
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 28: Backstab

Sylvanas rubbed her chin as she regarded the map on the table in front of her. A frown on her forehead and a thoughtful expression on her face were visible as she overthought the current situation. A few weeks had passed since the high elves had become active and had started to drive the trolls back. They had invaded their bases, camps and fortresses near the eastern border of Quel'Thalas. They had killed most of the trolls which had been stationed there. They had lost about two dozen rangers within the past three weeks but they had slain over two hundred trolls in return.

They had even repelled the trolls who had tried to reconquer their former bases and territories. Zul'jin had wasted the lives of additional fifty trolls who had tried to get through the defence line in the south while the elves had expanded their territory in the south-east. These raiders managed to slay ten elves, seven humans and eight dwarves but all of Zul'jin's raiders had been killed in return.

Sylvanas hadn't expected that this war would be easy. She knew that this war will cost lots of lives, too many lives for her liking. But it was necessary, otherwise, the orcs and the trolls would continue terrorizing the populations of the humans, dwarves and high elves. The orcs had been very active over the past had attacked smaller villages in the remains of Stormwind and even in Lordaeron. Stormwind City had been spared because it was still a ruin. The orcs had burned it down years ago. It was impossible to rebuild it while the orcs remained in its near and attacking everyone who wasn't one of them.

Sylvanas wished she could help the humans but she had to defeat the trolls first. She had to capture Zul'jin to defeat the trolls, then the high elves could help the Alliance with the orcs.

Sylvanas still wasn't sure how to proceed. Together with the dwarven and human reinforcements, the high elves had conquered half of the territory of the Amani trolls. Only a small portion of Zul'jin's army had been stationed there and tried to defend their bases. Sylvanas' scouts had reported to her that thousands of troll warriors were still out there, almost one thousand warriors were in Zul'Aman and in the area around it.

Sylvanas knew they would siege it one day and the siege will be bloody. She assumed it will endure for days, weeks or even months and lots of people will die. Lots of trolls, dwarves, humans and even high elves. But there was no going back. The trolls and the orcs had started everything and the Alliance of Lordaeron will end it once and for all.

Sylvanas turned her head as she noticed that a person had just entered the tent. It was her older sister who was carrying something in her hand. It was a letter. Sylvanas raised a brow, giving her sister a curious look. "Hello, Lady Sun. How are you doing?"

Alleria chuckled as she heard the nickname which she hadn't heard for a while. Vereesa had given Alleria and Sylvanas nicknames which she always used, even these days. Alleria didn't mind that Sylvanas used the nickname too because she also called Sylvanas by her nickname from time to time. She did that to tease her. "I'm fine. What about you, Lady Moon?"

"Well, I'm fine, I guess. I'm still busy figuring out a strategy. There are so many big fortresses between us and Zul'Aman, it will take us a while to conquer all of them."

Alleria stepped to her little sister, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. "Our people have defeated the trolls thousands of years ago. Their territory had been much larger back then and they had hundreds of thousands of warriors at that time. The current troll empire is nothing more than a shadow of its former self. They might have the support of the orcs these days but they are still not as strong as they have once been. I'm pretty sure we will defeat them."

"I hope so. I'm not sure about the war's outcome. I only know that numerous people from both sides are going to die," responded Sylvanas, her gaze rested on the map.

"Don't be sad, my dear," spoke Alleria as she wrapped her arms around Sylvanas' torso and rubbed her back.

"I'm not sad, I'm just... overtaxed and tired of fighting against these trolls. We are fighting them for two dozen years and haven't won yet. It's just... exhausting."

Alleria caressed Sylvanas' chin, giving her a comforting smile. "Everything will be alright. I promise."

Sylvanas ran her fingertips over her eyelids, taking a deep breath. She opened her eyes, looking at her older sister. "I have to be careful or I might get a mental breakdown."

Alleria assumed that this was meant as a joke but she was not one hundred percent sure about that. She knew her sister was under a lot of pressure. She was the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, the highest position a Farstrider could ever reach. She had lots of power but also a lot of responsibility. It was her task to coordinate the defence and offence at the same time. It was her task to lead their people to victory. If she would miscalculate or plan something wrong it could mean the death of lots of people or worse.

One wrong move could lead to a catastrophe. She had to make sure that nothing goes wrong so she had to overthink her plans over and over again until she was one hundred percent sure that everything would work out. A single mistake could have fatal repercussions.

Alleria didn't want to know how long Sylvanas had regarded the map that dayand tried to figure out the perfect battle plan. She took a closer look at her sister, knowing immediately that she was pretty tired. She could only assume that Sylvanas had gotten up very early and had thought about a plan until this moment. Until the late evening. Sylvanas wouldn't be able to come to a result that day so Alleria thought it was the best to distract her and allow her to get some rest.

"You have been thinking about it all day, haven't you?"

Sylvanas didn't respond verbally, she just nodded her head, staring at the map and the figures on top of it.

"Don't you think you should get some rest? Eat something, relax and get some sleep. I'm not the only one who has noticed that you have become a lot thinner during the past weeks," spoke Alleria in Sylvanas' ear. She wrapped her arms around her from behind, putting her hands on her hips. "Yep, you are definitely thinner."

A loud sigh escaped Sylvanas' lips. "I know, I know. Verena already told me that."

"First your lover and now your sister. You should really change something when two close persons tell you that you have lost too much weight."

Sylvanas raised a brow. "Lover? Verena is not my lover."

Alleria made a surprised face. "She is not?"

Sylvanas nodded her head.

"Who is it then?"

Sylvanas frowned. "What do you mean?"

Alleria frowned as well, rubbing her forehead. "I'm not dumb, Sylvanas. I know you are dating someone and I also know that you keep it secret. Don't pretend there is no one. I have seen you weeks ago with someone. It was too dark so I couldn't recognize who it was but I know that there is someone."

The Ranger-General exhaled loudly. "Fine, you got me. I will tell you but only if you promise to not tell anyone."

"My lips are sealed. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you."

Sylvanas chewed on her bottom lip as she considered if she should tell her sister or not. "I will tell you about him but not now and not here. Who knows who is listening to us. I want to be on the safe side."

Alleria gave her an understanding nod. "Alright, we will do it elsewhere. Maybe in your room," she suggested.

"Sounds fine but first tell me what you are holding in your hand," Sylvanas demanded.

"It's a letter from our brother."

Sylvanas gave her a surprised look. "A letter from Lirath? He has never written a letter to us when we were on a mission... It wonders me why he is doing it now."

"I have already read the letter. Let's say he wrote to me because he wants to hear my opinion about something."

"Should we discuss that in my room too?"

Alleria gave her a nod. "We better do."

"Alright, let's go.I will continue racking my brain over the strategy tomorrow then."

"I will help you. Don't worry, we will figure out a good plan," spoke Alleria, caressing her sister's back before she stepped away from her and walked to the tent's exit. Sylvanas followed her, her eyes widened as she realized that it was already dark. She had been so busy that she hadn't noticed how fast the time had passed. She saw rangers and guards walking through the lines of tents, making sure everything was alright.

Sylvanas lifted her head and turned it to regard the wooden towers which stood in every corner. On top of each tower stood six rangers. The form of the base was a square which meant that there were four towers in total.

The sisters walked through the base to the hut, which was only used for special guests like the high king or the prince if they visited the camps and wanted to stay over the night. No king or prince was present so Sylvanas was sleeping there while the rangers, lieutenants and even captains were sleeping in tents. Sylvanas unlocked the door, allowing her sister to get inside before she entered the hut and locked the door behind her.

Alleria glimpsed at the hut's inside. "It looks better than I've expected."

"I just sleep here. I spend the rest of the day in the tent where I plan everything with my advisors. I don't really care if the furniture looks good or if it's nicely decorated. I'm happy as long as I have a warm bed where I can relax after a long and stressful day."

Alleria walked over to the bed, tilting her head as she noticed that someone was lying in it. "It seems you have to look for another bed because yours is already taken."

Sylvanas' voice reflected pure surprise, so did her face. "What?" She walked over to the bed, noticing that someone was lying beneath her blanket.

"It seems you forgot to let your lover out when you got up very early in the morning," joked Alleria, an amused smile appeared on her lips. Sylvanas ignored her comment as she pulled the blanket away. Her eyes widened when she revealed the sleeping Verena, who wore nothing but her underwear.

"What is she doing here?" asked Sylvanas loudly.

Alleria's lips formed an amused smile. "I should ask you that."

Sylvanas turned her head, looking at her sister who had a taunting expression on her face. "She is not my lover."

Alleria grinned. "So, why is she in your bed then?"

Sylvanas caressed her forehead. "I've no clue how she got in there. There is only one spare key but I didn't give it to her. I gave it to Kelrian."

"Kelrian? Kelrian Sunsinger?"

Sylvanas didn't reply to her.

Soft laughter escaped Alleria's lips as she realized who her sister's lover was.

"My sister, the best ranger on Azeroth, and the guy no one thought would become a ranger. Sometimes fate is really funny and creative."

"Kelrian is no longer the guy nobody wants to work with. He has proven himself worthy. I didn't choose him to join my team because I'm attracted to him. I chose him because he is very good," replied Sylvanas, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Alleria raised her hands as a kind of apology even though she had done nothing wrong. "I know that he is a good ranger."

"One of the best of the current generation," corrected Sylvanas.

Alleria smiled. "Alright, he is one of the best"

Sylvanas gave her a thankful nod.

"I'm happy for you. You know that, right?" asked the blonde elf with the tattoo on her face.

"I do"

"Nevertheless, I'm asking myself why your best friend is sleeping in your bed and wears nothing but her underwear."

"Believe me, I'm asking myself the same question," Sylvanas responded as she sat down on the bed, leaning forward so she could reach her best friend. She put her hand on her right shoulder, shaking her carefully at first. Verena muttered something but she didn't wake up, instead, she shifted around so that her back was turned to the two irritated rangers.

Sylvanas shook her again, harder this time. Still, Verena didn't wake up. Not even as Sylvanas threw her out of her bed. Sylvanas turned her head, looking at her sister who gave her an understanding nod. She walked to the bathroom and returned with a bucket full of cold water.

She stepped next to the bed, giving Sylvanas one last questioning look. Sylvanas nodded her head, telling her to go ahead. The bucket was emptied over Verena who startled from her sleep, shrieking loudly. She shook her head quickly, trying to recognize her surroundings to find out what was going on. She needed a few minutes to calm down and relax.

She was wondering why she was dripping wet but she found the answer when she looked at Alleria who was still holding the bucket. She turned her head, looking at the younger Windrunner sister who gave her an amused smile.

"Look who's finally awake," commented Sylvanas.

"And sleeping in the wrong bed," added Alleria.

Verena wanted to say something but her throat was too dry so not a single word escaped her lips.

"What are you doing here?" asked Sylvanas after she had waited patiently for a few moments.

"I..." she started but didn't speak any further.

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? I'm listening."

"I thought you would work the entire night so I allowed myself to sleep in your warm comfortable bed instead of the uncomfortable sleeping bags. I mean your bed is large enough for at least two persons," told Verena.

"You could have asked me and I would have probably allowed it. But now..."

"I'm sorry, Sylvie" responded her best friend. She got up, intending to apologize to her by hugging her but Sylvanas stretched her arms out to keep her at distance. Verena was hurt for a short moment because she thought Sylvanas was really mad at her but then she realized that Sylvanas didn't want to hug her because her entire body and her clothes were dripping wet.

"Apology accepted," spoke Sylvanas eventually. Verena's insecure facial expression changed to a happy and confident expression.

"I will change my clothes and return to my tent."

"You don't need to return to your tent. You can spend the night with me once you are here. Your undergarments are wet so is your hair. I can't let you out right now because you might catch a cold. And I don't want that one of my best rangers gets sick." spoke Sylvanas, smiling at her.

Verena returned the smile, expressing her thankfulness by lowering her head. Sylvanas pointed at the wardrobe, telling her that she should take out a pair of undergarments and a pyjama. Verena did as she was told, disappearing in the bathroom to change. She returned later, the blue pyjama fitted her perfectly and hugged all of her curves. She repressed to say how good Sylvanas' underwear felt on her body.

She walked over to the two other females, giving Sylvanas a curious look as she saw the letter in her hand. "What's that?"

"A letter from Lirath," responded Sylvanas. She ignored Alleria's irritated look as she handed it over to Verena who read it carefully. She turned her head, returning her sister's staring. "I would have told her anyway. She is my best friend. We don't keep secrets from each other. I mean I wouldn't have told her if it would have been a strictly confidential secret. But Lirath asks for our honest opinion because he is afraid what our parents might say. He is afraid that he can't convince them to get known to his girlfriend. And who knows it better how to convince your parents to accept your partner than Verena who had troubles to make her parents accept her partner."

Alleria frowned. "Well, homosexuality is not uncommon in our society, choosing a human as a partner is something completely different. I know what I'm talking about. It took me months to convince our parents to get known to Turalyon and I'm pretty sure they still hope that I'm just in a rebellious phase and that I would choose an elf instead of him one day."

"But they accepted you, so I don't see a reason why they shouldn't accept Lirath's human girlfriend. I don't think my help is needed," replied Verena.

"Lirath is the only son of our parents so I think they will see things differently. Alleria may be the oldest daughter but there are still two other daughters who could come together with a high elf. Maybe they see things differently when it comes to Lirath," Sylvanas said to Verena, making a thoughtful face.

Alleria tilted her head a little. "I don't think they will react differently. I think they will be tolerant and assure Lirath that they will accept whoever he will choose," she made a small pause, taking the letter back from Verena. She skimmed through it and handed it to Sylvanas. "I don't think he needs to be afraid. If he loves her then he should tell our parents about her. I'm pretty sure they will accept her."

"Two out of four Windrunners chose humans over their own kind," commented Verena. "That's interesting."

"I don't really care if my partner is a human or an elf. I have to admit that human males also look good. The girls are pretty too. But I prefer high elves as you know," spoke Sylvanas.

"Yep, Kelrian is a very lucky guy. I wish I would be in his place and be together with the most beautiful woman on Azeroth," flattered Verena.

Sylvanas' lips formed a provocative grin. "You had your chance to convert me to a full lesbian. But you didn't succeed, so I remain straight or bi at least. Anyways, back to the main topic. We should write Lirath he should tell our parents about his girlfriend if he is sure she is the right one."

"I agree with you," spoke Alleria.

"So do I," added Verena.

"Perfect. We all share the same opinion," said Alleria.

"I wanted to ask you a question earlier but I forgot to do it. The same question just came back in my mind so I want to hear an answer from you," said Sylvanas.

"Go ahead, Sylvie. Ask me anything you want"

"How did you managed to get in here?"

"Kelrian gave me the spare key."

Sylvanas' eyes widened in surprise. "He did what?"

"You have heard me correctly. He gave me the key."

"Why did he do that?"

"Because I asked for it."

"And he handed you the key without asking why you need it and how you know about it?"

"He knows I'm your best friend and he knows that you tell me almost everything so he didn't need to ask how I knew about it. I told him that I forgot something in your room and that I didn't want to distract you from planning so I needed him to lend me the key," explained Verena.

Sylvanas sighed. "It was not his fault, he got tricked by you. He knows I trust you so I assume he trusts you blindly. Nevertheless, I will tell him to not give you the spare key next time, as long as it is not urgent."

"Do that but don't be so strict with him. It was not his fault," responded Verena.

"Don't worry about that. I won't scold him."

A naughty smirk appeared on Verena's lips. "I assume you will scold and punish him later in a different way."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, shaking her head and giving her a feigned uncomprehending look. Alleria cleared her throat. "It would be nice if you would only talk about such things when I'm not around."

"Ah c'mon, Alleria don't be such a spoilsport. You can't tell me you don't talk about men and sex with your friends."

Alleria shook her head slightly. "I do but I don't talk about such topics when my sister is around."

Sylvanas patted her sister's shoulder. "Excuse my best friend, she is a pervert who has only one thing in her mind."

Verena's lips formed a mischievous grin. "And that's your thick and firm ass" she spoke as she gave Sylvanas a rough spank, making the woman yell in surprise and jump up a little.

Sylvanas rubbed her forehead, regarding her best friend with narrowed eyes. "That was too much."

Verena's lips said sorry but her eyes said the opposite. Verena was not really sorry, on the opposite, she had enjoyed it and she would love to do it again. For Verena, touching Sylvanas' ass was one of the best feelings in the world. She was jealous of Kelrian because he could touch her whenever they were alone. She couldn't do that without being scolded or getting hit in return. Kelrian didn't need to be afraid that Sylvanas would hit him.

There had been a time where Verena could have done the same without getting scolded or punished but these times were over. She missed those times. The times where she and Sylvanas had been a thing. Their relationship had lasted for ten years before Sylvanas had ended the relationship out of nowhere. She had explained to Verena that she couldn't do that anymore. That she couldn't lie to her and to herself anymore. That she had realized she preferred men.

Verena had been heartbroken at first and had needed a lot of time to accept everything. Sylvanas thought her best friend was over her but the truth was that she wasn't. Verena still loved Sylvanas and she had told her that over and over again but Sylvanas had found someone else. She had found true love. Verena was happy for Sylvanas but at the same time, she was sad that she couldn't have her.

Verena knew she couldn't have her so she touched her without her noticing whenever she could. Sometimes, she gave her a massage, sometimes she helped her getting dressed for important meetings or events. Sometimes, she went with her to the beach and put sun cream on her soft and sensitive skin. There were lots of situation where she could be near Sylvanas. Also, she hugged her whenever they greeted each other or said goodbye. She was still able to be physically close to Sylvanas. But not as close as she wanted.

Spanking Sylvanas' butt had been too much. She had crossed a border and she knew that. She was glad that Sylvanas didn't make a drama out of it. The Ranger-General just ignored it, turning to her sister to talk with her. Verena listened to them, regarding Sylvanas most of the time. Her gaze shifted to Alleria from time to time but it only rested on her beautiful face or her well-formed curves.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't realize that Sylvanas was speaking to her. Only the small pillow which hit her head managed to bring her out of her thoughts. Verena scratched her head, checking her surroundings.

"You are back in the presence, sweetheart. You are not in your dream world anymore," said Sylvanas, tapping her shoulder playfully.

"I don't want to know what she was thinking about," commented Alleria, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"She has stared at you for quite some time so she has probably thought about you in your underwear," joked Sylvanas, patting her older sister's back. Alleria's cheeks turned slightly red but her blush was not as clearly visible as the blush on Verena's face.

"I think I should go now before Verena imagines me wearing nothing at all," spoke Alleria, chuckling when she noticed that Verena's cheeks became redder. She shook her head amused, looking at Verena and then at her sister. "I can't believe that you dress up while she is watching you. Doesn't it bother you that you turn her on when you change in front of her?"

"Not really," replied Sylvanas honestly. "Verena knows her limit. She knows what she is not allowed to do and she knows what will happen if she crosses a line."

Alleria turned her head, looking at Verena. She gave her a curious look, raising an eyebrow. "What does my sister do when you cross a line?"

"The last time I crossed a line, she didn't talk to me for a week. She also threatened me that she would pinch my nipples and twist them if I dare to take advantage of her again" Verena spoke quietly, avoiding eye contact by looking at the floor.

Alleria frowned "You took advantage of her?"

A sad sigh escaped Verena's lips. Her voice reflected guilt as she started to explain. "I did and I'm not proud of it. It happened when she broke up with her last boyfriend, more than seventy years ago. She was fragile and an emotional mess and... Well, I tried to comfort her but then everything got out of hand and I started to kiss her... Well, you can imagine the rest. Sylvanas prevented that I would only make it worse..."

"My sister forgave you, so everything is alright, I guess. But as her older sister, I have to tell you one thing. You better never take advantage of her again or I will find you and punish you. But not in the pleasant way you hope Sylvanas would do to you." Alleria stood right in front of Verena, staring into the eyes of the slightly smaller woman.

Verena swallowed, nodding her head quickly. She did her best to not show Alleria that she was intimidated by her but she failed horribly. Alleria smirked as she noticed that the perverted elf respected her more than anyone else. She knew that Verena would never mess with her because she was too afraid of what she might do to her.

None of the three women said anything. Alleria kept staring into Verena's eyes, the smaller elf returned her stare. Sylvanas regarded them with a curious look on her face. Alleria cleared her throat after a while, telling Sylvanas and her best friend that she needed to go now if she wanted to catch enough sleep.

Sylvanas stepped to her, hugged her and kissed her forehead softly. Alleria kissed her left cheek, caressing her back softly. She pulled away eventually, pointing two fingers at her eyes and then at Verena's, signalizing her she would keep an eye on her. Verena nodded silently, her eyes rested on Alleria as she walked to the door and left the hut. She still regarded the entrance even though Alleria had walked through it five minutes ago.

Sylvanas cleared her throat, bringing Verena out of her thoughts. The other woman blushed as she turned around and walked to the bed on which Sylvanas was sitting. She wore a light blue pyjama and her hair was loose. She slipped under the blanket, lying down next to her best friend. The corners of her lips formed a small smile as she noticed that Sylvanas wasn't mad at her.

On the opposite, she gave Verena a small smile, comforting her. She even leaned over to kiss her left cheek, looking at her for a few moments before she put her head on the pillow, closed her eyes and started to relax. Verena didn't close her eyes yet. She regarded Sylvanas until she fell asleep, which happened faster than expected. She caressed her cheek for a few times before she closed her eyes and relaxed, falling asleep eventually.


He opened his eyes as soon as he noticed that he was awake. He looked around, trying to find out where he was. There was nothing but darkness around him. He remained calm, trying to figure out what was going on. He noticed that his hands were shackled but his feet weren't. Whoever had captured him didn't expect him to run away. He couldn't run anyway because he was sitting in a small closed room. A room which was moving and shaking.

He looked up, spotting the wide slit near the ceiling. He stood up, looking through it. He didn't recognize much but he spotted the outlines of a tree which became smaller with each passing second. He assumed he was in some sort of a wagon which transported him somewhere at night. He was wondering how he had landed there but then he started to remember what had happened. Sylvanas Windrunner and the local guards had arrested him and thrown him into that wagon.


"Are you Xenarion Sunsinger?"

"Yes, I am. Why are you asking?"

"You are under arrest because you have hired a group of mercenaries to injure your own son. Your guilt has been proved by the testimonies of the victim, the culprits and three witnesses. We will take you to Silvermoon City and locked you in one of the dungeons cells."*

Xenarion had resisted at first but the guards had overwhelmed him and put him into the wagon which would take him to Silvermoon City. They will lock him in one of the dirty cells there. He had no clue for how long they will keep him there but he knew for sure they wouldn't let him out for quite some time. He would have to serve his entire sentence to get free.

Anger rose up in him as he realized he wouldn't be able to see his family for a long time. Only because of his stupid son. If he wouldn't be there, he wouldn't be transported to a prison. He was wishing that Kelrian would have never been born. He was a failure. He was not able to use the light even though his family, which members were known as the best priests and paladins in Quel'Thalas, had trained him. Xenarion felt deep hatred for his middle son. His pulse was racing and anger built up in him whenever he thought about Kelrian.

Xenarion didn't regret ordering mercenaries to teach Kelrian a lesson. He only regretted hiring the wrong mercenaries. He had trusted his friend but he had failed him. He should have listened to his instincts and should have hired the more expensive mercenaries instead of the guild of his friend. But it was too late to change things. He couldn't change the past and he had no influence on the future. His hands were tied. Literally.

He sat down on the small bench, closing his eyes to get some rest. He was about to fall asleep as he heard loud shouts coming from outside. He heard shouts from high elves but also shouts in a foreign language. He could only assume that the strange shouts came from trolls or orcs. His heartbeat became very fast, his skin tingled nervously and cold shivers ran down his spine as he listened to the sounds of battle.

People shouted commands, cried out in anger or in pain. Steel clashed against steel, limbs were cut off, voices became silent. People died around him and there was nothing Xenarion could do to help his people. He tried to free himself but the handcuffs were too tight around his wrists so he couldn't slip out of them.

Panic started to overwhelm him, the fear of death started to consume him, causing that his whole body began to tremble. His heartbeat became a lot faster as the last elven voice became silent. The door of the metal cage, in which he was locked in, was taken out of its hinges. Muscular green creatures looked at him, their ugly green lips formed mischievous smiles.

One of these creatures, which was larger than the wagon, stretched his arm out and destroyed the chain, which connected Xenarion's handcuffs and with the bottom of the cage, with his bare hand. He grabbed him by his legs and flung him out of the cage.

Xenarion groaned as landed on the muddy ground. He needed a few moments to regain control over his body, getting up eventually. He ignored the massive amount of pain he was feeling as he checked his surroundings. He spotted three dead trolls and five dead Silvermoon guards around the wagon. The neck of three of these elves had been broken as if a large creature had grabbed them and snapped their necks with its bare hands.

Xenarion's eyes widened, the amount of fear he was feeling was massively increased as he took a closer look at the creature which was responsible for the deaths of these three guards. It was a large dire troll which was three times larger than his companions which were ordinary forest trolls. They were eight in total. All of them were armed to their teeth. Their yellow eyes rested on him, their ugly lips formed triumphant grins.

One of them, a troll with short blue hair stepped forward, walking towards the scared priest while his companions remained in front of the wagon. Xenarion fixed his eyes on the troll whose armour looked firmer and better produced than the armours of the other trolls. He was wearing something around his neck which looked like a necklace made out of human and elven ears. The priest was pretty sure that this guy was the leader of this group.

He could only assume that they came from Tor'Watha which was the only remaining fortress of the forest trolls in the east of Quel'Thalas. Their presence could only mean that they had either managed to broke through the defensive line or they had managed to sneak past it without getting seen. Both options were bad for the elves. There was a deadly group of trolls behind the outmost defensive line and nobody knew about it. Nobody except for Xenarion.

He must escape somehow and warn the others. That was his duty as a member of the high elven society. But he didn't care about his duty, he just wanted to survive no matter what it would cost.

"Look who we have here. A tremblin' elf," the troll spoke. It really surprised Xenarion that the troll was able to speak thalassian. His accent may be very strong but he was able to express himself without making too many mistakes. Xenarion had not the time to wonder why the troll knew the language of the high elves. He was wondering why he hadn't already killed him and approached him instead. He was wondering why the troll didn't capture him and was talking to him instead.

"An elf imprisoned by his own kind, how odd. If I wouldn't know it any better, I would say ya are a traitor or a criminal. Otherwise, ya wouldn't have been in dere," he said, pointing at the wagon. "Ya must know, the enemy of my enemy can be ma friend."

Xenarion's fear disappeared suddenly and was replaced by confusion. He tilted his head, giving the troll a confused look.

"You've lost me there. What do you want to imply?" he asked.

The troll laughed, looking at his comrades who laughed as well. "Stupid elf," he commented. "Ya will give me some information and I will spare ya life."

Xenarion's eyes narrowed. "How do I know I can trust you? Who guarantees me that you don't kill me after you received the information you want from me?"

The troll laughed again. "Ya can't, mon. But ya have no otha choice if ya want ta live. I tell you dis, unlike ya people, ma people fight with honour. We stand ta our words. Not ta mention, ya have no otha choice than trustin' me."

"I see" muttered Xenarion, making a thoughtful face as he considered his options.

"Let's say you are speaking the truth, what else do I get if I give you the information you want?"

The troll's lips formed a triumphant smile. He knew he got the fish on the hook, now he only needed to pull it out. "I will spare ya and ya family and regard dem as our guests of honour. I know ya don't know me but I promise ya dat I will stand by ma word. By da loa of my people."

"My people say that you can never trust a troll but what do my people know anyways? They always want my help and never give me something in return. I have no other choice anyway but I want you to do me a favour. My son kidnapped half of my family, I want you to bring them to me but in one piece and without harming them," said Xenarion.

"Dat should be no problem. But we do that lata. First, ya will tell us de information we want."

"So, what do you want to know? How many rangers and guards we have? Where our patrols are walking their rounds? How many people are stationed in the villages, camps, bases and fortresses?" Xenarion's lips formed a mischievous smile. "Or do you want to know how you can hurt the famous Ranger-General the most?"

The troll raised an eyebrow, giving the elf a curious look. "Ya know dat?"

"I know where her family lives. If you want to break the famous Troll Slayer then you have to attack Windrunner Spire and Windrunner Village."

"Ya tell us a way to hurt da Ranger-General? Why? I just expected to get military information from ya. Why are you offerin' us dis instead?"

An evil smirk appeared on Xenarion's face. "Let's say the Ranger-General and I have a score to settle. Not to mention that my son seems to be very important to her and I think she is important to him too."

"So, ya do dis to hurt ya own son? Ya own flesh and blood? Wat a sick bastard are ya?

Soft laughter escaped Xenarion's lips. "Trust me, my son deserves it and this whore of a Ranger-General Windrunner deserves it too. She is responsible that I would have gotten locked in a dirty cell for quite some time."

"Wateva you say, mon. Tell me where the Troll Slayer's home is" the troll said.

"Give a second," Xenarion said, looking up at the troll who gave him a nod.

Xenarion walked over to one of the dead guards, ignoring the amount of blood which was spread all over the ground. He looked through the guard's bag, smiling as he found a map. He walked over to the leader and unfolded the map, handing it over to him. "There is Windrunner Spire, where the Ranger-General's family lives," he said, pointing at a spot in the south-west of the map. "And above it is Windrunner Village. The rest of her family, which includes her uncles, aunts and cousins, lives there."

"I see. So, our pact is sealed, right'?" the troll asked, stretching his hand out. "Ya give us all the information ya know and I will promise ya that ma people and da orcs will spare ya and ya family."

Xenarion shook his hand, smiling mischievously. "May I know who you are?"

"I am Leth'al, da brother of da right hand of Zul'jin."

"I'm Xenarion Sunsinger, it's nice to meet you."

"Da pleasure is ma, mon" responded Leth'al, a satisfied grin appeared on his green lips.