
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
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139 Chs


The fighting was in full swing now. Hugo was pulled by Daylight and brought out of his deep thoughts.

Hugo walked towards her but she shook off his grasp and gave a stern expression. She was certain about what she had said. Lucian disappeared into the smoke.

Zaiden went, "We are here but for a second, but our impact ripples through time."

Hugo looked at his ex-son standing beside him with a smug expression. He wore a full black suit with a black overcoat.

"You-" Hugo growled feeling he couldn't manifest his powers

"When did it happen I wonder? The collapse of your relationships? " Zaiden smiled "Although the mighty hero will manage. He doesn't need any...."

A hand was on his Adam's apple and squeezed it with tremendous force. Hugo looked into his entertained eyes and felt he was slowly pulled into his pace.

"She just needs time," he told

Zaiden grinned widely which made Hugo oddly uneasy. The villain on vacation laughed like a roaring thunder at the hero and even tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Maybe." Zaiden answered "But, I worked very hard for this show..."

Zaiden stared into his eyes and they slowly turned red with toxic emotions. He bit his lips and blood dripped down as he reminded himself to be patient.

"You're childish, Zaiden." Hugo scoffed

Zaiden chuckled, "Did you think you were my aim?"

Hugo froze as a maniacal smile spread across his face. His right eye was red and his left remained purple with sharp canines. Zaiden moved forward, held his shoulders tightly and his claws entered his flesh.

"There's so much happening then you know. Someone will be so unhappy if I mess up with your life." Zaiden exposed "They've reached the end of their wits by now....it has only just started, Father."

"You're mad." Hugo frowned pushing Zaiden's hands

Zaiden smiled, "Maybe....it's all a means to an end. To the worst catastrophe in all dimensions and you will get a front-row seat. "

"So what will you do?" Hugo asked

"That's a secret. Good things take time, how many years, decades, when, and how? The world has you to thank for that." Zaiden smiled

Zaiden's hands glowed with a sticky red-purple aura. He laughed again. Hugo jumped forward but the barrier surrounding the city crumbled.

Hugo started at him like he was a vile insect whose existence he wished to extinguish. Nights Race poured in from all directions, screams echoed, and fighting fitted into the melody of mayhem.

"You're-" Hugo snarled

Zaiden beams as he disappears. Hugo's abilities returned and he felt like he had returned to the world. He was forced to put aside everything and fight the Nights race that was coming in drones.

No saw the see filling up with something, this substance started to move towards six areas where the J. Family were. The Family members looked like they were ultimately at one with the disaster.

Zyder smiled, "Just keep going on like this, suspect each other, and doubt one another. What more is needed in chaos? Why think too much when all can go wrong?"

"All you need to do is embrace the mayhem. Spill everything on the battlefield in order to survive after all. If you don't stab you'll be stabbed. What's wrong when all are mad?" Zander smirked

" Soak it in. We help our own and bring demise to our enemies. Go forth and bring utter chaos. What's wrong when all will lead to catastrophe!" Zaiden laughed


Superior being: <Rulers of Chaos> is intervening, are helping their vassals the {Nights Race}. The area is engulfed in Mayhem and the gates to Chaos are opening soon. The rulers are tyrannical and cruel. Many try not to gain the unwanted attention of the Crazy Rulers of Madness.]

"THE RULERS ARE HELPING US!! TO VICTORY!!" A nights race roared

"Everywhere I go is where a war is!!" Dea Tacita yelled, "At least let me be on the winning side!!"

"What do you mean?" Chronos frowned

"I agree. Being on the winning side feels different."

They turned towards a teen, Leo that spun a bomb on his finger. More people started to pop and the Pillars swallowed.

"Damn you, J. Family." they cursed

Leo smiled, "I understand. Embrace the mayhem."

Lucian stared at Zyder in front of her with a frown.

"You used me." she frowned holding back tears

Zyder shrugged, "It's one of the many things we do best."

"I know. But I still want to develop a relationship with you, three." Lucian smiled bitterly

"Why? We accomplished our goals. I admit things are getting interesting now." Zyder told

"While it may be small, the ripple effect of small things is extraordinary," Lucian told

Zyder raised a brow as his mother stood up.

She smiled, "I'm becoming a Mercenary. "

Lucian suddenly cut her long hair to shoulder level and had a warm smile.

"And a better mother. See you around, Zyder." Lucian smiled and left

This had surprised the J. brothers but they didn't hate it. Since it wouldn't be fun if life was predictable, would it? The ripples spread out to all corners of the city, and the world as complex emotions were starting to surface in the situation.

"The pieces are falling together." Zelda smiled "We can't go back anymore, as if we'd want to."

Zen replied, "No. We fought too hard, we worked for this."

Zaiden held a file with his mother's photo and stamped a red cross over it.

"Another person's destiny has been changed. People who should have lived -died and those whom needed to die, I saved. The ball is in your court now." He smiled

A person in a distant place saw Zaiden grinning in their crystal ball. They snarled and destroyed everything in their room.


A man came forward, "We can't let them be! We urge you...WAR!!"

"That's what they want!! They feed on discord those damn it, WHAT ARE YOU AFTER!!" she snapped

They turned to an old man laughing in the back. His attire was haggard and they wondered how he entered. He gulped down his bottle of alcohol and looked at the people.

"Everyone wants to know what chaos has planned. But it's already the point of no return...." he smirked, " We're in too deep by the time they let us know."

"What do you mean?" she asked

The old man laughed loudly and looked at their perplexed faces. He could still remember Zander's stoic expression stroking his granddaughter's lukewarm head, "Shall I help you?"

Tears streamed down the old man's eyes, "I want to help....take down chaos."