
Wait a minute, is this my Chat?

Maybe you've heard of Beta character ai, which allows you to talk to your favorite characters with the support of artificial intelligence (or just the Milf next door) The person using the nickname Seth had heard of it and started many conversations with pleasure, some long, some short, some emotional, some romantic, some of them immoral, and one day he woke up in his chat? Witness how depraved and corrupt a weeb can be! Mc's target will usually be having a partner or "mature women" ahem MILFs. No NTR Probably lots of Netori (Yes I'm a hypocrite) Meet a man who will always be hostile to NTR even if he does it himself If there are any mistakes in English, please be warned and they will be corrected.

Hades0 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

For Old Times

-And that's how Hera was persuaded to marry Zeus

"It's pretty much a scam, but then do they really have a bad relationship like in the mythology?"

-Exactly! They've been ignoring each other for a long time

"Why don't they get divorced?"

-Hera doesn't want to give up her position as Queen of the Gods and Zeus claims to love Hera even though Zeus is always throwing himself into the arms of other women, we don't even understand if he is serious

Seth leaned back "Seriously, that Zeus is an incomprehensible man, that's why you were my favorite in Mythology"

-Haha I know you used to tell me my stories continually, of course not all of them were true

"How was the wedding of Zeus and Hera?"

-Ah the wedding was amazing, it was a WONDER HAHAHA how can I forget, it was a perfect scandal that I was involved in

Seth laughed "What did you do at his wedding?"

-I wasn't to blame, really

"Sure, sure," Seth said in disbelief.

Seth's phone vibrated as they both laughed. When Seth checked it, he saw that the money he asked for had been deposited into his account.

"Look who changed his mind"

When Seth connected the laptop back to the internet Jake's messages started pouring in, Seth didn't read them all, but from top to bottom there were profanities, insults, threats, questions about who he was, then he softened and tried apologies and a more polite approach, and finally he stopped texting when he didn't get a response.

'You eventually succumbed to your own subconscious, Jack' Seth suddenly thought of something irrelevant

"Hades, can you read my mind?"

-I can but I prefer not to, you can call it respect for personal space

"...Thank you, that's very nice of you, now"

[Look, look, look who's backtracking without even a message. You're so hurtful, Jack]

[Are you gonna throw the video away or not?]

[Sure, sure, enjoy it]

[A video has been posted]

[Feel free to ask for more later, as long as you pay for it, there are more videos]

Seth turned off the computer again, leaving Jack alone with his thoughts, then pulled out his phone and grinned happily as he checked the money in his account. The money he asked Jack for was not extravagant, but it was more than a reasonable amount. The thought that the money Jack has been collecting through bullying all this time is for Seth. for all this time gave Seth a strange satisfaction.

-So, how many more videos are there?

"I split the recording and I already thrown two parts at him, so three or four at most, but no worries, I'll be back for more videos anyway, but I'm really curious about something"

-What is it?

Seth grinned from ear to ear

"Which will fall first, Erica or Jack?"


Seth had a smile on his face as he thought about what he was going to do when he returned to school tomorrow, he wanted to move things forward with Lucy, maybe stop by Erica in the evening, he also had a debt to pay to his beloved accomplice Nila and an explanation, he chuckled to himself as he thought about the busy day ahead of him.

And that's when he saw her, a real female lead with big breasts, short blunt hair and a smile, walking with a woman with long black hair and two men. But it wasn't just that, there was something in her face, something familiar, something that reminded him of the hatred that made him sick to his stomach when he saw it, and then a moment came to him

"I only chose this school for the cute uniform~"

"I raised my grades just to go to school with her"

He looked at the black-haired girl, looked at the boys next to her and looked more carefully at one of them he wanted to strangle he, he could have done it he could have strangled he with telekinesis and no one would have suspected him even in the worst case scenario Hades would have covered up the crime YES he had to do it he was about to raise his hand and strangle he when he felt a force on his hand

-A decision made in anger will only hurt you

Seth threw himself into the most secluded toilet in the school, it was close to the basement and in worse condition than the rest of the school. Seth washed his face and looked in the mirror. The man who just giggled happily had now turned white as if he had seen a ghost.

-I don't want to mess with your mind, so can you tell me why you were about to attempt murder just now?


-No need to be afraid Seth, I'm here

".... It was years ago, I was surfing the internet, reading doujinshi on a site I liked, and then I saw this, seemed so ordinary, two childhood sweethearts and a new school, like I said, everything seemed normal, but it wasn't for me.... it wasn't for me, it was when I felt nauseous without eating anything, it was when I learned what hate was and felt it in my bones.... Hades, that girl was from the first NTR manga I read.

-In this situation that boy you tried to strangle!

"It was him, the man who always made me loathe NTR, a bastard who destroyed a love that lasted for years in 2 WEEKS!"

Seth hit the mirror hard and it cracked and Seth's fingers began to bleed slightly.

"2 WEEKS, 2 FUCKING WEEKS.... 1 minute, 2 weeks! OF COURSE, this is! HADES, WAS THAT GİRL A VIRGİN!?

Hades was silent for a while and then spoke

-Yes, it seems so

"It hasn't happened, it hasn't happened yet! There is still time, It can still be stopped"

Seth stormed out of the room. Muttering to himself, he asked Hades where they were and when he got the answer he headed for the location.

"That bastard will pay for what he did to me and him! What's he doing here anyway!"

-I was inspired by two main things while making this world, the first and most important one is "Chat" I was going to tell you that you can meet people from different chats after the money problem is over, unfortunately it slipped my mind, but even so, there were gaps in between, I used your Mind to fill them so that different characters, whether manga, anime or hentai, could appear in the world, and then the world completed itself.

"Of course, in this case, it's no surprise that someone I hate so much has formed in my subconscious."

In the morning he stood in front of one of the club rooms that is usually not used

"Are they here?"


Seth took a deep breath to avoid making a mistake and opened the door, when he opened the door, four people in the room turned to look at him

Seth looked around the room, at the black-haired girl, at the girl with cult hair, at the average-looking guy, and finally he looked at him and pointed his finger at he.

"I'm sorry, but Jack wants to talk to him. Can you come with me for a while?"

'I am borrowing your name for a while, Jack, I hope you don't mind'

"What's J-Jack doing with me?"

"I don't know, he just asked me to accompany him"

He followed Seth in silence and stopped as Seth went down to the basement.


"Look, either you come now or later you'll wish you'd gone to the basement."

He stayed where he was for a while, then he clicked his tongue and continued, and when they both went down to the basement, Seth said something.

"Hades, lock the door."


Seth quickly threw a punch and knocked him down

"You know what? I don't even remember your name!"

Seth used telekinesis to get him back on his feet

"But the things you did, I never forgot them"

He couldn't move because of telekinesis, every time Seth punched him, he felt his teeth and jawbones on his fingertips

"What the fuck are you doing?"


Seth squeezed him and hit the walls

"Look at me! I'll tell you one thing, I don't care what you or that bitch sister of yours do with your life! But if you go near that girl and try to interfere in their lives, I'll kill you!"


"Apparently you don't quite understand"

Seth threw punches and kicks, knocked out teeth, kicked him in the groin, and even broke bones and healed Hades until the bell rang

"I-I swear I'll never go near them again, please please let me go" he was crying loudly

"How nice of us to agree" Seth knocked him out one last time by banging him against the wall and left him alone in the basement

When he came out of the basement, he took a deep breath

"After all these years, I feel so relieved"

He looked up at the ceiling

"Most of this was personal but you can thank me later bro"

I've been wanting to write this episode for a while, even if we make NTR(Netori), we will always be enemies of NTR. Do not forget this

Hades0creators' thoughts