
Void lord journey

Ryan, an world-class famous actor, and the fastest actor to become an A-class actor was killed by his female stalker. Reason? because he sleeps with other women and not with her. After death he finds himself to be a candidate to become a void lord. Follow Ryan on his journey as he travels to anime, manga, movies, and various other realities while building a harem of his wives. First world: Stranger things Second world: ??? ****** Author: Except for the OC, Ryan. Other characters' right writing in the novel belongs to their original authors. This is my first time writing a novel so please help me to become a better novelist with your help. ****** Update days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

21_Legend_lotter · Anime e quadrinhos
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46 Chs

31. Picking up Eleven

Mike looked at the alive Demogorgan in front of him. It was at least 2 meters in height and his skin was covered with some kind of mucus or slimy liquid. Looking at it, Mike remembered his various first sex session with Ava where she was fully covered in his juice.

Mike 'Shut up Mike!! What are you thinking now? I have to take El home'

He shook his head to remove his nasty thoughts. He saw Sara is going to touch its skin.

Mike "Okay Sara don't touch it, we don't know where this thing came from. Let me put it inside Paradise"

Sara "What!! No, no, Mike why don't we keep it in your car for now"

She asked while pressing her body on him, but Mike didn't change his answer.

Mike "No means no. There are two reasons for it, first, look at its skin it's so slimy and slippery. It may leave a stain or smell in the car. While my second reason is, this thing is not dead. I don't want to be attacked while I am driving my car"

He didn't let her speak, sending the Demogorgan into Paradise while entering the car and sitting in the driver's seat. Sara was a bit unhappy but knew that Mike did it to keep her safe, so she decided to battle him in bed.

If Mike knew what she was thinking, he would be speechless as no one has ever defeated him in bed. Mike stepped on the accelerator, making a U-turn, stopping only after crossing 1 kilometer.

Sara "Why are you stopping here Mike?"

She asked in confusion as she couldn't see anybody there.

Mike "To pick up your new sister"

He said while stepping out of the car and walking into the forest. His words surprised Sara as not many people would get a girl inside a forest. Mike didn't pay attention to her and moved towards El quickly with his [Observation haki]

Soon he arrived near her and walked towards her. Eleven who heard some noise behind her turned to see a handsome boy with black hair and sky blue iris walking towards her. She knew with a glace, he was Mike.

Eleven "MIKE!!"

She ran to him and jumped on him, hugging him tightly as some tears began to fall from her eyes. Mike who caught her felt her trembling body while his chest felt somewhat wet from her tears.

Mike "Hey it's okay now El. You don't have to cry, little girl"

He said while rubbing her head and back calming down her emotions which were high as she saw the first person who really cared about her. Mike was also sad about her condition but couldn't do anything about it.

If he wanted he would just kidnap her and erased any memories about her from the lab, but that would perhaps change him. Heck, he could even mind-control them but he didn't want to do it. First, he had just started his journey to the top and didn't want his mind to have such a guilt which could change his nature.

While the second was that he knew what was happing in the lab, so no one ever bullied El. And he helped her increase the control of her powers, which satisfy her 'dad'. Mike placed his fingers on her chin and raised her head, he wiped her tears eyes. He finally got to see her cute face although her hair was shaved, telling her that she will grow to become a beautiful woman.

Although Mike had seen her many times with their mental link, she cannot properly project herself as she didn't get to see herself so often.

Mike "Okay... don't cry now I'm here for you, okay. Let go"

He said and carried her in a bridal way. Eleven wasn't embarrassed because she didn't know about many things from the outside world. But having such close contact with the person she liked according to her, her cheeks had a shade of red color.

Eleven "Where?"

Mike "To our home"

He said as El's arm tighten around his neck while she smiled happily with some nervousness. Soon they came near his car and Mike sat on the driver's seat while El sat on his lap. Sara looked at the cute girl on Mike's lap and was speechless but she notice her strange dress wear and hairstyle.

Both El and Sara looked at each other while Sara looked at El with a curious look and El glanced at her nervously, the atmosphere in the car was a bit awkward which was broken by Mike.

Mike "Okay let's do some introduction first. Sara this is Eleven, your little sister from now. El this is Sara who will be your elder sister, okay?"

Eleven "He-Hello"

She greeted Sara in a timid manner.

Sara "A-aa nice to meet you-Wait!! Mike, what's up with her name?"

She asked in a confused manner, as she notice how strange her name was.

Mike "Well... how about I explain all it when we reach home?"

Sara nodded to my question showing she understood. The car started to move while Sara was getting used to El's way of talking which was better than shown in the series because Mike taught her when both of them meet with their mental links.

While going to Wheeler's house, Mike's mental link was suddenly connected to two people, Joyce and Gal Byers. He created this technique so only people who are connected to each other mentally can contact each other easily. But he was a bit surprised about the sudden contact.

Joyce ["...Hello husband"]

Mike raised his eyebrows as her always strong voice contain some amount of fear and excitement, but fear more. He also feels the same emotion coming from Gal. Usually, this thing isn't possible as all his lovers have perfect control over their powers in normal situations but now he knew that their control is still sloppy.

Mike ["What happened Joyce? Why are both of you scared?"]

He asked in a serious voice while Sara and El noticed changes in Mike's face. The other side turned silent from his question, soon he couldn't feel their fear but only excitement. And from their reaction, Mike knew that they were safe now.

Joyce ["...Nothing baby we are safe now"]

Mike ["Wait... what do you mean by safe now? What happened to both of you?"]

Gal ["...Well Mike someone attacks us in our house"]

Mike "WHAT!!"

He couldn't help but yell. He felt angry as someone tried to attack my family, although both of them had the power to take on 10-12 people easily. El and Sara were startled by his sudden outburst.

Sara "What happened Mike?"

Mike "Someone attacked Joyce and Gal at their home"

Mike said in a heavy tone. Sara was surprised to hear it, El didn't know Gal or Joyce but she knew that they are important to him.

Mike ["Who attacked you?"]

His first suspect was her ex-husband as he was trying to get her back. So to scare her he decided to put up an act, that is what came to his mind.

Gal ["Mike I think we were attacked by a humanoid monster"]


Hello guys I'm back!! Sorry for the delay, I will try to post chapters daily as I'm practically free now!!

So enjoy the new chapter!!

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