I feared I would never return to you, Raesh and the rest of our family. Fortunately, I survived. The Sunwell is the only reason I'm still alive."

"I'll pray to the Sunwell the next time I'm in Silvermoon. I'll thank it for saving you."

Kelrian put a strand of hair behind Sylvanas' ear, running his fingers over it. It twitched under his touch. He brought his hand back to Sylvanas' cheek, caressing it a few moments before he brought it to her chin, tilting it a little. He lowered his head and brought his face closer to his wife's face. Their faces were so close that Sylvanas could feel Kelrian's warm breath on her cold lips. She stared into his eyes, wondering when he would kiss her. But Kelrian let her wait.

She became impatient and took things in her own hand, closing the distance between their faces. She pressed her lips on his, noticing the pleasantsensation that started in her chest and spread out quickly, reaching all parts of her body. She didn't hesitate to make use of her tongue, licking over Kelrian's bottom lip. He understood the signal she was giving him and he obeyed her, parting his lips so that Sylvanas could shove her tongue inside his mouth.

Her tongue fought with Kelrian's for dominance and explored every reachable corner of his mouth after it had won the fight. She hadn't kissed him for weeks, so she enjoyed every second of this kiss as she always did whenever their lips connected.

If it was up to Sylvanas the kiss would have never ended but it ended nevertheless because Kelrian pulled away after a few minutes. Unlike her, his body still needed oxygen. He still needed to breathe and supply his body with the necessary amount of oxygen.

It was clearly visible in Sylvanas' eyes that she wanted more. Desire and need were unmistakable. She put her hands on Kelrian's cheeks and leaned in but she stopped at the last moment, her lips were less than an inch away from her husband's.

Kelrian raised an eyebrow at her as she pulled away. "Is something wrong, honey?"

Sylvanas shook her head. "No, nothing is wrong. I really want to kiss you again but if I would the chances are pretty high that I remove your clothes in the process and one thing leads to the other. I don't mind doing that but I have a lot of paperwork to do. I promised Alleria to fill them out and send them to her today. I really need to do that first and then we can have some fun if you don't mind."

Kelrian pressed a kiss on her temple. "I don't mind. I'll leave you alone then and wait in your bedroom for you."

Sylvanas pressed a kiss next to the left corner of his mouth. "I'll come as soon as I can, my dear."

"Take your time. No need to hurry." With that said, Kelrian turned around and approached the door, opening it. He glanced at Sylvanas one last time and recognized the look on her face. She was missing him already and so was he. He gave her a small smile and winked before he left the room and closed the door behind him.


Kelrian was lying on their bed in the Royal Quarter, his head rested on a pillow, one of his hands held a book while the other stroked over the soft material of the blanket beneath him. The book he was reading was pretty interesting. It was one of Sylvanas' favourites when she had been alive. A story about a cursed man who travels through the world to find a cure for his curse.

Kelrian already knew how it would end but he still read it because it was so good. The man found the cure in the end but he didn't take it because he had learned how to live with it. It was so well written. The author was really good with words.

Kelrian turned the page over and was about to read the next page as the cracking of the door reached his ears. He lowered the book and lifted his gaze, looking at the door that was halfway opened a few moments later. Sylvanas slipped through the door. Instead of her usual outfit, which looked like a dark version of her Ranger-General Uniform, she wore a grey cloak that covered her whole body.

That made Kelrian wonder. Sylvanas never wore cloaks. He could only assume that she was hiding something beneath it, otherwise, he couldn't explain to himself why she was wearing a cloak. Nevertheless, he was certain he would soon find out why she was wearing that cloak.

Kelrian averted his gaze to look at the clock that stood on the bedside table to his left. "You only needed four hours to complete your work, not bad. It seems you really wanted to see me."

Sylvanas only smirked as she closed the door and slowly made her way to the king-sized bed on which her husband was lying. She said nothing while walking and not even when she stopped right in front of the bed. She waited until Kelrian's eyes were back on her and slowly opened her cloak, slipping it off her body.

The cloak fell slowly, revealing more and more of Sylvanas' bare skin. She didn't wear anything beneath that cloak, meaning she was totally naked. It was obvious what she wanted. Kelrian's eyes hungrily wandered over Sylvanas' form, taking a closer look at her big breasts, her juicy hips and her sex that was free from any hair. She was stunningly beautiful.

The reaction of Kelrian's body was only natural. His heart began to beat faster, his skin began to tingle and the size of a certain organ increased. Kelrian couldn't take his eyes off her form, his mouth became watery and even his ears sat upright and were pressed close to his head. The desire became much stronger the longer he stared at his wife.

Sylvanas said nothing to him, all she did was smirking at him as she noticed where his gaze rested. She just stood there and allowed him to ogle her. She didn't move for several minutes, biting her bottom lip in anticipation as she watched Kelrian slowly removing his clothes until he only wore his underpants.

Sylvanas sat down on the bed, slowly crawling over to her husband. Her predatory eyes rested on him, her breasts wobbled with each step she made.

A wonderful sight for Kelrian. He tried to sit up but quickly found out he couldn't. Confusion appeared on his face as he turned his head to find out what was going on. His eyes widened a little when he noticed shackles made of shadows around his arms. They chained his arms to the mattress and prevented him from lifting his upper body up.

"So that's how we are playing," he said amused.

Sylvanas smirked but said nothing, finally arriving in front of Kelrian who was still lying on the bed. Her red eyes roamed all over Kelrian's body, doing the same as what he had done before. She ogled him, taking a closer look at his muscular upper body and his semi-stiff manhood which shape was clearly visible through the fabric of his underpants.

Sylvanas' smirk became wider, she put a hand on his left thigh, running her fingers over his skin and the fabric of his underpants. "Sucks to be in your position, doesn't it? I can see the lust in your eyes, I can see how badly you want me but your arms are shackled. You are defenceless, powerless but not only that." Her smirk became much wider as she continued. "You are at my mercy. I could walk away and leave you there and there is nothing you could do about that."

Kelrian raised a brow and tilted his head a little. "You want me to beg, don't you?"

A shit-eating grin appeared on her lips. "I do."

Kelrian sighed as he rolled his eyes. He looked at his shackles, analysing them. He had no doubt he could break them. He could do that but he knew he shouldn't. He didn't want to ruin Sylvanas' mood. He didn't want to upset her. He knew how much Sylvanas loved to be in control. She had always loved to be in charge, especially in life.

Kelrian had no other choice than surrendering and doing what Sylvanas wanted him to do. He loved her too much to not obey her and refuse to play her games with her. As the loving husband he was, he would do everything Sylvanas demanded from him.

"Sylvanas please..."

Sylvanas slapped his left cheek once, but not too hard. "Wrong."

"Wrong?" Kelrian asked confused.

"Wrong title."


Another slap.

"My Queen?"

A satisfied grin appeared on Sylvanas' lips. "Better."

"My Queen, please."

"Please what?" Sylvanas asked, her voice was loud and strong, supporting her authority.

"Please free me from the fabric and satisfy my lower needs."

Sylvanas ran her fingers over Kelrian's dick, smirking as she felt it getting harder until it was fully stiff. She poked it a little before she pulled her hand away and tilted her head a little, giving her husband a mischievous grin. "You'll have to earn that first."

"Earn that? How?" Kelrian asked playfully.

"You need to do something first and if you do that good enough, you'll be rewarded."

"Sounds fair to me. What do you want me to do?"

Sylvanas smirked but said nothing in return. She moved closer to his head, sitting down on his chest. A choker made of shadows appeared around Kelrian's neck. The Banshee Queen didn't hesitate to grab that choker, forcing Kelrian to lift his upper body a little. She crouched closer to him until his nose almost touched her bare sex. Sylvanas looked down at him, an expecting look appeared on her face. Sylvanas didn't need to tell him what to do, it was obvious what she wanted from him.

"As you wish, My Queen," Kelrian said before he brought his lips to her sex, putting kisses on her vaginal lips. Sylvanas put a hand on his head, running his fingers through his hair. Kelrian ran his tongue over her southern lips, feeling her grip on his hair becoming stronger. Stronger but not too strong.

Kelrian didn't stop licking over Sylvanas' folds, his lips formed a smile as the first moan escaped her lips. He didn't need to look at her face to know that she enjoyed what he was doing. The sound of her voice was proof enough.

Sylvanas' grip on Kelrian's hair became tighter, she brought her other hand to her sex and toyed with her clit for nearly five minutes. She parted her pussy lips with two of her fingers, allowing Kelrian to stick his tongue inside her. His tongue was not long enough to reach her deepest spot but it served its purpose nevertheless.

The pleasure Sylvanas felt was a lot stronger than before, not strong enough for her liking but it was enough for the moment. She knew she would feel much better in the course of the evening, so she didn't rush things and decided to enjoy Kelrian's oral service a little longer.

She moved her hips a little, pressing her sex against Kelrian's face so that he could smell the arousal that stuck on her skin. The smell was anything but unpleasant. On the contrary, it was enjoyable.

The waves of pleasure that rushed through Sylvanas' body became stronger and more numerous with time, but she was still far away from reaching her climax. Kelrian would have to do more than licking her to bring her over the edge. He was aware of that and he was wondering when Sylvanas would allow him to do more.

He had no idea how much time had passed when Sylvanas pulled away from him and got off him, sitting down next to his waist. She ran the tip of her index finger over her sex and brought it to her face to take a closer look at the precum that stuck on it. "You have truly earned your reward, servant," Sylvanas said with a teasing voice.

She shifted her attention to Kelrian's underpants, smirking as she saw that he was still stiff as she had expected. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of his underpants, pulling them down slowly until they reached his knees. Sylvanas ran her cold fingers over Kelrian's cock for several minutes, teasing him that way. Her smirk became wider as she saw the lust and desire in his eyes. It was obvious that he wanted her very badly. He was longing after her. If she would be mean, she would tease him much longer. She could try to tease him until he couldn't take it anymore but she was not mean. She loved him too much to keep him on tenterhooks for too long.

Sylvanas licked her lips in anticipation as she enclosed her hand around Kelrian's manhood and stroked it slowly. One, two, even three slow strokes but their effect was pretty big. The wave of pleasure that rushed through Kelrian's body was much stronger than he had expected. Sylvanas grinned from one ear to the other as she watched Kelrian biting his bottom lip to prevent a moan from escaping his lips.

A teasing tone was clearly hearable in her voice as she spoke. "How dare you prevent me from hearing these wonderful sounds? What an impudence."

"I'm sorry, My Queen. It won't happen again."

Sylvanas was pleased with Kelrian's apology. "In that case, I shall continue." She stroked his dick at a fast pace, making him throw his head back and moan out loudly. "Yes, my dearest servant. Let it all out."

Another loud moan followed when Sylvanas enclosed her other hand around her husband's dick, stroking it with both hands. She knew exactly what she had to do with her hands to make him feel great. Her technique was efficient. Very efficient judging by the expression on Kelrian's handsome face.

She didn't let anything stop her. Not even when his dick began to twitch she thought of stopping. She brought her husband to his limit, opening her mouth widely as his love juice shot out of the tip of his cock. Only a small portion landed in her mouth, the rest landed either on her face or her breasts.

"Look at the mess you caused," Sylvanas spoke with a wide grin on her lips.

"I'm sorry, My Queen."

"You'll have to make up for that later," she said as she leaned over to the bedside table and opened the drawer, pulling a box of handkerchiefs out. She took a handful and cleaned her face and breasts, tossing the crumpled handkerchiefs in the nearest dustbin.

"Of course, My Queen," Kelrian responded. His eyes showed curiosity, he was wondering what she will do next. The grin on Sylvanas' lips told him that she would certainly do something.

Sylvanas didn't let him wait for too long. She lowered her head and brought her lips to his dick, licking his shaft from the bottom to the top, and then back to the bottom, repeating at numerous times. "Oh, Sylvanas...," Kelrian moaned.

Sylvanas stopped immediately and raised an eyebrow, giving Kelrian a questioning look. "How did you call me?"

Kelrian's eyes widened as he realised what he had done wrong. "I'm so sorry, my Queen. I didn't mean to..." But before he could finish his sentence he was gagged by a small ball of shadows. He was not able to say anything, the only sounds that could be heard were muffled and unrecognizable. He was no longer able to beg her to do something.

"Disobedience must be punished," Sylvanas replied strictly. She stared into Kelrian's eyes, seeing him nod. She regarded him for a few more moments before she averted her gaze and continued what she had started. She took his dick in her mouth eventually, her left hand played with his balls while her other hand stroked his long shaft.

She was pretty good at sucking. She was so good that she brought Kelrian to his limit again after just a few minutes. He came again, filling her mouth with his love juice. Sylvanas didn't swallow the sticky liquid immediately. She enjoyed its unique taste for some time and then swallowed it.

"Delicious," she said as she ran a finger over her bottom lip. Her gaze fell back on Kelrian whose gaze hadn't left her since she had started having fun with his dick. She stared into his golden orbs, she didn't even avert her gaze when she slowly inserted his manhood inside her pussy. A loud moan escaped her lips as his sex penetrated her inner walls. It was pushed further inside her until it couldn't go any deeper. Her inner walls tightly hugged the intruder but they loosened quickly.

"Wait are you waiting for?" Sylvanas asked. "Start working."

Kelrian didn't need to be told twice. He immediately started to move his hips up and down, pumping his dick in and out that way. Sylvanas tilted her head back, allowing a loud moan to escape her lips. The pleasure she felt was strong and it was foreseeable that it will get much stronger with time. Whenever the tip of Kelrian's dick hit her g-spot, another stronger wave of pleasure rushed through her body. The expression on Sylvanas' face was another clear proof that she was feeling good. No. More than just good. She was feeling indescribable great.

She had not planned to move her hips, she had wanted Kelrian to do all the work but her body was moving on its own. Her hips were lifted up and down instinctively, increasing the pleasure for both of them. Her hands moved on their own as well, her left hand wandered to her sex and further stimulated her by toying with her clit while her other hand wandered to her chest and toyed with her left nipple. Sylvanas had lost control over her body but she didn't really care because of the strong pleasure she felt.

She couldn't stop herself from stimulating herself nor could she stop her orgasm from coming closer and closer. She endured longer than expected but she still couldn't stop her body from reaching its limit. Her thighs began to shake, her sex tingled, a warm feeling started in her core but quickly spread out through her entire body.

The strongest wave of pleasure, she had felt so far, rushed through her body, causing her to cry out loudly in pleasure. Her husband's name escaped her lips as her inner walls contracted and released a sticky liquid.

Kelrian was watching his wife riding out her orgasm, noticing that the pressure around his wrists had gotten weaker. He knew it was only a matter of time until the pressure will get stronger, so he took advantage of the moment where the strength of the bindings was at its weakest, destroying them. Sylvanas was still in the ecstasy of the orgasm she had just experienced, so she did not notice that her husband had freed himself and removed the gag. She only noticed it when it was too late.

She blinked a few times, needing a few more moments to realize what was going on. Kelrian's dick was still inside her but she was no longer sitting on top of him. She was beneath him, her arms were above her head and her wrists were tied to the bars of the headboard of the bed by bindings made of holy light. The light was not hurting her but it prevented her from moving her arms and using any form of magic. She just realised that Kelrian was feeding her with her own medicine.

"Something wrong, my love?" Kelrian whispered into her ear, placing kisses over the whole length. He took the tip of her ear in his mouth, grinning as he noticed how hard it was. He bit the tip gently, causing another moan to escape Sylvanas' lips. He even ran his tongue over it, doing the same with the other ear. He pressed his lips on hers, inserting his tongue quickly. The tongue kiss they shared was sweet and passionate, making his heart beat much faster than before. It also caused that Sylvanas got much wetter than she already was.

He put kisses all over her face, her jawline and even her neck. He used his teeth to leave bruises that will eventually turn into love bites, knowing they will be visible for a few days at least. His hands roamed over her body, landing on her breasts. He cupped them greedily and kneaded them roughly. He buried his fingers in the soft flesh, toyed with them before he eventually shifted his attention to her stiff nipples. He took each nipple between two fingers, rolling, pressing, twisting and even pulling on them. He did that to make Sylvanas feel great and he was successful.

The combination of him pumping his dick in and out, kissing her neck and toying with her breasts caused strong waves of pleasure to rush through her body. She wrapped her legs around Kelrian's waist as he took one of her nipples in his mouth and began to suck on it. She couldn't help but moan out regularly, she couldn't stop her second orgasm from coming closer and closer. Even if she wanted it to stop, there was nothing she could do. Her hands were tied up, she was unable to use magic and the pleasure Kelrian caused was just too intense. There was no reason why she wanted it to stop. She was fine with the position she was in. The helplessness caused by the ties gave everything an additional thrill.

The embrace of her legs around his waist tightened when she came after several minutes but she was not the only one this time. Kelrian came with her, filling her up for the first time of the day. He was breathing heavily as he pulled his dick out, noticing the sticky liquid that stuck on it. It was a mix of their love juice. The same mix was flowing out of Sylvanas' vagina, down her perineum and dripped onto the blanket.

Some of the liquid moistened her butthole, giving Kelrian ideas. The grin on his lips was wide, Sylvanas raised an eyebrow curiously as she saw it. She was wondering what Kelrian had in mind. She may not know what it was but she was certain that both of them will enjoy it.

She got up as Kelrian signalized her to do so and even turned around so that her backside pointed at Kelrian. The Chosen took a closer look at her well-formed ass and put one of his hands on it, kneading her butt cheeks. He put the other hand on her back and pushed her upper body forward, forcing Sylvanas on all fours.

He sat behind her on his knees, gripping her hair and pulling her head back, causing her to stare at the ceiling. Sylvanas bit her bottom lip in anticipation, not a single sound escaped her lips as he increased the pressure. She didn't even make a noise as she felt his index finger poking her butthole a little. She knew exactly what he wanted to do and she allowed it. She bit her bottom lip harder as her rectal entrance was opened and eventually spread by two fingers. A finger went inside her, her walls resisted but they loosened up quickly, allowing Kelrian to add a second finger.

Quiet moans escaped her lips but Sylvanas didn't remain quiet for long. When Kelrian's dick finally entered her ass, she couldn't help but moan out loudly. His thick thing penetrated her walls with ease, causing a very strong wave of pleasure to rush through her body. Kelrian shoved as much of his dick as possible inside his wife, noticing that not every inch could fit in.

He was too large for her. But that didn't stop him from pumping his dick in and out, pulling Sylvanas' hair much forceful than before. A loud hiss escaped Sylvanas' lips but neither did Kelrian stop nor did she tell him to stop. She could deal with the small amount of pain she was feeling. As long as it was bearable and brought her pleasure, she had no problem with it.

Kelrian was taking her from behind like a wild animal. It was one of his favourite positions, so he really enjoyed it. The position didn't belong to Sylvanas' favourites but she enjoyed it nevertheless. She smiled wildly when Kelrian eventually came in released his load inside her ass.

Even though he had just come again, his dick was still stiff. He didn't pull it out nor did he stop pumping it in and out. He brought his other hand to Sylvanas' vagina, running three fingers over her folds while he pressed his thumb on her clit. He inserted his fingers eventually, fingering her with a fast pace. He didn't need longer than a few minutes to bring Sylvanas over the edge once again.

He watched with pleasure as Sylvanas squirted, her juice landed on the blanket. He pulled his dick out after she was done, watching portions of his cum flowing out of her butt hole. Some flowed in her vagina that, was still widened, while most of it dripped on the blanket.

"We need to change the blanket and the sheets."

A wide smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips as she sat down on the mattress, a pleased look appeared on her beautiful face. "My servants will do that later."

"Later? You want more, don't you?"

A mischievous grin appeared on her lips. "Of course, I'm still hungry. Hungry for you."

Kelrian grinned widely. "That's what I wanted to hear." He wrapped his arm around Sylvanas' waist and pulled her closer. He put kisses on her breasts, between her breasts and then beneath her breasts before he wandered lower and spread kisses over her whole upper body. He finally reached the significant scar left by Frostmourne. It was right above her navel.

It was an ugly scar but Sylvanas had gotten used to it. It reminded her of what she had lost. Not only her life but also the life of their unborn child. She couldn't say for sure that she had been pregnant when Arthas had murdered her but she had the strong impression she had been. Even after all these years, she was very certain that she had been pregnant. Arthas had taken the life of their unborn child and the scar was a constant reminder of that. A reminder that she still had a score to settle with him.

She had never told Kelrian the truth and she wasn't sure if she would one day. It was a secret she had kept from him. She wanted to tell him but she didn't know how without hurting him. She had no doubt that Kelrian will be very sad if he would know the truth and she didn't want him to be sad, so she hid the truth from him. She knew she should tell him, but she didn't know how.

Kelrian kissed the scar five times before moving down further, reaching a certain area. Sylvanas ran her fingers through his hair and pulled on it tightly, a loud moan escaped her lips as Kelrian began to work. She tilted her head back, more moans were produced by her vocal accords. "Oh, yes, just right there..."

Her eyes were closed, so she couldn't watch her lover as he was eating her out but she was fine with that. As long as she received pleasure, she had nothing to complain about. She came not much later, saying nothing as Kelrian pushed her on her back and positioned himself between her spread legs, entering her womanhood once again. He didn't allow her to pause and recover. She was still riding out her orgasm while Kelrian was doing everything in his power to bring her close to the next one.

His hands landed on her neck, his fingers were buried in her flesh. He was choking her but Sylvanas didn't need to breathe, so it didn't border her. On the contrary, the pain she felt made everything better. "Harder," she pressed through gritted teeth, wrapping her legs around Kelrian's waist again.

Kelrian did as he was told, increasing the pressure on her neck. This time her eyes were open and he didn't hesitate to stare into them, noticing the lust that was reflected by them. Sylvanas was really enjoying what Kelrian was doing. She felt better with each thrust he made. Whenever the tip of his cock hit her deepest spot, a strong wave of pleasure rushed through her body. Both of them were feeling great. Kelrian's grip around her neck and Sylvanas' grip on his hips tightened when they came.

They spend a few more hours in bed, changing positions and taking turns at being the one in control. Sylvanas couldn't remember how many times she had come and how many times Kelrian had come inside her when it was eventually over. All she knew that she wouldn't be able to sit straight for some time.

She sat up a little, watching a large amount of cum flowing out of her pussy. Kelrian had released a lot of the sticky liquid inside her. So much that she would get pregnant for sure if she would still be alive.

She turned her head and looked at her husband who had fallen asleep from exhaustion. She hadn't managed to do that for a while. She didn't remember the last time she had fucked him until exhaustion but she was kind of proud of herself. That was another proof that the sex had been that great.

Sylvanas laid down next to Kelrian and put her head on his chest that rose and fell with each breathe he made. She ran her fingers over his soft skin, closed her eyes and began to listen to his quiet breaths.