
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

chapter 5 [edited]


"I hope we can enjoy high school well, husband." Tamamo spoke with his divine smile.

After listening to what Tamamo said, I felt like the world had been in a slow motion state, it was due to two reasons.

The first reason is that I was called a husband by a beauty like Tamamo so maybe my brain went into an accelerating state to enjoy every second of that moment. After enjoying this short moment I remembered that I am not alone.

The second reason is that if I can't choose my next words well then I will surely be killed in this room.

Who will kill me if I don't choose my next words correctly will be Akino.

Honestly I'm not like those fucking dense protagonists. I know that Akino and Serenity have romantic feelings for me, I also feel the same way about both.

The only reason I didn't tell them how I feel is because I'm a coward.

If I told them that I am in love with both, and asked them to be part of my harem, the only answer I would receive would be a disaster.

While Serenity could accept this proposal with a little reluctance, Akino was the complete opposite.

If Akino heard this from my mouth, she would surely slap me in the face covered with sacred lightning without restraining herself.

And that is why I avoided things like romance as much as possible, although there were some small slips with Serenity that fortunately happened before Akino woke up.

Thinking about the situation now I'm cornered.

Being called a husband by Tamamo in front of Akino was something that caught me completely off guard.

From now on I have two options.

The first option is to deny what Tamamo said and ask her not to call me a husband, so Akino will calm down and not blow up the classroom. But thinking about giving that kind of answer to Tamamo makes my heart ache for some unknown reason.

Considering that I am unable to choose the first option, I have to proceed with the second option.

Just like a certain blond vampire once said. "O time run again."

The slow-motion world has returned to its normal speed.

But when I was about to speak to Tamamo I heard the sound of wood being crushed, I turned towards the sound and started to get scared.

"Fufufu... Husband, right? Husband, right? ... fufufu Mizukume - san you really know how to tell great jokes ... fufufu." Akino said with a small angelic smile, if someone outside saw this scene he would think that the two are getting along, but for the students in the room it is the complete opposite.

In Akino's hand was a fully crushed pencil, behind his angelic smile there is a dark aura ( that can only be felt by people of the supernatural ) formed by pure intention to kill.

Knowing that the situation is on the verge of total war, I tried to turn to the highest authority in the room, which is Okamine sensei.

"Eto... Okamine sensei ... you could ... "I tried to ask the sensei for help before the situation got out of hand, but when I saw her I realized that getting help from her is impossible.

*sigh * "So my 16 year old student is already married while I am 28 years old I still haven't met anyone * sigh * I'm going to be alone, am I not?" Okamine sensei sighed with lifeless eyes, honestly I would like to shout "Tama - chan don't die" but unfortunately I couldn't do anything now.

"Ho... A joke, huh ... so what part did you find funny, Himejima - san?" Tamamo asked Akino with a subtle smile as he generated pressure that was no less than Akino's.

"Well let's see... I think the part where an unknown girl approaches Allan - kun just to talk nonsense, isn't that the joke?" Akino spoke.

"Bullshit, huh? As I recall, I didn't say anything stupid, I just greeted my husband, that's all." Tamamo spoke as if he had done the most natural thing in the world.

While the two were arguing, raising their pressures even further. Serenity spoke to me using telepathy.

"Master, if you want, I can knock out these two idiots." Serenity spoke in a discontented tone.

"No, don't show up Serenity, we're still in the classroom." I told Serenity through telepathy in a pleading tone.

Looking around I realize that some students have already left their stupor and started paying attention to us. students' reactions varied widely.

On the girls' side, their reactions were divided into three.

The girls who lost their boyfriends were loving the arrival of someone capable of rivaling Akino, mainly because Tamamo could steal Akino's love interest, which is me.

Other girls were looking at Tamamo with pity looks in their expressions as if they said "poor to die the first day he arrives at school".

And there are also some girls who look at me as if they want to ask "what witchcraft did you use to get these two". This is something that even I would like to know.

Now about the boys.

Some boys were practically dead-eyed. well ... it's not like I don't understand their despair.

Many of the boys at school have already confessed to Akino and everyone has been rejected, and then Tamamo arrived a girl with divine beauty capable of rivaling Akino, when the boys started to get hopeful and thought about confessing to Tamamo, Tamamo herself threw a bucket of cold water over their heads when she called me a husband, this shock left them in this lifeless state.

Some boys recovered from the shock and started looking at me with eyes full of hatred and murderous intent, among them there were two that caught my attention.

The first was Daisuke Hiyama, the insignificant and cowardly turn - can that abuses those who are weaker than him, the only reason he hasn't done anything against me and Hajime so far is because he doesn't dare irritate Akino, among all the boys he is the one with the most intense look, he is practically bordering on madness.

The other one that caught my attention was Kouki Amanogawa.

Although I tried to hide his hostility with me all this time, I have been in the supernatural world for a few months now, something of that level would be easily noticed by me.

Last year Amanogawa confessed to Akino and was rejected, for the expression he had that day that rejection was probably the first defeat in his life, because of that he developed some kind of hostility towards me because I'm always close to Akino, but the strangest thing about it is that Amanogawa doesn't even seem to have noticed this hostility he has for me

And today with the arrival of Tamamo it would not be an exaggeration to say that he also had his heart taken by Tamamo, but at the same moment that he fell in love with her, Tamamo has already called me a husband in front of him, making his hostility towards me grow even more.

Changing my attention to Akino and Tamamo, the two are now staring in silence.

The room was in a deadly silence, if a pin falls to the floor everyone will pay attention to the sound.

The room stayed in that stalemate for a few seconds until...

"I'm sorry for being late I felt like I ended up sleeping too much." a voice was heard from the door.

Hajime Nagumo arrived, at this school he is my only friend, after all we both like the same things that are anime, mangoes and Light novel, we are both atakus and we don't care what our classmates think about.

"Ah? Nagumo - kun? Ah yes ... feel - if in your chair the class will start. Mizukume - san please feel - if in that chair over there." Okamine - sensei said in an almost lifeless tone making it clear that she has not yet recovered from the emotional damage she has received.

"Oh yes sensei I will sit down, let's talk calmly later husband." Tamamo said as he went to his chair, but not before he gave Akino a triumphant smile. That smile only served to make Akino unhappy.

Hajime sat next to me and bowed his head to ask quietly.

"Hey man, what happened here? What's up with that tense atmosphere around here? And most importantly, who is that beauty who was with..." Hajime was unable to finish because he received a cold look from Akino.

"Her name is Tamamo Mizukume she is a new student who moved from Kyoto to our city and will start attending school from now on, and she started creating a huge mess when she called me a husband. "I told Hajime about what happened.

Hajime's expression changed as the summary was told. First it went to shock then to jealousy and a weak intention to kill and finally it arrived to have a pity look at me, Hajime put his hand on my shoulder and said.

"My friend is strong, because from now on your future will be dark and difficult here at school, although I want to help you, I don't want to die ( socially ) so I can only tell you not to give up." Hajime said that to me.

"thank you Hajime." that was all I could say to my friend.


Now Akino and I are walking back home.

the school was really tiring, the boys looked at me as if I were the enemy of humanity, if I were not the target of this hostility I could even sympathize with their suffering.

When we got home and opened the door and we saw that someone was on the couch.

This person is a little girl who looked like 12 or 13 years old, she had long blond hair and green eyes, and she was also dressed like a nun.

the little girl saw us and got a scared and insecure look.

"Do you know? ( who are you? in Italian ) "the little girl spoke in a language that I don't know probably European, the only languages I know are English and Japanese.

"Isn't it rude to ask the names of others without presenting your own name, little girl?" Akino asked a little discontented.

"Hey akino can you understand what she is saying?" I asked Akino.

"Ah?... Ah! Really, don't you remember? my species can understand all the languages in the world." Akino spoke to me.

So I remembered what Aunt Clarisse taught me about the supernatural world, that angels, fallen angels and devils are able to understand all the languages in the world.

When I look at the little girl I realize that she is opening and closing her mouth as if she were thinking about what to say next, but before she could speak another voice, she interrupted her.

"Oh Allan and Akino have you arrived yet? How was the school?" Aunt Clarisse asked as she left the kitchen, with an expression as if she wanted to hear something funny, she probably already knew about Tamamo and what would result from it.

"Aunt Clarisse before answering your question would I like to know that this little girl is?" I asked clearly referring to the little blonde sitting on the couch.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot to present - la." Aunt Clarisse spoke.

Then Aunt Clarisse approached the little girl and put yours on her shoulder and said.

"Non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi Asia sono Allan and Akino di cui ti ho parlato prima. (No need to worry Asia they are Allan and Akino that I told you earlier. ( in Italian. ) "when Aunt Clarisse spoke in the little girl's language she calmed down and sighed with relief.

"So folks her name is Asia Argento and I decided to adopt - her as my daughter, I hope everyone can get along." Aunt Clarisse spoke while hugging Asia.

"hein?" that was the only answer that Akino and I could give about this unexpected situation.

Did you like the chapter? So add the story in the library and put a power stone to motivate me.

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