
We're tired of Readers' whims

Read it, or not, it's up to you. Readers have different tastes.. Some like harem, some don't. Some like mindless action, some don't. Some want to read about controversial topics that could save their souls, others don't. Some like recycled stories, some want originality. Some want complexity, others don't. My real audience are the Goddesses and Gods above. It's up to you if you want proof of their existence, or not. Again, read or not, it's up to you. * While this story has the "harem" tag, I'm not even sure if one Goddess would soon reveal herself to be the combination or totality of all the attractive women. Is Chris monogamous (one Goddess of all) or polygamous (many wives along the Goddess). I don't know yet. But, what I do know is that each female has her own Omniverse and story, and that Chris has an avatar in that Omniverse that always stays with the female in question. Each female felt as if she the one true wife. Let's see if the Gods above will approve of my story...

Christopher_6069 · Fantasia
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374 Chs

Volume 32, Chapter 3:



(524 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical kingdom of Tristain, there lived a powerful and wise emperor named Chris. He was known far and wide for his great wisdom and strength, but what truly made him stand out was his beautiful wife, Henrietta de Tristain. Henrietta was not only stunningly gorgeous but also had a fierce determination and strength of character that matched her husband's.

One day, Emperor Chris decided that he wanted to surprise his wife with a special gift - the Gem of Strength Augmentation. This gem was said to possess magical powers that could enhance one's physical strength and endurance, and he knew that Henrietta would appreciate such a gift.

However, there was a problem. The gem could only be activated by someone with a pure heart and pure intentions, and Emperor Chris knew that Henrietta was too smart to fall for any illusions or tricks. So, he came up with a cunning plan.

He enlisted the help of his loyal servant, Amber, who had always been known for her artistic talents and creativity. Emperor Chris knew that Amber would be able to create a convincing illusion that would fool Henrietta into activating the Gem of Strength Augmentation.

Amber was hesitant at first, knowing that she was being asked to deceive the empress, but Emperor Chris assured her that it was all in good fun and that Henrietta would not be harmed in any way. Reluctantly, Amber agreed to go along with the plan.

Together, they crafted a intricate and elaborate story that involved a made-up prophecy foretelling the activation of the Gem of Strength Augmentation by a chosen one. They made sure to include different aspects of the prophecy that would appeal to Henrietta's sense of duty and honor, knowing that she would not be able to resist the challenge.

When the time came to present the gem to Henrietta, Emperor Chris and Amber put their plan into action. They told her the story of the prophecy and how she was the chosen one who must fulfill it. Henrietta was intrigued and slightly skeptical, but the power of the gem was too tempting to resist.

As she held the gem in her hand, Amber subtly manipulated the illusion, making it seem as though the gem was glowing and pulsating with power. Henrietta's eyes widened in awe and wonder as she felt a surge of strength coursing through her veins.

With a sense of determination and purpose, Henrietta activated the Gem of Strength Augmentation and felt its power flow through her body. She stood taller and stronger than ever before, a look of pure joy and exhilaration on her face.

Emperor Chris and Amber watched in amazement as Henrietta embraced her newfound strength, knowing that their plan had succeeded. They had managed to trick the empress into activating the gem, but in the end, it had brought her nothing but happiness and empowerment.

And so, Henrietta de Tristain became known as the most powerful empress in all the land, thanks to the cunning and creativity of Emperor Chris and his loyal servant, Amber. Together, they had created a truly visionary and humorous tale that would be told for generations to come.

Elr: 1.93329006074E27 x 524 = 1.01304399182E30. The.



(510 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the fantastical kingdom of Glitterland, was known for his eccentric taste in everything, including his choice in a wife. His beloved wife was none other than the stunning Chisato Hasegawa, a woman of unmatched beauty and grace. Chisato was not only known for her radiant beauty but also for her kind heart and sharp wit.

Emperor Chris had fallen head over heels in love with Chisato the moment he laid eyes on her. He was captivated by her enchanting beauty and her feisty spirit. The two were a match made in heaven, or rather, in Glitterland, where fairy tales came to life.

Chisato had a mesmerizing gem-like pigmentation to her skin that shone like a thousand diamonds in the sun. Her hair flowed like liquid gold, cascading down her back in lustrous waves. Her eyes were the color of the ocean, deep and mysterious, holding untold secrets within their depths.

Emperor Chris was so enamored with his wife's beauty that he often commissioned portraits of her to be hung all over the palace. He would spend hours gazing at these exquisite paintings, marveling at the ethereal beauty of his beloved Chisato.

One day, Emperor Chris decided to surprise Chisato with a special gift. He called upon the kingdom's finest artists to create a series of portraits capturing Chisato's beauty in all its glory. The artists worked tirelessly for weeks, pouring their hearts and souls into each brushstroke, determined to do justice to the radiant beauty of the Empress.

When the portraits were finally unveiled, Chisato was speechless. She was moved to tears by the beauty and artistry of the paintings, each one capturing a different facet of her enchanting beauty. Emperor Chris beamed with pride as he watched his beloved wife marvel at the stunning portraits.

But the surprises were not over yet. Emperor Chris had one more trick up his sleeve. He revealed to Chisato that he had also commissioned a series of whimsical drawings of the two of them as vampires, inspired by their shared love of fantasy and adventure.

Chisato couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the drawings. Emperor Chris had depicted them as elegant and mysterious vampires, with flowing capes and sharp fangs. The drawings were a playful and lighthearted tribute to their shared love of fantasy and imagination.

Emperor Chris and Chisato spent hours immersed in laughter as they pored over the drawings, imagining themselves as the most glamorous vampires in all of Glitterland. The drawings sparked a renewed sense of creativity and wonder in the couple, inspiring them to embark on new artistic projects together.

As they continued to explore their shared passions and interests, Emperor Chris and Chisato's bond only grew stronger. Their love was a beacon of light in the magical kingdom of Glitterland, a reminder that true love knows no bounds and can conquer even the darkest of challenges.

And so, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Chisato Hasegawa lived happily ever after, their love shining brighter than any gem in the kingdom, their hearts forever entwined in a timeless bond of love and laughter.

Elr: 1.01304399182E30 x 510  = 5.16652435828E32. Gods.



(473 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the empire for his quick wit and sharp sense of humor. He ruled with a light heart and a playful spirit, earning the love and admiration of his subjects. But there was one person who could match his wit and charm - his wife, Kanae Kochou.

Kanae was a vision of grace and beauty, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye that kept Emperor Chris on his toes. She was known for her quick comebacks and clever quips, and the two of them would often engage in playful banter that left their courtiers in stitches.

One day, Emperor Chris stumbled upon a gem known as the Gem of Moratorium. Intrigued by its powers to alter the perception of time, he decided to learn how to harness its abilities. With Kanae by his side, the two of them set out on a quest to master the gem's powers.

As they delved deeper into their studies, they discovered that the gem could slow down time for those around them, allowing them to move at a leisurely pace while the world rushed by. Emperor Chris and Kanae found themselves in all sorts of hilarious situations as they tested out the gem's powers.

One day, as they were strolling through the palace gardens, Emperor Chris decided to prank his courtiers by using the gem to make them move in slow motion. The courtiers' confused faces were priceless as they struggled to keep up with the emperor and his wife, who were leisurely strolling through the garden like they had all the time in the world.

But Emperor Chris and Kanae's adventures weren't just limited to the palace grounds. They took the gem out into the world, using its powers to play pranks on unsuspecting travelers and villagers. From slowing down a merchant's cart so that his wares tumbled off one by one to making a flock of birds fly in slow motion, they found endless ways to amuse themselves with the gem's powers.

Despite their mischievous antics, Emperor Chris and Kanae were beloved by their subjects. Their humor and creativity brought joy and laughter to the empire, and the Gem of Moratorium became a symbol of their playful spirit.

As the years went by, Emperor Chris and Kanae grew old together, but their sense of humor never faded. They continued to find joy in each other's company, always ready to embark on a new adventure or play a prank on their unsuspecting courtiers.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Kanae Kochou, lived on in the hearts of the people, a testament to the power of laughter and love in the face of adversity. And the Gem of Moratorium remained a cherished treasure, a reminder of the time when two kindred spirits ruled the empire with a twinkle in their eyes and a laugh in their hearts.

Elr: 5.16652435828E32 x 473 = 2.44376602146E35 Did.



(598 rating)

In the mystical land of Eldoria, there lived a powerful and wise emperor named Chris. He was known throughout the realm for his intelligence, kindness, and just rule. But what many did not know was that behind every great man is an even greater woman. Emperor Chris's wife, Shigure Kousaka, was his rock, his confidante, and his source of endless love and support.

Shigure was not just any ordinary woman. She was beautiful, intelligent, and fiercely loyal to her husband. Her presence at the emperor's side brought a sense of calm and peace to all who knew them. The people of Eldoria adored her, and many whispered that she possessed magical powers of her own. Little did they know just how true those whispers were.

One day, a powerful sorcerer from a neighboring kingdom cast a dark spell upon the emperor, turning him into a ruthless vampire. The once kind and compassionate ruler had now become a bloodthirsty creature of the night, causing chaos and fear throughout the land. Desperate to save her husband and restore his humanity, Shigure embarked on a dangerous quest to find the legendary Gem of Humanity.

The Gem of Humanity was said to have the power to restore a vampire's humanity, should they have switched it off, or grant human emotions to sociopaths or psychopaths. It was a rare and precious gem, hidden deep within the enchanted Forest of Whispers, guarded by fierce creatures and treacherous traps. But Shigure was determined to save her husband, no matter the cost.

Armed with her wit, charm, and a sprinkle of her own magical abilities, Shigure ventured into the forest, guided by ancient prophecies and whispered legends. Along the way, she encountered all sorts of fantastical creatures, from mischievous fairies to wise old wizards. Each one offered her guidance and aid in her quest, impressed by her determination and pure heart.

As Shigure delved deeper into the forest, she faced trials and challenges that tested her strength and resolve. But with each obstacle she overcame, she grew more determined to reach the Gem of Humanity and save her beloved husband. Finally, after days of perilous journeying, she reached the heart of the forest, where the gem lay hidden within a shimmering pool of light.

With trembling hands, Shigure plucked the gem from its resting place and held it aloft, watching as it glowed with a warm and gentle light. She knew that this was her chance to save Emperor Chris and bring him back to the man she knew and loved. Closing her eyes, she whispered a heartfelt prayer and placed the gem upon her husband's brow.

A brilliant flash of light enveloped the emperor, and when it faded, he stood before her once more, his eyes filled with love and gratitude. The dark curse had been lifted, and he was returned to his true self, thanks to the unwavering determination and love of his wife, Shigure Kousaka.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and his wife ruled over Eldoria with even greater wisdom and compassion, bringing peace and prosperity to all who lived within its borders. And though their tale was a fantastical one, the love and bond shared between them was as real and enduring as any magic in the world.

And so, the legend of Shigure Kousaka, the gem of humanity, and the emperor who was saved by her love, was told and retold throughout the land, a testament to the power of true love and unwavering devotion. And in the hearts of the people of Eldoria, their story lived on, a shining beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come.

Elr: 2.44376602146E35 x 598 = 1.46137208083E38. And.



(532 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his iron fist and stoic demeanor, shocked the kingdom when he announced that his new wife would be none other than the wise and mature Hakase. Many questioned the match, wondering how the fierce ruler could be tamed by someone as calm and composed as Hakase. Little did they know, this unlikely pairing would soon become the talk of the kingdom for a completely different reason - the discovery of the Gem of Healing.

It all started when a reincarnated soldier stumbled upon the gem while exploring a forgotten corner of the castle. Intrigued by its glowing green hue, he brought it to Emperor Chris and Hakase for further inspection. Much to their surprise, the gem had incredible healing properties, able to mend even the most severe wounds with a single touch. Emperor Chris saw the potential for the gem to revolutionize their kingdom's medical practices, while Hakase saw it as a symbol of hope and unity for their people.

As news of the Gem of Healing spread throughout the kingdom, people from far and wide flocked to the palace in hopes of receiving its miraculous effects. Emperor Chris and Hakase, always the picture of diplomacy, welcomed all who came seeking healing with open arms and kind words. The unlikely duo worked tirelessly to ensure that everyone who needed the gem's power could access it, regardless of their status or wealth.

But as the demand for the gem grew, so did the chaos surrounding it. Thieves tried to steal the gem in the dead of night, claiming its power for their own selfish gains. Envious rivals spread rumors of its demise, hoping to discredit Emperor Chris and Hakase's efforts. And through it all, the two remained resolute in their mission to keep the gem safe and use its powers for the good of their kingdom.

Despite the challenges they faced, Emperor Chris and Hakase never wavered in their commitment to each other and the people they served. Their bond only grew stronger with each passing day, as they navigated the pitfalls of ruling a kingdom together with grace and humor. Emperor Chris found solace in Hakase's wisdom and compassion, while Hakase marveled at the depths of Emperor Chris' strength and resilience.

Together, they became the embodiment of a new era for their kingdom - one of unity, prosperity, and above all, healing. The Gem of Healing was not just a physical object to them, but a symbol of the power of love and compassion to overcome even the greatest of challenges. And as they looked out over their kingdom, seeing the smiling faces of the people they had helped, they knew that their unconventional marriage was truly a match made in heaven.

As the sun set on another day in their kingdom, Emperor Chris and Hakase stood side by side, watching as the Gem of Healing shimmered in the fading light. And in that moment, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that came their way. And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, the mature Hakase, lived on - their love and laughter echoing through the halls of the palace for generations to come.

Elr: 1.46137208083E38 x 532 = 7.77449947005E40. To.



(405 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, leadership, and towering presence. His rule was just and fair, and his people loved and respected him. However, despite all his accomplishments, there was one thing that always seemed to elude him - a suitable wife.

Many noble families had offered their daughters to Emperor Chris, hoping to form a powerful alliance with their prestigious leader. But Chris had always been hesitant to choose a wife, as none of the young beauties that were presented to him seemed to capture his heart.

That is, until one day, when a new candidate appeared before him. Tsuruya, a mature and graceful lady, caught the Emperor's eye with her wit, charm, and intelligence. While she was not the typical young maiden that others had hoped for, Emperor Chris was drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.

Tsuruya came from a distant land, where she had been a renowned scholar and advisor to her country's rulers. She had traveled far and wide, gaining knowledge and wisdom that surpassed even the most learned of men in Emperor Chris' court. Her presence brought a sense of calm and serenity to the Emperor's life, and he found himself falling in love with her more deeply every day.

As their courtship blossomed, Emperor Chris and Tsuruya found themselves facing a new challenge - a gem of paralysis that had been stolen from the neighboring kingdom. The gem was said to have the power to freeze anyone who touched it, rendering them immobile and helpless. The neighboring kingdom had demanded its return, threatening war if it was not recovered.

Emperor Chris, with Tsuruya by his side, set out to retrieve the gem and bring peace to the land once more. They traveled far and wide, facing many obstacles and challenges along the way. But with Tsuruya's wisdom and Emperor Chris' bravery, they were able to outsmart their enemies and recover the gem of paralysis.

As they returned triumphantly to the kingdom, Emperor Chris knew that he had found not only a wife, but a true partner in Tsuruya. Together, they ruled the land with wisdom and grace, bringing prosperity and harmony to their people.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his mature Tsuruya lived on, as a tale of love, courage, and the power of partnership in the face of adversity. Their bond was unbreakable, their love unshakable, and their reign legendary in the annals of history.

Elr: 7.77449947005E40 x 405 = 3.14867228537E43. Give.



(476 rating)

Emperor Chris was a man of great power and wealth, but there was one thing he lacked - a wife. Despite his many conquests and attempts to find a suitable partner, he had yet to meet a woman who could match his wit and charm. That is, until he met Rio Nakamura.

Rio Nakamura was a beautiful and intelligent woman who captured Emperor Chris' heart the moment they met. Her sharp wit and quick thinking made her the perfect match for the emperor, and soon the two were inseparable. Their courtship was the talk of the kingdom, with many predicting that Rio would soon become the empress.

One day, as Emperor Chris was lamenting the lack of a suitable gift for his beloved, he stumbled upon a peculiar object - the Gem of Doorway Sealing. This magical gem had the power to lock and seal any door, and Emperor Chris knew it would be the perfect gift for Rio.

Excited by his find, Emperor Chris presented the gem to Rio, who was delighted by the thoughtful gift. She immediately set about using the gem to lock and seal the doors of their chambers, much to the confusion of the palace staff. But Emperor Chris knew that Rio was simply exploring the powers of the gem, and he eagerly awaited the results.

As days passed, Rio's experiments with the Gem of Doorway Sealing became more elaborate. She locked and sealed doors in every corner of the palace, much to the annoyance of the staff. But Emperor Chris found her antics hilarious, and he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his beloved causing chaos wherever she went.

One day, Rio decided to take her experiments to the next level. She locked and sealed the doors of the throne room, trapping Emperor Chris inside. The palace staff panicked, unsure of what to do, but Emperor Chris could only chuckle at Rio's mischievousness.

As the day turned to night, Emperor Chris found himself alone in the throne room, surrounded by locked and sealed doors. But he was not worried - he knew that Rio would come to his rescue. And sure enough, as the first light of dawn broke through the windows, Rio appeared, her hair disheveled and a mischievous glint in her eye.

Together, Emperor Chris and Rio unlocked and unsealed the doors of the throne room, much to the relief of the palace staff. But Emperor Chris couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness - he knew that their days of lighthearted mischief were numbered.

As the years passed, Emperor Chris and Rio's love only grew stronger. They ruled the kingdom with wisdom and compassion, their bond unbreakable. And though the Gem of Doorway Sealing remained a cherished memento of their early days together, Emperor Chris knew that the greatest gift he had ever received was the love of his beloved Rio Nakamura.

Elr: 3.14867228537E43 x 476 = 1.49876800783E46. Them.



(487 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical world of Corvina Celeste, there lived Emperor Chris, a ruler known for his love of extravagant parties and grand feasts. Emperor Chris was well-loved by his people for his charismatic personality and generous nature, but there was one person who held a special place in his heart - his wife, the elegant and sophisticated Tsukiko TSUTSUKAKUSHI.

Tsukiko TSUTSUKAKUSHI was a woman of great beauty and grace, with a keen intellect and a sharp wit. She was known throughout the land as the "Master of Room Isolation Spell", a title she had earned for her mastery of a minor boundary gem/spell that could seal a room and prevent anyone from leaving. This spell came in handy during the Emperor's many parties, as it allowed Tsukiko to control the guest list and ensure that only the most esteemed individuals were granted entry.

Despite her magical abilities, Tsukiko was also known for her love of practical jokes and mischievous pranks. She had a wicked sense of humor and a penchant for causing chaos wherever she went. One day, she decided to use her Room Isolation Spell in a more unconventional way.

Emperor Chris had been planning a grand banquet to celebrate the anniversary of his coronation, and Tsukiko saw an opportunity to inject a bit of excitement into the festivities. She cast her spell over the banquet hall, sealing it off from the rest of the palace and trapping the guests inside.

As the Emperor's distinguished guests found themselves unable to leave the room, panic began to set in. But Tsukiko merely smiled impishly as she observed the chaos unfolding before her. She strolled around the room, teasing the guests and whispering cryptic messages in their ears.

As the evening wore on, Emperor Chris realized that his wife was behind the room's isolation spell. At first, he was furious with her for disrupting his carefully planned celebration. But as he watched her laughing and joking with the guests, he couldn't help but be captivated by her playful spirit.

In a moment of inspiration, Emperor Chris decided to embrace the chaos and turn the banquet into a night of revelry unlike any other. He ordered his servants to bring out more food and drink, and the guests soon found themselves caught up in a whirlwind of dancing and merriment.

Tsukiko's practical joke had backfired in the most delightful way, transforming the stuffy banquet into a lively and unforgettable night. As the guests finally emerged from the sealed room, they were filled with a sense of exhilaration and camaraderie that would linger in their memories for years to come.

From that day on, Tsukiko TSUTSUKAKUSHI became known as the "Visionary Gem of Room Isolation Spell", a title that reflected her ability to see the potential for magic and mischief in even the most ordinary situations. And Emperor Chris learned that sometimes, it was the unexpected twists and turns that made life truly magical.

Elr: 1.49876800783E46 x 487 = 7.29900019816E48. Fire.



(491 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been known for his love of the mystical and magical. His palace was filled with rare artifacts and powerful enchanted items. One of his most prized possessions was the Gem of Barrier, a stone that allowed a witch to quickly erect a protective boundary around themselves.

One day, Emperor Chris decided it was time to settle down and find a suitable wife. After a long search, he finally met Shiori SHIOMIYA, a mature and wise woman who captured his heart with her intelligence and serenity. As they got to know each other, Shiori revealed that she was a powerful witch with a talent for barrier magic.

Emperor Chris was overjoyed at this news. Not only was Shiori a kind and beautiful woman, but she also had a talent that would complement his own love for magical artifacts. He knew that they were meant to be together.

As their relationship blossomed, Shiori began to teach Emperor Chris the art of barrier magic. He was a quick learner, and soon he was able to create his own protective boundaries with the Gem of Barrier. Together, they would practice their spells in the palace gardens, laughing and joking as they tested their skills.

One day, while practicing a particularly tricky barrier spell, Emperor Chris accidentally caused a small explosion that sent both of them flying backwards into a pile of rose bushes. Amidst the thorns and petals, they couldn't help but burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Shiori were known throughout the kingdom for their camaraderie and humor. They were often seen strolling through the palace grounds, hand in hand, sharing jokes and casting spells together. Their love and laughter were infectious, and the entire court was charmed by their antics.

Despite their magical abilities, Emperor Chris and Shiori were also down-to-earth and kind-hearted rulers. They made sure to use their powers for the good of the kingdom, protecting their people from harm and spreading joy wherever they went.

One day, a rival kingdom tried to invade, sending an army of fearsome warriors to attack the palace. Emperor Chris and Shiori stood side by side, ready to defend their home with all the magic at their disposal. Using the Gem of Barrier, they created a powerful shield that repelled the enemy forces and sent them fleeing in terror.

As the dust settled and the kingdom rejoiced in their victory, Emperor Chris and Shiori shared a quiet moment together, the Gem of Barrier glowing softly between them. They knew that their love and teamwork had saved the day, and they were grateful to have each other by their side.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, the wise and mature Shiori SHIOMIYA, continued to reign over their kingdom with laughter, love, and a touch of magic. Their story was a testament to the power of friendship, humor, and the boundless possibilities of a shared life filled with joy and enchantment.

Elr: 7.29900019816E48 x 491 = 3.58380909729E51. Prometheus.



(476 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of 31496, there lived Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Siesta. Siesta was not your typical empress, she had a wicked sense of humor that always kept Chris on his toes. Despite his pomp and grandeur, Siesta would often play practical jokes on him, much to the amusement of their subjects.

One day, as Emperor Chris was preparing for a grand ball in their magnificent palace, he stumbled upon a mysterious shield gem. The gem was said to have magical properties that could shield the wearer from any attack, be it fire or electricity. Intrigued by the gem, Emperor Chris decided to gift it to Siesta as a token of his love.

As Siesta held the shield gem in her hand, a mischievous glint appeared in her eye. She decided to test out its powers by playing a prank on Emperor Chris. She waited until he was engrossed in conversation with his advisors at the ball, and then discreetly cast a spell using the shield gem.

To Emperor Chris' surprise, a burst of confetti exploded in his face, causing him to jump in shock. The entire court erupted in laughter as Siesta emerged from the shadows, holding the shield gem triumphantly. "Behold, the power of the shield gem!" she proclaimed, much to the amusement of their guests.

Emperor Chris couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's antics. Despite her playful nature, Siesta was a wise and compassionate ruler who always had the best interests of their kingdom at heart. Together, they ruled over 31496 with a combination of humor and grace, earning the love and respect of their subjects.

As the years went by, Emperor Chris and Siesta grew old together, their love for each other never wavering. They would often sit by the fire in the evenings, reminiscing about their adventures and the pranks they had played on each other.

One day, as Siesta lay on her deathbed, Emperor Chris held her hand tightly, tears streaming down his face. "You are the Omega and the Alpha of my life, my love," he whispered, as she smiled weakly at him. With her last breath, Siesta passed away, leaving behind a legacy of laughter and love.

Emperor Chris was devastated by the loss of his beloved wife, but he found solace in the memories they had shared together. He commissioned a grand statue in her honor, depicting her with a mischievous smile and the shield gem in her hand.

And so, Emperor Chris ruled over 31496 with a heavy heart, but with the memory of Siesta's humor and love guiding him. The kingdom flourished under his reign, a testament to the legacy of their enduring love.

And to this day, the shield gem remained a symbol of the bond between Emperor Chris and Siesta, a reminder of the power of humor and love in the face of adversity.

Elr: 3.58380909729E51 x 476 = 1.70589313031E54. Loved.
