
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 57: The Netherstorm

Stormspire was one of the few places in the Netherstorm which weren't devasted. It was not a dull wasteland where the ground was grey, dry and infertile and no habitable building could be found. No ruins, demons or void creatures were in this area. It was the entire opposite of most areas in the Netherstorm that Raesh had seen so far.

There was plenty of vegetation and lots of friendly creatures who wanted to chat, trade or interact with others in different ways. The town was of draenei architecture and stood on the top of a very tall mountain. There was a huge purple energy dome wrapped around the mountain that protected the area from heavy storms which happened very often in this area. The barrier was not impassable, meaning that any creature could walk through it. Friends and foes.

The Burning Legion and the Sunstrider Loyalists were attacking the town from time to time but its inhabitants and the stationed troops of the Alliance had repelled every attack so far. Raesh had helped them by killing lots of smaller creatures and even those he had once considered as his brethren. Killing the men of his grandfather had not been easy for him at first but he had gotten more and more used to it with each passing day. He didn't like killing these blood elves or felblood elves, as they preferred to call themselves, but he did it nevertheless. He had to because he had no other choice. They would kill him and his friends and comrades if he wouldn't kill them first.

He was aware that this civil war would cost much more lives. So many blood elves had been slain by the Scourge in the Third War and more will fall due to the conflict between the sin'dorei and Kael'thas' forces. He still could not believe that his grandfather had betrayed their people and joined the Burning Legion. Raesh's parents had always told him stories of the brave and determined king who would have done anything to save his people.

Nowadays, the king had fallen to madness and it seemed as if he tried everything in his power to corrupt his people and doom them that way. Raesh couldn't understand why he was doing that and he doubted he would ever understand it. No one was able to understand the mad king's motives. No one had any idea what he wanted to achieve. It was a mystery.

Raesh had barely known his grandfather, so his betrayal had not hit him as hard as those who had once been close to him. His mother, his aunts, his grand cousin Liadrin, Ranger-General Lor'themar Theron, his mentor and many other high ranked mages who had served the king had been hit much harder. Those who had been very close to the king were the ones who had been shocked the most.

What had hit Raesh quite hard was the capture of his father who had tried to stop the mad king's plans. The mission of his father had not been successful due to the betrayal of one of the children of his father's partner. Raesh had heard about the nathrezim Exadius for the first time when his mother had told him about the nathrezim who worked with the Alliance. Before then, he had not known of Exadius' existence. His father had kept it secret until the day he had introduced his partner to the leaders of the Alliance.

Raesh understood that his father had kept it secret from the Alliance but he didn't understand why he had kept it secret from his family. He had thought that his father would trust him and their family. He had thought his father would tell them everything and would always be honest with them. Nevertheless, he was not disappointed in his father because he assumed that he had had his reasons.

Raesh knew that his father had changed. He was no longer the same man he had been before the Third War. The horrible events had changed almost everyone. Everyone Raesh knew had changed, there was not a single person he knew who had not changed. Every member of his family that had survived the Third War had changed a little at least. He didn't judge any of them. They were still good persons, they were doing good things. Only the moral values of some of them had changed.

He was not blind. He knew that his mother would stop at nothing to take vengeance on Arthas. He could understand her. Arthas ruined the lives of everyone he knew. He had murdered his mother, forced her to kill his grandmother and left Quel'Thalas in ruins. His sister and his cousin had been killed by Arthas' servants. Millions of lives had been destroyed because of Arthas' actions. Raesh will do everything in his power to help his mother to bring Arthas to justice. But before they could take care of Arthas, they had to stop his grandfather and free his father.

Raesh wanted nothing more than freeing his father. He didn't want to imagine what the servants of the Burning Legion would do to him. He could only assume that the mad king would try to bring him on his side by any means. Raesh had no doubt that the mad king would torture his father and try to break his mind with the help of every possible method. Raesh could only hope that they would reach Tempest Keep before it would be too late.

The worst thing was that Tempest Keep was still too far away from them. Of all bases in the Netherstorm, Stormspire was the closest base to Tempest Keep. But it was still too far away. They would have to travel for at least a week to reach the fortress, provided that no demons or loyalists would attack them. He feared that they would reach the keep too late to save his father. He knew that his father had a strong will but he didn't know if he was strong enough to endure the pain and torture the mad king would put him through.

He feared the worst but he didn't lose hope. He had to stay strong if he wanted to save his father. He had to stay strong for his mother who was an emotional wreck sometimes. She stayed strong whenever someone who didn't belong to her family was around. She stayed strong most of the times when he was around but sometimes, she was not able to control herself and prevent herself from becoming emotional. His father's capture had hit her hard, much harder than him.

Raesh was always there for his mother and always comforted her. He always tried his best but sometimes it was not enough. Without his father by her side, his mother was not as strong as she used to be. He couldn't hold that against her.

She was not weak, she was just a normal creature with emotions who could get very emotional when something happened to her family. She was not the heartless monster the Scarlet Crusade and some other dumb individuals thought she was. Despite her occasional unscrupulousness and her different moral values, she was not a bad person. She could still work on herself and Raesh believed that his father could change her for the better.

Raesh was brought out of his thoughts by a familiar warm voice. He turned his head, looking at the paladin who was standing not far away from him. Raesh's lips formed a smile as he walked over to him. He put a hand on his shoulder as soon as he reached him and stared into his eyes. The paladin blushed as he returned the gaze.

"What's up, Kaelor?" Raesh asked.

"Not much. Lady Liadrin sent me to look after you. I should tell you that we set off soon."

Raesh nodded. "Is that the only reason why you came here?"

"Of course not. I wanted to see you before we leave this wonderful place and march through this dull area for an unknown number of days," replied Kaelor.

Raesh caressed the paladin's cheek, putting a strand of raven hair behind his ear. "How much time do we have until we set off?"

"An hour at maximum."

"Just an hour...We should make the best out of it."

Kaelor nodded and put his hand on Raesh's. "I really want to enjoy this beautiful sight before we set off."

Raesh turned his head and let his gaze wander over the various flowers that surrounded him. "The garden might be small but it's beautiful. I like the idea of sitting here and regarding these beautiful forms of vegetation."

He took Kaelor's hand and guided him over to the small wooden table. They held hands while they sat on the chairs and regarded the beautiful flowers.


Raesh and Kaelor left the building behind them and came to the square where familiar creatures were gathered. They walked over to Raesh's mother and greeted her. Although Sylvanas gave her best to not show how nervous she was, Raesh still noticed. She was anxious and he was sure that she will remain anxious as long as his father was not by her side.

It was not only his father's absence that troubled her. It was also the fact that his father was in the hands of a madman who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. She feared what he will do to him and so did Raesh. Raesh knew that his grandfather had evil plans, so he feared that these plans would include his father in some way. He could only hope that they would stop his mad grandfather before it would be too late.

Raesh approached his mother and hugged her quickly, noticing that she relaxed when he wrapped his arms around her upper body. He pulled away eventually and regarded her from head to toe. She wore her battle armour which covered her entire body except for her head. Her bow and quiver hang over her right shoulder, her favourite swords hung on her belt. Her red hood was pulled over her head and most of her pale blonde hair was hidden beneath it. She was ready to fight.

"How are you doing, mother?" Raesh asked carefully.

Sylvanas hesitated for a few moments, thinking. "To be honest, I have had better days. Since your father got captured...things are not easy for me but I hold out. I try it at least. Staying strong for the others is easier said than done but I give my best."

Raesh gave her a small, soothing smile. "We will free father and stop the mad king. Put trust in yourself, in our family and the Alliance. We will do anything necessary to save father. I won't allow the mad king to use him for his evil plans."

The look in Sylvanas' eyes became sadder. "We can only hope that it's not already too late."

"I don't want to imagine what happens if we come too late... I prefer to not think about it," replied Raesh quietly.

"Me neither..."

The silence between them was uncomfortable. Sylvanas and Raesh wanted to break it but they had no idea what they should say. Even Kaelor remained silent, wondering when the awkward silence will stop. Mother and son turned their heads as they heard someone coming closer to them.

It was Lady Liadrin who looked more beautiful than ever. Her gorgeous auburn hair was made up in a ponytail, her skin had a healthy colour, the colour of peaches. She wore iron armour and a black tabard with the symbol of the Blood Knights. She was the leader of this order of blood elf paladins that had sworn to protect Quel'Thalas by any means.

Liadrin stopped in front of them and greeted them. Raesh greeted her in return and so did Kaelor who saluted to her. This simple gesture of respect was required of him because Liadrin was his superior.

"We are moving out in the next few minutes," Liadrin announced.

"Which way are we going? There are two routes to reach Tempest Keep, aren't there?" Raesh asked curiously.

"There are. Either we take the bridge in the south, pass the Eco-Dome Midrealm, walk through the Scrap Field and march through the Vortex Fields before we reach Tempest Keep. Or we go to the east and walk through the Ruins of Farahlon, then take a bridge that brings us to another area which we have to cross," explained the matriarch of the Blood Knights.

"Which route is easier?" Raesh asked.

"Easier is not the fitting word. The less dangerous route is more fitting in this case."

"Alright. Which one is less dangerous?"

"I don't know, to be honest. On both routes, enemies will get in our way and try to stop us. There are manaforges on both ways which need to be reconquered or destroyed if we want to reduce Kael'thas' energy supply. I suggest that we split our forces into two groups. We need to get rid of both manaforges."

"Wouldn't that cost us more time? I doubt we have the time for that," interrupted Sylvanas.

"Taking care of these forges will be necessary if we want to stop Kael'thas. As we know, Kael'thas still stores a large amount of energy for something. If we destroy the manaforges, we can wreck his plans," explained Liadrin.

"But Kelrian...," Sylvanas began but stopped as she noticed Raesh's gaze on her. She turned her head and raised an eyebrow, giving her son an irritated look.

"Aunt Liadrin is right, mother. We already know that the mad king plans something big. I have no doubt that the amount of energy that is harvested in these manaforges plays a big role. We have to destroy them. I know that you don't like the idea because it will cost us a few days at least but it's necessary to stop him. Just like you, I want to rescue father as soon as possible but we have to look at the current situation from a neutral perspective. We won't help anyone if we succeed rescuing father but fail at stopping the mad king's plans. Stopping him is our main goal and the main goal of the Alliance."

Sylvanas appeared to be upset when she thought about his words silently but then her facial expression softened and became neutral eventually. "You are right, my son. As badly as I want to save your father as early as we can, I shouldn't forget about the big picture. We have to stop your grandfather by any means and that's more important than anything else at the moment. I just hope your father will hold out. He has a strong will, so I doubt he will give in so easily. I hope he will remain strong and hold out while we make our way to Tempest Keep."

"I have never met anyone whose will is stronger than father's will. I believe he will not give in. I..."

"We should set off," interrupted Liadrin. "We already wasted too much time planning and talking."

"Where do I go?" Raesh asked his mother and his grand cousin.

"You will come with me, Raesh," announced Liadrin. "Your aunt Vereesa and I will lead the first group while your mother, Tyrande and Danara will lead the second."

"Which route will we take?"

"The one in the south. We will assault Manaforge Duro and then meet up with the other group in front of the bridge that leads to Tempest Keep."

Raesh nodded and looked at his mother who gave him a barely recognizable smile. "I will see you in a few days or weeks then."

Sylvanas wrapped her arms around her son and pulled him in a brief hug, kissing his forehead. "Take care of yourself, my dear. I don't want to lose you too."

"I can take care of myself, don't worry about me. Worry about my enemies."

Sylvanas didn't respond to his joke.

Reash sighed. "You don't have to be worried about me, mother. I'm stronger than you think. Besides, Liadrin and aunt Vereesa are with me and will protect me if necessary."

"I will be there too. I will never leave his side, Lady Windrunner. I swear in the name of the light that I will always cover Raesh's back," said Kaelor.

Sylvanas gave her son's lover a small smile. "I believe you will. You will protect each other, I'm sure of that." She looked back at her son and put a hand on his cheek. "Stay safe and don't take any unnecessary risk."

"The same counts for you, mother."

Sylvanas smiled but said nothing in return. She stared into her son's eyes for a few moments before she walked over to a gathered group of fifty Forsaken, twenty sin'dorei, more than two dozen night elves and humans, and thirty demons that served Danara. Raesh's gaze rested on her for a few seconds before it fell on Liadrin. "I'm ready."


His gaze was resting on her since the beginning of the had not averted his gaze for days, he had not even glimpsed at the patient. He had stared at the doctor the entire time. He had not looked at the patient to get a foretaste of what would await him, of how the patient may look like once the doctor would be finished. He had decided to wait for the full result, so he had just stared at the doctor and not averted his gaze. Not even for a single time. He was curious to see the final result.

Doctor Sivallah put her fel green scalpel away and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She stood up and made a few steps backwards, regarding the patient. Her grey lips formed a satisfied smile as her tired green eyes regarded her newest creation from head to toe. The man who had watched her the entire time turned his head and also looked at her creation.

If he wouldn't have seen the patient before, he would have believed that they had been a blood elf before. They looked like anything but a blood elf, they didn't even look very humanoid. They didn't look like a twisted version of a blood elf, more like a monstrosity. A demon spawn.

"Your works always impress me, darling," the man said as he walked over to her.

Doctor Sivallah turned her head and looked at him, her smile became wider. "Thank you, honey."

"You put a lot of effort into this individual. Usually, you don't spend several days on a patient. Usually, your transformations don't take longer than twenty-four hours."

"You are right about that. I could have changed him in a different way but the king demanded me to make this one as strong as possible. I used half a dozen demon crystals and lots of demon DNA to change him for the better. He is stronger than anyone I ever created, except for you of course. You are my strongest and most favourite creation. I'm so proud of you. I have never worked on someone for twelve days without a pause before. I had feared I would mess things up but I didn't. Your royal blood is so powerful. I can create lots of descendant with it, like this one." Doctor Sivallah pointed at the demon that was still tied to the operation table.

"I never believed that my blood has so much potential. I was not born a demon but you can still make demons with the help of my blood, that's interesting..."

Doctor Sivallah smiled. "It is indeed. I tried to find out the reason for that but I didn't come to a conclusion yet. It's still a mystery to me and I'm looking forward to solving it." She put a hand on the man's cheek, caressing it carefully. She stared into his two-coloured eyes, running a hand over his ashen-grey skin.

She stepped on her tiptoes, wanting to reach his mouth with hers as the door was opened and a creature came in. Doctor Sivallah stepped away from him, an annoyed look could be seen on her face as she glanced at the creature who had just interrupted her from kissing her lover.

It was Alyssa whose gaze fell on the man. "Dreadfist."

The man turned to her and lowered his head in respect. "What can I do for you, milady?"

"Your presence is required."


"In the consulting room."

"Alright. I will come immediately." Dreadfist gave Doctor Sivallah one last glance before he left the room and followed Alyssa. They didn't need long to reach the consulting room in which Xertus, Kael'thas and his advisors were waiting for them. The advisors lowered their heads in respect, Kael'thas nodded at him. Only Xertus didn't react to Dreadfist's arrival.

"What did I miss?" Dreadfist asked.

"Our spies reported to us that the forces of the Alliance come closer and closer. Two armies are on the way to us. One of these armies managed to destroy Manaforge Ultris. The other is still assaulting Manaforge Duro," explained Capernian.

"We need to prevent them from destroying Duro. The loss of another Manaforge will delay our plan considerably," added Telonicus. "My team and I will need months to rebuild two manaforges."

Dreadfist regarded the four advisors before he looked at Kael'thas. "What do you want me to do, your majesty."

"I want you to go to Manaforge Duro. You must prevent its destruction by any means. You also have to bring my grandson to me. I need him for my plan. Alive," Kael'thas ordered strictly.

"As you wish, Ann'da," Dreadfist responded.

"Anu belore dela'na," was everything Kael'thas said in return before he dismissed Dreadfist. The half-demon did not hesitate to turn around and leave the consulting room.


"This battle seems to never end," Raesh cursed under his breath as he avoided a spear that had been thrown at him. His green eyes fell on the creature who had flung the deadly weapon. It was a male felblood elf with orange hair and light blue skin. The green colour tone of his eyes was much darker than Raesh's. The felblood elf didn't hesitate to create another spear with the help of fel magic, throwing it at Raesh. The young mage created a barrier around himself that protected him from the spear.

Raesh began to cast a spell, a quiet sigh escaped his lips as he realized that the barrier protected him from another thrown spear. He had no idea how much longer the barrier would endure, so he completed the spell as fast as possible. The threw the freshly created fireball at his opponent and watched his body catching fire as he got hit. The magical fire caused serious burning wounds to the felblood elf but it was not strong enough to kill him and turn his body to ashes. Raesh knew he had to cast more spells to take him down.

He needed two more spells. The first spell froze the felblood elf's feet on the ground, preventing him from running away or jumping to the side to avoid his second spell. It was a long and thick ice lance which tip was very sharp. It pierced through the elf's armour with ease and not even the man's skin could stop it. Raesh had aimed at the man's heart and he had not missed it. The man was dead before his body landed on the ground.

Raesh's eyes fell on the closest opponent, a wrathguard that was swinging a huge iron club. It hit several soldiers of the Alliance, knocking them away. It executed another swing, seriously wounding a female dwarf warrior who had not been able to dodge the attack in time. One of the dwarf's comrades rushed over to her and wanted to drag her away before the wrathguard would kill her. Unfortunately, the creature was hit by a shock wave which knocked it away. No one was able to save the dwarf whose head was crushed by the club a few seconds later.

A triumphing roar escaped the wrathguard's mouth but it couldn't cheer for too long. Liadrin had rushed over to the demon while it had been distracted. The demon noticed the leader of the blood knights too late. Liadrin cut off its arm which hand was holding the club. The demon's head was separated from its shoulders before it could realize what was going on. The wrathguard's body fell to the side and dissolved a few moments later.

Raesh had not been idle while his grand cousin had taken care of that demon. He had wrapped a barrier around himself and counter the spell of the mage who had knocked away the dwarf's comrade. The mage was a male blood elf who had long blond hair and wore a purple robe. Unlike most of the traitorous elves that were defending the manaforge, he looked normal. His appearance had not changed because of the influence of the fel. He was one of the few loyalists through which veins no demon blood flowed. He still looked like a humanoid creature and not like a demon half-breed.

Raesh knew this man. His name was Kanthin and he was one of the many senior magisters that served the mad king. Raesh had often watched him training when he had been younger and just started his apprenticeship as a mage. He knew that Kanthin was a very powerful mage. He had more experience than him and was probably stronger than him. Raesh assumed that he wouldn't be able to defeat him alone, especially while the water elemental, that was not leaving Kanthin's side, was there. Fortunately for him, he was not alone. He didn't have to defeat the senior magister alone. Liadrin and Kaelor were around him, so were many other soldiers.

"Look who we have here: The king's grandchild. King Sunstrider will grant me a huge reward if I bring you to him."

"I will never allow you take me to him," hissed Raesh and began to cast a spell.

Kanthin did the same. "You have no say in this matter," he shouted and cast a frost nova, trying to freeze Raesh's feet to the ground. The young mage jumped away at the last moment, shooting his spell at the magister at the same time. The spell hit but a barrier absorbed its damage, leaving Kanthin unharmed. "Nice try."

Raesh's eyes narrowed but he didn't lose his patience and cast another spell. He hit Kanthin's water elemental Glacius and froze it. The water elemental was trapped in an ice block out of which it couldn't get free alone. Kanthin had to destroy the ice block carefully to free his companion. The magister wanted to melt the ice but Raesh didn't allow him to do that. He countered Kanthin's spell and froze his hands at the same time, preventing him from casting more spells.

Kanthin's widened eyes showed panic as soon as he realized that he was defenceless and no one was around him to help him. He managed to dodge Raesh's arcane blast at the last moment but he was unable to avoid Kaelor's hammer strike which broke several of his ribs. Kanthin spat blood out, his facial features distorted in pain. Panic and fear could be seen in his eyes as he parted his lips to say something but Liadrin did not allow him to speak. She thrust her sword through his chest, killing him immediately.

With the death of the last commander of Kael'thas' forces that were stationed there, lots of loyalists quickly lost their fighting spirit. Some of them stayed and defended the manaforge but most of the remaining soldiers started to flee. The demons stayed and fought but they were dispatched quickly. Raesh and his comrades came closer to the entrance of the huge building.

Despite the retreat of a large portion of the forces outside the building, the manaforge was still guarded. Lots of demons and loyalists were waiting in the main hall. Raesh was asking himself why they had stayed inside instead of helping their comrades outside. He didn't come to a conclusion which made sense but he didn't really care. All that mattered to him was that they would defeat the remaining forces.

They fought for hours, lost comrades but killed more demons and loyalists in return. They were getting the upper hand slowly but the battle was far from over. Too many enemies were left and more demons were summoned by the loyalists. Their warlocks were stronger than Raesh had expected. He used his full power to kill as many warlocks and summoners as possible. He had not learned how to create fel fire but he still managed to kill demons quickly. He combined arcane, frost and fire techniques to take out his foes. He even managed to kill tougher demons like doomguards.

They were not as tall and powerful as other doomguards he had seen on Outland but he was proud of himself nevertheless. He assumed that his mother would be proud too if she would hear of it. Doomguards were very powerful and tough foes which could pose a threat to even the strongest warriors of the Alliance. Killing one of them was not easy but Raesh had done it. It had cost him a large portion of his mana but he had two mana potions left which would sustain him for a while.

He had to use both of them but the fight was turning in their favour after several hours. Most defenders were dead or knocked out, only a few dozens were left. Raesh cast spell after spell, killing more demons and felblood elves. He kept an eye on Kaelor, protecting him if necessary. The paladin did the same for him, charging at anyone who approached Raesh. The couple protected each other.

The battle was almost won, only a handful of loyalists and demons remained. Suddenly, a portal appeared in the middle of the hall. Raesh frowned as he prepared a spell which he would fire at anyone who would come out of the portal. He expected someone to come out immediately but nobody showed up the first minutes.

A creature came out of the portal eventually and Raesh didn't hesitate to shoot his ice blast at them. The ice blast had flown so fast so that only a handful of creatures had noticed it, but unfortunately for him, the newcomer was one of them. The creature was protected by a green glowing barrier that absorbed the spell.

Raesh prepared another spell as he regarded the newcomer. It was a male creature whose body was shaped humanoid. He had silvery hair, elven ears and six bent horns that came out of his skullcap. He was eight feet and two inches tall and wore massive purple armour that seemed to be made out of rare and very expensive materials. His armoured left hand was thicker than his other hand.

He wore a mask so that Raesh could not see his face but he was able to see both of his eyes which were two-coloured. The left half of the iris of each eye was dark green and the other half was golden. Raesh had never seen such eyes before. These eyes didn't look natural, at least not for an elf.

The strange man turned his head and checked his surroundings. He looked at the few loyalists and demons that were left before his gaze fell on Liadrin. It rested on her for a few moments, then it wandered to Vereesa and finally landed on Raesh and Kaelor. "Raesh Windrunner." His voice was deep, strong and fearsome.

"That's me. Do you want to tell me who you are?"

"I'm Dreadfist."

Raesh raised an eyebrow. "Dreadfist? I never heard of you. What do you want from me? Do you want to kill me?"

"No, I don't want to kill you. Your grandfather has other plans with you."

"I won't allow you to take him," shouted Kaelor and stepped in front of Raesh, holding his hammer tightly.

Dreadfist's eyes fell on him. "And you think you can stop me? If you do so, I must disappoint you. The light will not be enough to stop me."

"He is not alone," shouted Vereesa. "We will kill you before you even get the chance to touch a hair on Raesh's head."

Dreadfist's gaze fell on her. "If that's not the famous Vereesa Windrunner. The weakest and most unimportant of the three Windrunner sisters, who has the biggest mouth."

Vereesa's narrowed eyes reflected anger. "Say that again and I will end you myself."

Soft laughter escaped Dreadfist's lips. "YOU will end ME? That's a good joke, I have to admit that. I haven't had a good laugh for weeks."

Vereesa's eyes narrowed even further but she said nothing in response. Dreadfist regarded her for a few moments and then looked back at Raesh. "I'll make you an offer, Raesh. I will spare your companions if you come with me but only if they leave the manaforge without destroying it. If you reject the offer, I have to kill every single one of them."

"We outnumber you. And even if we wouldn't, I would never accept your offer. You are a demon, so it's in your nature to lie. I don't trust any of your words," Raesh hissed.

Dreadfist exhaled loudly. "Very well. You had your chance. You refused my offer, so I have no other choice than killing all of your companions. With whom should I start first? Your grand cousin? Your whore of an aunt who soiled your bloodline by mating with a human? Or shall I begin with that cock-sucking paladin that seems to mean something to you? It's up to you, Raesh."

Raesh couldn't hold back. Dreadfist's insults made him angry, so angry that he couldn't control himself anymore. Before he realized what he had done, he had fired his prepared spell at the half-demon. It flew much faster than expected but Dreadfist still managed to block it with the help of a certain weapon he had made appear out of nowhere. It was a certain weapon which was familiar to Raesh.

It was no other weapon than the Sword of the Abyss.


His father's runeblade.