
War of Divinities

Heaven is at war!... and the Gods are losing. In a desperate bid to fend off the demons hordes, the Gods, in their infinite wisdom have deemed it necessary to conscript mortals to fight. Joe, a 23 year old fresh college graduate had barely finished his shift at the local gas station when the Heavens arrived to conscript him and millions of others to the Empyrean Tower. A place where conscripts are sent to hone their skills in preparations for the darker horrors that await them. Brought to the Halls of Beginnings with only a towel to protect his dignity, Joe must get strong enough to climb the tower or die trying.

DaoistBCiirJ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 9 - Boss

The surviving humans lined up. Men and women stood shoulder to shoulder with backs straight, faces stoic and weapons ready. This was it, the final wave.

Everyone's levels had improved. Their bodies transformed, and muscles and bones strengthened. The increased attributes gave even the oldest the ability to wield a sword or spear easily. Yet these gains had not been without cost. Over half of the original 250 people who came through the portal had perished from the last four waves—a painful loss of life. Everyone knew death could be just a moment away, but they held firm regardless.

Joe did a final inspection of his sword. It had held up relatively well. A few nicks and scratches, but the edge remained sharp. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the final moments of peace. His nose and mouth stung due to the air becoming tainted with the smell of death and decay. The once verdant fields had been transformed into a hellscape as blood flowed across the landscape, collecting into pits where large explosions had marred the Earth. Bodies of the dead littered the ground, goblins and humans alike, many with eyes frozen in horror and fear.

Once this was over, they would have to give their fallen a proper burial. Joe didn't know these people. Who had they been back on Earth before the Tower? Did they have families? Were they good people? In a sense, it didn't matter. Today they were comrades who stood side by side in the face of adversity. Perhaps this is what the heavens wanted. To forge a sense of camaraderie or instill a sense of loyalty so that they would be better soldiers? Joe couldn't help but ponder while looking up at the perfectly blue sky. The midday sun had begun its descent to the west, which meant barely two hours had passed since they first arrived, yet they had all seen enough death to last a lifetime. However, such thoughts would have to wait for the chimes of bells rang out through the valley. The fifth and final wave had arrived.

'Ding' 'fourth wave is complete. Final wave commencing.'

As the chimes ended, everyone froze, waiting in anticipation for what was to come. Suddenly, the air shimmered, and a beam of light descended from the heavens. The amount of light was denser than any wave before, making everyone shift in position while gripping their weapons tightly. This wave was going to be different.

Eventually, the light dissipated, unveiling a gigantic being of green muscle and mass that stood 10ft tall with arms and legs as wide as a man's torso. It wore basic rags for clothes and a club of solid stone for a weapon. It looked up and roared at the heavens. The sound was deep and primal, causing many to shake in fear. Some even prepared to run away before being stopped by others in the group. Only those with high Will could stand their ground with stoic expressions.

"Is that a goblin?" Joe's question was soon answered as one support team member shouted out from behind the lines, "It's a level 10 Goblin Ogre!" The realization shocked everyone. To think they would have to fight something so strong on the first floor. Even the elites were likely level 7 at most. Joe looked over at the speaker. The guy wore glasses and a long coat covered in Sigils, he was in his mid-20s, and his eyes shone with a blue glow. He must have purchased the [Inspect] skill or something similar from the store.

The man's proclamation caused the Ogre to look down. It sniffed the air before it shifted its attention to the line of humans in front of it. With its prey found, it smacked its chest and roared again while hefting its club and leaping across the muddy field in large bounds.

Shouts went out, and the long-range skill users launched a torrent of attacks at the Ogre. Fire, lightning, ice, and arcane orbs fell around the creature with enough firepower to wipe out a small company of soldiers. However, any hope of a quick victory soon evaporated. The Ogre shrugged off each attack like they were pinpricks. Nothing slowed its charge, not even the muddy fields that caused it to sink up to its ankles.

"Summoners to the front," Adam yelled. Soon after, over 15 summoners and their creatures stepped forward. Wolves, bears, tigers, elementals, and even a giant snake appeared. They charged the Ogre, crashing into it with ferocity as they clawed, bit, and burned the Ogre. The crowd roared out in cheers as the beasts did battle. Yet, the Ogre soon responded in kind. It grabbed many of the beasts and tore them limb from limb. Even the elementals became victims. The Ogres club was an unstoppable force as it crushed ice and stone. The fire and air elementals held out for longer, but they too fell after repeated blows. The summoners looked on in horror as their summoned beasts died with a few collapsing from the backlash.

"Groups 1 to 5 step up. Hold the line. Groups 6 & 7 flanking maneuvers" The sudden order woke Joe from his stupor. Had he heard that right? If he remembered correctly, he was in group 4. Were they seriously expected to charge in and fight that? He looked around, seeing the looks of confusion on everyone's faces.

"Groups 1 to 5 forward now!" Adam roared.

Joe looked at his team. Their faces covered with a mix of emotion once they realized they were to take the brunt of the attack. Joe hesitated. He wanted to tell his team to run. To let the elite fighters take on the Ogre. This monster was way out of their league. But before he could shout out, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back and saw Smokey. His face was stoic yet determined as he smiled at Joe.

"Come on, kid. Let's give that ugly green mug a beating. Just stay behind me, alright."

"Wait… you can't. You'll die!" Joe blurted out.

"Haha. We all have to die sometime, am I right. Besides, you young kids still have your lives left to live. Let us old fogeys take the lead this time." Before Joe could respond, Smokey stepped out and lifted his Claymore over his shoulder. "Come on, lads, let's show them how it's done," he yelled out while activating his [Great Bear Transformation] skill.

Smokey's confidence seeped through the crowd, persuading more and more fighters to follow his lead. They rattled their spears and shields together while yelling out in defiance.


Shield bearers ran up to the front, their shields locked in place as they braced for the Ogre's arrival.

The Ogre seemed to laugh at the pitiful human resistance. It leaped forward, and smashed its club down upon the rank of shield-bearers. Shield and armor did little to prevent its onslaught. The Ogre's weapon crushed two shield-bearers into a paste before it deftly swung its club horizontally. The blow caused another fighter to be flung several feet away with his bones completely shattered.

Panic began to spread through the ranks, yet Joe could see Smokey charge in with his Claymore held up high. He launched a fierce swing that cut through the Ogre's skin, causing it to roar in pain. Those around him took strength from his action and soon, everyone jumped in. Swords and spears pierced and cut into the Ogre with abandon. However, the Ogre didn't just stand there. It wildly swung its club, crushing several fighters with each swing, yet more jumped in to take their place.


Smokey had never considered himself brave or heroic. Yet, somehow he found himself tearing into a 10ft Ogre like he was chopping wood. If only his late wife could see him now. She always did love a hero.

Being so close to the monster, he couldn't help but notice the smell. The vile beast stank worse than a dumpster pit of rotten meat. Yet its strength was no joke. If this thing broke through, it would be pandemonium. He couldn't let that happen.

Smokey clutched his Claymore and lunged it into the Ogre's thigh. The skin was thick and coarse, but the strike's power tore effortlessly through its defense, cutting into bone. The Ogre roared in agony, and in a fit of rage, it lifted its club and swung down to smite the one that had hurt it. Smokey pulled away just in time to block the attack as claymore and club collided. However, the power behind the strike caused every bone in his body to shudder from the intense shock. The Ogre had to have double his strength to unleash such a strike. Smokey pushed more energy into his skill Sigil, drawing out as much power as possible. There were only a few minutes left in his transformation state, and he had to make every second count.

Smokey pushed the Ogre's club to the side, and thrusted his Claymore into the Ogre's chest, piercing several inches into its ribcage. The Ogre screamed in outrage. Unbelieving that such a puny human could hurt it. It smashed its club down again and again against the little bug. Yet even after the 10th swing, Smokey held on, continuing to drive his claymore into its chest.

Blood began dripping down Smokeys mouth. He was pretty sure half his bones were broken by now. The Ogre finally got tired of smashing and pounced toward him in irritation. He tried to avoid the monster's strike, but his broken bones refused to respond. The Ogre grabbed him by the waist and squeezed. The power of its grip caused Smokey to yell out in pain as his bones strained under the pressure.

'So this is how its going to end?' Smokey mused with bitter resignation. He coughed out a mouthful of blood and gritted his teeth. He refused to go down without one last hoorah. He pulled out a backup blade he had on him and hurled it into the Ogre's face with everything he had. The edge shot through the air like a bullet, piercing through the Ogre's eye, causing it to explode with a downpour of blood. The monster screamed in pain and retaliated by smashing Smokey's body into the ground in revenge and battering his body with its foot. Only once it finished venting its anger did it kick Smokeys battered body away and roar out in victory. The remains of his body left no doubt. Smokey was dead.


Joe gritted his teeth in anguish over his friend's death. Smokey had been the one he was closest to since his arrival in the Tower. The old man had looked out for him since the start, and his death left a weight on his heart he hadn't expected. Smokey was a hero, and heroes always seemed to die first. Joe had tried to reach the fight before the beast landed the final blow, but he was too far away, too slow, and too weak.

Smokeys death caused the line to collapse as people dropped their weapons and ran for their lives. Who wanted to face a monster that could face a force of over a hundred people? Once the defensive line broke, the creature tore through the ranks unhindered, making its way towards Joe and the rest of the squad.

Joe looked at his remaining teammates. Some had already run, refusing to take on such a calamity while others held their ground, either too scared to move or resigned to their fate. He looked over to Jones, the man's [Summon Elemental] skill had been obliterated earlier, yet he stood his ground and summoned an elemental of pure fire with the last of his strength. Jones and Joe nodded to each other in recognition. This would be their last stand.

With a final yell, Joe and the others charged into the Ogre with everything they had. Joe held his long sword and lunged with all his might toward the Ogre. Yet he hadn't even made it a few feet before the Ogres club swung across to meet him. Time seemed to slow down as Joe saw his inevitable demise. The club whistled through the air with impetus. Joe knew that there was nothing he could do to avoid the attack, even after increasing his level and stats. [Swords Mastery] caused his senses to buzz at the oncoming danger but his body was too slow to respond. The best he could do was reorientate his body to minimize the damage, hoping it would be enough. It was not.

The club smashed into him with the force of a freight train. One bone after another broke, and he was sent flying over twenty feet away. He crashed and rolled across the muddy ground until finally stopping near a ditch. With his body broken, Joe wanted to scream out loud in pain, but nothing came out. Pieces of flesh and skin barely clung to his body. He coughed out a mouthful of blood while attempting to move, but it was no use. His body was dying. The only condolence was that he had landed on his side with his eyes facing toward the Ogre. His sight began to go hazy, but he mustered all his willpower to watch the rest of the battle.

Wave after wave of fighters continued attacking the Ogre. Each wearing the monster down a little more each time. He looked on as comrades and friends he had fought with were ripped apart. Jones, Chris, and others fell under Ogre's might. Joe wanted to cry out, but it was no use. He could feel his eyes were becoming heavy. A sense of tiredness hit him, encouraging him to enter eternal rest. But he held on, searching the battle for the other groups. Where were Adam and the elites? He scanned the area until he found them. The others had split up and surrounded the monster, yet they stood unmoving. Why weren't they helping? His answer only came a few minutes later once the final line broke and the surviving fighters ran away. At that moment, the other groups launched a barrage of attacks at the now weakened Ogre. The Ogre screamed while the attacks piled on, but it was no use after accumulating so much damage. The Ogre's fate was sealed.

Joe lay there in the ditch while his vision went hazy and his bodily organs failed one by one. His last emotion was anger and betrayal. They had been used as sacrificial pawns to help weaken the enemy, just so the others could jump in and mop up the exp. "This debt will be repaid. I swear!" was his last thought before darkness finally embraced him.