
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 65: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

"I cannot do this...Why am I not able to do this?" Kelrian shouted and turned around, kicking away the backpack that stood next to him. He was frustrated that things had not turned out the way he had wanted. He had tried it over and over again but it had not worked a single time. No matter how hard he had tried, he had not yet reached his goal. He had not been able to cast the spell.

The backpack landed on the other side of the room, its contents were scattered all over the floor. "Anger won't make your situation better. It won't change anything," replied his teacher as she picked up the backpack and began to put the items back inside.

"I know but... It's just so damn frustrating. I'm training this certain technique for several weeks and I have not done any progress. I'm still not able to heal anybody with the light. It's really frustrating... I wonder how I'm supposed to be the Chosen One when I'm not even able to heal others with the help of the holy light."

Liadrin stepped to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "You have to be patient, cousin. Healing spells might be simpler than other priest and paladin spells but they still require concentration. Learning them is not always easy for everyone. Some learn them faster while others need longer to learn them. You should not feel ashamed nor should you worry. I'm certain you will learn how to heal others sooner or later."

Kelrian sighed. "This reminds me of the first time I tried to learn how to use the holy light. Back when I still lived in Xenarion's house. I gave everything I had but it was never enough. I was never good enough to learn the same spells my older siblings were able to use. I was the black sheep of my family, the only one who was not able to use the holy light. I have felt worthless and useless. Xenarion has despised me since I failed the first entrance examination for priests. He was not happy that I was not like my brothers and sisters."

Liadrin gave him a comforting smile. "You should be grateful that you were not like your siblings. If you would have become an apprentice of a priest or paladin, you would have never gotten known to Sylvanas. You wouldn't have served under her and you two wouldn't have fallen in love with each other and so on. You wouldn't be here if you would have become a wielder of the light instead of a ranger."

"You are right, I guess," replied Kelrian.

"I bet your life was not easy when you lived in Xenarion's house with your family. Xenarion did everything to make your life as hard as possible but you withstood and never allowed him to break your will. I admire you for that. Others would have given up after a while but you didn't. You found the right path for you and followed it no matter what happened.

You became a ranger, one of the best, and you became the lover of Sylvanas Windrunner, one of the most popular women of Quel'Thalas. No one would have ever expected that. You are a hero, Kelrian. You did so much for our people. You always thought about them first when you made a decision. We are glad to have you. I don't want to imagine how things would look like without you."

Kelrian smiled at her but said nothing at first. He was speechless and flattered. He had not expected his cousin to say so many good things about him. "Your words mean a lot to me," Kelrian said eventually.

Liadrin returned his smile. "You can accomplish much more than you already did. The light and the Sunwell chose you for a reason. I have no doubt that you will achieve more great things. I have no doubt you will meet the naaru's expectations. You just have to be patient and remain calm. Sometimes, we need more attempts to achieve your goals. I have no doubt that you will be able to use the light in the same ways as I do. All you have to do is to not give up and try it again and again until you succeed. I'm sure you can do this. You just have to believe in yourself."

"You are right, Liadrin. I will not lose hope. I will be patient and try it over and over again until I manage to heal someone with the help of the light."

"Good. You should take a break now. We will continue later."

"Sounds fine to me."


Kelrian had needed longer than expected to learn the technique but he had managed it in the end and that was all that mattered. He was finally able to heal wounded creatures with the light. It always took some time but he was always successful in the end. He trained every single day, trying to improve his healing ability. He became better and better with each passing week and even learned other spells priest and paladins were able to use. He could create barriers made out of holy light, use holy fire, bless others to make them stronger and even consecrate the ground. There were still enough spells he could learn but the ones he mastered were enough for him at the moment.

He was happy that Liadrin's training had finally paid off. He was finally able to use the light for battle or other situations. He was a champion of the light who was still on the way of becoming the Chosen One. The naaru had not changed their opinions about him. They still believed he was the one who would protect Azeroth and Outland from all evil. Kelrian had no doubt that being the Chosen One didn't mean that he was invincible. He still had to train regularly and become stronger. He also had to make sure he wouldn't get carried away.

He was still a mortal, so he was still vulnerable. There was no guarantee that he would be able to defeat every enemy he would encounter. He had to remain careful and avoid making bad decisions. The worst that could happen was that Kelrian would underestimate his opponents. He was well aware that there were enough powerful beings in the universe. He had to take each opponent seriously. He wouldn't toy with them. He would take each fight seriously. He would do everything in his power to defeat all evil. The Scourge. The Burning Legion and every threat that will follow. He made it his task to save Azeroth with the help of the naaru and the light.

Kelrian looked up from his palms as he noticed someone entering the sparring room. A might male draenei in splendid white-golden armour was walking over to him. His skin had a much darker blue tone than his eyes, the head of his hammer was a thick oval-shaped purple glowing crystal. Kelrian had no doubt that this draenei could easily crush heads and bones with this hammer. I

Kelrian got up from the bench he was sitting on, waiting until the paladin had reached him. "Greetings."

"Greetings, Chosen One," the draenei said and lowered his head in respect.

"I don't like to be called like that. Please call me Kelrian."

"As you wish. My name is Maraad."

"Maraad. I heard your name before. You are a vindicator, a defender of your people, aren't you?"

Maraad nodded. "I am. I fought the Burning Legion to guarantee the safety of my people. I didn't manage to save everyone..." For a short moment, sadness could be seen in his eyes and be heard in his voice. He cleared his throat, making the sadness vanish. "But I did everything in my power to save as many as I could."

"Some people say that the will is all that matters," replied Kelrian.

"Together with others, I saved thousands. That's all that matters to me."

Kelrian gave him an agreeing nod. "What can I do for you, Maraad?"

"The naaru wants to see you."

"Then I shouldn't let them wait for too long," replied Kelrian. He ran his fingers through his short hair, noticing that it was wet. His whole body was covered in sweat due to the extreme training session he had just finished.

"The naaru are very patient creatures. They will not mind waiting a little longer. You can take a shower or a bath first if you want."

Kelrian dried his exposed upper body with a white towel. He picked up the golden tunic that laid on the bench and put it on. "I will go to them nonetheless."

Maraad nodded and began to walk towards the room's exit. Kelrian followed him until they came to a huge hall in which middle Z'eru was floating. Kelrian walked over to it and bowed down in front of it. "You asked for me, Z'eru."

"I noticed that you became much stronger over the past months. Your progress seems promising. Do you feel ready?"

"I do. I think I trained enough."

"Then it's time for your final test," replied the naaru.

Kelrian nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"You have to prove yourself worthy by killing an evil entity in a duel."

"An evil entity?"

"It's an evil creature from a different timeline. It seems that it came to our timeline by accident. It didn't hesitate to attack anyone who came close to it, and it killed dozens of creatures before we managed to capture it."

"Who is this evil creature?"

"You will find that out soon, Kelrian. Maraad will guide you to the mage that will bring you to the dimension where we imprisoned it," explained the naaru.

"I won't disappoint you, Z'eru."

"I know you won't. I have put my trust in you. You will pass this test, I'm sure of that."

Kelrian regarded the ancient creature for a few moments before he looked at Maraad who nodded at him. Kelrian followed the draenei paladin to a small room. Kelrian didn't hesitate to greet the male night elf mage who got up from the wooden bench he had been sitting on.

"The Chosen One is ready to fight the prisoner," said Maraad.

The night elf nodded. "Give me a few minutes." He created a one-way portal within seven minutes. "I will bring you back once you have defeated your opponent."

"And what if I'm not able to defeat him?" Kelrian asked the mage.

The night elf's eyes reflected insecurity as he looked at Maraad. "Z'eru ordered us to not interfere no matter what will happen."

"So I'm basically on my own."

Maraad nodded. "But it won't get that far. Z'eru is convinced of your victory."

"And you?"

Maraad hesitated for a moment. "I believe in Z'eru's judgement. The naaru have never been wrong about anything. If they say you will win, then it will happen."

"We will see about that," whispered Kelrian. Doubt was barely hearable in his voice.

"Did you say something?" the draenei paladin asked.

Kelrian shook his head. "Nothing important."

"Are you ready?"

Kelrian muttered a few phrases in ancient thalassian, letting his armour and his sword appear. The golden armour fit him well and the sword was not too heavy. He had no problems whirling it around. He let a potion appear, drinking it. He no longer felt exhausted when he had consumed the whole potion. He gave Maraad determined nod. "Now I am."

Maraad looked at the portal and then back at Kelrian. "I will see you again soon."

Kelrian nodded and stepped through the portal. He checked his surroundings as soon as he arrived in the new location. The air was cool, the ground beneath his feet was even, firm and light brown. There were no signs of vegetation. No trees, no bushes and no other plants. Except for one creature, there were no signs of life in this area. Kelrian and his opponent were the only creatures in this strange place.

Kelrian's eyes were narrowed when they began to regard the creature from head to toe but they widened quickly as he realized who that person was. He recognized the familiar eyes. Fel green eyeballs and golden irises. He also recognized the felstone horns, the familiar wings, the light green skin and the pale blond hair. He recognized the familiar handsome face. It was his face.

The evil creature he had to fight was no other than himself. A previous version of him. An evil version.


Dreadfist from another timeline. A timeline where he had not been freed from the Legion's control. It seemed like that at least. Kelrian had no idea what exactly happened in this creature's timeline but he had no doubt that only bad things had happened.

Kelrian noticed that Dreadfist was also regarding him from head to toe. "You are so fucking ugly," the half-demon said eventually.

"That's coming from you," Kelrian snorted. "Have you ever seen yourself in a mirror?"

"I look much better than you. Just look at yourself. Golden armour, golden eyes and short golden hair? Short hair? Really? Having a short haircut as an elf is basically a no-go."

"It has its advantages, especially in combat situations if your opponent fights dirty. The chances that my opponents get an advantage by pulling on my hair is much lower that way. Anyway, I'm not here to discuss my appearance with you," responded Kelrian.

"You came here to kill me, didn't you?" Dreadfist asked amused.

Kelrian nodded.

Loud laughter escaped Dreadfist's lips.

"What is so funny?" asked Kelrian irritated.

"That you think you can kill me. You should know that I'm playing in another league."

"I said that too when I was controlled by the Legion but the Alliance still managed to defeat me. I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you. You're not invincible."

Dreadfist's lips formed a grin. "If only you would know what I have seen."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Dreadfist's grin became wider. "I'm a medium. I can see the future, not everything that will happen but I have seen many things. I have seen the outcome of our duel. I saw YOUR death. It looked painful but it was satisfying to watch."

Kelrian's facial expression didn't change. He didn't allow Dreadfist to unsettle him. He was convinced that Dreadfist was just bluffing. He was convinced that everything Dreadfist had said was just idle gossip.

"I don't believe you," Kelrian replied eventually.

Dreadfist snorted. "I have the same abilities you had when you served the Legion. You and I are able to see things which will happen in the future but we can also see things that happened in the past. We may have no control over what we are seeing and when we are seeing visions but we are able to see the future and the past. Why don't you want to believe that I saw the outcome of our duel years ago?"

Kelrian titled his head. "Even if this is true, it doesn't have to mean anything. Not all of my visions came true. I once saw a vision where I met up with Sylvanas and I was behaving weirdly. I was overconfident, and our relationship was only about sex. The vision took place before Doctor Sivallah turned me into a monster. Before she turned me into you. That vision never became true. I have never acted like this, nor was the relationship between me and Sylvanas ever just about sex. That is proof enough that not everything I see, not everything WE see, will occur."

Dreadfist snorted again. "You are a fool if you believe that you can kill me."

Kelrian's reply was sharp. "You are a fool if you believe that any of your stupid words matter to me."

Dreadfist's eyes narrowed. "I thought we could have a nice conversation but it seems your death wish is too strong to be ignored. Fine. I will kill you quickly."

"Try it."

Dreadfist let two familiar runeblades appear in front of him. Drak'tar and Worldender. He grabbed them without hesitation, spinning them around. His left hand held Drak'tar and the other held Worldender. A loud battle cry escaped Dreadfist's lips as she sprinted towards Kelrian and swung his swords at him.

Kelrian jumped to the side, completely avoiding the half-demon's attack. He was not sure if his sword would stand against these powerful runeblades, so he preferred to dodge his opponent's attacks as long as he could. He would only try to block them with his sword if he had no other choice.

Dreadfist swung his swords again but Kelrian avoided them again. Dreadfist remained calm and attacked for the third time. He didn't pull a face when Kelrian dodged his attacks once again. His opponent was faster than he had expected.

Kelrian was aware that he wouldn't defeat his opponent if he would do nothing but dodging his attacks. He had to be active too, so he waited for the perfect opportunity to attack. Shortly after he had dodged Dreadfist's runeblades again, he swung his sword and cut through the armour that covered Dreadfist's left hip. Green blood flowed out of the medium-deep cut caused by the golden sword.

An angry cry escaped Dreadfist's lips as he swung his swords again, hitting Kelrian with Drak'tar this time. Kelrian's armour got damaged but at least he didn't get injured. Dreadfist swung his two swords once again, hitting Kelrian's upper body armour for the second time. He left a huge cut in the golden material through which Kelrian's golden vest could be seen. The armour hadn't withstood the demon's blades but at least it had prevented Kelrian from getting wounded.

Dreadfist attempted to hit him again. Kelrian would have been hit by both runeblades if he wouldn't have teleported away at the last moment. He stood not far away from the half-demon who turned around and sprinted towards him. Kelrian teleported away once again, noticing that it cost him a not so little portion of his mana. He knew he wouldn't be able to teleport more than two or three additional times. He was no longer a mage but he was still able to use a few techniques he had learned before his rebirth. He was still able to use them but they weren't cheap. They cost a good portion of his mana, so he only used them if he had to.

"You are still able to teleport, that's interesting. A paladin who is able to use mage abilities. You are indeed something special. I wonder how often you can teleport until you get exhausted. Let's find it out, shall we?"

Dreadfist made a large leap, landing a few feet away from Kelrian who had taken a defensive posture in the meantime. The half-demon prepared his next attack, executing it perfectly. He managed to knock the sword out of Kelrian's hand and damaged his upper body armour much more seriously this time.

He swung his runeblades again but Kelrian managed to create a barrier around himself which blocked both sword swings. The half-demon needed a few more swings to destroy it. But before he was able to attack Kelrian, he was hit by a ray of holy light which burned a hole in his left bracer and even injured the light green flesh beneath it.

Nothing but a quiet hiss escaped Dreadfist's lips as he lifted his left arm. His forearm hurt but the pain was not that bad nor was the wound serious. He was still able to hold Drak'tar without any problems. He swung both runeblades effortlessly but Kelrian rolled beneath them, ramming a dagger made of holy light into Dreadfist's left upper thigh in the same movement. A loud painful cry could be heard from Dreadfist at the same moment Kelrian picked his sword up.

He got to his feet, sending a sphere of light at the annoyed demon. Dreadfist was able to dodge it even with the dagger in his leg. He pulled the dagger out, noticing that his glove had been damaged in the process. He didn't want to imagine how much pain the dagger would cause if he would have to touch it with his bare hand. He was glad that he wore gloves.

The dagger may no longer stick in his upper thigh but the pain he felt was still enormous. It gave him the impression that the sharp object still stuck in his flesh but it didn't. Contrary to his expectation, the wound didn't heal. It remained open and blood was still flowing out.

"How can a small dagger cause so much pain," Dreadfist screamed and made a step forward, noticing that he had to exert himself more to do that. "It doesn't stop hurting... What did you do to me, bastard?"

Kelrian didn't respond to this different version of himself. He didn't hesitate to attack his opponent, hoping that his mobility advantage would allow him to seriously hurt Dreadfist. He walked circles around his opponent and attacked whenever he got the opportunity but the half-demon was still fast enough to turn around and block his attacks. He was defending himself but at least he didn't attack.

Kelrian said nothing to his opponent. He didn't provoke him nor did he allow himself to think that he was winning. He kept a cool head and continued to keep the half-demon busy, preventing him from using any of the runes tattooed on his hands and engraved in the blades of his swords. He knew better than anyone else how much destruction can be caused by the use of the runes. He knew that Dreadfist would need time to use them. He would have to concentrate himself to activate them and gain power. As long as Kelrian forced Dreadfist to block his attacks, the demon wouldn't be able to let his surroundings explode or do something else.

The rhythmical swinging and blocking went on for a while, Kelrian even used spells from time to time but Dreadfist always found a way to prevent them and protect himself. Either he wrapped a barrier around himself or one of his swords blocked the spell or even absorbed it. Kelrian had gotten much more exhausted but he was still able to continue. The wound in Dreadfist's upper thigh didn't look good but it wasn't mortal. He could still move his left leg, however slower than the other.

Kelrian's plan was simple. He would continue until the half-demon would tire. His plan didn't sound bad but there was still a problem with that. Dreadfist didn't get tired. His reflexes might have become slower than before but he still didn't seem to get exhausted. At least not as exhausted as Kelrian.

"Why don't you become tired?" Kelrian hissed after a while.

A grin appeared on Dreadfist's lips. "I told you that I'm much stronger than you think. I'm playing in another league."


"Imagine what I would do to you if I would be allowed to use my runes. I would wipe the floor with a pitiful creature like you. Chosen of the light. Pah. Don't make me laugh. You are nothing but a loser who achieved nothing without the help of supernatural beings. If the naaru and wouldn't have saved you, you would serve the Scourge as a high ranked general."

Kelrian swung his sword again but Dreadfist blocked it like thehundreds of swings before. "Keep talking, demon. Your words don't matter to me."

Dreadfist grinned as he blocked the next attack. "Are you sure about that? Don't you want to know what I will do to your masters and your friends once I'm done with you? Don't you want to know what I will do to your wife?"

It was not easy for Kelrian to not reply to his foe but he managed to hold back despite the anger he felt.

"I will do the same to your Sylvanas than I did to mine. I broke her mind and made her to my slave. My trophy. She is pretty good at warming my bed. I can't wait to rape your wife until she begs me to fuck her. I can't wait to break her and make her my personal sex slave. Imagine having two Banshee Queens who would do anything you want from them."

Anger was clearly visible in Kelrian's face. His eyes were narrowed, hatred and disgust were reflected by them. His facial features were distorted in anger and he was biting his bottom lip hard. His left hand clasped the handle of his sword tighter than usual, his other hand was clenched.

"Don't worry about her. She will be happy taking my cock, the cock of a legend. Millions of times better than taking the cock of a piece of shit like you."

"Are you done talking, bastard?" Kelrian pressed through gritted teeth.

Dreadfist's lips formed a mischievous grin. "Not yet. I'm haven't told you what I'm going to do to Sylvanas' sisters and your family."

"You will never get out of here, so it doesn't matter what you made up in your crazy mind."

"You will be my key to get out of this boring place. The naaru will not allow me to kill you, so they will have no other choice than freeing me."

"You have to defeat me first," Kelrian hissed as he executed another sword strike. Kelrian expected Dreadfist to block it like the hundreds of times before but he did something he would have never expected from him or anyone else. The demon didn't defend himself this time and allowed Kelrian's sword to cut deep into his flesh.

The sword stuck deep in his left shoulder and was unmoveable. Kelrian could neither thrust it deeper nor could he pull it out. Kelrian tried to rip it out but even with both hands, he was not successful. It was stuck.

Despite the massive amount of pain Dreadfist felt, he was still able to grin at his astonished foe. He was not able to move his left arm but his right arm was not hindered. He thrust Worldender through Kelrian's left hip, his grin became much wider as he heard Kelrian's painful scream and saw his distorted expression. He landed a kick in the Chosen's stomach, causing him to let go of the sword's handle. Another precise and strong kick caused Kelrian to fall to the ground.

Dreadfist ignored the green blood that was flowing down his body as he approached Kelrian and put a foot on him. "You are still so weak. I can't believe that the naaru thought you are ready to beat me. Seems that these ancient creatures are not as wise as the draenei claim. Or maybe it's just the fel that made me too strong for you. You must know that Lord Kil'jaeden granted me unimaginable powers. I was even able to defeat the Lich King. It was harder than I have expected and many of my servants died but I killed him in the end."

Dreadfist applied pressure on Kelrian's chest, preventing him from getting up. "The citizens of Azeroth stood no chance against the armies of the Burning Legion when we invaded the planet and claimed the titan soul as ours. Those who didn't join the Legion died. I will do the same with your world once I escaped this prison." Evil laughter escaped Dreadfist's lips. "Your world is just another source of power for the Burning Legion. Nothing more."

"You...will...not...get...through...with this..." Kelrian pressed through gritted teeth. The pain in his chest got worse with each passing second.

Dreadfist tilted his head and gave Kelrian a small smile. "We will see about that. I think it's time to get out of this miserable place."

Dreadfist lifted his head and looked somewhere. "If you don't want me to kill him you better get me out of this prison, naaru. I know that you are watching us. I know that you want to keep him alive. Free me or I will thrust my sword right through his heart," he shouted as loud as he could. Nothing happened. Not in the first few seconds and also not after five minutes. Dreadfist's expression reflected anything but amusement. "I'm not bluffing. I'm dead serious about this."

No creature appeared. No portal was created. Nothing happened. Nothing changed. Dreadfist turned his head as soon as he heard soft laughter. "What is so funny?" he snapped at Kelrian.

"The naaru won't free you because they don't believe I lost."

Dreadfist pressed the tip of Worldender against Kelrian's throat. "What are you talking about? I only need to move my blade a few inches to end your worthless life."

"Are you sure about that?"

Dreadfist raised an eyebrow, his multi-coloured eyes reflected confusion. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, just buying time."

"Buying time? For what? There is no one who is going to help you." Dreadfist sounded much more irritated than before.

"Are you sure about that?" said Kelrian's voice but it didn't come out of his mouth. The one who had spoken was behind Dreadfist. The half-demon turned around, his eyes widened as sharp object pierced through his flesh. He spat blood out and lowered his gaze, noticing the golden object in his chest. It was a knife made of holy light. Dreadfist's eyes became much wider as he saw the familiar face. "How? How is that possible?"

"You should better watch your surroundings next time you talk. You were so busy telling me all of this nonsense that you didn't notice me preparing a spell," Kelrian said as he thrust the knife deeper in the demon's chest. Dreadfist regarded the wounded sin'dorei in front of him before he averted his gaze and looked at the creature on the ground, he had thought to be Kelrian. It was still there but its body had begun to dissolve. The lower half of the body was already missing.

"An illusion?"

"No. A clone."

"But how? How did you create him without me seeing him or noticing his aura?"

Kelrian smirked but said nothing in return. He thrust the knife as deep as possible in his opponent's chest, disarming the demon before he could attack him with his sword. Dreadfist spat more blood out. Fear could be seen in his eyes for the first time. He was in shock and unable to move. He stood still and didn't defend himself as Kelrian picked up Drak'tar and rammed the tip in his belly. The Chosen thrust the entire length of the blade in Dreadfist's stomach.

Suddenly, his sight blurred and then became clearer again. Kelrian noticed quickly that his surroundings had changed. He expected to be back in the Terrace of Light but after close observation, he realized that he was not there. He was somewhere else.

He was on a balcony. The floor and the railing were made out of white marble. There was a bench to his right but no one sat on it. He saw a creature. Two creatures to be exact.

There was a beautiful woman that stood in front of the railing. She wore a golden dress, her magnificent golden hair reached to her shoulders. Her golden eyes rested on him, her perfect lips formed a smile. Her skin looked healthy and had the colour of peaches. Her ears were long and pointed, her earrings were yellow crystals shaped like the sun. Her facial features were unmistakable. Kelrian knew exactly who she was.

She carried a baby in her arms. The baby was not older than three months. Its eyes were as golden as the woman's, its skin had a similar colour than its mother's. The few tufts of hair on its head were blond, its ears were tiny and pointed. It wore a blue-golden crawler.

The baby looked at him, a noise similar to a laugh escaped its lips as it recognized him. The woman's smile became wider. She stretched one of her arms out, the other was still wrapped around the baby. She held it tightly, preventing it to slip out of her embrace.

Kelrian came closer to her and stretched his arm out, wanting to touch her. He wanted to touch her so badly. He wanted to grab her hand and intertwine their fingers. He wanted to bring her hand to his lips and kiss it. He wanted to kiss her full lips more than anything else. But his sight blurred out again before he was able to reach her hand.

When his surroundings became clearer again, he realized that he was back in the dimension prison. Dreadfist still stood in front of him but his gaze was blank. He did not move, his chest didn't raise and sunk in an inconsistent rhythm as it had done before. He was no longer breathing.

He was no longer alive.

Dreadfist was dead.

He was only still standing because Kelrian was holding him. Kelrian removed his hand from the demon's shoulder, watching him fall backwards and land on the ground. Kelrian regarded this twisted version of himself for a few moments before he turned away and looked upwards. He didn't need to wait for too long.

A few minutes later, he found himself in familiar surroundings. Maraad and the mage were regarding him curiously. "You did it," the draenei congratulated as he approached Kelrian and lowered his head in respect.

Kelrian was not sure what he should say in response so he decided to remain silent.

"The fight was very close. Even though it looked bad for you at some points, I had no doubt you would defeat him in the end."

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "You watched the fight?"

The night elf mage pointed at the glass globe in his hands. "We did."

Kelrian nodded. "I want to see Z'eru. I need to talk to it about something."

"I will accompany you."

"You don't have to do that, Maraad. I know where I have to go."

"Let me heal you at least," the draenei said insistently.

Kelrian looked down at himself, noticing that he was still wounded. Blood was flowing out of his open wounds and dropped onto the floor. He looked back at Maraad who was giving him a determined look. "Alright. But be quick, I want to speak to Z'eru as soon as possible."