
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
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139 Chs


Ivan ate something that looked like grapes as he watched his friends running from the guards. Suddenly a notice appeared.

[ Another system's player is trying to communicate with you. Do you agree?]

" Why not? Blood let me talk to them." Ivan chuckled

[ Unknown Player: Let's meet up....let's just talk.]

" Interesting....I think I'll go." Ivan grinned " Ladies, bring this Prince an attire. I have an important guest to meet."

" Yes, Your Highness."

They numbers following the villains were only increasing and some were first-time swimmers. Zyder and Zander looked back as a cannon-like machine appeared.

" Zan where should we go?!?!!?" Zyder frowned

Zander was thinking, an explosion occurred above them and he yelled, " PLANETAL WATERWAY!!!! THAT WAY!!!"

They pushed into the direction Zander told.

" STOP THEM!!!!!" The commander yelled

Urvi's eyes began to glow activating [ Gravity Pull] and they felt they were pushed into the direction they were heading. Yasmin pointed her right hand to the guards [ Magic Missile] and mana balls fired and burn her fake fingers. Yasmin pushed backwards because of the recoil from being underwater. She pushed into the others and entered a bubble-like tube and were pulled upwards.

They were moving up quickly and were shot out into a wider tube.

" Where are we?" Kali asked as the Pillars spun around

" Planetal Waterway. This is like the bigger vision of an underwater highway so number of users are limited." Zander told " This dimension is surprising peaceful....."

[ Restrictions to Planetal Waterway have been lifted by unknown force, Army has been deployed to your location so swim since your life depends on it. Debuff [ Target] has been placed on player you are now easily seen by everyone that wishes to find you. Good Luck]

" Wow....that went downhill fast." Xayn went " Now that it comes to me. Has anyone seen Xenia?"

" What a bad brother!!!!" they exclaimed

" She's on an errand for us." Zyder told " I think you should worry about them."

They looked as soldiers started swimming up the tube they came from.

" We need to get to the Ocean Flower Gardens.....SWIM!!!" Zander yelled

" I'M A BIRD!!!" Waniya yelled

Jaxon pointed at the army, " Tell them that when they arrive."

" Fuck...." Waniya went seeing the cannon coming into view

Ivan arrived at a place called Million Coral and found a woman waiting for him.

" I had no idea I was so popular." Ivan cackled

" I'm Kira from the Violent Predator System nice to met you." She smiled

Ivan smiled, " Deacon from Villain System. Displeasure to be honest."

Kira frowned before sighing, " Honestly I didn't want to come here but the creator of my system has taken an interest in you."

" Sorry, I'm engaged." Ivan rejected plainly


" Huh? Why would I do that? Zander and Zaiden let me do whatever I want from killing, massacre and terrorism." Ivan scoffed " Being a 'violent predator' isn't as fun as being a 'villain' so I'll pass."

" Fun?" Kira reacted " Is this all this is to you?"

" Yep, what else?" Ivan frowned getting an unpleasant premonition

Kira laughed, " So those scums didn't tell you anything? What did I expect from them?!?!?!"

" Can I leave? I would love to hear you curse and swear all day but I'm busy." Ivan sighed

Kira said, " Seriously, do you not care about what you actually signed up for? I can tell if-"

Ivan closed the distance between them and stood on her foot looking down at her. His eyes were glowing and he blew mist into her face. Suddenly Ivan was overcome by hunger since all he had eaten was herbivore food and was watched daily so couldn't take meat from his inventory.

" I don't. If I worry about every secret of the creator and my friends I'd die from a headache." Ivan smiled

Kira was shocked as he sliced of her left arm and she moved back. Ivan bit into the shoulder and the entire arm vanished into his mouth.

" Still not full?" Ivan frowned

" You!!!???" she reacted in horror

" From what I see your ' Predator' isn't my ' Predator' since this entire planet only has herbivores." Ivan grinned looking at his system window

" What are you?!!!" she cried

Ivan glanced at her, " You see although I look human that's no my species. Your species greatly affects what you do and think so to me this is completely normal."

[ Passive Skill < Gluttony> is in effect. Player hasn't eaten basic amount to offset thus will feel extreme hunger until notice received and obtain stat/skills if lucky.]

" I love and hate this skill. I usually eat up a mountain of corpses but I do reap tons of nice stuff, since my level is now at five and I need to get to ten to start using this." Ivan thought looking at his skills

[ Passive Skill < Blood's Gifts> a skill given by you Game Guide. Every ten levels the Player increases allows the Player to obtain anything above B rank and Chaos type]

He looked back at Kira trying to run away and his teeth became sharp. Kira's body disintegrated into his mouth and his level increased to six. His window suddenly vanished and a purple on appeared in front of him.

[ #@&%!#: Wow did you just eat her?!?!!?! AMAZING....Just keep like this!!!]

" If I don't want to?" Ivan asked making a chair to sit on

[ #@&%!#: WHAT * Shocked emoji* But..but why?!]

" I don't even know the thing that invaded the Villain System. When I met Zander I'd better report you." Ivan sighed

[ #@&%!#: ANYTHING BUT THAT!!! IF HE FINDS OUT.....Hello Ivan you can call me Ming and I just want all of you to become really strong. I can tell you tons of stuff and their benefits.]

" Can Zander and Zaiden see you?" Ivan asked

[ Ming: If they don't look for me the won't find me.]

" Make all the players be able to see you and I curious about these benefits?" Ivan smiled

[ Ming: * Upset emoji* What a bully, meanie, tyrant and black hearted shark]

Ming did as Ivan told her and as the Players fought the could see everything Ming and Ivan were talking about.

[ Ming: If you guys level up like hell I can tell you tons of stuff since so much has happened but there is one that will take time to tell

Yasmin: We're reading

Ming: For example when Zander and Zaiden killed the original system owner. It was once called the ' Demonic Villain System' . Interested in a history of many centuries?]

" Why are you spacing out!!!" Zander yelled

They looked at him momentarily thinking what the hell happened.

[ Kali: I'm in and I know all of you are too.

Dylan: So what will be the payment for clearing this dimension

Ming: That's the spirit *smiling emoji*. I'll give a little piece of why everyone is saying the creators are weakened.

Gain & Gaia: A piece?!

Ming: Never said I'd give them fully, where's the fun in that? Gotta work hard for secrets that dye dimensions in blood - Forcefully Ended-]

" Hey Blood did anything happen?" Ivan tested

Blood raised his eyebrow, " Nothing just that your Gluttony has taken effect aren't you hungry?"

" Yeah, I better get ready from my wedding." Ivan smiled as his sharks started appearing