

Wilfred was stunned. He could tell from a glance that this weapon was at a much higher level than what he presented. He truly was not expecting that. He was really humbled. This didn't happen too often. There were not a lot of people that could show him stuff at such level.

"Do you really think this yellow shit is comparable to master's weapon?" Bernie said coldly. He wanted to earn some points from his master. If he would be lucky even some weapon or armor.

"Shut up Bernie." Wilfred said coldly. He already understood that the guy infront of him was not simple at all and he was not bluffing when he said that those weapons around were subpar. Compared to the weapon showed even his sword was not convincing. When Bernie heard Wildred getting mad, he quieted down. It did not happen too much for this old man to speak like that.

"Can I please examine this sword?" Wilfred asked politely.

"Sure thing. Take a look." Max handed the sword to Wilfred. After that he glanced at Bernie and said: "This guy is pretty strong, but he should learn some manners. His bad temper may cause you unnecessary troubles."

Wilfred sighed and said: "You are right. I will discipline him. May I know your name? I did not see you here before."

"My name is Max. I'm new in town. Just came here to take a look at those weapons to see the market prices. I think I will be able to sell a lot of weapons with good prices. With time the prices for all those stuff may fall because people could get them at my place. If they have the skill of course. Your guy is very close to be permanently banned from my gaming club and he will not be able to get anything." Max said with a smile.

Wilfred did not really get the point, but he still asked: "Get this kind of equipment from your place. Do you have a lot of it? Also, can you sell me this sword?"

"Well, you can get equipment from the level people sell here on this floor until the level of equipment I let you see now and even higher. For the selling of the weapon. I guess it's fine. What price you ready to pay?" Max asked.

Wilfred eyes widened. Then he composed himself and said: "100 gold coins."

Max was not surprised, and he said: "Yeah I agree. I have only one condition. Bernie is not allowed to use it."

Bernie was not used to such treatment. He was very short tempered. He was a respected knight level warrior that people feared to offend. He was not the strongest in the country, but his power level always forced his enemies to look at him with some respect and fear. Now he saw only an open mockery. He was enraged. He wanted to teach this Max a lesson. He did not care about anything else at the moment. Out of nowhere he swung his fist at Max while screaming: "You bastard!"

Wilfred face changed drastically. "Stop it right there you fool!" He roared.

Max smiled. He expected this from Bernie. 'What a fucking donkey' Max thought.

He buffed himself with bull's strength and the speed boost. After that he evaded the straight punch to the face while crouching a little bit and countering with his own hook from the side. Max's speed and strength were boosted to another level and because Bernie just wanted to teach him a lesson and was not trying to kill him, he also did not infuse much strength in his punch. When Bernie got hit, he was sent flying like a cannonball to the nearest wall and heavily crashed into it. The wall caved in but did not break. This event steered a commotion in the hall. No one dared to make such things in the blacksmith pavilion. The consequences were dire. Max was surprised that the wall did not break. The quality of the building was superb. When Bernie hit the wall, he was not seriously injured but he was fuming. Now he was set on killing this Max and his follower. Never in his life he was shamed to this extent. He knew that his family's status could cover for him. Even if he will not be the follower of Wilfred, it was still worth it. Bernie released all of his life force while getting his weapon out. "It is a time for you do pay for humiliating me!" He screamed.

Wilfred tried to say something, but it was useless. Max sighed and said: "What a fucking donkey...". After that he did not hold back anymore and released all of his knight and magical aura. He chose to use the element of fire. He focused all his aura on Bernie while protecting the rest of the people. If he did not do it half of them will just disintegrate. A huge powerful life force and magical aura burster out from his body. Wilfred eyes dilated and he became deathly pale. He saw this kind of aura and it was something only mage level powerhouses could manifest. He saw only the people of the royal family display such strength. He felt a ton of pressure and a huge heat, but he was not hurt. All of the heat was concentrated on Bernie. The knight warrior was very frightened. All of his aggression was gone. Only fear filled him from the inside.

"Have mercy! My family will pay you compensation!" Bernie yelled when he felt that his body was starting to disintegrate slowly.

Max said: "Hmph, Fuck off!"

A huge amount of energy gathered on his fist and Max used his full power to blink next to Bernie and punch him with all of his might. Bernie broke through the wall with a shrill cry. He was sent flying upwards. After that Max gathered a lot of energy and sent a pyroblast at Bernie. A huge fireball was sent towards the horrified knight. After that a load explosion was heard, and Bernie was disintegrated into pieces. Just like that a knight level warrior was killed. After that Max turned to Wilfred and said: "The price is 200 gold right now. I'm being very generous here."

Wilfred nodded and said: "Sir, I accept your offer."

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