
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

CHAPTER IX: An Interesting Visitor

~Arriah's POV~

I landed safely, standing on the ground like nothing happened. Oh~interesting. It's the phrases that came to my mind. It was an interesting fella, indeed. This Lillian's husband was not an ordinary human. He had the strength greater than a mage or a martial artists who specializes on strength and defense. He was like a mix of mage and a martial artist's power and strength. Thus, to become a knight creating its own swordsmanship- it was a wise decision. I unconsciously smirk at the feeling. To the feeling of someone could be this interesting and wise enough on choosing his class. He's a useful knight for me then, in the future.

"L-Lady Arriah! Did you come here to visit?" Sir Evander said trying to change the mood.

I tried to hide my smirk covering it using the back of my right hand. I stared for a moment to Sir Evander whose heartbeat was obviously beating fast. His nervous. I said internally.

"Oh! If it is not Sir Evander, are you okay? I thought you fainted." I said teasingly, and stared at him for a moment. Then I looked back at the man who was still on his guard. I brought back down my right hand that was covering before my mouth.

I snapped my fingers once, to activate a force field that will surround me and this man in front of everyone. It was to make sure that no one will interfere and also to avoid on involving others to the mayhem to happen.

I've seen all of their faces. Shocked or too stunned to speak about the current scenario here in the training grounds.

"Lady Arriah! W-What are you doing?! Lady Arriah! Please just stop this!" I could hear the begging voice of Lillian outside the barrier.

I looked at her and smiled. A smile who had no plan to stop. I put my point finger against my lips like telling her to keep her mouth shut thus continue on silently watched the battle. I could see her gasped and covered her mouth with her two palms. She stepped back from the barrier and I saw Evander quickly run to her as an initiative to assist the latter.

I looked back again at the man with a knightly psyche. I slightly sighed and at the same time brought out my sword from my dimensional space inventory. I draw it out from it scabbard. Oh, by the way, my sword was more like a thin sword but can slice anything. Literally anything. If your familiar with so called katana then that's it.

~Third person's POV~

It was a deafening silence. Everyone waits for the fight between Arriah and Casimir to begin. It made them stand like a statue. Everyone was like almost holding their breath. For them, it is a fight between two individuals who has the capability to destroy everything that surrounds them. They thought that it was fortunate that Arriah made a barrier for them not to be swept away by the battle, as it was also to protect them to the possible dangerous projectiles. However, they were also worried about their captain though they know how powerful it is.

The wind blows hard and to those who are conscious, are waiting for the fight to start and couldn't help to shiver caused by the cold wind.

When the wind became silent…

The fight begins.

The clashes of two swords rings within the training grounds. Such shaking on the ground or more likely an earthquake was felt by everyone. It was caused by the powerful forces of energy that the two throw to each other. It was a give and take moment but in a wrong way. Wrong way as it was in the context of battle between two individuals.

It didn't take long for the fight to end. It was like a 5-minutes fight but everything that happens was like flashes of years of battle for them. A mere naked eyes with no abilities or skill, cannot see the exchanging blows of Arria and Casimir.

It was a fierce battle.

They could see that one of them was now kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. And the person in front of it was now pointing its sword near the neck of the latter.

~Casimir's POV~

My heart was like jumping out of my mouth. My heartbeat rings loudly inside my ears. My breathing was heavy like my lungs were going to collapse.

I felt a cold metal touching the left side of my neck.

I lost. I held my head upward to look at my opponent's figure wherein to my view, she was like a silhouette as she was standing in front of me against the light.

I… couldn't believe it. It was the first time I was defeated by a woman and it was my best performance in a battle. I've done my very best. That was the best that I could do in a fight against a strong opponent.

"I…lost." I said heavily and bowed down my head, staring at the ground.

"You lost against me. But if it is not me, maybe you have a chance to even win against a demonic dragon." She said and she withdraws her sword. I heard it sheathed back to its scabbard. "It was fun, fighting against you. You're the only person I've met so far, that could defend himself from my heavy attacks. If you didn't put up your guard and didn't take me seriously then, your body could not take it." She added, and I heard her snapped her fingers twice. "Can you stand?" She asked, maybe wondering if my bones are still intact.

Fun? I said internally. Thinking about the word fun, as she said she had fun fighting against me. What's interesting part of fighting against me? For me, it was not a fun thing. It was like a fierce and deathly battle against thousands of demonic beasts and monsters.

"Well…my bones are still intact…I guess I could—", before I could stand my self up, I suddenly felt like all of my strength was gone. I feel like… fainting? I felt the cold and uneven ground contacted my body, the last vision I had was my wife was running to me.

I just want to sleep. For a bit…

I said internally, and now feeling my eyelids become heavy.

~Arriah's POV~

Before he could finish what he will say, Casimir collapsed and fainted in front of me. Lillian immediately run towards us and kneeled on the ground as she was worriedly checking on her husband. She looked at me in her teary eyes.

Don't look at me like that, Lillian. It makes me feel bad. I said at the back of my mind while I just stared at her, in a plain expression on my face.

"He's still alive. Don't look at me with your teary eyes, dear Lillian. He was just exhausted. A rest will do. Though, I'll check on him later." I said and slightly sighed. Then looked at Evander. "Please help Lillian." I said plainly and smiled for a bit then I walk to the small stage of the training grounds.

I didn't wait for Evander to say anything. In my peripheral view, I could see them helping Casimir to be carried.

Now, what's next? I said internally. I stared on everyone whose still in the training grounds. There are some of them who was already awake from fainting before our fight started. Nervousness and fear? Was visible to their faces.

I smiled genuinely before I started to say something. I cleared my throat first and breathe lightly.

"A pleasant afternoon to everyone. Some of you maybe…already know about me. But some of you are, unfamiliar to me. Maybe because most of you here are still a trainee and didn't participate on the last subjugation mission." My introduction before serving them the main course of the topic. I could see that some of them whispering, some of them are waiting for me to continue. "For a second time introducing myself. I'm Arriah. An acquaintance of your lady Lillian Sanguinus. Sir Evander Terra met me there in the midst of the battle." I paused and smiled again. "Nice to meet you all."

For some quiet moment, someone bravely raised its right hand.

"Uhmm…c-can I ask?" A man whose hair has a shade of blonde, with a pair of sky blue eyes and a psyche of a noble blood. Raising his right hand leveled on his head. He was quite tall but not taller than Sir Evander.

"Yes. Go on." I said plainly. While crossing my arms against may chest.

"Why did you fight against our Commander? If Sir Evander was correct that you're visiting the castle, why does a visitor suddenly acting hostile with Sir Casimir?" He said while trying not to get his nervousness block his way in the midst of speaking.

I lightly sighed.

"I just want to test your Commander's strength while knowing his overall capability in fighting. It's a test wherein, if there's an unexpected enemy whose possibly strong or stronger like me then…" I paused for a bit and then looked at them with a serious expression on my face. "…your Commander can unleash his true strength while not underestimating his opponent. It was a common sense in a battle field. Being complacent because you had the so called strength and power, the possible results could be…" I raised my right hand, pointing all of them then sign the "slicing or cutting your head off" on my neck.

I could see them gulped understanding to what I've been trying to say.

"…all of you will die, without even trying your best on using your full strength. Without keeping yourself fighting to win. Without giving the glory for the land where you are all living. Without experiencing the victorious battle against the demonic realm. Think about it. When you die, you will never…ever again, see your loved ones, your family and friends. When you die, no one will protect them while the demonic realm is trying it's best to invade kingdoms and your land." I said it without hesitation. Though, they already know this common thoughts that a soldier or a knight should bear in the their minds.

But some them are new to this world. To the world that is cruel. Then I continued but now, I wear my most evil grin. While trying my best not to leak too much evilness on my thoughts of training them.

I could sense that most of them thinking on fleeing from the training grounds. Some of them are nervously shaking trying their best for me—not to notice. And some of them are a bit excited?

Excited? Mmm~ I like those people who are motivated and show excitement to my plans. I said internally and quite amused by the thought of it.

"Now, I'll be the one personally train you while your commander was busy resting on his bed. Maybe a few weeks, before he could recover from mana exhaustion, magic force exhaustion, and physical exhaustion." I smiled, more like evilly. Trying to carved some fear on their minds. "I'll nurture you, to the best of my capabilities. Okay? Are you ready for it?" I said while keeping my evil grin. "Oh~hoh. I can't hear your answer." I said teasingly while doing the "I'm lending my ears to you act".

"Y-Yes, L-Lady Arriah!" One of the knights said. But still in its nervous state.

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" One of the excited trainee.

"Oh? Only these two are the people I could hear in the training grounds. Where's the other brave soldiers and knights of this worderful land of Triangulum?" I said teasingly.

Most of them gulped while breathing heavily caused by too much nervousness.

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" Everyone tried to say it without breaking each words. Trying their best to look like a proud man.

"That's a very good response." I said while clapping lightly while looking all of them in a cheerful manner. And suddenly dropped the cheerful tone and personality before continue on speaking. "I'll be here tomorrow morning. Yeah, let's start tomorrow. As I have things to do for the rest of this day. Be early tomorrow. I don't want to train those people who are latecomers. For now, do what you wanted to do for tomorrow…expect that it will not be the same like today." I said plainly but maintain a serious and heavy atmosphere while saying those words. I stepped down from the 2 feet high podium.

Before I could walk to the hallway, I looked back at the stunned and quiet people. I landed my eyes to the man who asked a question earlier.

"Follow me. Let's talk for a couple of minutes." I said and I didn't wait for his response for it. But I could hear clearly his footsteps behind me, though he was 3 meter away from me.

~Cillian's POV~

When Lady Arriah stepped down the podium, everyone was still silent. Standing like a statue. Standing nervous while holding their heavy breathing not to make them obvious that they are freaking out, and nervous to the intense atmosphere set by the visitor.

We followed her through our eyes, walking towards the hallway away from the training grounds. But the moment she turned herself and like finding someone in the crowd, I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine. It was the worst feeling.

Then I realized, she was staring at me. Intently. I gulped some saliva that was like stuck for a moment in my throat.

"Follow me. Let's talk for a couple of minutes." She said in her monotone voice. She then turned away from us without even showing a hint of waiting for my response.

So, it was a you'll follow me whether you like it or not. I said internally and sighed heavily but I make sure that only me could hear that sigh.

Without making her to repeat what she said, I followed almost immediately. But I maintained a 3-meter distance between us.

"Name?" She asked shortly.

"N-Name?" I foolishly stuttered and repeated her question.

"Yes you." She said again shortly still in monotone.

"I-It's Cillian. Cillian Scaldris, vice-captain of the Andromeda Soldiers. Your, Lady." I said courteous as possible as I can.

I hope she will not notice the nervousness in my voice. I said internally.

"Mm. A noble bloodline that specializes in Fire Element, right?" She said still in monotone. We are still walking through the hallway.

But the fact that she knows the element that our bloodline is best, I was caught off guard.

Amazing…appraisal skill. I said at the back of my mind.

"Y-Yes, you're right Lady Arriah." I said still keeping my pace on walking, following her. And trying to keep a formal composure.

"And you choose to be a knight? Why?" She asked and stop walking. Standing and facing me while wearing a curious look on me.

"It's embarrassing to tell my personal reason but…the only thing I could say is, this is what I desire ever since I was a child." I paused for a bit then added, "Though that is only…the first reason." Then I unconsciously scratch the back of my head and giving her an embarrassing slash awkward smile.

"Desire huh?" Her short response to me. She was like thinking about something or thinking about what did I say earlier. She tilted her head for a bit then stared at me like reading my whole life. I just stand still and gulped some of my saliva like was stuck in my throat. She then straighten herself and then shrugged it off. "Anyway, lead the way, to your Commander's room." She said plainly.

I walked passed by from her and then lead the way to Casimir's room. We walked through the stairs towards the 3rd floor of the castle. After a few minutes of walking the hallway with a maroon colored carpet, we stop in front of polished oak wood door with elegant carved patterns.

"This is the master's bedroom. I mean their room, Lady Arriah." I said and knock on the door lightly for three times. "Lady Sanguinus, your visitor Lady Arriah is here." I added.

We could hear a light footsteps walking towards the door. The door opened and Lady Lillian faced us with her…swollen eyes? I think, caused by crying for almost an hour.

I hope that…everything will be alright.