
War between Planets.

A young girl, a victim of an interdimensional war gets taken in by a warlord. She grows up on a strange planet and ends up becoming what she always dreaded. One day she realises what she has become.... Do you think it's too late for her to change?

Gloria_2995 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 5

The War doesn't last long as the Empress and her Army put a quick end to the civilian Army. The Empress finishes off thier entire defence line and now holds control over the believed last standing Human shelter.

The General and those remaining from the war are being held captive by some of the Empress' soldier.

The Empress is standing on arranged stones making her higher than everybody else. Her Army all arranged in front of her.

"Loyal subjects of the Dark Lord, for years we have toiled and struggled for control over everything that moves and breaths on the surface of the earth, The Earth itself and today... Today we finally have it. We came here and we conquered. Now everything is ours. For the Dark Lord. " The Empress says.

"For the Dark Lord. Yeahhhhh" The soldiers reply shouting.

"Bring me their leader." The Empress says to one of the soldiers.

"Yes. Your Lordship." He replies and comes back some minutes later with the General. "You thier leader?" The Empress asks eyeing the General.

He doesn't respond. "Are you thier leader?" The Empress asks again getting annoyed. The General still doesn't reply. "You know what happens to those who act the exact way you're acting.. they..."

"Let me guess.. You kill them." The General interrupts the Empress. "Actually yes. I kill them which is what I'm supposed to do to you right now but I'm won't. There's something about you that I just can't put my finger on." The Empress says.

"Thread lightly." The General says without looking at the Empress giving off an ominous aura. The Empress just gives him a look that says he's crazy right before saying "Says the guy whose about to be thrown into the dungeon. Take him away."

The guard who brought him nods and leaves with the Man who once was a great soldier.


"All right we're here." A lady who's leading a group of people says while turning the corner into a room. A lot of murmuring can be heard like.."Where are we?"... "What's going on?" The lady turns to face them. "Relax everyone. This is the Space Port. It's where all the space ships or whatever flight based vehicles are kept." She says. "I never knew we had that." Can be heard from a lady whose now genuinely worried. "We would be taking that one." The lady says while pointing at a Gigantic looking Ship. "Now everyone get in. One after the other." The lady says while ushering everyone in. When everyone is settled in she says "Alright we are about leaving. Please remain in your seats." "Umm... No offence but do you know how to pilot this thing?" A lady asks scared. The lady looks at her and says" Me? Oh no no no no. But my friend does." She says with a sly smile." And may I ask who this friend of yours is? " Someone asks." Well, You all know The Head Scientist who is also the head of the science depertment here,Lila." She says while pointing at Lila who makes her way to the front. Murmuring can be heard." Yes. The lady with the pink hair." Some random person says." Yes.. She's the one flying this thing. Now buckle up. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Not to forget that we're trying to escape the Dark Empress and her wrath."

Everyone straps in and waits patiently of for Lila to fly them away. After about ten minutes of waiting, the ship finally takes off.


I Finally did it..I finally gained control over the last standing hold of humanization. The Dark Lord will be so proud of me. Now I'm going back and I'm going to claim my rightful place at his side as Empress in full without any obstruction. Well first I have to put someone in charge here.

"My little witch. One day when you're grown and you've taken over the last standing hold of the human race in my name of course, you will rule by my side as my right hand person and finally take your place as my heir."

"Guy." I call for my Personal guard who is also the head of all my soldiers. Faint footsteps can be heard as he approaches. "Yes ma'am" He says. "Ready my ship. I'm going home."