
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
139 Chs


Zaiden, Lucian, and Zen were in a room in awkward silence. The hero stared at her father with a shocked expression as Zaiden held his temples.

"Why are you obstructing business?" Zaiden asked, "Do you understand I need to make money for my lifestyle?"

"I...I..." Lucian began

"I don't have time for this." Zaiden snapped


Lucian picked up her phone and excused herself as she left. Zaiden released a sigh squeezing his nails into his palms angrily.

"I will meet her next time." Zen suddenly said

Zaiden sprung out of his thought, "You don't have to..."

"I want to. So it's alright, you don't have to." Zen smiled

Zen walked out of the room and Zaiden looked up at the ceiling. Melody appeared beside Zaiden and placed her head on his lap purring softly.

"Zai?" Melody purred

"It's noisy." Zaiden frowned looking at the message on his system panel

Multi Mask with a bored mask on was with Mask and Maskless along with the heroes.

"Who did your villains kill?" the heroes asked

The villains silently looked at them with bored expressions. They were wondering how the hell did they find out unless somehow they knew Navaeh.

"SAY SOMETHING!?!?" Sofi yelled

Mask brought his glass of red wine towards his mouth. A blade shattered the glass and the contents froze in the air as Mask raised his brow. They turned to the door seeing new heroes enter.

"Tongue-tied, villains?" the woman smirked "Doesn't that mean you're guilty?"

"This is going to take some time." the villains thought letting out a sigh

A teenage girl walked out of an ice cream store. She licked blueberry ice cream and met with Yoel who was sulking.

"Missing your other half?" the teen teased

Yoel sighed, "Yeah. But I'll be patient for her work to finish."

"What does she do?" the teen, Lina asked

He came close to her ears "A secretary for Executive Tigre. Also, we're being watched."

"I noticed. What do we do?" Lina asked

Yoel picked her up like a sag and bolted forward. The people following them ran after them quickly into a warehouse. The villains were on the next street walking leisurely.

"Who are you guys?" Yoel wondered

Lina smiled, "We'll talk with the others about it."

Flames erupted in front of them and Yoel pulled Lina's collar. He forced her backward as a dagger held by someone advanced to where her neck was. Yoel's heel hit the attacker's jaw and the ground underneath then collapsed.

Lina and Yoel landed perfectly on the ground and glared at their enemies. A glow erupted in their eyes preparing for battle.

"These guys have been watching us." Yoel thought "Do the heroes know our identities?"

"You're thinking too much Yoel." Lina told as she inhaling air

The teen let out a sonic scream toward the attackers. Yoel took his phone and send a text to the entire Villain Group.

An assaulter's dagger descended toward Lina and clashed with her wrist. Contrary to his thoughts the hand wasn't cut off but the blade collided with her dragon scales. He saw a scream fire towards him making the underground pillars collapse.

"Annoying pests," Lina growled

Yoel appeared in front of a person, his claws were black and jabbed into the woman's throat. He used the dead body as a shield as he advanced against another attacker. Lina used her sonic screams to keep others at bay.

A woman walked in with a serious expression, "You're losing to kids?"

Yoel slapped the foreheads of two attackers together and looked at the woman. They all waited for any form of movement and were in a psychological stalemate. The woman and Lina advanced toward each other and Yoel appeared behind the woman.

Her body twisted as she kicked Yoel, pulled out a knife, and sliced Lina's voice box precisely. Yoel landed on his feet and propelled forward, pushed Lina away, and received the woman's daggers into his shoulder blade. He gritted his teeth in pain as the blade pierced his skin, but he refused to give in to the agony..

Holding her throat, Lina coughed up blood. It was pain...so agonizing and intensified no matter what she did. With every labored breath, the pain seemed to increase, radiating through her body with no end in sight. The healing potions were being wasted on her as Yoel fought with the woman.

It hurt her pride, and something within her refused to accept it. Her aura changed and a large radius reacted to it. The left side of her body was covered in her silvery-grey scales and her horn came out on the right side from her forehead.

Pain, anger, and humiliation were reflected in her eyes like a mirror. For a moment the woman flinched, " A sound dragon without a voice box isn't anything scary."

Blood oozed onto her clothes as she tilted her head and stared at the one who was the cause. Mist came out of her mouth and tears of blood ran down her cheeks. Lina opened her mouth and a sinister smile spread on her mouth.

Everything fragile shattered instantly and all the sound was gone. The woman and Yoel were surprised as a chill ran down their spines and Lina licked her lips. The two instinctively moved back as Lina moved forward with killing intent.

The woman rose her blade and blocked the dragon's claws. Lina lifted her leg and kicked her side creating an explosive impact. Lina was using compressed sound as a fearsome weapon. Yoel stepped back since it was no longer his fight.

The woman advanced and jumped onto the villainess' shoulders aiming for her neck again. This time the blade shattered and Lina's eyes turned to her with a ridiculing grin. Her eyes were like crescents as she watched the woman's face fill with emotion.

She tried to jump off although Lina bit strongly into her leg. The woman saw scales layered on her neck and threw an orb to the ground. Thick fog was created, and Lina swung her wrist and flushed the fog away.

She let out an enraged roar and hit her fist into the walls seeing her prey was gone. Her fury was so intense that she could feel it reverberating through the walls, shaking the very foundation of the structures. Sound returned to the world as blood ran down Lina's body mixed with rage. The dragon memorized the scent of the woman. Lina was the villain, Melody of Navaeh's Harmony unit, and a member of the Catastrophe Dragons.

"I will find you." Lina groaned

Yoel avoided eye contact as the woman limped through the sewers.

"I never want to meet that dragon again." the woman panted