
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 15: Graduation - Part II

He had his eyes closed, taking deep breaths as he tried to calm down. He could hear the beats of his heart which was rampaging in his chest. He was afraid that it would explode the next moment. Fortunately, it didn't. After a few minutes, he had finally managed to calm down. He made sure he was ready before he knocked at the door in front of him. He waited a few moments, then he opened the door slowly, sighing out in relief as he found out that it didn't produce too loud noises.

He entered the attic, noticing that it was smaller than expected. The building, in which the celebration was taking place, was very large so was its roof. That was reason enough to expect that its attic would be very large as well. But it wasn't for some reason. It was barely larger than forty square meters, meaning it was smaller than an average room in an average house.

Kelrian was wondering why the architects of the building hadn't made it larger. Maybe the architects had assumed that the headquarter of the Farstriders didn't need a large attic. Kelrian couldn't understand this because he thought that it didn't hurt to have a large attic. In his opinion it was never bad to have enough room to store things.

Kelrian looked around, noticing that no objects were standing on the floor. No cartons, no crates and not even chests. The attic was completely empty except for an ordinary chair which was standing in the middle. Kelrian walked over to it, regarding it curiously. He checked his surroundings once again, hoping to see Sylvanas somewhere. But she wasn't there.

This was strange. Hadn't she asked him to meet her there? Kelrian looked at his clock, realizing that twelve minutes had passed since he had received the eight minutes to wait.

He looked back at the chair, wondering why it was the only object in the room. He was about to reach out for it as he heard a quiet noise, which caused him to stop immediately. Someone had moved. He spun around, his eyes widened as he saw Sylvanas leaning next to the door he had forgotten to close. She had crossed her arms in front of her chest, one of her legs was bent and so its foot leaned against the wall.

Guilt came up in him as he remembered the kiss with Elena. He hadn't initiated it but he still felt guilty. It felt for him as if he had cheated on Sylvanas, even though he didn't. He wanted to look away because he felt unworthy to look at her but he was unable to avert his felt as if a spell had been cast on him which prevented that he could look at something else.

"You should close the door if you secretly meet someone somewhere" advised Sylvanas, giving him a small smile.

"Sylvanas" he said, sighing out in relief. "I didn't notice that you entered the room after me.

"I didn't, I was in the room the entire time"

"You were invisible, weren't you?"

Sylvanas nodded.

"Why do you want to meet me there?"

Sylvanas locked the door, then she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Of course I am but..."

"But what?" asked Sylvanas, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm wondering why you want to meet me in this place while the others are celebrating. I'm pretty sure that the others will notice soon that you are absent"

"I don't care what the others think. I only care about what you think" she said, making a pause as she regarded him from head to toe "I've locked this room so no one can come in and interrupt us"

"But they could hear us talking" said Kelrian.

Sylvanas lowered her voice. "Not if we whisper"

He lowered his voice as well "Alright"

"I don't need a specific reason to meet you, do I?"

"I don't think so" replied Kelrian.

"Good" Sylvanas smiled at him, pulling him closer until their bodies met. She pressed her upper body against his, her smile became wider as he put his hands on her hips. "I've missed you so much. It's a shame that we weren't able to see each other often in the past weeks except for the daily training every day"

"You were very busy the past weeks"

"I had to organize and prepare everything. The uniforms, the final examination, the ceremony, the celebration and so much more. I would have met you every day in secret if I would have had the , I didn't have the time.

"But now you have"

"Yes" she whispered, giving him a big grin. "Now I have more than enough time" she spoke before she pressed her lips against his, putting one of her hands on the back of his head and the other on his cheek. She deepened the kiss, biting his bottom lip softly until he parted his lips and allowed her to insert her tongue. She didn't wait for too long to explore every reachable corner of his mouth. He couldn't keep up with her. His tongue entered her mouth after she had licked every spot of his mouth three times at least. At least he was able to run the fingers of his left hand through her hair while his other hand caressed her left hip.

He didn't try to take over and lead, knowing Sylvanas wouldn't allow it. He just mimicked her actions with a delay of a few seconds. Even though this kiss felt so awesome, Kelrian decided to break it and pull away. Sylvanas tilted her head a little, raising an eyebrow as she gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I... Something happened which doesn't want to leave my mind"

"You don't need to tell me more. I already know that Elena has flirted with you and touched you"

"She didn't just touch me" Kelrian said.

"She kissed you, I know". Sylvanas sounded oddly calm.

"You know that?" asked Kelrian, making a very surprised face.

"Verena has told me"

Kelrian made a doubtful face "Did she?"

Sylvanas' response was a simple nod.

"You don't seem to be upset" diagnosed Kelrian.

"That's true"

Kelrian frowned. "But why?"

"You didn't initiate the kiss, right? Nor did you deepen the kiss. You walked away as soon as possible and left Elena in front of the banquet. You didn't do anything wrong"

"You might be right" he muttered, looking at his feet.

Sylvanas smiled, putting her hand under his chin. She lifted it up so he had no other choice than looking at her. "So, there is nothing which has to be forgiven as long as you don't kiss her again"

"I will be careful next time. I will make sure she won't kiss me again. Promise

"I'm hoping that for you, otherwise, I have to punish you" she responded with a very erotic sounding voice. She stared into his eyes for a few moments, then she pressed her lips against his.

She deepened the kiss after a few moments, pulling away from time to time only to kiss him again after a few was still in the lead so she sneaked one hand under the top of his uniform. She caressed his stomach muscles while placing kisses on his jaw, his cheeks and his long ears. She even took the tips of his ears in her mouth from time to time, chuckling whenever a quiet moan escaped his lips.

His eyes, which had been closed while they had kissed, shot open as he felt her other hand on a certain spot on his body. He looked down, noticing that Sylvanas' hand had found its way in his trousers and in his pants. It was touching his most sacred thing, stroking it to make him feel better. She didn't blush nor was she embarrassed. She only gave him a dirty grin as she continued.

"Are you sure that we should doit here?" he asked, giving her a surprised look.

"Do you remember when we have done it the last time?"

"Well, yeah. It was four weeks ago, wasn't it?"

"Six. Six weeks, to be exactly" she corrected.

"I don't see a problem there"

"Other couples have sex every day or at least every second day if they are newly in love with each other. We have waited a whole year before we had sex. Don't forget that we don't have sex that often. Once a week is our maximum. That's not enough for me"

"I know but we are not a normal couple. We have to hide which means we can spend less time together. You are very busy most of the time which means we don't have many opportunities to enjoy ourselves"

"I know. You don't need to remind me of that. I use every opportunity I can get. This seems to be a perfect opportunity for us, don't you think so?"

"Well... I guess you are right"

"Good" spoke Sylvanas, giving him a triumphing smile. "Then shut up and keep your voice as low as possible"

"What do you..." he started but was stopped by Sylvanas who silenced him by pressing the palm of her hand on his lips. She stared into his eyes, waiting until he returned the staring. She took her hand away as she received an understanding nod. She unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them with his pants down. She bent down, using her hands and her mouth to make him feel good.

Kelrian found himself on the chair later, giving his best to be as quiet as possible. It was impossible to prevent that every single moan would escape his lips but he was able to hold back most of them. It was not easy because Sylvanas made him feel really good. She was sitting on his lap, her leggings and panties were lying on the floor, her chest plate and her bra were removed as well. Kelrian's face rested between her large breasts, his hands were tied behind the back of the chair. He was not doing much except for pushing his hips up and down, causing that Sylvanas felt good as well.

Their love-making ended as soon as Kelrian released inside her. Kelrian was too exhausted to perform again but that was no reason for Sylvanas to get off his lap. She was still straddling him, kissing him from time to time until she was satisfied enough. She stared into his eyes, getting off his lap after quite some time. She gave him a wide grin, glancing one last time at his semi-nude form before she picked up her clothes and got dressed. She pulled the key of the handcuffs out of her pocket, walking around the chair so she could undo the handcuffs. Kelrian stood up as soon as he was free, rubbing his wrists softly.

He got dressed within a few minutes, looking at his lover who also had a satisfied expression on her face. "I've needed this so badly" Sylvanas admitted.

"You are not the only one who has missed direct body contact"

Her smile became wider. "I know. You have really enjoyed it as well"

"How do you know I've enjoyed it?" asked Kelrian, giving her a teasing grin.

"The sounds you were making and the way your body has reacted are enough to prove that you have enjoyed it" told Sylvanas, grinning back at him.

He rubbed the back of his head softly "Fine, you got me"

Sylvanas smiled, staring into his eyes for a while. She cleared her throat eventually. "We should return. You will wait here for twenty minutes before you go back to the hall"

Kelrian nodded his head.

Sylvanas pulled him in for one last passionate kiss. She pulled back after a while, looking at him while she walked to the door and unlocked it, opened and closed it behind her as she left the attic.


Kelrian checked his surroundings as soon as he entered the gigantic room where the celebration was taking place. He spotted lots of rangers and many guests who weren't members of the Farstriders. This could only mean that most of the Farstriders had brought someone to the celebration. Every Farstrider, no matter if ranger or recruit, was allowed to bring up to two guests to the celebration. That was the reason why so many persons, Kelrian had never seen before, were in the room.

Every attending person was in a good mood and happy to celebrate with the others. He didn't spot a single person who wasn't enjoying this event. He looked at the table where Sylvanas had sat before she had left the room, noticing that only Alleria was still sitting there. He frowned as he regarded his surroundings closely, wondering where Sylvanas was.

He found her on the other side of the room, at the room's largest table, where almost all captains and lieutenants sat. She was talking to Verena and another woman Kelrian recognized as Ranger-Lieutenant Velonara. He didn't know much about her. He only knew that she was a friend of Verena.

Kelrian noticed that Sylvanas was looking at him from time to time, giving him a barely recognizable smirk whenever she did that. Kelrian regarded her for a while, then he walked back to the table where his friends sat. He saw Vendora, Kelia, Zetai and Salna. He didn't saw Elena and Elonis. He looked around, wanting to know if they were anywhere near but he didn't spot them. He took a seat next to Zetai, looking in the round as he formulated his question. "Where are Elena and Elonis?"

"Elonis got sick after emptying too many bottles of alcohol. Elena accompanied her to the nearest bathroom" responded Vendora. "At least I believe that because they left the room in a hurry. Not to mention that Elonis' face was as white as chalk"

"Or she has only pretended to be sick because they needed an excuse to get away, so they could be in peace without anybody wondering why they are away for so long" commented Zetai.

Kelrian's gaze fell upon him. "What do you mean?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It seems that Elonis has spent a lot of time over the past months with the Ranger-General's best friend"

Kelrian tilted his head, giving him a confused look "And?"

"It's not a secret that she is into girls, maybe she has turned Elonis. And now Elonis wants to make out with Elena in the bathroom"

Kelrian put one of his hands on his forehead, shaking his head slightly. "This is very far-fetched, don't you think?"

"Maybe but what if it's not?"

"It wouldn't change anything if one of them is into girls" spoke Kelia. "Homosexuality is not uncommon in our society. Just remember that the Ranger-General once had a relationship with Ranger-Captain Sunbather"

"These rumours were never confirmed" Salna threw in.

"We may have no proofs for that, but everyone knows that the Ranger-General and Ranger-Captain Sunbather have been an item for some time"

"Even if that is true, it doesn't change anything. There are no restrictions when it comes to love. Every creature is allowed to love who it wants, no matter of age or gender. It makes no difference if you love the opposite gender or the same gender" spoke Kelrian, receiving nods from everyone.

"So, let's be serious" he said after a few moments of silence. "What are Elena and Elonis doing?"

"No clue" muttered Zetai.

Kelrian looked in the round. "Does anyone know anything about them?" Everyone shook their heads.

"Maybe Elena needs to catch herself after you have turned her down" joked Zetai.

"Quite funny" muttered Kelrian.

"I'm always funny, you know"

Kelrian looked at his friend, observing him closely. It was unmistakable that he had drunk too much. Kelrian knew that Zetai could be very funny if he wanted to, but at the moment he wasn't. Sometimes, he could be a jerk which was the case at this very moment.

"Hey look, there she is" exclaimed Kelia, pointing in a direction. Kelrian's eyes followed the direction Kelia's finger was pointing at, spotting Elena near the entrance. She was leaning against a wall, arms crossed in front of her chest. She was making an expressionless face, not showing anyone how she was feeling at the moment.

Kelrian's gaze rested on her for a few moments before he turned his head to search for Elonis. He found her sitting at a table next to Verena. The Ranger-Captain had put her arm around the ranger's shoulder, pulling her closer. Her mouth was very close to Elonis' face, to her ear to be precise.

Kelrian assumed that she was whispering something in her ear. They could be speaking about something or Verena could be flirting with her. Maybe what Zetai had said was true. Kelrian was one of the few who knew about Sylvanas' and Verena's past. Sylvanas had told him this one day as they had spoken about lovers and love affairs from the past. To his disappointment, she hadn't given him many details about her relationship with her best friend, but she had confirmed the rumours at least. He had promised her to never tell anyone about this and he intended to keep this promise.

It didn't matter for him if Elonis and Verena were lovers or not. He didn't need to be afraid that Sylvanas will choose Verena over him because he knew she loved him and that she wasn't interested in women in general. Verena had been an exception. The only exception. Still, it would be only to his advantage if Verena would be in a would mean she wouldn't couldn't crave Sylvanas and wouldn't try to get her back.

"She looks so lonely and sad, this is almost heartbreaking" commented Vendora. Kelrian turned his head, looking at the elf with the long brown hair which was tied to a ponytail. He scrutinized her closely but didn't say anything. Of course, he knew that she was exaggerating. Elena didn't look very happy but she didn't look sad, in Kelrian's opinion at least.

"I would also be sad if my love interest would turn me down" muttered Kelia.

"C'mon guys, what should have I done in your opinion? She is just a friend for me but I didn't want to tell her this to prevent that I would break her heart" spoke Kelrian.

"You shouldn't have walked away" responded Salna. "At least not without saying anything in return"

"I won't justify my decisions. I have my reasons. Just leave it be, will you?"

"Fine" spoke Salna, a faked groan escaped her lips.

"Why don't you go over to her and clear things up with her? Tell her that you don't feel the same as she does. It would be better for both of you. This way you won't give her false hopes, so she can try her luck with someone else" suggested Zetai.

Kelrian frowned. "Are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"It's the best you can do right now. You don't want her to remain sad for the rest of the day, right? We all became rangers after the five hardest years of our lives. It would be a shame if Elena wouldn't be able to enjoy the celebration"

"She wouldn't feel better if I talk to her about everything. She will find out that I don't feel the same for her, so there is no way her mood will get better"

"Just try it" said Kelia.

"Fine, I will try it. Stop getting on my nerves" Kelrian said as he got up. He looked at Kelia, noticing the small grin on her lips. He shook his head slightly, deciding to not say anything in response. He walked towards Elena, reaching her within two minutes. She didn't notice him as he stopped right next to her, so he cleared his throat, giving her a small smile as she spun around and looked at him. Her eyes widened, her sad facial expression was replaced by a mix of surprise and hope.

"Hey" he started, not sure what else to say.

"Hey..." she responded, not knowing what to say either.

"I'm sorry for walking away without saying a word. I didn't want to hurt you... I was just...overtaxed, I guess. I didn't know how to handle the situation. I guess I was taken by surprise"

She looked at her hands as she spoke. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't know what was going on until it was too late. I guess the alcohol had spoken and acted for me"

"I forgive you" Kelrian smiled at her.

"I'm afraid I've ruined our friendship" she said quietly.

"You haven't, don't worry about that" he spoke and checked his surroundings quickly. "Would it be okay if we talk somewhere where it isn't that loud?"

"Sure, what place do you have in mind?"

"Hmm" Kelrian made a thoughtful face. "We should be able to find a place where it's quiet when we follow the nearest corridor. I don't want to get disturbed while talking to you. Not to mention it is hard to understand you while the others are cheering and celebrating.

"I'm fine with that. Go ahead"

Kelrian nodded to her, telling her to follow him. She did that without hesitation, stopping when he stopped in the middle of the corridor.

"So..." she said quietly as he turned around to look at her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess" responded Elena, making a thoughtful face. "As good as it can be expected under the circumstances"

"I'm sorry if I have hurt you"

"You didn't but it was not cool to that you walked away. On the other hand, it was not the best idea to kiss you out of nowhere, especially when dozens of people were around us"

"I haven't noticed that you have feelings for me. I haven't noticed that you have flirted with me from time to time. I really like you but the truth is that I consider you as a friend and I don't think that will change. Ireally like you but only as a close friend. I'm sorry that I have to say this but I can't see us as lovers"

"It's okay" spoke Elena. It cost a lot of strength and willpower for her to hold tears back.

Kelrian pressed his lips together, giving her an apologizing look. He didn't know what else to do. Telling her the truth had been necessary because he didn't want her to chase someone she could never have. He didn't want that she would waste so much time on trying to get closer to him.

He wanted her to be happy but that was only possible if she would accept that he was not meant for her. The sooner she would accept that, the sooner she could move on and look out for another man she could love. He just felt bad for hurting her feelings. He cared about her but she was nothing more than a good friend to him.

"You are not the only man in this world but you are by far one of the best men a woman can dream of. Any woman would be happy to have you" she made a pause, taking a breath. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead"

"Is there another woman? Are you involved with another woman or what is the reason why you just consider me as a friend? Am I not your type?"

Kelrian sighed out, waiting a few moments before he answered. "I don't really have a type. I have to admit you are a very beautiful, smart and nice woman. I really like you but there is another woman I love with all of my heart. I won't tell you who she is nor will I tell you if you know her. I just want to be honest with you and tell you that I'm already in a relationship. That's the reason we can't be together. I love her too much to cheat on her, nor do I want to leave her for you. I'm sorry"

Elena lowered her head a bit, staring at the floor. Her ears hung lower than usual, signalizing Kelrian that she was really sad at the moment. But then she lifted her head after a while, looking back at him. It didn't seem that she was still sad, maybe just a bit disappointed. "I can accept this answer. At least, you haven't rejected me because you find me ugly"

Soft laughter escaped his lips. "You are everything but ugly, trust me"

She smiled at him. "Thank you"

He returned her smile.

"We are still friends, aren't we?"

"Of course, we are friends. Only because I don't want you as a lover doesn't mean I don't want to have you as a friend" told Kelrian, giving her a comforting smile.

"I'm glad then"

"Same am I"

"We should go back to the others" suggested the woman with the turquoise coloured hair.

"Go ahead, I will join you soon" responded Kelrian.

"Okay" she said, waving at him before she walked back to the hall.

Kelrian waited until she was out of his field of vision, then he turned around and looked in the opposite direction. "Was it necessary to spy on me?"

"I wasn't spying on you. I just made sure that Elena wouldn't try again to make out with you" spoke Sylvanas as she stepped out of the shadows, becoming visible. "Don't get me wrong, I trust you but I don't trust her"

"I see" he responded, regarding her with narrowed eyes.

"Your senses have gotten better" she complimented. "A year ago, you wouldn't have noticed me but now you can"

"Your perfume is betraying you. Because of our little love sessions, I have gotten used to the smell of your perfume. That's the reason why I have managed to notice your presence"explained Kelrian.

"Still, you have noticed me. Others wouldn't have managed that even if they would have known the smell of my perfume. You are not the second best ranger of your generation without a reason. Turns out my hard training has paid off" she complimented.

"I think we will see that as soon as you take me to a important mission"

"I'm pretty sure you won't disappoint me"

"I think that as well"

"Let's go back to the hall, shall we?" asked Sylvanas, patting his shoulder softly.

"After you, Sylvanas" whispered Kelrian.