
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 34: Discrepancy

"Are you busy?" asked a deep but pleasant voice.

Alleria folded the letter and put it in the envelope. "Give me a moment." She sealed the letter with wax and put it aside, turning to the familiar man who was standing in the door of the guest room they were sharing. Her smile faded as she noticed the worry which was reflected by his handsome facial features.

"What is wrong?" she asked, remaining on the same spot.

"Nothing," he replied quietly.

"Don't lie to me, Turalyon. I know that you want to say something, so tell me what is bothering you."

The human paladin sighed. "To be honest, I'm worried about you."

Alleria tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "Worried about me? Why?"

He approached her slowly. "Well, I'm worried because...," he stopped speaking, frowning as he considered what to say. "I've noticed that you have changed."

"Changed? What do you mean?"

The blonde man took a deep breath. "You are not yourself, you become a different person since your brother's death. You are acting recklessly whenever you hunt our enemies. Normally, you would have preferred safer ways to prevail against our enemies. But now, you don't mind losing a few more people as long as you achieve whatever goal you have put in your mind. You risk the lives of your rangers. Instead of showing patience and wait for the right moment, you storm through the enemy lines and slaughter everyone who crosses you. You didn't spare any orc or troll during the last few skirmishes. You took no prisoners and killed even those who had dropped their weapons and surrendered."

"What's wrong with that?" Alleria asked and gave him an irritated look. "We are at war and this swine would have escaped and reached the next base of the orcs if we wouldn't have caught him at the last moment. I did what was necessary to catch him."

"You lost nearly fifty rangers because of your impatience. You would have only lost half of them if you would have planned everything better," Turalyon said, stopping right in front of his lover. Irritation was reflected by her eyes as she stared at him. Her usual soft facial features were distorted in anger and annoyance.

"He would have escaped. How many times do I have to tell you this? We killed far more men than they did. I don't understand why you are complaining about my strategy. I'm much older than you and have fought in far more battles than you. I know what I'm doing. My advisors have agreed with every step of my plan."

Turalyon exhaled loudly. "Your advisors agreed because they were afraid of you. They were afraid you would chase Xenarion alone."

Alleria's eye lid's fluttered as she heard the name of the man who left her brother to die. "Do not ever say that name again. This bastard doesn't deserve to have a name. He only deserves to die a slow and painful death after Sylvanas, Vereesa and I riddled him with arrows."

The young paladin touched his forehead, shaking his head as she closed his eyes. He opened them again, looking back at his lover whose facial expression hadn't changed at all. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest, her blue eyes scrutinized him closely.

"You beat him to a bloody mess. His face... It won't be easy for anyone to recognize him for a while..."

"He deserved it. What do you expect from me? That I feel pity for him? He murdered my brother!" she hissed.

"Well, the orcs were the ones who mortally wounded him. He only left him to die."

"There is no difference. He murdered him. Stop discussing with me, Turalyon. You won't win against me," she hissed.

"Nevertheless, it is no reason to disfigure his face. You have no right to punish him. Your king and the judges of your kingdom are allowed to administer punishments. It's not your job to punish him. I thought you were a better person and knew better than taking the law in your own hands. But it seems I have been mistaken," he replied, his voice reflected disappointment.

"Sylvanas would have done the same with him. My mother wouldn't have reacted differently if she would have caught him."

"That doesn't excuse your behaviour. Only because others do the same doesn't mean it's right. Others murder people as well and that doesn't mean that murder is allowed."

Alleria's expression didn't change. "I understand your point, my love. Nevertheless, he deserved everything I did to him and my rangers share my opinion."

"Your rangers are loyal to you, that means nothing. They would follow you to the end of the world and agreed with everything you would say."

"Now you are exaggerating."

"Okay, maybe they won't follow you blindly but they would support you no matter what you have put in your head."

Alleria didn't say anything in return, she just stared at Turalyon who did his best to convince her that what she had done was not right. But Alleria didn't change her mind. She still believed she did nothing wrong.

"Hurting him won't bring your brother back," he said eventually.

Alleria's eyelids fluttered. "You are right, I can't bring him back. I can only accept his death and hurting that swine is a good start to leave everything behind me," she replied and started to move. She walked towards the exit of the room but the paladin stepped in her way. He signalized her that he won't move away but she didn't care. She walked around him and reached the exit within a few seconds.

He turned around, looking at her. "What are you going to do?"

Alleria shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know yet. Maybe I interrogate him. Maybe I punch him over and over again or maybe I cut his balls off. His wife left him so he won't need them anyway. Who knows."

"You can't be serious," exclaimed Turalyon but Alleria had already left the room and slammed the door behind her so she couldn't hear him.


'Dear Sylvanas,

I want to make this quick because I don't want to keep you in suspense. I managed to catch the swine who betrayed our family. I already made him pay for what he has done. Of course, it's not enough. That bastard deserves to suffer. I'll bring him to you so you can take your anger out on him before you send him to Silvermoon City where he will be thrown in a dirty cell. Hopefully, in the darkest and most disgusting cell of the prison.

Anyways, I will assist you as soon as you return to the front.

Your dear sister Alleria.'

Sylvanas glanced at the letter once again, handing it over to her father who was sitting opposite to her. He hadn't said a word yet nor had he looked up from the plate he had barely touched. Her father barely looked at her as he took the letter out of her hands. He put it next to his plate and started to read it silently. Then he handed it back to Sylvanas without even commenting on it.

Sylvanas regarded him curiously, a frown was visible on her forehead. "Father?" she asked eventually, hoping she could get his attention. Her father slowly lifted his head, his gaze fell on his worried daughter. He didn't say anything, he just gave her a questioning look.

Sylvanas regarded him closely. His face was paler than usual, he had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was messy and looked greasy. He hadn't paid attention to his looks since Lirath's death. Normally, he shaved his beard but he hadn't done that for weeks so a neglected beard covered his chin and cheeks. But his appearance was not the only thing on him which had changed, and disturbed Sylvanas at this very disgusting smell of strong alcohol stung in her nose. She didn't want to know how many bottles and glasses he had emptied on the previous day.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" he asked in return, lowering his gaze.

"Not really that's why I am here. I want to comfort you and help you as best as I can." Sylvanas put a hand on her father's hand, caressing its back softly. Her comforting smile didn't reach his eyes.

"I don't think that there is anything you can do for me."

Sylvanas frowned and sighed. "Are you sure?"

"I don't think your words can fill the hole in me. I feel empty, weak and guilty since... you know since when..."

"Guilty?" asked Sylvanas, raising an eyebrow. "You are not responsible for what happened. Xenarion Sunsinger betrayed us and the orcs attacked the village and our house. There is nothing you did wrong."

"I was not there when the attack happened," he muttered. "I was on a business trip to Silvermoon City... If only I would have been there to defend our family... Maybe he wouldn't have died.

Sylvanas noticed that he refused to say her brother's name for a reason. She had many assumptions. The most logical explanation was that was too hard for him to say his because he would start thinking about him and feeling guilty whenever he would say his name.

"You don't have to feel guilty, father. You wouldn't have changed anything. You wouldn't have been able to save him."

"You can't know that!" he interrupted, sounding much louder than he had intended to.

Sylvanas put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a warm smile as he looked at her face. "You are not a fighter, father. You have no clue how to use weapons. You would have been killed as well if you would have been there. We already lost seven members of our family so I'm glad that you weren't there when it happened. Mother barely survived because Lirath and Zendarin rescued her, otherwise... You know what the orcs would have done to her."

Zalien's voice reflected hatred. "They would have violated her and defiled her...," his voice broke didn't want to imagine what unspeakable things these green creatures would have done to his wife.

"They didn't harm her because of Lirath and Zendarin. They are heroes. Lirath sacrificed his life for our mother and for our people. He will always be remembered as a hero. The orcs and trolls will be forgotten. Nobody will remember them as soon as we are done with them."

"I hope you are right," her father muttered. "But that doesn't make it better...," he said so quietly that even Sylvanas couldn't understand it.

"I will return to the front tomorrow. Can you do me a favour?" asked Sylvanas, staring into his eyes.

"Sure," he replied shortly.

"Can you look after mother while I'm away? I thought she was getting better, but it seems she's not quite over Lirath's death yet. I wish I could be there for her until she would come to terms with his death, but sadly I can't do that. I have to return to the front and assist our people."

"I can't promise you anything but I give my best," he replied.

Sylvanas gave him a small smile. "You only have to be near her, especially during the night. She has nightmares. Two days ago, she came to my room, wearing nothing but her birthday suit, and crawled under my blanket. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. It was impossible to get out of her embrace without waking her up or making her sad. I showed patience and didn't move until she let me go. No one else would be at home when I depart tomorrow. I don't mind you drinking, I just want that you stay home while you drink so she has someone where she can find comfort. Not to mention that she needs someone she can cuddle with and on which shoulder she can sob her heart out whenever she has a nightmare."

Zalien nodded his head. "I will be there for her. She is my wife. I have to help her."

"I think it's a good opportunity for you two to get over Lirath's death. Mourning together is better than mourning alone. I wish I could help you but I don't have the time for that. My presence is required at the front."

"I will be there for your mother. Promised."

Sylvanas smiled at him. "Thank you, father."

"Take care of yourself," he said as he got up and stretched out his arms, intending to hug her. Sylvanas got up as well and walked around the table, letting herself be drawn in his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his upper body, so did he. They caressed each other's backs as they hugged longer than necessary. They pulled away eventually, smiling at each other.

"I will look after mother for the rest of the day if you don't mind," Sylvanas said.

"Do that, I will join you later."

Sylvanas nodded to him. She looked at him for a short moment before she turned around and walked out of the room.


"Patrolling is so boring," someone complained. Kelrian turned his head, looking at the person who had said that. The woman with the turquoise coloured hair came closer to him and sat down next to him, giving him a bowl filled with soup. Kelrian thanked her, looking into the bowl to find out what the soup consisted spotted small pieces of potatoes and meat. He also saw beans, peas and other vegetables which were often used for soups.

"Be careful, the soup is still pretty hot," said Elena.

Kelrian gave her a thankful nod and started blowing in the hope the soup would cool down quickly. Elena did the same but unlike her companion, her eyes rested on him while his eyes rested on the soup. He didn't notice that she was staring at him because he was too busy with his soup. He was so hungry that all he could think about was cooling the soup so that he could eat it as soon as , he didn't notice that Elena's hand rested on his upper thigh. She caressed it tenderly, snuggling up to him.

She removed her hand as soon as Kelrian started eating and became aware of his surroundings again. He noticed that she was sitting right next to him, their bodies touching slightly. Elena couldn't know that he was already taken so she tried to get closer to him because she was in love with him for a few years.

Normally, he would have told her to keep a little distance to him but it was very cold and the blankets around their bodies and the fire in front of them weren't helping at all, so he allowed her to cuddle up to him to warm herself. He was fine with that as long as she wouldn't put her head on his shoulder. She did that at this very moment. Nevertheless, he didn't say anything for a reason he couldn't explain to himself. He just looked into his bowl as he slurped the soup.

"I can't believe that this human is allowed to fight at the front with our best rangers while I stay behind the lines and walk the entire day," complained Elena. "I would rather kill our enemies and conquer their villages and bases. I want to make the trolls pay for what they have done to our people."

"The Ranger-Generals think he has great talent that's why he is allowed to fight at the front," Kelrian explained.

"I've seen him, he is not that great as the Ranger-General think. At least not when it comes to fighting. Maybe he is good at something else that's useful for the Ranger-General," replied Elena, putting her empty bowl on the ground.

The young man turned his head, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his friend. "What do you mean?"

Elena hesitated, giving him an irritated look.

"What?" he asked, raising the other brow as well.

Her voice reflected irritation. "You're not trying to tell me you haven't heard the rumours, are you?

Kelrian tilted his head. "Which rumours?"

Elena scratched her forehead with her fingernails. "The rumours about the Ranger-General and that 'human'."

Kelrian didn't respond to her.

"I've heard that they are pretty close and get along very well. She allowed him to join her regiment and even her elite team. No human has ever joined us before. That's strange, isn't it?"

Kelrian made a thoughtful face. "He is good at what he is doing. I've seen him fight. To be honest, he is better than most of the rangers I've seen so it doesn't surprise me that he joined the team where I'm also in."

Elena frowned. "What about them being close?"

"I don't see a reason why the Ranger-General is not allowed to have friends. I get along with Nathanos too. Some say we are close friends. Does that mean he and I are in a relationship?"

"I hope not. But you and Nathanos are not as close as he and our general," mentioned Elena.

Kelrian muttered something unintelligible, putting his empty bowl aside.

"They're just rumours after all but rumours never come out of nowhere," Elena said.

Kelrian didn't respond to her, he just stared into the flames. He had never thought about the possibility that Sylvanas would look for another man. He knew her pretty well, so he knew she was not the person who would cheat on her partner. She was a loyal person and she wasn't interested in humans. He hoped that at least. He had never asked Sylvanas if she found humans or other races attractive. He knew that Alleria liked humans and Lirath had liked them too but that didn't mean that Sylvanas also liked them.

It may be true that Sylvanas and Nathanos get along very well but that didn't mean anything. He trusted her and he knew he didn't need to be afraid that Sylvanas would replace him with another man or with a woman. She loved him so did he. Nevertheless, he was jealous, but just a little. He couldn't explain to himself why he felt that way. He decided to ignore the feeling as best as he could.

"I don't really mind if she would have something with him," he lied. "It's her love life and not mine. We can't forbid her to meet whoever she wants. If she wants to be together with a human than she can do that. Her sister is also in love with a human. It's not forbidden to love a human," he explained quietly.

"You don't seem to be happy about these rumours," she mentioned.

"You are imagining this. I don't really mind," he replied. Elena frowned but she didn't say anything in return. She just stared at him and didn't show him that she didn't believe him. She rubbed his right upper thigh softly, regarding him curiously. He was so lost in thoughts so he didn't notice that she was doing that nor did he notice that she put her head on his shoulder. He just stared into the flames and thought about everything Elena had said.

"Have you met Zetai recently?" asked Elena eventually.

Kelrian turned his head to look at her. "No, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

"I'm not asking for any particular reason. I'm just curious, you know. You told me how he had behaved that night when you and the Ranger-General's team attacked the first troll base."

"To answer your question, I didn't speak to him since that night. I saw him every day because we are in the same team but he kept distance to me and the others. And then the attacks on Windrunner Village and Windrunner Spire happened. We reconquered the spire and the village and drove out all invaders. The Ranger-General remained in her home and I was ordered to join your team and do these patrols every day while Zetai and the rest of our team followed Verena. I didn't have the chance to speak to him but I will do that as soon as I can," he told.

Elena patted his shoulder, giving him a comforting smile. "Everything will be alright, Kel. The Ranger-General returns to the front tomorrow and we will go with her. That means we don't have to go on these boring patrols for a while. We have to walk for twelve hours every day. We do the same routes every day. Every single day. There's nothing more boring than patrolling."

"It's boring but it's necessary. We wouldn't have managed to catch the last remaining groups of orcs if we and the other groups wouldn't have walked through the area every single what would happen if these two groups of ten orcs would have reached a village before we would have caught them. Innocent civilians would have died. We are responsible for the safety of our people. Do not forget that."

"I don't forget our duties, Kel. I know how important our work is. But I don't want to go on patrols. Someone else shall do it while we join our forces on the front. I want to kill more of these green bastards."

An amused smile appeared on Kelrian's lips. "Haven't you killed thirty-nine trolls within the first weeks? Only Zetai and the Ranger-General had a few more than you."

"I did but thirty-nine are not enough. How many did you kill?"

"I only managed to kill twenty-five trolls," he responded. He was not ashamed and he signalized her that.

Elena raised an eyebrow, giving him a mocking grin. "Only twenty-five? That means even Nathanos killed more than you. He killed thirty if I remember correctly."

"Hey, it's not a contest. You dealt with their raiders and berserkers while I faced lots of their shamans which were a lot harder to kill than the non-magic users."

"You always have an excuse, don't you?" she mocked.

"Quite funny," he muttered, ignoring the provocative look on her face.

"Jokes aside, I think you did a very good job at slaying these bastards," she complimented. Kelrian was not sure if he was just imagining this but he had the impression that there was a flirty tone in her voice. He knew that Elena was interested in him but he had told her years ago that he was in a relationship. Maybe Elena had forgotten that. Maybe she didn't believe that anymore because no one had ever seen his girlfriend.

His friends knew that he was in a relationship but none of them knew with who. Kelrian hadn't told any of his friends that he was in a relationship with the most beautiful woman of Quel'Thalas. He would only get unwanted attention if he would do that, not to mention that lots of Sylvanas ' admirers would be after him and cause unnecessary trouble.

"Thank you," he responded, giving her a small smile.

"Have you heard the recent rumours?"

"I don't want to hear them if they are about Nathanos and the Ranger-General," he said.

"Don't worry, they are not about them."

"Good, then you can tell me what you have heard."

"It's not confirmed yet but I have heard that Ranger-Captain Alleria Windrunner has captured your father and almost beat him to death."

Kelrian's lips formed a small smile. "I hope these rumours are true. My father deserves it, not only because he is a violent and manipulative asshole but also because he didn't help the Ranger-General's brother. He left him to die. I can't believe that I've looked up to that bastard when I was younger. I hope he will receive his just punishment."

"Have you met your older siblings yet?" she asked.

He shook his head. "I don't want to, to be honest. I don't know if they have changed their minds in the meantime, if they still stand by him or if they have recognized him as the monster he really is. I don't really care about them anymore, to be honest."

"You have never told me about them," Elena mentioned.

"There is nothing noteworthy about them. Sydori is a bitch who changes her partners more often than her underwear. She screws everything that moves. Males, females, humans, elven... Basically, anyone she finds attractive. And Seitor... Well, he is a typical bully who makes fun of everyone who is weaker than him. He is a homophobic asshole and a racist as well, so it really surprises me that he gets along with Sydori. The two are like best friends,"he explained. "Despite his homophobia, he doesn't care that she also shares her bed with women and humans. That's a contradiction but I don't really care."

Elena didn't respond to him. She made a thoughtful face as she stared at him.

"You never told me about your family," he said eventually, giving her an interested look, signalizing her that he wanted to hear more.

Elena exhaled. "My father died when I was young. My mother married someone else years later... Her new husband and I didn't get along very well. That's why I moved out as soon as I could. I left my village and moved into a communal residence where I met Elonis. She and I were together for a few years but I noticed that I'm not really into women so we broke up but we remained friends just like the Ranger-General and Captain Verena. The only difference is that Elonis doesn't hope I will change my mind one day and want her back. Anyways, we became best friends and attended the examination together."

"I'm sorry to hear that about your father," Kelrian said quietly, expressing his sympathy for her.

"I don't remember him at all. At least, I still have my mother. I visit her from time to time and spend time with her and my older brother. I came to his wedding half a year ago. His husband is a very smart and funny guy. We get along very well," she told.

"What did your mother say as you told her that you want to become a ranger? Is she worried about you? Is she worried that something might happen to you during the current war?"

Soft laughter escaped Elena's lips. She put a strand of her turquoise hair behind her left ear. "I think all parents are worried about their children, especially if they serve the military. My mother is no exception. She loves me and she wants nothing more than my safety and my welfare. But she understands that I have to do this. She understands that I have to help to defend our people and our kingdom."

"Sounds like my mother, except that it was not easy to convince her that I have to join the other rangers at the front."

"Have you seen her since the start of the war?"

"Only two or three times when Verena withdrew me from the front and assigned me to your is still worried about me, of course. But my visits help her. She will endure the time without me. My little siblings are there for her and spent time most of their free time with her.

Elena was about to say something when the leader of her group called her name.

"It seems that our break is over. Let's return to the others and get the last three hours over with," said Kelrian as he got up. Elena got up as well, smiling at him as she stared into his eyes. He returned her stare for a few moments, then he intended to turn around and walk away but Elena was faster and did something he didn't expect. She leaned in and pecked on his lips, pulling away immediately.

Kelrian's face reflected surprise. "What was that?" he asked and frowned.

"Nothing," she responded as she turned around and walked to her group. "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time," she whispered when she got out of his hearing range.

Kelrian sighed, extinguishing the flames before he followed her.