
War of the Universes: Titanos Invasion

Vyran, a young pilot born in the futuristic world of Quadra in the universe known to outsiders as Retra, the Realm of Technology, has always dreamt of being a hero. Unfortunately, it appears that it would always be a dream as peace has dominated his world for generations now. Although he isn't a blood knight seeking for war. If anything, he would like to keep it that way. But his wish to be a hero might just be granted as the forces of Titanos, a forming Multi-versal Empire, threaten Retra.

sun_imperial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs

Chapter 93: Cards


I sighed as we boarded the ship again, the weight of our mission pressing heavily on my shoulders.

"You okay?" Day asked, touching my shoulder gently.

I nodded, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Retas didn't break a thing."

Retas, who was ahead of us, scoffed and closed his eyes, clearly dismissing the whole incident. He walked on, his demeanor as arrogant as ever.

I stuck out my tongue at him. The jerk. Despite everything, his actions had been necessary to keep me from doing something reckless. But that didn't mean I had to like him for it.

Day chuckled softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "Don't let him get to you. We have bigger things to focus on."

I took a deep breath, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. We need to head to Quadra and stop Yusan."

Commander Wilneth stood at the front of the ship, her presence commanding as always. "Everyone, prepare for departure. Our next stop is Quadra. We need to be ready for anything."

As the ship lifted off, I glanced out the window, watching Orginal grow smaller and more distant. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger at Zepheria, worry for my home, and determination to stop Yusan.

Varia approached me, her expression serious. "Vyran, we need you focused. Whatever you're feeling, channel it into our mission."

I met her gaze, finding strength in her resolve. "I will. We've come too far to let anything stop us now."

As we settled into our seats, Commander Wilneth began to brief us on the plan. "Quadra is known for its advanced technology, but it's a peaceful world."

Varia nodded. "Yusan's presence there after Zepheria told him about what he saw us do means he's after our tech. For better or worse, Orginal had little to offer you lot."

Retas sighed as he crossed his eyes. 

At this rate, our alliance was going to deteriorate by the time this ship reached our planet.

Prince Huitlo chimed in, his voice calm and measured. "Our priority is to gather intel and assess the situation. We can't afford to rush in without a plan."

Retas, who had taken a seat at the back of the ship, spoke up. "And we need to be prepared for anything. Yusan is not to be underestimated."

I clenched my fists, my resolve hardening. "We'll be ready. Whatever it takes, we'll stop him from taking over my world."

As the ship entered warp, the stars outside the window stretched into streaks of light. The journey to Quadra had begun, and there was no turning back.

Day leaned over, her voice soft but firm. "Vyran, you have a personal stake in this. But remember, you're not alone. We're all in this together."

I nodded, grateful for her words. "Thanks, Day. I won't forget that."

The ship continued its journey, the hum of the engines a constant reminder of the task ahead.

As I closed my eyes, I thought about my home, my family, and everything we were fighting for. The path ahead was uncertain, and I had no clue whether the temporary alliance with the Titanos higher ups would endure, but at least I had my friends from Soleon like Day and Arare. Lia was a bit of a wild card. She was of Soleon origin but worked for the Titanos.

I took a deep breath and brought out a pack of cards.

"What are those?" Arare asked, walking over to me.

I smiled slightly. "They're playing cards. Don't you have something like this back in Edesia?"

He crossed his arms, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Most of the games I've played back home revolved around dice, not so much cards."

I shuffled the deck, the familiar motion calming my nerves. "Well, let me teach you a game. It's called 'Rift.' It's pretty simple, but it can get intense."

Arare sat down across from me, his interest piqued. "Alright, I'm game. How do we play?"

I dealt out the cards, explaining the rules as I went. "Each player gets five cards. The goal is to create the highest-ranking combination of cards. There are different hands you can create, like pairs, straights, and flushes. You'll get the hang of it as we go."

Day and Lia joined us, curious about the game. "Mind if we watch?" Day asked.

"Not at all," I replied, smiling. "The more, the merrier."

As we played, the atmosphere in the ship lightened. The tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced by the friendly competition of the card game.

Arare caught on quickly, and soon we were all laughing and teasing each other over our hands. "You sure you've never played this before?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Arare's impressive hand.

He grinned, holding up his cards. "Beginner's luck, I guess."

Lia leaned over to look at Day's cards. "I think you have a good chance, Day."

Day shook her head, laughing. "Not with Arare's beginner's luck."

As the game continued, I felt a sense of camaraderie growing among us. Despite our different backgrounds and the challenges ahead, we were bonding over something simple and familiar. It was a reminder that even in the midst of conflict, there were moments of joy and connection to be found.

Arare glanced at Lia, a curious glint in his eye. "So, Lia, are you any good at this game?"

Lia chuckled, her cheeks still a bit rosy from earlier. "I used to play a lot back in Soleon. My friends and I would have all-night card tournaments."

Day's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I had no idea."

Lia nodded, smiling. "Yeah, it was one of the few ways we could unwind. But it's been a while since I've played."

Arare shuffled his cards, grinning. "Well, let's see if you still have your skills. Show us what you've got, Lia."

Lia's competitive spirit seemed to ignite. "Alright, you're on. I:ll join the next game."

Day and I sighed as Arare won again. Was he using math or something to figure out his chances? Or was he really just lucky?

We dealt another round, and the game continued with renewed energy. Lia quickly proved she hadn't lost her touch, pulling off impressive hands and strategic plays. It wasn't long before she was giving Arare a run for his money.

Day laughed, clearly enjoying the friendly competition. "Looks like we've got a real card shark here."

Lia shrugged modestly, a playful twinkle in her eye. "Skill beats luck any day."

Arare smirked, clearly enjoying the challenge. "We'll see about that."

As the game progressed, the banter and laughter flowed freely. The earlier tension seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of normalcy that was a rare luxury in our line of work. I found myself relaxing more, the weight of our mission momentarily lifted.

We played several rounds, each of us taking turns winning and losing. The game was a welcome distraction, a reminder that we were more than just soldiers on a mission. We were friends, allies, and, in many ways, a makeshift family.

Eventually, Varia's voice crackled over the intercom. "We're approaching Quadra. Prepare for landing."

We gathered up the cards, the mood shifting back to seriousness. The game had been a welcome respite, but now it was time to focus on the task ahead. I was about to return home. The planet looked fine from up here, but...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

sun_imperialcreators' thoughts