
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
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139 Chs

Iced Hoarder

A ruby hovered over Intory and she laughed happily as more blood dripped into the room. Intory turned around and found Caesar was already freed himself.

" Sorry I can't stay longer. We're on a bit of a tight schedule right now." Caesar told

" You-" Intory frowned

Caesar threw her into the concrete. She turned into water and reformed behind him to grab the ruby. Caesar's tail appeared and swept the it into a drainage.

" NOOOOOO!!!!" She exclaimed

The two looked at each other and saw another ruby forming. Intory and Caesar ran towards it at the same time. Meanwhile Kino and Waniya had just landed in the inners waterway systems of Illuminos. The ruby fell in between them and Waniya picked up.

[ Analysis unknown crystal---- Ruby made of purified and crystalized blood of people…]

Waniya threw it into the water without finishing the analysis and scrubbed her hand on her trousers. Kino came from behind her swinging a punch but she ducked into the waters.

" Please return that ruby. The person who hired me seems to find it important." Kino informed

" Then….I can't give it to you." Waniya said picking up the ruby again

She put it in her inventory.

" I will have you return that but I'll get it when I win the warrior's battle." Kino responded

He moved forward again to punch her and Waniya whipped the nearby wall causing the enter area to hake.

" Hey Ben. You there?" Waniya thought

Waniya's game guide :< Ben> an octopus appeared

" What up, Dudette?" Ben smiled " How can I like help ya?"

Waniya moved forward with Kino hot on her trail, " Get me a route to the most open area in the sewer!"

" Sure thing, don't get you locks in a knot. Relax I got this." Ben smiled as he disappeared

Soon she could see an arrow leading her through the maze under the maze. Waniya jumped up and kicked an ice-spike to Kino as she fell down a pipe. As she expected he followed after her.

" You will still fight?" Kino asked

Waniya gave a strong nod with no intention to lose. She closed the distance between them and swung up her sword to his neck. Kino caught the blade and aimed a hook towards her. Waniya spun her whip around Kino's fist, released her sword and flung him into the wall.

" He's so heavy." Waniya complained

A shadow loomed over her suddenly and the villain desperately dodged the stone-crushing jab. Although another one came from her side.


Kino was shocked as her left arm shattered into crystal-like pieces and scattered into the waters. Although he saw a spark light up in her eyes as she let out a breathe.

[ Passive skill: Crystal Body. The player's body is made of iced and crystal-like materials.]

The crystals flew out the water and reformed her arm. Waniya jumped upwards, her sword reappeared in her hand and she slashed at Kino full force. Her blade shattered as it cut into his copper skin.

As she landed, Kino backed up and the area he stood on blasted into ice. More swords popped out the waters and Waniya advanced. She grabbed as sword, jumped upwards and spun her whip that had another blade connected to it.

Kino was forced against a wall as her blades shattered into his skin. He sent an uppercut which sent her flying into the ceiling. Her chin, back and leg shattered and she fell the pieces returned. Waniya landed and speed forward.

" In terms of strength you would lose. Why persist when it has been decided?" Kino sighed swinging a punch towards her.

Waniya sent her one punch that met his fist and her entire hand shattered. Kino noticed that she hit a blade in her hand and it was stuck in his hand.

" Yeah. You're strong that it pisses me off. Although my instincts won't allow it." Waniya told as her body reformed

" Instincts?" Kino repeated sending a straight punch

Waniya in that split second hopped over the fist, gripping her claws into his skin and kicked him down. Kino was shocked at the throbbing feeling from his face and Waniya spat out blood.

" What do you mean instincts?" Kino asked

Waniya scoffed with wet golden brown hair leaving only her right blue eyes revealed. She advanced, grabbed a sword and Kino saw her swinging downwards as he raised his arms. The blade shattered as expected but Waniya kept pushing down into his arm. He looked up to her face and held the blade as she pushed it down.

" Not matter where I go....I will always be a predator. My total being won't allow it!" Waniya yelled

* Wail*

" Does anyone else feel that Bloodlust?" Becca frowned

They looked at her momentarily.

" We sometimes forget you're a herbivore, Bec." Yasmin sighed

" Well excuse me?!" Becca puffed

Kino was shocked as Waniya swung another blade that shattered in his skin. He saw her blue eyes have a hint of grey as she quickly grabbed a shard of the sword and accurately jabbed into where the sword had left off.

Kino punched into her stomach and a hole shattered into her as she gripped onto his shoulders. The hole closed up and blood trailed down into the waters but the glow in her eye only grew.

" I apologize. Harpy eagles have one of the strongest talons." Waniya told

She swung him into the water onto a sharp rock that stabbed into him. Waniya raised up her claw every fiber in her body prepared for the kill before her arm was blasted away.

" Kino." The woman appearing said

" Who are you?" Waniya panted

The woman ignored her and went, " If you fail you'll be expelled from the Tribe."

" Do you no longer even respect the honorable warriors battle." Kino clicked

Those are the olden days, Kino." The woman yelled " Do you not understand?!"

Waniya wondered what she had gotten herself in between. After some thought she didn't care but the woman kept firing bullets at her as she spoke to Kino.

" The tribe was honorable and filled with people I was willing to side by. What happened, Keira?" Kino questioned

Waniya suddenly walked in between the two arguing tribespeople. She turned to Kino with sparkling eyes towards him. Waniya was without a doubt an excellent fighter but there was something else she was more popular about among her unit- Winterland.

" If you don't have anywhere to go. I can take you?" Waniya said " Actually just let me take you."

Kino and Keira were amazed by her request. She was named 'Waniya the Gem Collector'. Keira pointed her gun to her head.

" Do you think he'd do that?" Keira laughed

Waniya's eyes turned green as she looked up to the large man, " I've been addicted to collecting since I was young. "

" Is it something you'd risk your life for?" Kino asked

" Anytime of the week." Waniya smiled

Keira held the trigger and...