
War of Mutants

The Student and Otaku Akira mutated over Night now he and a Team of other mutants try to become a human.

aHylianChild · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Although I have seen skyscrapers like this thousands of times, it was still impressive to know that only mutants live in this house. I felt that this house will play an important part in my future. Not only in my future. This inconspicuous building will also be a central place for Kaya. This is probably where we would live as mutants.

Maybe even make friends...

But that was wishful thinking. We were mutants who could destroy things with ease. Besides, we didn't even know which people lived in this building. We didn't know if we would be accepted. We didn't know if we would be excluded by other mutants.

Before I could think any more, Gale snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Guys, you don't have to worry. It's going to be fine. Everyone's tense the first time they're here."

"Well, I'm glad then. I was getting worried."

Now Kaya also joined in the conversation.

"You're not the only one, Akira."

"Man now lighten up!"

I decided to take Gale's advice, and began to prepare for the meeting with the other mutants.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

A moment later, Gale had led Kaya and me to an elevator. Now he began pressing buttons and ran a wristband over an area that lit up green in response.

[Identity recognized.]

[Welcome back GALE]

[Press the desired floor to start]

For Gale, this seemed to happen as usual, but Kaya and I were impressed by the now moving elevator. It was no ordinary elevator. It was moving at a tremendous speed, but not up. The elevator was going down at a speed faster than free fall. Before I understood what had just happened, we reached an empty room with glass walls from other rooms. In these rooms, mutants were training. Other people who shared the same fate as Kaya and me.

To my right, I saw a boy I estimated to be between 20 and 25. He was in the process of beating up a punching bag. However, not with fists. Instead, bones were sticking out of his body, pounding the punching bag. After watching him for some time, he now began to finally shred the punching bag. Although this was already very impressive, now Kaya also began to marvel as the punching bag transformed itself back into a state that looked as if no mutant, let alone a human, had ever made contact with it.

On the other side, a girl who looked about my age was training. She had a meter-long ponytail that shot toward her training partner, a boy probably the same age. However, he skillfully fought off the braid with his hands, which looked strangely distorted.

"Come on, I'll show you to your rooms, boys"

Gale finally said and led us straight through a massive door. There was a hallway with many identical looking doors behind which were the mutants' living quarters. After a short while we found ourselves in front of a door with the room number 97.

"So and here we are!" jeered Gale.

Kaya slowly opened the door.

There they were. Other boys our age lying on their beds.