
Side Story: Gerald and Synthia’s Worries

It was a sunny afternoon in Shanford, in the town that Kota once used to be. His parents tended to the house. Synthia had woken up that morning with her normal daily task in mind. Clean up Kota's room and clean up the kitchen area. Most days went by slowly, usually with her laying on the couch and waiting for Gerald to come back from his daily job. Hunting, to be more precise though it was really just him and Derrick who went out. Derrick and Edward had come back with good news that the kids were safe. That relieved Synthia immensely. Sarah had recovered from her mana strain, so she was back in her home. Occasionally visiting and hanging Synthia, but today she was out.

Laying on the couch right now, Synthia stared at the ceiling. Waving her hand around in the air, finding something to do. The past month or so without Kota around has taken a toll on her. Her baby boy was out in Prusha, what if he needed her assistance? What if something had happened to him?

Synthia shook her head, grabbing one of the couch cushions and shoving it in her face.

"Gah, stop overthinking!" She yelled into the cushion. The ideas of even the smallest thing happening to Kota threw her into a fit. That was her baby boy. And anyone or anything hurting him would see hell.

"What's the problem?" She heard someone say, lifting the cushion off her face, she saw Gerald. Seemed like he had just gotten home from hunting. He had a bag of meat behind his back.

"N-nothing!" Synthia quickly rose to a sitting position, putting up a fake smile for him. But Gerald already saw through it.

"Sigh…is it about Kota?" He frowned when he said that. He didn't like seeing synthia like this, all worried or upset….or obsessive.

Synthia started to pout, looking away from Gerald.

"Tsk, come on, Synthia. We already talked about this. Kale already sent his letter to us. They're safe." Gerald dropped the bag of meat behind the couch, sitting next to synthia. "We can trust kale."

"I know, but…" Synthia trailed off. The thought of being away from their child, only visiting at points made her heart sink. "We should've gone with him."

Gerald stared at her when she said that. She wasn't the only one that felt like that. Gerald also missed Kota, talking with Derrick constantly during their hunting trip about their trip to Prusha. Derrick leaving out…certain details when speaking with Gerald.

"As much as we'd love to have…we couldn't leave Sarah alone and the house unattended. Plus, he would've gone on his own at some point." Gerald somberly said. "Kota is a smart kid, he's not going to do anything dumb…I hope."

"…I know.."Synthia leaned onto Gerald, her head resting on his shoulder as he used his right hand to pat her black hair. "I just miss him."

"So do I."

It was a quiet afternoon after that, they both sat on the couch for some time, reminiscing and cuddling before Synthia started prepping dinner.

Gerald was outside training again, wearing his brown adventuring pants and nothing else as he focused on his Fire king style. He continued this training until he saw Derrick and Edward come by. It seemed like once the two had come back to shanford, they decided to put up their mercenary work here. Maybe they also wanted to stay close to Gerald, their adventure party friend. They never told Gerald or Synthia.

"HAHA, Gerald! We bring good news!" Derrick yelled. Getting close to the Gate door, he straightened out his red vest and adjusted his sunglasses before casually jumping over it.

"There is a door…" Gerald annoyingly said. It had become quite frequent that the two would come over to chat with him, not that he didn't mind…he kinda did, having to skip out on fun time with Synthia to try to badger them out of his home was something he minded. A lot.

"Apologies…" Edward said as he opened the gate door, closing it as he went through.

"Why can't you have manners like him, Derrick?" Gerald asked.

"BWAHAHA, Because Good friend!" Derrick grasped Gerald's shoulders and shook him. "How else would I show my respect to you!"

"By…by going through the Gate door?"

"By jumping over the fence and giving you a big hug! HAHA" Derrick quickly wrapped his arms around Gerald, giving him a big hug.

"Gah, alright! Alright! Too tight! Nobody wants to see two shirtless men hugging!" Gerald slapped Derricks back frantically.

"HAHA, If I had done this to Edward, he would have broken! What a small man he is! Bwahaha!" Derrick laughed.

Edward just gave him a blank look as usual.

Once Derrick put down Gerald, he gave him a letter.

"What's this? Is this from kale?" Gerald asked, already opening the letter.

"Ah yes, it has been a month or so. This is the update letter."

"How'd you even get this? I thought the letters were supposed to be sent to me and Synthia?"

"Well this one in particular was…how do I put it? and along with our job. And by that, I mean we had to Kill the letterman! HAHAHA"

"W-why?!" Gerald wasn't used to Derrick and Edward killings since he was told that they have been since becoming mercenaries. He let it slide since they said they wouldn't harm anyone who didn't deserve it.

"Letterman had a hit on him, did you know the man sending letters around had killed some people before? Crazy, HAHA!" Derrick laughed.

"Hung him." Edward made a hand gesture that presumably looked like they hung someone with a noose.

"No need for details, Edward…" Gerald waved his hand to signal a 'No'.

"What's with the hostility? We come in all friendly and you decide to be a big turd on a pastel." Derrick frowned.

"You know, I wouldn't be this hostile if you two would kindly give me and my wife some time alone!" Gerald yelled.

Derrick rubbed his chin, smiling. Even with his sunglasses on, Gerald could see that Derrick had seen his plan.

"Making that new baby then, huh? HAHA! Forgot that I told Kota about that! BWAHAHA!"

"Alright, alright! Enough with the laughs, thanks for the letter and whatever else you decided to come here for. Get off my lawn now, so I can fuck my wife." Gerald pointed his finger to his gate, signaling both Derrick and Edward to leave.

Derrick shrugged, smiling still as both him and Edward left, Edward stopping at the gate and looking back.

"Do tell us…when you finish fucking…" he quietly said. Gerald barely registered it before waving him off frantically.

"Ok, ok! Go!"

After the two left, Gerald headed back inside his home. Synthia was already finishing up the meal she was making, it was some pork ribs and some potato soup made from scratch.

"Oh, what was the commotion outside?" She asked, tilting her head.

Wait, did she hear all of that? Gerald thought for a moment to figure out if she did. Normally when it's around the time to make meals, she usually doesn't watch him from the windows. But maybe Derrick's loud voice caught her attention.

"Oh-uh…a letter from kale!" Gerald held out the letter, which synthia quickly grabbed.

"Is our baby ok?!" Synthia hurriedly opened the letter, reading it.

'To Gerald and Synthia.

Your boy has made a ruckus in my home and it's only been a month, same with the girl. It's been a handful taking care of the kids, but with tera around, it's been somewhat worse.'

Synthia paused while reading that, crunching the letter a little bit.

"Our boy is what?" Synthia coldly said.

"Ah, ah, ah! Relax, Synth! Kota may not be used to living with him! No need to…do what you think you are doing!" Gerald immediately tried to defuse her anger. Synthia looked at him, frowning.

"Tell your mentor to watch out for me.."

"I believe…he does?"

Synthia went back to reading the Letter.

'The boy does excel in the Magic traits that he's got from synthia. P.S. if synthia is reading this, I do apologize for my…observation of your son. Do not hurt me.

Anyways, Tera has been keeping an eye on him. She's intending on referring him to the university with herself being his teacher. She runs a special class there that deals with those with special traits. Or maybe she's just in love with Kota's magical strength. Who knows. The girl is exceptionally well trained in fire king style somehow. She's got a knack for making moves on the fly that I haven't even thought of. She really has the speed and strength of a dragon hybrid.

Also…it seems like The girl might have a crush on your boy…not sure how both of you feel about that, but I found it quite charming when they played around in the house and did things together.'

Synthia smiled at that paragraph. She very much liked Lilith when she was around Kota. It wouldn't be much of a surprise that Lilith has fallen for him, especially after helping her from the other kids. Thinking of it now, Synthia couldn't really think of anyone else who could take her son.

Gerald read that line as well and started to laugh. From his own conversation with Kota, he remembers that Kota would rather wait until they were older to truly see if her feelings were real. He had already known that Lilith liked him, kota was just playing safe…or maybe Kota was just too oblivious to some of her actions or expressions.

"What do you think of their…relationship, Honey?" Synthia asked Gerald.

"I dig it. What has me worried is if Kota doesn't make a move or something…" Gerald headed into the kitchen when he said that, taking a piece of the pork rib and eating it. "He's gotta secure the lady before anyone else does."

"He's only five winters old, so is she. Not like anything will happen for the next four or five winters…" Synthia followed him, sitting onto a chair beside him as he munched on the food.

"Look, Prusha has some nice boys, maybe."

"But they aren't our Kota."

"But…maybe Lilith just sees him as Kota and not Her Kota. Get what I'm saying?" Gerald said through his eating session.

Synthia frowned and quietly chanted a water ball spell under the table.

"Securing the bag as early as you can would show that he's a detr-."

Splash! A waterball hurled into Gerald's face, knocking the pork rib out of his hand, and drenching him.

"Maybe they should let this happen naturally. like us, remember?" Synthia grabbed a towel and rubbed Gerald's face down. He gave her a frown before sighing.

"I guess that could work too. Still, I think Kota should at least do something."

"He's young. He isn't you, just let him go at his own pace."

"Tsk, fine. Continue reading the rest of that letter. I'm going to finish these ribs." Gerald grabbed another piece of ribs and resumed his munching.

Synthia continued to read the last bit of the letter.

'That's it for this month, really. To be honest, it was a bit lonely in this house after Gerald left. The job here has been slowly passing the days. Can't believe I'm still the only professional in the inside security here. You guys should drop by during Kota's graduation or whenever. Just make sure to send a letter.

From the Fire King Style Teacher,

Kale GoodMan.'

Synthia closed the letter, looking at Gerald who had chomped down on some of the potato soup.

"Hungry, much?" She jokingly said.

"Mmhmm." He muffled out. He finished up gobbling the soup and set the bowl down. "Still hungry for something."

"Well what else is there to eat, gotta save some for me." Synthia leaned back on the chair, crossing her arms.

Gerald thought for a moment, scratching his brown hair and tapping the table.

"Can I eat you?"

"Hm?" Synthia gave him a weird look before realizing what he meant. "Ohh…oh ok, I see."

"Haha..hah…yes or no? If it's a yes, you get a slab of meat." Gerald offered.

Synthia sighed, shaking her head. "Oh, Gerald. Of course it's a yes." As much of a troublesome day it was, she herself was somewhat pent up, she wouldn't mind giving Gerald a couple of rounds.

"Yahoo!" He roared, a victory for him! No friends today and Wife time!

"I'll be upstairs for you, I'm changing into my…fun time clothes." She said as she got out of her chair and walked upstairs, she swayed her hips seductively for him as he watched.

"Oh yeah…that's some meat there for me to eat." Gerald said, watching her go up the stairs.

"And don't keep me waiting!"

Gerald then grabbed the bowl of his and brought it to the water bucket, dropping it into it. There was no time for cleaning, one thing was racing through his mind right now, who was Kota? Don't know. Don't care.

Only thing that mattered was that he finally scored one with his wife. No Derrick or Edward.

Gerald hurriedly climbed the stairs like a madman, a grin plastered on his face as he went into their room. And there synthia awaited. Wearing black lingerie for him.

"Ready?" Synthia said seductively.

Gerald breathed in deeply, nodding. "I'll make this an all-nighter…"


From the outside of their home, Derrick and Edward stood outside of their gate, coming back after Gerald had gone inside.

"So…they're really doing it?" Edward asked.

Derrick smirked at Edward when he asked, cupping one of his ears to hear better. "Haha! Yes! And we're here to support them!"


"Because we are good friends! That's why! Good friends always support their friends!"

"…What an absurd thing to say in this scenario."

"Not for me! Oh wait, hear that?" Derrick quieted down as moans could be heard from inside The Detrut home.

Edward palmed his face, not even sure why he even came back with Derrick. He could be at the place they were staying at, resting. But instead he is now cheering on his friend banging his wife.

"Come on, Edward! Let's cheer him on!" Derrick said, laughing as he clapped.

As the night went on, it became very obvious that there was no stopping for Gerald and Synthia. Which left Derrick and Edward in awe.

"It has been…" Derrick calmly said, looking for the sun. "About four hours? Amazing."

"Yeah…I'm heading back…I don't even know why I'm here." Edward only said that as he walked off, heading back to where he was staying.

Derrick agreed as well, following in suit before turning back.

"A baby is coming from that, I can tell." Derrick grinned as he said that. Both him and Edward left , gone from the premise of the Detrut home.

But the night was still young for the couple…

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