
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
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139 Chs


Drake and the others were thinking over the information from the witch. It wasn't hard since they were told that the two kingdoms have been having issues with one another.

" It won't be hard after this." Drake smiled

Somewhere the players were being watched by some annoyed viewers.

" These fucking players piss me off!!!"

" At this rate...will the twins truly die?"

" *sobbing* I f they die doesn't that mean we die!!!!"

" SHUT UP!!!!!" one boomed " I'll handle those lazy-assed players."

The players had just finished stealing the items and sparking up the beginning of a war. They returned to finding a man seated in the with a head cover like a dog. He seemed to be grumbling and turned his head to them.

" Hurry up. Damn I hate this dimension, why did those two have to be so needy back then." he frowned

" May we know who you are and your business with the twins." Drake asked

The man sighed, " I must say. I absolutely don't care right now."

He removed the head covering revealing a handsome being under. His sharp canines, crimson eyes and ebony hair were breathtaking.

" IVAN!!!" Sera pouted

" You can't deny it. THAT MAN MUST BE A STATUE!!!" Ivan went

" I'm Jiro. One of Zaiden's Hounds." Jiro introduced

" Isn't Zaiden a cat-person." Kali asked

Dylan went, " No. Zaiden's an animal-lover. He even has a groups all about protecting the rainforest and endangered animals."

" Wow. Zaiden has a good point now." Drake smirked

" Enough bad-mouthing my Master. We have more important things to talk about." Jiro frowned " You lot will get Zaiden killed."

The room was silent and they were staring at Jiro in disbelief. Meanwhile Zyder was doing King duties with Zander snacking in his office.

" Being a King isn't so hard." Zyder went

Zander laughed, " It's because you run a business. A money-making one at that. Even I could be King."

" Although. I need to support one of the Kingdoms going to war." Zyder smiled " I just can't help and get involved but I don't want to suffer. Are you busy Zander?"

" Yes." Zander smiled

" Go do your business. I will play around with these Kingdoms." Zyder smirked with a glow in his eyes

" Your Majesty. The second young Master wished an audience."

" Have fun brother. But will you still be King when we leave?" Zander asked as a black cat appeared on his shoulders

Zyder smiled, "Why can't I? Don't you own everything. My dear brothers?"

The imposing aura of Zyder was over Zander and only grew stronger as the distance closed. Zyder had a soft smile.

" W...what are you going to do elder brother?" Zander asked

The pressure vanished as Zyder lightly slapped Zander's cheeks.

" What on earth would I do to my brothers? I would need a proper explanation from you two. Don't think of lying to me, Understood?" Zyder smiled " You can go."

Zander vanished as Kyle was allowed to enter. Kyle was seated as Zyder worked without a care with refreshments in front of him.

" Um..." Kyle began

Zyder interrupted, " Don't stutter."

" What are you going to do?" Kyle asked " The war and the Kingdoms request for help?"

" Hmm. Well both countries have no records of ill-intent towards us so I can't think of a reason to deny any help." Zyder began " Although isn't that good. I am in a dilemma thus can't sent help immediately. As a 'dear friend' of both of them, how could they be so cruel and rush us?"

" Basically the ball is in his court on whether to do anything. Since both Kingdoms are equally matched in power. The assistance of our Union will tip either side into a winning position." Kyle and the other attendants thought " That's down right nasty."

" But I'm not against any form of ' engorgement' which would naturally require a 'gift' of appreciation, no?" Zyder smirked " Not like they have time for that and as a new ruler I need to do one or many things."

They were speechless and the roundabout methods of his true meaning. Unknown to them, some spies from each Kingdom were sending his word to their rulers. Word of the crafty King were booming all-over the galaxy and felt like he was the reincarnation of Jennifer Goober.

" Now Empire of Flames and Sun Kingdom. What treasures shall you sent to fill me up?" Zyder thought " I hope you won't disappoint me. I should probably get ready for the refugees that may or may not become citizens."

Zander was in a space looking at the Players with Jiro.

" Since Zai's asleep, I have no control on what his Hounds and the like will do." Zander sighed " Either way how boring."

[ Mission: Grand Thieves has been updated.....

The Dragon Egg and Sun stone are two of three things need to hatch the fearsome dragon in your possession. The other thing is unknown lost in history so please figure it out....]

" Why does it feel like they're sulking." Ivan frowned

" They are." Jiro snickered " More risk, more reward. More reward, more experience. You guys took out the fun by taking the easy why out."

" What's the point of risking it all to do the impossibilities?" Reese went " We could die..."

Jiro laughed, " The point is for entertainment."

They were silent as Jiro laughed at the players and the environment changed.

" Sponsors, viewers and even the creators themselves are watching you when you are given missions and the like. We all want a good show, you all knew what you were signing up for..." Jiro smiled

[ Something is interfering with transmission....ERROR.... A barrier has been placed denying those watching in on you.]

" Well?" Jaxon went

" I wasn't lying that you are watched but it's not only entertainment as you have seen. Soon beings are looking for successors, heirs dare I say spouses and the like. So the system program is he best way to see their potential and personalities." Jiro went " Although Villain System is different. Since players are forever bonded to it thus you all are being protected from being snatched away by those beings that have taken interest in you."

" I... see." they reacted in surprise.

" Sponsors are beings that are also subordinates of the creators. I'm not here to explain this things in the midst of a second System War."

" Another system war?" Yasmin gaped " How soon?"

" Systems' time and other times are different." Jiro told " But they won't risk fighting until they know it's worth it. You, Players are against the World, but screw the fucking world. I'm here so you get stronger because for the meantime if you don't, Zaiden my Master will die....."